/*global app, me, client*/ "use strict"; var _ = require('underscore'); var crypto = require('crypto'); var async = require('async'); var uuid = require('node-uuid'); var HumanModel = require('human-model'); var Resources = require('./resources'); var Messages = require('./messages'); var Message = require('./message'); var logger = require('andlog'); var fetchAvatar = require('../helpers/fetchAvatar'); module.exports = HumanModel.define({ initialize: function (attrs) { if (attrs.jid) { this.id = attrs.jid; } this.setAvatar(attrs.avatarID); this.resources.bind('add remove reset', this.onResourceListChange, this); this.resources.bind('change', this.onResourceChange, this); this.bind('change:topResource change:lockedResource change:_forceUpdate', this.summarizeResources, this); }, type: 'contact', props: { id: ['string', true, false], avatarID: ['string', true, ''], groups: ['array', true, []], inRoster: ['bool', true, false], jid: ['string', true], name: ['string', true, ''], owner: ['string', true, ''], storageId: ['string', true, ''], subscription: ['string', true, 'none'] }, session: { activeContact: ['bool', true, false], avatar: 'string', lastInteraction: 'date', lastSentMessage: 'object', lockedResource: 'string', offlineStatus: ['string', true, ''], topResource: 'string', unreadCount: ['number', true, 0], _forceUpdate: ['number', true, 0], onCall: ['boolean', true, false], stream: 'object' }, derived: { displayName: { deps: ['name', 'jid'], fn: function () { return this.name || this.jid; } }, displayUnreadCount: { deps: ['unreadCount'], fn: function () { if (this.unreadCount > 0) { return this.unreadCount.toString(); } return ''; } }, formattedTZO: { deps: ['timezoneOffset', 'displayName'], fn: function () { if (this.timezoneOffset !== undefined) { var localTZO = (new Date()).getTimezoneOffset(); var diff = Math.abs(localTZO % (24 * 60) - this.timezoneOffset % (24 * 60)) / 60; if (diff === 0) { return this.displayName + ' is in the same timezone as you'; } var dir = (localTZO > this.timezoneOffset) ? 'ahead of' : 'behind'; return this.displayName + ' is ' + diff + 'hrs ' + dir + ' you'; } else { return ''; } } }, status: { deps: ['topResource', 'lockedResource', '_forceUpdate'], fn: function () { var resource = this.resources.get(this.lockedResource) || this.resources.get(this.topResource) || {}; return resource.status || ''; } }, show: { deps: ['topResource', 'lockedResource', '_forceUpdate'], fn: function () { if (this.resources.length === 0) { return 'offline'; } var resource = this.resources.get(this.lockedResource) || this.resources.get(this.topResource) || {}; return resource.show || 'online'; } }, timezoneOffset: { deps: ['topResource', 'lockedResource', '_forceUpdate'], fn: function () { var resource = this.resources.get(this.lockedResource) || this.resources.get(this.topResource) || {}; return resource.timezoneOffset || undefined; } }, idleSince: { deps: ['topResource', 'lockedResource', '_forceUpdate'], fn: function () { var resource = this.resources.get(this.lockedResource) || this.resources.get(this.topResource) || {}; return resource.idleSince || undefined; } }, idle: { deps: ['idleSince'], fn: function () { return !!this.idleSince; } }, chatState: { deps: ['topResource', 'lockedResource', '_forceUpdate'], fn: function () { var states = {}; this.resources.models.forEach(function (resource) { states[resource.chatState] = true; }); if (states.composing) return 'composing'; if (states.paused) return 'paused'; if (states.active) return 'active'; if (states.inactive) return 'inactive'; return 'gone'; } }, hasUnread: { deps: ['unreadCount'], fn: function () { return this.unreadCount > 0; } }, jingleResources: { deps: ['_forceUpdate'], fn: function () { return this.resources.filter(function (res) { return res.supportsJingleMedia; }); } }, callable: { deps: ['jingleResources'], fn: function () { return !!this.jingleResources.length; } } }, collections: { resources: Resources, messages: Messages }, call: function () { if (this.jingleResources.length) { var peer = this.jingleResources[0]; this.callState = 'starting'; app.api.jingle.startLocalMedia(null, function (err) { if (!err) { app.api.call(peer.id); } }); } else { logger.error('no jingle resources for this user'); } }, setAvatar: function (id, type) { var self = this; fetchAvatar(this.jid, id, type, function (avatar) { self.avatarID = avatar.id; self.avatar = avatar.uri; self.save(); }); }, onResourceChange: function () { this.resources.sort(); this.topResource = (this.resources.first() || {}).id; this._forceUpdate++; }, onResourceListChange: function () { // Manually propagate change events for properties that // depend on the resources collection. this.resources.sort(); var res = this.resources.first(); if (res) { this.offlineStatus = ''; this.topResource = res.id; } else { this.topResource = undefined; } this.lockedResource = undefined; }, addMessage: function (message, notify) { message.owner = me.jid.bare; if (notify && (!this.activeContact || (this.activeContact && !app.state.focused)) && message.from.bare === this.jid) { this.unreadCount++; app.notifications.create(this.displayName, { body: message.body, icon: this.avatar, tag: this.jid, onclick: _.bind(app.navigate, app, '/chat/' + this.jid) }); } this.messages.add(message); message.save(); var newInteraction = new Date(message.created); if (!this.lastInteraction || this.lastInteraction < newInteraction) { this.lastInteraction = newInteraction; } }, fetchHistory: function () { var self = this; app.whenConnected(function () { var filter = { count: 20, before: true, }; var lastMessage = self.messages.last(); if (lastMessage && lastMessage.archivedId) { filter.after = lastMessage.archivedId; } client.getHistory({ with: self.jid, start: self.lastInteraction, rsm: filter }, function (err, res) { if (err) return; var results = res.mamQuery.results || []; results.reverse(); results.forEach(function (result) { result = result.toJSON(); var msg = result.mam.forwarded.message; if (!msg.id) { msg.id = uuid.v4(); } if (!msg.delay) { msg.delay = result.mam.forwarded.delay; } if (msg.replace) { var original = self.messages.get(msg.replace); // Drop the message if editing a previous, but // keep it if it didn't actually change an // existing message. if (original && original.correct(msg)) return; } var message = new Message(msg); message.archivedId = result.mam.id; message.acked = true; self.addMessage(message, false); }); }); }); }, save: function () { if (!this.inRoster) return; var storageId = crypto.createHash('sha1').update(this.owner + '/' + this.id).digest('hex'); var data = { storageId: storageId, owner: this.owner, jid: this.jid, name: this.name, groups: this.groups, subscription: this.subscription, avatarID: this.avatarID }; app.storage.roster.add(data); } });