@import '../_variables' @import '../_mixins' .page.chat padding-top: 0px borderbox() overflow-y: auto overflow-x: hidden .conversation padding: 0px overflow: hidden borderbox() header padding: 0px padding-left: 6px border-bottom: 1px solid darken($gray-lighter, 10%) position: fixed top: 40px right: 0px left: 201px z-index: 10 borderbox() background: lighten($gray-light, 93%) &:before content: '' position: absolute left: 5px top: 18px height: 6px width: 6px margin-top: -3px roundall(10px) &.online, &.chat &:before background: $green &.dnd:before background: $red &.away:before, &.xa:before background: $orange &.offline:before background: $gray-dark &.composing:before animation: pulsate 1.5s infinite ease-in -webkit-animation: pulsate 1.5s infinite ease-in -moz-animation: pulsate 1.5s infinite ease-in &.paused:before, &.idle:before background: lighten($gray-light, 30%) .controls float: right .leaveRoom display: none .joinRoom display: block button margin-top: 5px &.joined .joinRoom display: none .leaveRoom display: block .avatar margin-right: 5px avatar() position: absolute top: 11px left: 11px vertical-align: top h1 font-size: 12px margin: 5px margin-left: 10px padding: 0px white-space: nowrap max-width: 80% display: inline-block height: 25px line-height: 25px .name font-size: 12px border-width: 0px padding: 0px display: inline-block overflow: hidden .status font-weight: normal font-size: 12px border-width: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 80% padding-left: 5px white-space: nowrap overflow: hidden text-overflow: ellipsis transition: all .25s display: inline-block &:not(:empty):before content: '- ' .tzo:not(:empty) position: absolute right: 15px top: 18px height: 20px margin-top: -10px padding: 0 5px roundall(3px) font-size: $font-size-small font-weight: $font-weight-bold line-height: 20px color: lighten($gray, 30%) background: $gray-lighter border: 1px solid darken($gray-lighter, 10%) &:before content: 'Current Time: ' font-weight: bold .call text-transform: capitalize display: inline-block margin-left: 10px float: right .activeCall transition(height 250ms) height: 0px position: relative top: 0px .remote position: absolute top: 60px left: 10px height: 50% .local position: absolute bottom: 10px right: 10px height: 20% border: 2px solid $gray-lighter transform(scaleX(-1)) .button-wrap position: absolute left: 10px bottom: 10px .button-group margin-left: 5px // while on video call the parent has // this class so we animate the height .activeCall display: none &.onCall .activeCall display: block height: 400px .messages margin: 0px padding: 0px overflow-y: auto overflow-x: hidden position: absolute top: 0px right: 0px bottom: 55px padding-top: 75px borderbox() -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch li position: relative list-style: none padding: 10px 0 width: 100% min-height: 50px display: table borderbox() border-bottom: 1px solid $gray-lighter display: table-row &:last-of-type border: none .messageAvatar display: inline-block img avatar() .name text-indent: -9999em position: absolute width: 1px p a display: inline word-wrap: break-word word-break: break-all p img margin: 5px 0 border-radius: 5px box-shadow: rgba(0, 0, 0, .25) 0 2px 3px .sender display: table-cell font-size: 12px font-weight: bold color: $gray padding: 5px text-align: right border-top: 1px solid #eee white-space: nowrap vertical-align: middle .name padding-left: 10px vertical-align: middle .messageWrapper display: table-cell padding: 5px border-top: 1px solid #eee width: 99% vertical-align: middle .message font-size: $font-size-small margin: 2px display: inline-block padding-right: 11px min-width: 20px width: 100% borderbox() &:not(.mine) color: $gray-dark &.mine background: white .timestamp color: darken($gray-lighter, 20%) &.delayed .timestamp:before content: '@ ' &.edited .timestamp:before content: 'edited ' &.pending color: lighten($gray, 50%) &.meAction font-style: italic color: $blue background-color: $blue-lighter padding: 2px padding-left: 8px border-radius: 2px &:before content: '\2022 ' font-style: normal .timestamp position: relative left: -10px font-style: normal color: $blue-light .body display: inline word-break: break-word .mention color: $pink background-color: $pink-lighter padding: 1px font-weight: bold border-radius: 4px border: 1px solid darken($pink-lighter, 25%) .timestamp font-size: $font-size-smaller color: lighten($blue, 50%) float: right display: block .sender display: block .chatBox borderbox() bottom: 0px position: fixed right: 0px left: 201px z-index: 200 transition: none -webkit-transition: none form border-top: 1px solid #eee background: lighten($gray-light, 93%) padding: 11px transition: none -webkit-transition: none .formwrap borderbox() width: 100% padding-right: 80px position: relative textarea height: 30px padding: 6px 10px transition: none -webkit-transition: none &.editing background-color: #fffcea border: 1px solid #efe391 color: #d2bd2d .group.conversation .messages right: 150px .groupRoster width: 150px margin: 0px padding: 0px overflow-y: auto overflow-x: hidden position: absolute top: 0px right: 0px bottom: 50px padding-top: 80px padding-bottom: 10px borderbox() -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch background: lighten($gray, 95%) border-left: 1px solid #eee li padding: 3px margin: 0px font-size: 12px position: relative .name padding-left: 10px &:before content: '' position: absolute left: 4px top: 11px height: 6px width: 6px margin-top: -3px roundall(10px) &.online, &.chat &:before background: $green &.dnd:before background: $red &.away:before, &.xa:before background: $orange &.offline:before background: $gray-dark &.composing:before animation: pulsate 1.5s infinite ease-in -webkit-animation: pulsate 1.5s infinite ease-in -moz-animation: pulsate 1.5s infinite ease-in &.paused:before, &.idle:before background: lighten($gray-light, 30%) .embeds margin: 0px padding: 0px .embed max-width: 500px a, a:hover color: #34465a &.active display: inline-block margin: 5px padding: 10px border: 1px solid #eee background-color: lighten($gray-lighter, 50%) text-align: center img margin-bottom: 5px .description border: 1px solid #eee background-color: #fff margin: 0px padding: 10px text-align: left font-size: 11px font-weight: normal h3 font-size: 12px margin: 0px padding: 2px border-bottom: 1px solid #eee p margin: 3px padding: 2px a.link, a.twitter img float: left img + .description margin-left: 110px font-size: 12px h4 font-size: 14px margin: 0px padding: 2px &.collapsed img display: none &.hidden display: none