// simple module for showing notifications using growl if in fluid app, // webkit notifications if present and permission granted and using UI Kit // as an in-browser fallback. #winning /*global ui */ /* Here's the api... pretty simple { title: , description: sticky: , callback: , icon: } */ var templates = require('../templates'); exports.show = function (opts) { var hideTimeout = 5000, note; // set default icon opts.icon || (opts.icon = '/images/applogo.png'); if (window.macgap) { window.macgap.growl.notify(opts); } else if (window.fluid) { window.fluid.showGrowlNotification(opts); } else if (window.webkitNotifications && window.webkitNotifications.checkPermission() === 0) { note = window.webkitNotifications.createNotification(opts.icon, opts.title, opts.description); note.show(); if (!opts.sticky) { setTimeout(function () { note.cancel(); }, hideTimeout); } if (opts.onclick) note.onclick = opts.onclick; } else { // build some HTML since we want to include an image note = ui.notify(templates.misc.growlMessage(opts)).closable(); if (opts.sticky) { note.sticky(); } else { note.hide(hideTimeout); } if (opts.onclick) note.on('click', opts.onclick); } }; exports.shouldAskPermission = function () { return window.webkitNotifications && (window.webkitNotifications.checkPermission() !== 0) && (window.webkitNotifications.checkPermission() !== 2); }; exports.askPermission = function (cb) { if (!window.webkitNotifications) { cb(false); } else { window.webkitNotifications.requestPermission(function () { if (cb) cb(window.webkitNotifications.checkPermission() === 0); }); } };