/*global me, app, client*/ "use strict"; var _ = require('underscore'); var async = require('async'); var crypto = require('crypto'); var bows = require('bows'); var uuid = require('node-uuid'); var HumanModel = require('human-model'); var Contact = require('../models/contact'); var Resource = require('../models/resource'); var Message = require('../models/message'); var Call = require('../models/call'); var log = bows('Otalk'); var ioLogIn = bows('<< in'); var ioLogOut = bows('>> out'); var discoCapsQueue = async.queue(function (pres, cb) { var jid = pres.from; var caps = pres.caps; log.info('Checking storage for ' + caps.ver); var contact = me.getContact(jid); var resource = null; if (contact) { resource = contact.resources.get(jid); } app.storage.disco.get(caps.ver, function (err, existing) { if (existing) { log.info('Already found info for ' + caps.ver); if (resource) resource.discoInfo = existing; return cb(); } log.info('getting info for ' + caps.ver + ' from ' + jid); client.getDiscoInfo(jid, caps.node + '#' + caps.ver, function (err, result) { if (err) { log.error('Couldnt get info for ' + caps.ver); return cb(); } if (client.verifyVerString(result.discoInfo, caps.hash, caps.ver)) { log.info('Saving info for ' + caps.ver); var data = result.discoInfo; app.storage.disco.add(caps.ver, data, function () { if (resource) resource.discoInfo = data; cb(); }); } else { log.info('Couldnt verify info for ' + caps.ver + ' from ' + jid); cb(); } }); }); }); module.exports = function (client, app) { client.on('*', function (name, data) { if (name === 'raw:incoming') { ioLogIn.debug(data.toString()); } else if (name === 'raw:outgoing') { ioLogOut.debug(data.toString()); } }); client.on('credentials:update', function (creds) { client.config.credentials = creds; if (creds.clientKey && creds.serverKey) { delete creds.password; delete creds.saltedPassword; } else if (creds.saltedPassword) { delete creds.password; } localStorage.config = JSON.stringify({ jid: client.config.jid.bare, server: client.config.server, wsURL: client.config.wsURL, credentials: creds }); }); client.on('disconnected', function () { app.state.connected = false; if (!app.state.hasConnected) { window.location = '/login'; } }); client.on('auth:failed', function () { log.warn('auth failed'); window.location = '/login'; }); client.on('stream:management:resumed', function () { app.state.connected = true; }); client.on('session:started', function (jid) { me.updateJid(jid); app.state.connected = true; window.readyForDeviceID = true; client.getRoster(function (err, resp) { if (resp.roster && resp.roster.items && resp.roster.items.length) { app.storage.roster.clear(function () { me.contacts.reset(); me.rosterVer = resp.roster.ver; _.each(resp.roster.items, function (item) { me.setContact(item, true); }); }); } var caps = client.updateCaps(); app.storage.disco.add(caps.ver, caps.discoInfo, function () { client.sendPresence({ status: me.status, caps: client.disco.caps }); client.enableCarbons(); }); me.mucs.init(); }); var keepalive; keepalive = JSON.parse(localStorage.keepalive || '{}'); client.enableKeepAlive(keepalive); }); client.on('roster:update', function (iq) { var items = iq.roster.items; me.rosterVer = iq.roster.ver; _.each(items, function (item) { var contact = me.getContact(item.jid); if (item.subscription === 'remove') { if (contact) { me.removeContact(item.jid); } return; } me.setContact(item, true); }); }); client.on('subscribe', function (pres) { me.contactRequests.add({ jid: pres.from.bare }); }); client.on('available', function (pres) { var contact = me.getContact(pres.from); if (contact) { delete pres.id; pres.show = pres.show || ''; pres.status = pres.status || ''; pres.priority = pres.priority || 0; var resource = contact.resources.get(pres.from); if (resource) { pres.from = pres.from.full; // Explicitly set idleSince to null to clear // the model's value. if (!pres.idleSince) { pres.idleSince = null; } resource.set(pres); } else { resource = new Resource(pres); resource.id = pres.from.full; contact.resources.add(resource); if (!pres.caps) { resource.fetchDisco(); } resource.fetchTimezone(); } var muc = pres.muc || {}; if (muc.codes && muc.codes.indexOf('110') >= 0) { contact.joined = true; } } }); client.on('unavailable', function (pres) { var contact = me.getContact(pres.from); if (contact) { var resource = contact.resources.get(pres.from.full); if (resource) { if (resource.id === contact.lockedResource) { contact.lockedResource = ''; } if (contact.resources.length === 1) { contact.offlineStatus = pres.status; } contact.resources.remove(resource); } var muc = pres.muc || {}; if (muc.codes && muc.codes.indexOf('110') >= 0) { contact.joined = false; } } }); client.on('avatar', function (info) { var contact = me.getContact(info.jid); if (!contact) { if (me.isMe(info.jid)) { contact = me; } else { return; } } var id = ''; var type = 'image/png'; if (info.avatars.length > 0) { id = info.avatars[0].id; type = info.avatars[0].type || 'image/png'; } if (contact.setAvatar) { contact.setAvatar(id, type, info.source); } }); client.on('chatState', function (info) { var contact = me.getContact(info.from); if (contact) { var resource = contact.resources.get(info.from.full); if (resource) { resource.chatState = info.chatState; if (info.chatState === 'gone') { contact.lockedResource = undefined; } else { contact.lockedResource = info.from.full; } } } else if (me.isMe(info.from)) { if (info.chatState === 'active' || info.chatState === 'composing') { contact = me.getContact(info.to); if (contact) { contact.unreadCount = 0; } } } }); client.on('chat', function (msg) { msg.mid = msg.id; delete msg.id; var contact = me.getContact(msg.from, msg.to); if (contact && !msg.replace) { var message = new Message(msg); if (msg.archived) { msg.archived.forEach(function (archived) { if (me.isMe(archived.by)) { message.archivedId = archived.id; } }); } if (msg.carbon) msg.delay.stamp = new Date(Date.now() + app.timeInterval); message.acked = true; var localTime = new Date(Date.now() + app.timeInterval); var notify = Math.round((localTime - message.created) / 1000) < 5; contact.addMessage(message, notify); if (msg.from.bare == contact.jid.bare) { contact.lockedResource = msg.from.full; } } }); client.on('groupchat', function (msg) { msg.mid = msg.id; delete msg.id; var contact = me.getContact(msg.from, msg.to); if (contact && !msg.replace) { var message = new Message(msg); message.acked = true; var localTime = new Date(Date.now() + app.timeInterval); var notify = Math.round((localTime - message.created) / 1000) < 5; contact.addMessage(message, notify); } }); client.on('muc:subject', function (msg) { var contact = me.getContact(msg.from, msg.to); if (contact) { contact.subject = msg.subject === 'true' ? '' : msg.subject; } }); client.on('replace', function (msg) { msg.mid = msg.id; delete msg.id; var contact = me.getContact(msg.from, msg.to); if (!contact) return; var original = Message.idLookup(msg.from[msg.type === 'groupchat' ? 'full' : 'bare'], msg.replace); if (!original) return; original.correct(msg); }); client.on('receipt', function (msg) { var contact = me.getContact(msg.from, msg.to); if (!contact) return; var original = Message.idLookup(msg.to[msg.type === 'groupchat' ? 'full' : 'bare'], msg.receipt); if (!original) return; original.receiptReceived = true; }); client.on('message:sent', function (msg) { if (msg.carbon) { msg.delay.stamp = new Date(Date.now() + app.timeInterval); client.emit('message', msg); } }); client.on('disco:caps', function (pres) { if (pres.caps.hash) { log.info('Caps from ' + pres.from + ' ver: ' + pres.caps.ver); discoCapsQueue.push(pres); } }); client.on('stanza:acked', function (stanza) { if (stanza.body) { var contact = me.getContact(stanza.to, stanza.from); if (contact) { var msg = Message.idLookup(me.jid.bare, stanza.id); if (msg) { msg.acked = true; } } } }); client.on('jingle:incoming', function (session) { var contact = me.getContact(session.peer); if (!contact) { contact = new Contact({jid: new app.JID(session.peer).bare}); contact.resources.add({id: session.peer}); me.contacts.add(contact); } var call = new Call({ contact: contact, state: 'incoming', jingleSession: session }); contact.jingleCall = call; contact.callState = 'incoming'; me.calls.add(call); // FIXME: send directed presence if not on roster }); client.on('jingle:outgoing', function (session) { var contact = me.getContact(session.peer); var call = new Call({ contact: contact, state: 'outgoing', jingleSession: session }); contact.jingleCall = call; me.calls.add(call); }); client.on('jingle:terminated', function (session) { var contact = me.getContact(session.peer); contact.callState = ''; contact.jingleCall = null; contact.onCall = false; if (me.calls.length == 1) { // this is the last call client.jingle.stopLocalMedia(); client.jingle.localStream = null; } }); client.on('jingle:accepted', function (session) { var contact = me.getContact(session.peer); contact.callState = 'activeCall'; contact.onCall = true; }); client.on('jingle:localstream:added', function (stream) { me.stream = stream; }); client.on('jingle:localstream:removed', function () { me.stream = null; }); client.on('jingle:remotestream:added', function (session) { var contact = me.getContact(session.peer); if (!contact) { contact.resources.add({id: session.peer}); me.contacts.add(contact); } contact.stream = session.streams[0]; }); client.on('jingle:remotestream:removed', function (session) { var contact = me.getContact(session.peer); contact.stream = null; }); client.on('jingle:ringing', function (session) { var contact = me.getContact(session.peer); contact.callState = 'ringing'; }); };