Create .project files for all the Ecplipse projects so they will all have project names and can all be brought into Ecplipse together with a single 'File -> Import -> Android -> Existing Android Code Into Workspace'. (Not bothering to remove the .project exclusion from all .gitignore files. Once the .project files are checked in, they will no longer be ignored.) Modify the top .project file so that Eclipse knows k9mail's dependence on it plugins, and thus will build everything in the correct order. With the latest Android SDK Rev. 22, the top .classpath file needs modification or else K9 will not run (see parent commit 53fcdd1). But the initial import of k9mail into Eclipse works more cleanly if the .classpath file doesn't exist on import, in which case Eclipse creates it automatically. So rather than modify the .classpath file, remove it from git and leave it untracked. (For an existing Eclipse project, this commit will remove the file from the working directory. A corrected version can be restored with: git checkout 53fcdd1 .classpath git rm --cached .classpath) Add .classpath to the top .gitignore, now that no .classpath files are being tracked (with one exception, see below). Create a tests/.classpath so that Java can find the k9mail project in order to build the k9mail-tests project.
Pull To Refresh Views for Android
This project aims to provide a reusable Pull to Refresh widget for Android. It was originally based on Johan Nilsson's library (mainly for graphics, strings and animations), but these have been replaced since.
- Supports both Pulling Down from the top, and Pulling Up from the bottom (or even both).
- Animated Scrolling for all devices.
- Over Scroll supports for devices on Android v2.3+.
- Currently works with:
- ListView
- ExpandableListView
- GridView
- WebView
- ScrollView
- HorizontalScrollView
- ViewPager
- Integrated End of List Listener for use of detecting when the user has scrolled to the bottom.
- Maven Support.
- Indicators to show the user when a Pull-to-Refresh is available.
- Support for ListFragment!
- Lots of Customisation options!
Repository at https://github.com/chrisbanes/Android-PullToRefresh.
Sample Application
The sample application (the source is in the repository) has been published onto Google Play for easy access:
To begin using the library, please see the Quick Start Guide page.
Please see the Customisation page for more information on how to change the behaviour and look of the View.
Pull Up to Refresh
By default this library is set to Pull Down to Refresh, but if you want to allow Pulling Up to Refresh then you can do so. You can even set the View to enable both Pulling Up and Pulling Down using the 'both' setting. See the Customisation page for more information on how to set this.
Want to see which Apps are already using Android-PullToRefresh? Have a look here. If you have an App which is not on the list, let me know.
Please see the new Changelog page to see what's recently changed.
Pull Requests
I will gladly accept pull requests for fixes and feature enhancements but please do them in the dev branch. The master branch is for the latest stable code, dev is where I try things out before releasing them as stable. Any pull requests that are against master from now on will be closed asking for you to do another pull against dev.
Copyright 2011, 2012 Chris Banes
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.