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"application/vnd.sun.xml.writer.template"}, { "sus", "application/vnd.sus-calendar"}, { "susp", "application/vnd.sus-calendar"}, { "sv4cpio", "application/x-sv4cpio"}, { "sv4crc", "application/x-sv4crc"}, { "svd", "application/vnd.svd"}, { "svg", "image/svg+xml"}, { "svgz", "image/svg+xml"}, { "swa", "application/x-director"}, { "swf", "application/x-shockwave-flash"}, { "swi", "application/vnd.arastra.swi"}, { "sxc", "application/vnd.sun.xml.calc"}, { "sxd", "application/vnd.sun.xml.draw"}, { "sxg", "application/"}, { "sxi", "application/vnd.sun.xml.impress"}, { "sxm", "application/vnd.sun.xml.math"}, { "sxw", "application/vnd.sun.xml.writer"}, { "tao", "application/vnd.tao.intent-module-archive"}, { "t", "application/x-troff"}, { "tar", "application/x-tar"}, { "tcap", "application/vnd.3gpp2.tcap"}, { "tcl", "application/x-tcl"}, { "teacher", "application/"}, { "tex", "application/x-tex"}, { "texi", "application/x-texinfo"}, { "texinfo", "application/x-texinfo"}, { "text", "text/plain"}, { "tfm", "application/x-tex-tfm"}, { "tgz", "application/x-gzip"}, { "tiff", "image/tiff"}, { "tif", "image/tiff"}, { "tmo", "application/vnd.tmobile-livetv"}, { "torrent", "application/x-bittorrent"}, { "tpl", "application/vnd.groove-tool-template"}, { "tpt", "application/vnd.trid.tpt"}, { "tra", "application/vnd.trueapp"}, { "trm", "application/x-msterminal"}, { "tr", "text/troff"}, { "tsv", "text/tab-separated-values"}, { "ttc", "application/x-font-ttf"}, { "ttf", "application/x-font-ttf"}, { "twd", "application/vnd.simtech-mindmapper"}, { "twds", "application/vnd.simtech-mindmapper"}, { "txd", "application/vnd.genomatix.tuxedo"}, { "txf", "application/vnd.mobius.txf"}, { "txt", "text/plain"}, { "u32", "application/x-authorware-bin"}, { "udeb", "application/x-debian-package"}, { "ufd", "application/vnd.ufdl"}, { "ufdl", "application/vnd.ufdl"}, { "uls", "text/iuls"}, { "umj", "application/vnd.umajin"}, { "unityweb", "application/vnd.unity"}, { "uoml", "application/vnd.uoml+xml"}, { "uris", "text/uri-list"}, { "uri", "text/uri-list"}, { "urls", "text/uri-list"}, { "ustar", "application/x-ustar"}, { "utz", "application/vnd.uiq.theme"}, { "uu", "text/x-uuencode"}, { "vcd", "application/x-cdlink"}, { "vcf", "text/x-vcard"}, { "vcg", "application/vnd.groove-vcard"}, { "vcs", "text/x-vcalendar"}, { "vcx", "application/vnd.vcx"}, { "vis", "application/vnd.visionary"}, { "viv", "video/"}, { "vor", "application/vnd.stardivision.writer"}, { "vox", "application/x-authorware-bin"}, { "vrml", "x-world/x-vrml"}, { "vsd", "application/vnd.visio"}, { "vsf", "application/vnd.vsf"}, { "vss", "application/vnd.visio"}, { "vst", "application/vnd.visio"}, { "vsw", "application/vnd.visio"}, { "vtu", "model/vnd.vtu"}, { "vxml", "application/voicexml+xml"}, { "w3d", "application/x-director"}, { "wad", "application/x-doom"}, { "wav", "audio/x-wav"}, { "wax", "audio/x-ms-wax"}, { "wbmp", "image/vnd.wap.wbmp"}, { "wbs", "application/vnd.criticaltools.wbs+xml"}, { "wbxml", "application/vnd.wap.wbxml"}, { "wcm", "application/"}, { "wdb", "application/"}, { "wiz", "application/msword"}, { "wks", "application/"}, { "wma", "audio/x-ms-wma"}, { "wmd", "application/x-ms-wmd"}, { "wmf", "application/x-msmetafile"}, { "wmlc", "application/vnd.wap.wmlc"}, { "wmlsc", "application/vnd.wap.wmlscriptc"}, { "wmls", "text/vnd.wap.wmlscript"}, { "wml", "text/vnd.wap.wml"}, { "wm", "video/x-ms-wm"}, { "wmv", "video/x-ms-wmv"}, { "wmx", "video/x-ms-wmx"}, { "wmz", "application/x-ms-wmz"}, { "wpd", "application/vnd.wordperfect"}, { "wpl", "application/"}, { "wps", "application/"}, { "wqd", "application/vnd.wqd"}, { "wri", "application/x-mswrite"}, { "wrl", "x-world/x-vrml"}, { "wrz", "x-world/x-vrml"}, { "wsdl", "application/wsdl+xml"}, { "wspolicy", "application/wspolicy+xml"}, { "wtb", "application/vnd.webturbo"}, { "wvx", "video/x-ms-wvx"}, { "x32", "application/x-authorware-bin"}, { "x3d", "application/vnd.hzn-3d-crossword"}, { "xaf", "x-world/x-vrml"}, { "xap", "application/x-silverlight-app"}, { "xar", "application/vnd.xara"}, { "xbap", "application/x-ms-xbap"}, { "xbd", "application/"}, { "xbm", "image/x-xbitmap"}, { "xdm", "application/"}, { "xdp", "application/vnd.adobe.xdp+xml"}, { "xdw", "application/"}, { "xenc", "application/xenc+xml"}, { "xer", "application/patch-ops-error+xml"}, { "xfdf", "application/vnd.adobe.xfdf"}, { "xfdl", "application/vnd.xfdl"}, { "xht", "application/xhtml+xml"}, { "xhtml", "application/xhtml+xml"}, { "xhvml", "application/xv+xml"}, { "xif", "image/vnd.xiff"}, { "xla", "application/"}, { "xlam", "application/"}, { "xlb", "application/"}, { "xlc", "application/"}, { "xlm", "application/"}, { "xls", "application/"}, { "xlsb", "application/"}, { "xlsm", "application/"}, { "xlsx", "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet"}, { "xlt", "application/"}, { "xltm", "application/"}, { "xltx", "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.template"}, { "xlw", "application/"}, { "xml", "application/xml"}, { "xo", "application/vnd.olpc-sugar"}, { "xof", "x-world/x-vrml"}, { "xop", "application/xop+xml"}, { "xpdl", "application/xml"}, { "xpi", "application/x-xpinstall"}, { "xpm", "image/x-xpixmap"}, { "xpr", "application/"}, { "xps", "application/"}, { "xpw", "application/vnd.intercon.formnet"}, { "xpx", "application/vnd.intercon.formnet"}, { "xsl", "application/xml"}, { "xslt", "application/xslt+xml"}, { "xsm", "application/vnd.syncml+xml"}, { "xspf", "application/xspf+xml"}, { "xul", "application/vnd.mozilla.xul+xml"}, { "xvm", "application/xv+xml"}, { "xvml", "application/xv+xml"}, { "xwd", "image/x-xwindowdump"}, { "xyz", "chemical/x-xyz"}, { "z", "application/x-compress"}, { "zaz", "application/vnd.zzazz.deck+xml"}, { "zip", "application/zip"}, { "zir", "application/vnd.zul"}, { "zirz", "application/vnd.zul"}, { "zmm", "application/vnd.handheld-entertainment+xml"} }; /** * Table for MIME type replacements. * * Table format: wrong type, correct type */ private static final String[][] MIME_TYPE_REPLACEMENT_MAP = new String[][] { {"image/jpg", "image/jpeg"}, {"image/pjpeg", "image/jpeg"}, // see issue 1712 {"application/x-zip-compressed", "application/zip"} // see issue 3791 }; public static String unfold(String s) { if (s == null) { return null; } return s.replaceAll("\r|\n", ""); } public static String decode(String s) { return decode(s, null); } public static String decode(String s, Message message) { if (s == null) { return null; } return DecoderUtil.decodeEncodedWords(s, message); } public static String unfoldAndDecode(String s) { return unfoldAndDecode(s, null); } public static String unfoldAndDecode(String s, Message message) { return decode(unfold(s), message); } // TODO implement proper foldAndEncode public static String foldAndEncode(String s) { return s; } /** * Returns the named parameter of a header field. If name is null the first * parameter is returned, or if there are no additional parameters in the * field the entire field is returned. Otherwise the named parameter is * searched for in a case insensitive fashion and returned. If the parameter * cannot be found the method returns null. * * @param header * @param name * @return */ public static String getHeaderParameter(String header, String name) { if (header == null) { return null; } header = header.replaceAll("\r|\n", ""); String[] parts = header.split(";"); if (name == null && parts.length > 0) { return parts[0]; } for (String part : parts) { if (part.trim().toLowerCase(Locale.US).startsWith(name.toLowerCase(Locale.US))) { String[] partParts = part.split("=", 2); if (partParts.length == 2) { String parameter = partParts[1].trim(); int len = parameter.length(); if (len >= 2 && parameter.startsWith("\"") && parameter.endsWith("\"")) { return parameter.substring(1, len - 1); } else { return parameter; } } } } return null; } public static Part findFirstPartByMimeType(Part part, String mimeType) throws MessagingException { if (part.getBody() instanceof Multipart) { Multipart multipart = (Multipart)part.getBody(); for (int i = 0, count = multipart.getCount(); i < count; i++) { BodyPart bodyPart = multipart.getBodyPart(i); Part ret = findFirstPartByMimeType(bodyPart, mimeType); if (ret != null) { return ret; } } } else if (part.getMimeType().equalsIgnoreCase(mimeType)) { return part; } return null; } public static Part findPartByContentId(Part part, String contentId) throws Exception { if (part.getBody() instanceof Multipart) { Multipart multipart = (Multipart)part.getBody(); for (int i = 0, count = multipart.getCount(); i < count; i++) { BodyPart bodyPart = multipart.getBodyPart(i); Part ret = findPartByContentId(bodyPart, contentId); if (ret != null) { return ret; } } } String[] header = part.getHeader(MimeHeader.HEADER_CONTENT_ID); if (header != null) { for (String s : header) { if (s.equals(contentId)) { return part; } } } return null; } /** * Reads the Part's body and returns a String based on any charset conversion that needed * to be done. Note, this does not return a text representation of HTML. * @param part The part containing a body * @return a String containing the converted text in the body, or null if there was no text * or an error during conversion. */ public static String getTextFromPart(Part part) { try { if ((part != null) && (part.getBody() != null)) { final Body body = part.getBody(); if (body instanceof TextBody) { return ((TextBody)body).getText(); } final String mimeType = part.getMimeType(); if ((mimeType != null) && MimeUtility.mimeTypeMatches(mimeType, "text/*")) { /* * We've got a text part, so let's see if it needs to be processed further. */ String charset = getHeaderParameter(part.getContentType(), "charset"); charset = fixupCharset(charset, getMessageFromPart(part)); /* * Now we read the part into a buffer for further processing. Because * the stream is now wrapped we'll remove any transfer encoding at this point. */ InputStream in = part.getBody().getInputStream(); return readToString(in, charset); } } } catch (OutOfMemoryError oom) { /* * If we are not able to process the body there's nothing we can do about it. Return * null and let the upper layers handle the missing content. */ Log.e(K9.LOG_TAG, "Unable to getTextFromPart " + oom.toString()); } catch (Exception e) { /* * If we are not able to process the body there's nothing we can do about it. Return * null and let the upper layers handle the missing content. */ Log.e(K9.LOG_TAG, "Unable to getTextFromPart", e); } return null; } /** * Returns true if the given mimeType matches the matchAgainst specification. * @param mimeType A MIME type to check. * @param matchAgainst A MIME type to check against. May include wildcards such as image/* or * * /*. * @return */ public static boolean mimeTypeMatches(String mimeType, String matchAgainst) { Pattern p = Pattern.compile(matchAgainst.replaceAll("\\*", "\\.\\*"), Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); return p.matcher(mimeType).matches(); } /** * Returns true if the given mimeType matches any of the matchAgainst specifications. * @param mimeType A MIME type to check. * @param matchAgainst An array of MIME types to check against. May include wildcards such * as image/* or * /*. * @return */ public static boolean mimeTypeMatches(String mimeType, String[] matchAgainst) { for (String matchType : matchAgainst) { if (mimeTypeMatches(mimeType, matchType)) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Removes any content transfer encoding from the stream and returns a Body. */ public static Body decodeBody(InputStream in, String contentTransferEncoding) throws IOException { /* * We'll remove any transfer encoding by wrapping the stream. */ if (contentTransferEncoding != null) { contentTransferEncoding = MimeUtility.getHeaderParameter(contentTransferEncoding, null); if ("quoted-printable".equalsIgnoreCase(contentTransferEncoding)) { in = new QuotedPrintableInputStream(in); } else if ("base64".equalsIgnoreCase(contentTransferEncoding)) { in = new Base64InputStream(in); } } BinaryTempFileBody tempBody = new BinaryTempFileBody(); OutputStream out = tempBody.getOutputStream(); try { IOUtils.copy(in, out); } finally { out.close(); } return tempBody; } /** * Empty base class for the class hierarchy used by * {@link MimeUtility#extractTextAndAttachments(Context, Message)}. * * @see Text * @see Html * @see MessageHeader * @see Alternative */ static abstract class Viewable { /* empty */ } /** * Class representing textual parts of a message that aren't marked as attachments. * * @see MimeUtility#isPartTextualBody(Part) */ static abstract class Textual extends Viewable { private Part mPart; public Textual(Part part) { mPart = part; } public Part getPart() { return mPart; } } /** * Class representing a {@code text/plain} part of a message. */ static class Text extends Textual { public Text(Part part) { super(part); } } /** * Class representing a {@code text/html} part of a message. */ static class Html extends Textual { public Html(Part part) { super(part); } } /** * Class representing a {@code message/rfc822} part of a message. * *

* This is used to extract basic header information when the message contents are displayed * inline. *

*/ static class MessageHeader extends Viewable { private Part mContainerPart; private Message mMessage; public MessageHeader(Part containerPart, Message message) { mContainerPart = containerPart; mMessage = message; } public Part getContainerPart() { return mContainerPart; } public Message getMessage() { return mMessage; } } /** * Class representing a {@code multipart/alternative} part of a message. * *

* Only relevant {@code text/plain} and {@code text/html} children are stored in this container * class. *

*/ static class Alternative extends Viewable { private List mText; private List mHtml; public Alternative(List text, List html) { mText = text; mHtml = html; } public List getText() { return mText; } public List getHtml() { return mHtml; } } /** * Store viewable text of a message as plain text and HTML, and the parts considered * attachments. * * @see MimeUtility#extractTextAndAttachments(Context, Message) */ public static class ViewableContainer { /** * The viewable text of the message in plain text. */ public final String text; /** * The viewable text of the message in HTML. */ public final String html; /** * The parts of the message considered attachments (everything not viewable). */ public final List attachments; ViewableContainer(String text, String html, List attachments) { this.text = text; this.html = html; this.attachments = attachments; } } /** * Collect attachment parts of a message. * * @param message * The message to collect the attachment parts from. * * @return A list of parts regarded as attachments. * * @throws MessagingException * In case of an error. */ public static List collectAttachments(Message message) throws MessagingException { try { List attachments = new ArrayList(); getViewables(message, attachments); return attachments; } catch (Exception e) { throw new MessagingException("Couldn't collect attachment parts", e); } } /** * Collect the viewable textual parts of a message. * * @param message * The message to extract the viewable parts from. * * @return A set of viewable parts of the message. * * @throws MessagingException * In case of an error. */ public static Set collectTextParts(Message message) throws MessagingException { try { List attachments = new ArrayList(); // Collect all viewable parts List viewables = getViewables(message, attachments); // Extract the Part references return getParts(viewables); } catch (Exception e) { throw new MessagingException("Couldn't extract viewable parts", e); } } /** * Extract the viewable textual parts of a message and return the rest as attachments. * * @param context * A {@link Context} instance that will be used to get localized strings. * @param message * The message to extract the text and attachments from. * * @return A {@link ViewableContainer} instance containing the textual parts of the message as * plain text and HTML, and a list of message parts considered attachments. * * @throws MessagingException * In case of an error. */ public static ViewableContainer extractTextAndAttachments(Context context, Message message) throws MessagingException { try { List attachments = new ArrayList(); // Collect all viewable parts List viewables = getViewables(message, attachments); /* * Convert the tree of viewable parts into text and HTML */ // Used to suppress the divider for the first viewable part boolean hideDivider = true; StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder html = new StringBuilder(); html.append(HtmlConverter.getHtmlHeader()); for (Viewable viewable : viewables) { if (viewable instanceof Textual) { // This is either a text/plain or text/html part. Fill the variables 'text' and // 'html', converting between plain text and HTML as necessary. text.append(buildText(viewable, !hideDivider)); html.append(buildHtml(viewable, !hideDivider)); hideDivider = false; } else if (viewable instanceof MessageHeader) { MessageHeader header = (MessageHeader) viewable; Part containerPart = header.getContainerPart(); Message innerMessage = header.getMessage(); addTextDivider(text, containerPart, !hideDivider); addMessageHeaderText(context, text, innerMessage); addHtmlDivider(html, containerPart, !hideDivider); addMessageHeaderHtml(context, html, innerMessage); hideDivider = true; } else if (viewable instanceof Alternative) { // Handle multipart/alternative contents Alternative alternative = (Alternative) viewable; /* * We made sure at least one of text/plain or text/html is present when * creating the Alternative object. If one part is not present we convert the * other one to make sure 'text' and 'html' always contain the same text. */ List textAlternative = alternative.getText().isEmpty() ? alternative.getHtml() : alternative.getText(); List htmlAlternative = alternative.getHtml().isEmpty() ? alternative.getText() : alternative.getHtml(); // Fill the 'text' variable boolean divider = !hideDivider; for (Viewable textViewable : textAlternative) { text.append(buildText(textViewable, divider)); divider = true; } // Fill the 'html' variable divider = !hideDivider; for (Viewable htmlViewable : htmlAlternative) { html.append(buildHtml(htmlViewable, divider)); divider = true; } hideDivider = false; } } html.append(HtmlConverter.getHtmlFooter()); return new ViewableContainer(text.toString(), html.toString(), attachments); } catch (Exception e) { throw new MessagingException("Couldn't extract viewable parts", e); } } /** * Traverse the MIME tree of a message an extract viewable parts. * * @param part * The message part to start from. * @param attachments * A list that will receive the parts that are considered attachments. * * @return A list of {@link Viewable}s. * * @throws MessagingException * In case of an error. */ public static List getViewables(Part part, List attachments) throws MessagingException { List viewables = new ArrayList(); Body body = part.getBody(); if (body instanceof Multipart) { Multipart multipart = (Multipart) body; if (part.getMimeType().equalsIgnoreCase("multipart/alternative")) { /* * For multipart/alternative parts we try to find a text/plain and a text/html * child. Everything else we find is put into 'attachments'. */ List text = findTextPart(multipart, true); Set knownTextParts = getParts(text); List html = findHtmlPart(multipart, knownTextParts, attachments, true); if (!text.isEmpty() || !html.isEmpty()) { Alternative alternative = new Alternative(text, html); viewables.add(alternative); } } else { // For all other multipart parts we recurse to grab all viewable children. int childCount = multipart.getCount(); for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) { Part bodyPart = multipart.getBodyPart(i); viewables.addAll(getViewables(bodyPart, attachments)); } } } else if (body instanceof Message && !("attachment".equalsIgnoreCase(getContentDisposition(part)))) { /* * We only care about message/rfc822 parts whose Content-Disposition header has a value * other than "attachment". */ Message message = (Message) body; // We add the Message object so we can extract the filename later. viewables.add(new MessageHeader(part, message)); // Recurse to grab all viewable parts and attachments from that message. viewables.addAll(getViewables(message, attachments)); } else if (isPartTextualBody(part)) { /* * Save text/plain and text/html */ String mimeType = part.getMimeType(); if (mimeType.equalsIgnoreCase("text/plain")) { Text text = new Text(part); viewables.add(text); } else { Html html = new Html(part); viewables.add(html); } } else { // Everything else is treated as attachment. attachments.add(part); } return viewables; } /** * Search the children of a {@link Multipart} for {@code text/plain} parts. * * @param multipart * The {@code Multipart} to search through. * @param directChild * If {@code true}, this method will return after the first {@code text/plain} was * found. * * @return A list of {@link Text} viewables. * * @throws MessagingException * In case of an error. */ private static List findTextPart(Multipart multipart, boolean directChild) throws MessagingException { List viewables = new ArrayList(); int childCount = multipart.getCount(); for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) { Part part = multipart.getBodyPart(i); Body body = part.getBody(); if (body instanceof Multipart) { Multipart innerMultipart = (Multipart) body; /* * Recurse to find text parts. Since this is a multipart that is a child of a * multipart/alternative we don't want to stop after the first text/plain part * we find. This will allow to get all text parts for constructions like this: * * 1. multipart/alternative * 1.1. multipart/mixed * 1.1.1. text/plain * 1.1.2. text/plain * 1.2. text/html */ List textViewables = findTextPart(innerMultipart, false); if (!textViewables.isEmpty()) { viewables.addAll(textViewables); if (directChild) { break; } } } else if (isPartTextualBody(part) && part.getMimeType().equalsIgnoreCase("text/plain")) { Text text = new Text(part); viewables.add(text); if (directChild) { break; } } } return viewables; } /** * Search the children of a {@link Multipart} for {@code text/html} parts. * *

* Every part that is not a {@code text/html} we want to display, we add to 'attachments'. *

* * @param multipart * The {@code Multipart} to search through. * @param knownTextParts * A set of {@code text/plain} parts that shouldn't be added to 'attachments'. * @param attachments * A list that will receive the parts that are considered attachments. * @param directChild * If {@code true}, this method will add all {@code text/html} parts except the first * found to 'attachments'. * * @return A list of {@link Text} viewables. * * @throws MessagingException * In case of an error. */ private static List findHtmlPart(Multipart multipart, Set knownTextParts, List attachments, boolean directChild) throws MessagingException { List viewables = new ArrayList(); boolean partFound = false; int childCount = multipart.getCount(); for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) { Part part = multipart.getBodyPart(i); Body body = part.getBody(); if (body instanceof Multipart) { Multipart innerMultipart = (Multipart) body; if (directChild && partFound) { // We already found our text/html part. Now we're only looking for attachments. findAttachments(innerMultipart, knownTextParts, attachments); } else { /* * Recurse to find HTML parts. Since this is a multipart that is a child of a * multipart/alternative we don't want to stop after the first text/html part * we find. This will allow to get all text parts for constructions like this: * * 1. multipart/alternative * 1.1. text/plain * 1.2. multipart/mixed * 1.2.1. text/html * 1.2.2. text/html * 1.3. image/jpeg */ List htmlViewables = findHtmlPart(innerMultipart, knownTextParts, attachments, false); if (!htmlViewables.isEmpty()) { partFound = true; viewables.addAll(htmlViewables); } } } else if (!(directChild && partFound) && isPartTextualBody(part) && part.getMimeType().equalsIgnoreCase("text/html")) { Html html = new Html(part); viewables.add(html); partFound = true; } else if (!knownTextParts.contains(part)) { // Only add this part as attachment if it's not a viewable text/plain part found // earlier. attachments.add(part); } } return viewables; } /** * Build a set of message parts for fast lookups. * * @param viewables * A list of {@link Viewable}s containing references to the message parts to include in * the set. * * @return The set of viewable {@code Part}s. * * @see MimeUtility#findHtmlPart(Multipart, Set, List, boolean) * @see MimeUtility#findAttachments(Multipart, Set, List) */ private static Set getParts(List viewables) { Set parts = new HashSet(); for (Viewable viewable : viewables) { if (viewable instanceof Textual) { parts.add(((Textual) viewable).getPart()); } else if (viewable instanceof Alternative) { Alternative alternative = (Alternative) viewable; parts.addAll(getParts(alternative.getText())); parts.addAll(getParts(alternative.getHtml())); } } return parts; } /** * Traverse the MIME tree and add everything that's not a known text part to 'attachments'. * * @param multipart * The {@link Multipart} to start from. * @param knownTextParts * A set of known text parts we don't want to end up in 'attachments'. * @param attachments * A list that will receive the parts that are considered attachments. */ private static void findAttachments(Multipart multipart, Set knownTextParts, List attachments) { int childCount = multipart.getCount(); for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) { Part part = multipart.getBodyPart(i); Body body = part.getBody(); if (body instanceof Multipart) { Multipart innerMultipart = (Multipart) body; findAttachments(innerMultipart, knownTextParts, attachments); } else if (!knownTextParts.contains(part)) { attachments.add(part); } } } /** * Extract important header values from a message to display inline (plain text version). * * @param context * A {@link Context} instance that will be used to get localized strings. * @param text * The {@link StringBuilder} that will receive the (plain text) output. * @param message * The message to extract the header values from. * * @throws MessagingException * In case of an error. */ private static void addMessageHeaderText(Context context, StringBuilder text, Message message) throws MessagingException { // From: Address[] from = message.getFrom(); if (from != null && from.length > 0) { text.append(context.getString(R.string.message_compose_quote_header_from)); text.append(' '); text.append(Address.toString(from)); text.append("\n"); } // To: Address[] to = message.getRecipients(RecipientType.TO); if (to != null && to.length > 0) { text.append(context.getString(R.string.message_compose_quote_header_to)); text.append(' '); text.append(Address.toString(to)); text.append("\n"); } // Cc: Address[] cc = message.getRecipients(RecipientType.CC); if (cc != null && cc.length > 0) { text.append(context.getString(R.string.message_compose_quote_header_cc)); text.append(' '); text.append(Address.toString(cc)); text.append("\n"); } // Date: Date date = message.getSentDate(); if (date != null) { text.append(context.getString(R.string.message_compose_quote_header_send_date)); text.append(' '); text.append(date.toString()); text.append("\n"); } // Subject: String subject = message.getSubject(); text.append(context.getString(R.string.message_compose_quote_header_subject)); text.append(' '); if (subject == null) { text.append(context.getString(R.string.general_no_subject)); } else { text.append(subject); } text.append("\n\n"); } /** * Extract important header values from a message to display inline (HTML version). * * @param context * A {@link Context} instance that will be used to get localized strings. * @param html * The {@link StringBuilder} that will receive the (HTML) output. * @param message * The message to extract the header values from. * * @throws MessagingException * In case of an error. */ private static void addMessageHeaderHtml(Context context, StringBuilder html, Message message) throws MessagingException { html.append(""); // From: Address[] from = message.getFrom(); if (from != null && from.length > 0) { addTableRow(html, context.getString(R.string.message_compose_quote_header_from), Address.toString(from)); } // To: Address[] to = message.getRecipients(RecipientType.TO); if (to != null && to.length > 0) { addTableRow(html, context.getString(R.string.message_compose_quote_header_to), Address.toString(to)); } // Cc: Address[] cc = message.getRecipients(RecipientType.CC); if (cc != null && cc.length > 0) { addTableRow(html, context.getString(R.string.message_compose_quote_header_cc), Address.toString(cc)); } // Date: Date date = message.getSentDate(); if (date != null) { addTableRow(html, context.getString(R.string.message_compose_quote_header_send_date), date.toString()); } // Subject: String subject = message.getSubject(); addTableRow(html, context.getString(R.string.message_compose_quote_header_subject), (subject == null) ? context.getString(R.string.general_no_subject) : subject); html.append("
"); } /** * Output an HTML table two column row with some hardcoded style. * * @param html * The {@link StringBuilder} that will receive the output. * @param header * The string to be put in the {@code TH} element. * @param value * The string to be put in the {@code TD} element. */ private static void addTableRow(StringBuilder html, String header, String value) { html.append(""); html.append(header); html.append(""); html.append(""); html.append(value); html.append(""); } /** * Use the contents of a {@link Viewable} to create the plain text to be displayed. * *

* This will use {@link HtmlConverter#htmlToText(String)} to convert HTML parts to plain text * if necessary. *

* * @param viewable * The viewable part to build the text from. * @param prependDivider * {@code true}, if the text divider should be inserted as first element. * {@code false}, otherwise. * * @return The contents of the supplied viewable instance as plain text. */ private static StringBuilder buildText(Viewable viewable, boolean prependDivider) { StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder(); if (viewable instanceof Textual) { Part part = ((Textual)viewable).getPart(); addTextDivider(text, part, prependDivider); String t = getTextFromPart(part); if (t == null) { t = ""; } else if (viewable instanceof Html) { t = HtmlConverter.htmlToText(t); } text.append(t); } else if (viewable instanceof Alternative) { // That's odd - an Alternative as child of an Alternative; go ahead and try to use the // text/plain child; fall-back to the text/html part. Alternative alternative = (Alternative) viewable; List textAlternative = alternative.getText().isEmpty() ? alternative.getHtml() : alternative.getText(); boolean divider = prependDivider; for (Viewable textViewable : textAlternative) { text.append(buildText(textViewable, divider)); divider = true; } } return text; } /* * Some constants that are used by addTextDivider() below. */ private static final int TEXT_DIVIDER_LENGTH = TEXT_DIVIDER.length(); private static final String FILENAME_PREFIX = "----- "; private static final int FILENAME_PREFIX_LENGTH = FILENAME_PREFIX.length(); private static final String FILENAME_SUFFIX = " "; private static final int FILENAME_SUFFIX_LENGTH = FILENAME_SUFFIX.length(); /** * Add a plain text divider between two plain text message parts. * * @param text * The {@link StringBuilder} to append the divider to. * @param part * The message part that will follow after the divider. This is used to extract the * part's name. * @param prependDivider * {@code true}, if the divider should be appended. {@code false}, otherwise. */ private static void addTextDivider(StringBuilder text, Part part, boolean prependDivider) { if (prependDivider) { String filename = getPartName(part); text.append("\n\n"); int len = filename.length(); if (len > 0) { if (len > TEXT_DIVIDER_LENGTH - FILENAME_PREFIX_LENGTH - FILENAME_SUFFIX_LENGTH) { filename = filename.substring(0, TEXT_DIVIDER_LENGTH - FILENAME_PREFIX_LENGTH - FILENAME_SUFFIX_LENGTH - 3) + "..."; } text.append(FILENAME_PREFIX); text.append(filename); text.append(FILENAME_SUFFIX); text.append(TEXT_DIVIDER.substring(0, TEXT_DIVIDER_LENGTH - FILENAME_PREFIX_LENGTH - filename.length() - FILENAME_SUFFIX_LENGTH)); } else { text.append(TEXT_DIVIDER); } text.append("\n\n"); } } /** * Use the contents of a {@link Viewable} to create the HTML to be displayed. * *

* This will use {@link HtmlConverter#textToHtml(String, boolean)} to convert plain text parts * to HTML if necessary. *

* * @param viewable * The viewable part to build the HTML from. * @param prependDivider * {@code true}, if the HTML divider should be inserted as first element. * {@code false}, otherwise. * * @return The contents of the supplied viewable instance as HTML. */ private static StringBuilder buildHtml(Viewable viewable, boolean prependDivider) { StringBuilder html = new StringBuilder(); if (viewable instanceof Textual) { Part part = ((Textual)viewable).getPart(); addHtmlDivider(html, part, prependDivider); String t = getTextFromPart(part); if (t == null) { t = ""; } else if (viewable instanceof Text) { t = HtmlConverter.textToHtml(t, false); } html.append(t); } else if (viewable instanceof Alternative) { // That's odd - an Alternative as child of an Alternative; go ahead and try to use the // text/html child; fall-back to the text/plain part. Alternative alternative = (Alternative) viewable; List htmlAlternative = alternative.getHtml().isEmpty() ? alternative.getText() : alternative.getHtml(); boolean divider = prependDivider; for (Viewable htmlViewable : htmlAlternative) { html.append(buildHtml(htmlViewable, divider)); divider = true; } } return html; } /** * Add an HTML divider between two HTML message parts. * * @param html * The {@link StringBuilder} to append the divider to. * @param part * The message part that will follow after the divider. This is used to extract the * part's name. * @param prependDivider * {@code true}, if the divider should be appended. {@code false}, otherwise. */ private static void addHtmlDivider(StringBuilder html, Part part, boolean prependDivider) { if (prependDivider) { String filename = getPartName(part); html.append("

"); html.append(filename); html.append("

"); } } /** * Get the name of the message part. * * @param part * The part to get the name for. * * @return The (file)name of the part if available. An empty string, otherwise. */ private static String getPartName(Part part) { try { String disposition = part.getDisposition(); if (disposition != null) { String name = MimeUtility.getHeaderParameter(disposition, "filename"); return (name == null) ? "" : name; } } catch (MessagingException e) { /* ignore */ } return ""; } /** * Get the value of the {@code Content-Disposition} header. * * @param part * The message part to read the header from. * * @return The value of the {@code Content-Disposition} header if available. {@code null}, * otherwise. */ private static String getContentDisposition(Part part) { try { String disposition = part.getDisposition(); if (disposition != null) { return MimeUtility.getHeaderParameter(disposition, null); } } catch (MessagingException e) { /* ignore */ } return null; } public static Boolean isPartTextualBody(Part part) throws MessagingException { String disposition = part.getDisposition(); String dispositionType = null; String dispositionFilename = null; if (disposition != null) { dispositionType = MimeUtility.getHeaderParameter(disposition, null); dispositionFilename = MimeUtility.getHeaderParameter(disposition, "filename"); } /* * A best guess that this part is intended to be an attachment and not inline. */ boolean attachment = ("attachment".equalsIgnoreCase(dispositionType) || (dispositionFilename != null)); if ((!attachment) && (part.getMimeType().equalsIgnoreCase("text/html"))) { return true; } /* * If the part is plain text and it got this far it's part of a * mixed (et al) and should be rendered inline. */ else if ((!attachment) && (part.getMimeType().equalsIgnoreCase("text/plain"))) { return true; } /* * Finally, if it's nothing else we will include it as an attachment. */ else { return false; } } public static String getCharsetFromAddress(String address) { String variant = getJisVariantFromAddress(address); if (variant != null) { String charset = "x-" + variant + "-shift_jis-2007"; if (Charset.isSupported(charset)) return charset; } return "UTF-8"; } public static String getMimeTypeByExtension(String filename) { String returnedType = null; String extension = null; if (filename != null && filename.lastIndexOf('.') != -1) { extension = filename.substring(filename.lastIndexOf('.') + 1).toLowerCase(Locale.US); returnedType = android.webkit.MimeTypeMap.getSingleton().getMimeTypeFromExtension(extension); } // If the MIME type set by the user's mailer is application/octet-stream, try to figure // out whether there's a sane file type extension. if (returnedType != null && !DEFAULT_ATTACHMENT_MIME_TYPE.equalsIgnoreCase(returnedType)) { return returnedType; } else if (extension != null) { for (String[] contentTypeMapEntry : MIME_TYPE_BY_EXTENSION_MAP) { if (contentTypeMapEntry[0].equals(extension)) { return contentTypeMapEntry[1]; } } } return DEFAULT_ATTACHMENT_MIME_TYPE; } public static String getExtensionByMimeType(String mimeType) { String lowerCaseMimeType = mimeType.toLowerCase(Locale.US); for (String[] contentTypeMapEntry : MIME_TYPE_BY_EXTENSION_MAP) { if (contentTypeMapEntry[1].equals(lowerCaseMimeType)) { return contentTypeMapEntry[0]; } } return null; } /** * Convert some wrong MIME types encountered in the wild to canonical MIME types. * * @param mimeType * The original MIME type * * @return If {@code mimeType} is known to be wrong the correct MIME type is returned. * Otherwise the lower case version of {@code mimeType} is returned. * * @see #MIME_TYPE_REPLACEMENT_MAP */ public static String canonicalizeMimeType(String mimeType) { String lowerCaseMimeType = mimeType.toLowerCase(Locale.US); for (String[] mimeTypeMapEntry : MIME_TYPE_REPLACEMENT_MAP) { if (mimeTypeMapEntry[0].equals(lowerCaseMimeType)) { return mimeTypeMapEntry[1]; } } return lowerCaseMimeType; } /** * When viewing the attachment we want the MIME type to be as sensible as possible. So we fix * it up if necessary. * * @param mimeType * The original MIME type of the attachment. * @param name * The (file)name of the attachment. * * @return The best MIME type we can come up with. */ public static String getMimeTypeForViewing(String mimeType, String name) { if (DEFAULT_ATTACHMENT_MIME_TYPE.equalsIgnoreCase(mimeType)) { // If the MIME type is the generic "application/octet-stream" // we try to find a better one by looking at the file extension. return getMimeTypeByExtension(name); } // Some messages contain wrong MIME types. See if we know better. return canonicalizeMimeType(mimeType); } private static Message getMessageFromPart(Part part) { while (part != null) { if (part instanceof Message) return (Message)part; if (!(part instanceof BodyPart)) return null; Multipart multipart = ((BodyPart)part).getParent(); if (multipart == null) return null; part = multipart.getParent(); } return null; } public static String fixupCharset(String charset, Message message) throws MessagingException { if (charset == null || "0".equals(charset)) charset = "US-ASCII"; // No encoding, so use us-ascii, which is the standard. charset = charset.toLowerCase(Locale.US); if (charset.equals("cp932")) charset = "shift_jis"; else if (charset.equals("koi8-u")) charset = "koi8-r"; if (charset.equals("shift_jis") || charset.equals("iso-2022-jp")) { String variant = getJisVariantFromMessage(message); if (variant != null) charset = "x-" + variant + "-" + charset + "-2007"; } return charset; } private static String getJisVariantFromMessage(Message message) throws MessagingException { if (message == null) return null; // If a receiver is known to use a JIS variant, the sender transfers the message after converting the // charset as a convention. String variant = getJisVariantFromReceivedHeaders(message); if (variant != null) return variant; // If a receiver is not known to use any JIS variants, the sender transfers the message without converting // the charset. variant = getJisVariantFromFromHeaders(message); if (variant != null) return variant; return getJisVariantFromMailerHeaders(message); } private static String getJisVariantFromReceivedHeaders(Message message) throws MessagingException { String receivedHeaders[] = message.getHeader("Received"); if (receivedHeaders == null) return null; for (String receivedHeader : receivedHeaders) { String address = getAddressFromReceivedHeader(receivedHeader); if (address == null) continue; String variant = getJisVariantFromAddress(address); if (variant != null) return variant; } return null; } private static String getAddressFromReceivedHeader(String receivedHeader) { // Not implemented yet! Extract an address from the FOR clause of the given Received header. return null; } private static String getJisVariantFromFromHeaders(Message message) throws MessagingException { Address addresses[] = message.getFrom(); if (addresses == null || addresses.length == 0) return null; return getJisVariantFromAddress(addresses[0].getAddress()); } private static String getJisVariantFromAddress(String address) { if (address == null) return null; if (isInDomain(address, "") || isInDomain(address, "") || isInDomain(address, "") || isInDomain(address, "")) return "docomo"; else if (isInDomain(address, "") || isInDomain(address, "") || isInDomain(address, "") || isInDomain(address, "")) return "softbank"; else if (isInDomain(address, "") || isInDomain(address, "")) return "kddi"; return null; } private static boolean isInDomain(String address, String domain) { int index = address.length() - domain.length() - 1; if (index < 0) return false; char c = address.charAt(index); if (c != '@' && c != '.') return false; return address.endsWith(domain); } private static String getJisVariantFromMailerHeaders(Message message) throws MessagingException { String mailerHeaders[] = message.getHeader("X-Mailer"); if (mailerHeaders == null || mailerHeaders.length == 0) return null; if (mailerHeaders[0].startsWith("iPhone Mail ") || mailerHeaders[0].startsWith("iPad Mail ")) return "iphone"; return null; } public static String readToString(InputStream in, String charset) throws IOException { boolean isIphoneString = false; // iso-2022-jp variants are supported by no versions as of Dec 2010. if (charset.length() > 19 && charset.startsWith("x-") && charset.endsWith("-iso-2022-jp-2007") && !Charset.isSupported(charset)) { in = new Iso2022JpToShiftJisInputStream(in); charset = "x-" + charset.substring(2, charset.length() - 17) + "-shift_jis-2007"; } // shift_jis variants are supported by Eclair and later. if (charset.length() > 17 && charset.startsWith("x-") && charset.endsWith("-shift_jis-2007") && !Charset.isSupported(charset)) { // If the JIS variant is iPhone, map the Unicode private use area in iPhone to the one in Android after // converting the character set from the standard Shift JIS to Unicode. if (charset.substring(2, charset.length() - 15).equals("iphone")) isIphoneString = true; charset = "shift_jis"; } /* * See if there is conversion from the MIME charset to the Java one. * this function may also throw an exception if the charset name is not known */ boolean supported; try { supported = Charset.isSupported(charset); } catch (IllegalCharsetNameException e) { supported = false; } if (!supported) { Log.e(K9.LOG_TAG, "I don't know how to deal with the charset " + charset + ". Falling back to US-ASCII"); charset = "US-ASCII"; } /* * Convert and return as new String */ String str = IOUtils.toString(in, charset); if (isIphoneString) str = importStringFromIphone(str); return str; } static private String importStringFromIphone(String str) { StringBuilder buff = new StringBuilder(str.length()); for (int i = 0; i < str.length(); i = str.offsetByCodePoints(i, 1)) { int codePoint = str.codePointAt(i); buff.appendCodePoint(importCodePointFromIphone(codePoint)); } return buff.toString(); } static private int importCodePointFromIphone(int codePoint) { switch (codePoint) { case 0xE001: return 0xFE19B; case 0xE002: return 0xFE19C; case 0xE003: return 0xFE823; case 0xE004: return 0xFE19D; case 0xE005: return 0xFE19E; case 0xE006: return 0xFE4CF; case 0xE007: return 0xFE4CD; case 0xE008: return 0xFE4EF; case 0xE009: return 0xFE523; case 0xE00A: return 0xFE525; case 0xE00B: return 0xFE528; case 0xE00C: return 0xFE538; case 0xE00D: return 0xFEB96; case 0xE00E: return 0xFEB97; case 0xE00F: return 0xFEB98; case 0xE010: return 0xFEB93; case 0xE011: return 0xFEB94; case 0xE012: return 0xFEB95; case 0xE013: return 0xFE7D5; case 0xE014: return 0xFE7D2; case 0xE015: return 0xFE7D3; case 0xE016: return 0xFE7D1; case 0xE017: return 0xFE7DA; case 0xE018: return 0xFE7D4; case 0xE019: return 0xFE1BD; case 0xE01A: return 0xFE1BE; case 0xE01B: return 0xFE7E4; case 0xE01C: return 0xFE7EA; case 0xE01D: return 0xFE7E9; case 0xE01E: return 0xFE7DF; case 0xE01F: return 0xFE7E3; case 0xE020: return 0xFEB09; case 0xE021: return 0xFEB04; case 0xE022: return 0xFEB0C; case 0xE023: return 0xFEB0E; case 0xE024: return 0xFE01E; case 0xE025: return 0xFE01F; case 0xE026: return 0xFE020; case 0xE027: return 0xFE021; case 0xE028: return 0xFE022; case 0xE029: return 0xFE023; case 0xE02A: return 0xFE024; case 0xE02B: return 0xFE025; case 0xE02C: return 0xFE026; case 0xE02D: return 0xFE027; case 0xE02E: return 0xFE028; case 0xE02F: return 0xFE029; case 0xE030: return 0xFE040; case 0xE031: return 0xFE4D2; case 0xE032: return 0xFE041; case 0xE033: return 0xFE512; case 0xE034: return 0xFE825; case 0xE035: return 0xFE826; case 0xE036: return 0xFE4B0; case 0xE037: return 0xFE4BB; case 0xE038: return 0xFE4B2; case 0xE039: return 0xFE7EC; case 0xE03A: return 0xFE7F5; case 0xE03B: return 0xFE4C3; case 0xE03C: return 0xFE800; case 0xE03D: return 0xFE801; case 0xE03E: return 0xFE813; case 0xE03F: return 0xFEB82; case 0xE040: return 0xFE815; case 0xE041: return 0xFE816; case 0xE042: return 0xFE818; case 0xE043: return 0xFE980; case 0xE044: return 0xFE982; case 0xE045: return 0xFE981; case 0xE046: return 0xFE962; case 0xE047: return 0xFE983; case 0xE048: return 0xFE003; case 0xE049: return 0xFE001; case 0xE04A: return 0xFE000; case 0xE04B: return 0xFE002; case 0xE04C: return 0xFE014; case 0xE04D: return 0xFE009; case 0xE04E: return 0xFE1AF; case 0xE04F: return 0xFE1B8; case 0xE050: return 0xFE1C0; case 0xE051: return 0xFE1C1; case 0xE052: return 0xFE1B7; case 0xE053: return 0xFE1C2; case 0xE054: return 0xFE1C3; case 0xE055: return 0xFE1BC; case 0xE056: return 0xFE335; case 0xE057: return 0xFE330; case 0xE058: return 0xFE323; case 0xE059: return 0xFE320; case 0xE05A: return 0xFE4F4; case 0xE101: return 0xFE52D; case 0xE102: return 0xFE52E; case 0xE103: return 0xFE52B; case 0xE104: return 0xFE526; case 0xE105: return 0xFE329; case 0xE106: return 0xFE327; case 0xE107: return 0xFE341; case 0xE108: return 0xFE344; case 0xE109: return 0xFE1C4; case 0xE10A: return 0xFE1C5; case 0xE10B: return 0xFE1BF; case 0xE10C: return 0xFE1B0; case 0xE10D: return 0xFE7ED; case 0xE10E: return 0xFE4D1; case 0xE10F: return 0xFEB56; case 0xE110: return 0xFE03C; case 0xE111: return 0xFE827; case 0xE112: return 0xFE510; case 0xE113: return 0xFE4F5; case 0xE114: return 0xFEB85; case 0xE115: return 0xFE7D9; case 0xE116: return 0xFE4CA; case 0xE117: return 0xFE515; case 0xE118: return 0xFE03F; case 0xE119: return 0xFE042; case 0xE11A: return 0xFE1B2; case 0xE11B: return 0xFE1AE; case 0xE11C: return 0xFE1B3; case 0xE11D: return 0xFE4F6; case 0xE11E: return 0xFE53B; case 0xE11F: return 0xFE537; case 0xE120: return 0xFE960; case 0xE121: return 0xFE4BC; case 0xE122: return 0xFE7FB; case 0xE123: return 0xFE7FA; case 0xE124: return 0xFE7FD; case 0xE125: return 0xFE807; case 0xE126: return 0xFE81D; case 0xE127: return 0xFE81E; case 0xE128: return 0xFE81F; case 0xE129: return 0xFE820; case 0xE12A: return 0xFE81C; case 0xE12B: return 0xFE1B1; case 0xE12C: return 0xFE81B; case 0xE12D: return 0xFE80B; case 0xE12E: return 0xFEB32; case 0xE12F: return 0xFE4DD; case 0xE130: return 0xFE80C; case 0xE131: return 0xFE7DB; case 0xE132: return 0xFE7D7; case 0xE133: return 0xFE80D; case 0xE134: return 0xFE7DC; case 0xE135: return 0xFE7EE; case 0xE136: return 0xFE7EB; case 0xE137: return 0xFE7F8; case 0xE138: return 0xFEB33; case 0xE139: return 0xFEB34; case 0xE13A: return 0xFEB35; case 0xE13B: return 0xFE509; case 0xE13C: return 0xFEB59; case 0xE13D: return 0xFE004; case 0xE13E: return 0xFE4D6; case 0xE13F: return 0xFE505; case 0xE140: return 0xFE507; case 0xE141: return 0xFE821; case 0xE142: return 0xFE52F; case 0xE143: return 0xFE514; case 0xE144: return 0xFEB86; case 0xE145: return 0xFEB87; case 0xE146: return 0xFE00B; case 0xE147: return 0xFE965; case 0xE148: return 0xFE546; case 0xE149: return 0xFE4DE; case 0xE14A: return 0xFE4DF; case 0xE14B: return 0xFE531; case 0xE14C: return 0xFEB5E; case 0xE14D: return 0xFE4B5; case 0xE14E: return 0xFE7F7; case 0xE14F: return 0xFE7F6; case 0xE150: return 0xFE7E7; case 0xE151: return 0xFE506; case 0xE152: return 0xFE1A1; case 0xE153: return 0xFE4B3; case 0xE154: return 0xFE4B6; case 0xE155: return 0xFE4B4; case 0xE156: return 0xFE4B9; case 0xE157: return 0xFE4BA; case 0xE158: return 0xFE4B7; case 0xE159: return 0xFE7E6; case 0xE15A: return 0xFE7EF; case 0xE201: return 0xFE7F0; case 0xE202: return 0xFE7E8; case 0xE203: return 0xFEB24; case 0xE204: return 0xFEB19; case 0xE205: return 0xFEB61; case 0xE206: return 0xFEB62; case 0xE207: return 0xFEB25; case 0xE208: return 0xFEB1F; case 0xE209: return 0xFE044; case 0xE20A: return 0xFEB20; case 0xE20B: return 0xFE838; case 0xE20C: return 0xFEB1A; case 0xE20D: return 0xFEB1C; case 0xE20E: return 0xFEB1B; case 0xE20F: return 0xFEB1D; case 0xE210: return 0xFE82C; case 0xE211: return 0xFE82B; case 0xE212: return 0xFEB36; case 0xE213: return 0xFEB37; case 0xE214: return 0xFEB38; case 0xE215: return 0xFEB39; case 0xE216: return 0xFEB3A; case 0xE217: return 0xFEB3B; case 0xE218: return 0xFEB3C; case 0xE219: return 0xFEB63; case 0xE21A: return 0xFEB64; case 0xE21B: return 0xFEB67; case 0xE21C: return 0xFE82E; case 0xE21D: return 0xFE82F; case 0xE21E: return 0xFE830; case 0xE21F: return 0xFE831; case 0xE220: return 0xFE832; case 0xE221: return 0xFE833; case 0xE222: return 0xFE834; case 0xE223: return 0xFE835; case 0xE224: return 0xFE836; case 0xE225: return 0xFE837; case 0xE226: return 0xFEB3D; case 0xE227: return 0xFEB3E; case 0xE228: return 0xFEB3F; case 0xE229: return 0xFEB81; case 0xE22A: return 0xFEB31; case 0xE22B: return 0xFEB2F; case 0xE22C: return 0xFEB40; case 0xE22D: return 0xFEB41; case 0xE22E: return 0xFEB99; case 0xE22F: return 0xFEB9A; case 0xE230: return 0xFEB9B; case 0xE231: return 0xFEB9C; case 0xE232: return 0xFEAF8; case 0xE233: return 0xFEAF9; case 0xE234: return 0xFEAFA; case 0xE235: return 0xFEAFB; case 0xE236: return 0xFEAF0; case 0xE237: return 0xFEAF2; case 0xE238: return 0xFEAF1; case 0xE239: return 0xFEAF3; case 0xE23A: return 0xFEAFC; case 0xE23B: return 0xFEAFD; case 0xE23C: return 0xFEAFE; case 0xE23D: return 0xFEAFF; case 0xE23E: return 0xFE4F8; case 0xE23F: return 0xFE02B; case 0xE240: return 0xFE02C; case 0xE241: return 0xFE02D; case 0xE242: return 0xFE02E; case 0xE243: return 0xFE02F; case 0xE244: return 0xFE030; case 0xE245: return 0xFE031; case 0xE246: return 0xFE032; case 0xE247: return 0xFE033; case 0xE248: return 0xFE034; case 0xE249: return 0xFE035; case 0xE24A: return 0xFE036; case 0xE24B: return 0xFE037; case 0xE24C: return 0xFEB42; case 0xE24D: return 0xFEB27; case 0xE24E: return 0xFEB29; case 0xE24F: return 0xFEB2D; case 0xE250: return 0xFE839; case 0xE251: return 0xFE83A; case 0xE252: return 0xFEB23; case 0xE253: return 0xFE1B4; case 0xE254: return 0xFEE77; case 0xE255: return 0xFEE78; case 0xE256: return 0xFEE79; case 0xE257: return 0xFEE7A; case 0xE258: return 0xFEE7B; case 0xE259: return 0xFEE7C; case 0xE25A: return 0xFEE7D; case 0xE301: return 0xFE527; case 0xE302: return 0xFE4D3; case 0xE303: return 0xFE045; case 0xE304: return 0xFE03D; case 0xE305: return 0xFE046; case 0xE306: return 0xFE828; case 0xE307: return 0xFE047; case 0xE308: return 0xFE048; case 0xE309: return 0xFE508; case 0xE30A: return 0xFE803; case 0xE30B: return 0xFE985; case 0xE30C: return 0xFE987; case 0xE30D: return 0xFEB43; case 0xE30E: return 0xFEB1E; case 0xE30F: return 0xFE50A; case 0xE310: return 0xFE516; case 0xE311: return 0xFEB58; case 0xE312: return 0xFE517; case 0xE313: return 0xFE53E; case 0xE314: return 0xFE50F; case 0xE315: return 0xFEB2B; case 0xE316: return 0xFE53C; case 0xE317: return 0xFE530; case 0xE318: return 0xFE4D4; case 0xE319: return 0xFE4D5; case 0xE31A: return 0xFE4D7; case 0xE31B: return 0xFE4D8; case 0xE31C: return 0xFE195; case 0xE31D: return 0xFE196; case 0xE31E: return 0xFE197; case 0xE31F: return 0xFE198; case 0xE320: return 0xFE199; case 0xE321: return 0xFE4D9; case 0xE322: return 0xFE4DA; case 0xE323: return 0xFE4F0; case 0xE324: return 0xFE808; case 0xE325: return 0xFE4F2; case 0xE326: return 0xFE814; case 0xE327: return 0xFEB0D; case 0xE328: return 0xFEB11; case 0xE329: return 0xFEB12; case 0xE32A: return 0xFEB13; case 0xE32B: return 0xFEB14; case 0xE32C: return 0xFEB15; case 0xE32D: return 0xFEB16; case 0xE32E: return 0xFEB60; case 0xE32F: return 0xFEB68; case 0xE330: return 0xFEB5D; case 0xE331: return 0xFEB5B; case 0xE332: return 0xFEB44; case 0xE333: return 0xFEB45; case 0xE334: return 0xFEB57; case 0xE335: return 0xFEB69; case 0xE336: return 0xFEB0A; case 0xE337: return 0xFEB0B; case 0xE338: return 0xFE984; case 0xE339: return 0xFE964; case 0xE33A: return 0xFE966; case 0xE33B: return 0xFE967; case 0xE33C: return 0xFE968; case 0xE33D: return 0xFE969; case 0xE33E: return 0xFE96A; case 0xE33F: return 0xFE96B; case 0xE340: return 0xFE963; case 0xE341: return 0xFE96C; case 0xE342: return 0xFE961; case 0xE343: return 0xFE96D; case 0xE344: return 0xFE96E; case 0xE345: return 0xFE051; case 0xE346: return 0xFE052; case 0xE347: return 0xFE053; case 0xE348: return 0xFE054; case 0xE349: return 0xFE055; case 0xE34A: return 0xFE056; case 0xE34B: return 0xFE511; case 0xE34C: return 0xFE96F; case 0xE34D: return 0xFE970; case 0xE401: return 0xFE345; case 0xE402: return 0xFE343; case 0xE403: return 0xFE340; case 0xE404: return 0xFE333; case 0xE405: return 0xFE347; case 0xE406: return 0xFE33C; case 0xE407: return 0xFE33F; case 0xE408: return 0xFE342; case 0xE409: return 0xFE32A; case 0xE40A: return 0xFE33E; case 0xE40B: return 0xFE33B; case 0xE40C: return 0xFE32E; case 0xE40D: return 0xFE32F; case 0xE40E: return 0xFE326; case 0xE40F: return 0xFE325; case 0xE410: return 0xFE322; case 0xE411: return 0xFE33A; case 0xE412: return 0xFE334; case 0xE413: return 0xFE339; case 0xE414: return 0xFE336; case 0xE415: return 0xFE338; case 0xE416: return 0xFE33D; case 0xE417: return 0xFE32D; case 0xE418: return 0xFE32C; case 0xE419: return 0xFE190; case 0xE41A: return 0xFE192; case 0xE41B: return 0xFE191; case 0xE41C: return 0xFE193; case 0xE41D: return 0xFE35B; case 0xE41E: return 0xFEB9D; case 0xE41F: return 0xFEB9E; case 0xE420: return 0xFEB9F; case 0xE421: return 0xFEBA0; case 0xE422: return 0xFEBA1; case 0xE423: return 0xFE351; case 0xE424: return 0xFE352; case 0xE425: return 0xFE829; case 0xE426: return 0xFE353; case 0xE427: return 0xFE358; case 0xE428: return 0xFE1A0; case 0xE429: return 0xFE1A2; case 0xE42A: return 0xFE7D6; case 0xE42B: return 0xFE7DD; case 0xE42C: return 0xFE80E; case 0xE42D: return 0xFE7DE; case 0xE42E: return 0xFE7E5; case 0xE42F: return 0xFE7F1; case 0xE430: return 0xFE7F2; case 0xE431: return 0xFE7F3; case 0xE432: return 0xFE7F4; case 0xE433: return 0xFE7FE; case 0xE434: return 0xFE7E0; case 0xE435: return 0xFE7E2; case 0xE436: return 0xFE518; case 0xE437: return 0xFEB17; case 0xE438: return 0xFE519; case 0xE439: return 0xFE51A; case 0xE43A: return 0xFE51B; case 0xE43B: return 0xFE51C; case 0xE43C: return 0xFE007; case 0xE43D: return 0xFE82A; case 0xE43E: return 0xFE038; case 0xE43F: return 0xFE971; case 0xE440: return 0xFE51D; case 0xE441: return 0xFE1C6; case 0xE442: return 0xFE51E; case 0xE443: return 0xFE005; case 0xE444: return 0xFE049; case 0xE445: return 0xFE51F; case 0xE446: return 0xFE017; case 0xE447: return 0xFE043; case 0xE448: return 0xFE513; case 0xE449: return 0xFE00A; case 0xE44A: return 0xFE00C; case 0xE44B: return 0xFE008; case 0xE44C: return 0xFE00D; case 0xE501: return 0xFE4B8; case 0xE502: return 0xFE804; case 0xE503: return 0xFE805; case 0xE504: return 0xFE4BD; case 0xE505: return 0xFE4BE; case 0xE506: return 0xFE4BF; case 0xE507: return 0xFE802; case 0xE508: return 0xFE4C0; case 0xE509: return 0xFE4C4; case 0xE50A: return 0xFE4C5; case 0xE50B: return 0xFE4E5; case 0xE50C: return 0xFE4E6; case 0xE50D: return 0xFE4E7; case 0xE50E: return 0xFE4E8; case 0xE50F: return 0xFE4E9; case 0xE510: return 0xFE4EA; case 0xE511: return 0xFE4EB; case 0xE512: return 0xFE4EC; case 0xE513: return 0xFE4ED; case 0xE514: return 0xFE4EE; case 0xE515: return 0xFE1A4; case 0xE516: return 0xFE1A5; case 0xE517: return 0xFE1A6; case 0xE518: return 0xFE1A7; case 0xE519: return 0xFE1A8; case 0xE51A: return 0xFE1A9; case 0xE51B: return 0xFE1AA; case 0xE51C: return 0xFE1AB; case 0xE51D: return 0xFE4C6; case 0xE51E: return 0xFE1B5; case 0xE51F: return 0xFE1B6; case 0xE520: return 0xFE1C7; case 0xE521: return 0xFE1C8; case 0xE522: return 0xFE1C9; case 0xE523: return 0xFE1BA; case 0xE524: return 0xFE1CA; case 0xE525: return 0xFE1CB; case 0xE526: return 0xFE1CC; case 0xE527: return 0xFE1CD; case 0xE528: return 0xFE1CE; case 0xE529: return 0xFE1CF; case 0xE52A: return 0xFE1D0; case 0xE52B: return 0xFE1D1; case 0xE52C: return 0xFE1D2; case 0xE52D: return 0xFE1D3; case 0xE52E: return 0xFE1D4; case 0xE52F: return 0xFE1D5; case 0xE530: return 0xFE1D6; case 0xE531: return 0xFE1D7; case 0xE532: return 0xFE50B; case 0xE533: return 0xFE50C; case 0xE534: return 0xFE50D; case 0xE535: return 0xFE50E; case 0xE536: return 0xFE553; case 0xE537: return 0xFEB2A; case 0xE538: return 0xFEE70; case 0xE539: return 0xFEE71; case 0xE53A: return 0xFEE72; case 0xE53B: return 0xFEE73; case 0xE53C: return 0xFEE74; case 0xE53D: return 0xFEE75; case 0xE53E: return 0xFEE76; default: return codePoint; } } public static void setCharset(String charset, Part part) throws MessagingException { part.setHeader(MimeHeader.HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE, part.getMimeType() + ";\n charset=" + getExternalCharset(charset)); } public static String getExternalCharset(String charset) { if (charset.length() > 17 && charset.startsWith("x-") && charset.endsWith("-shift_jis-2007")) return "shift_jis"; return charset; } public static ViewableContainer extractPartsFromDraft(Message message) throws MessagingException { Body body = message.getBody(); if (message.isMimeType("multipart/mixed") && body instanceof MimeMultipart) { MimeMultipart multipart = (MimeMultipart) body; ViewableContainer container; int count = multipart.getCount(); if (count >= 1) { // The first part is either a text/plain or a multipart/alternative BodyPart firstPart = multipart.getBodyPart(0); container = extractTextual(firstPart); // The rest should be attachments for (int i = 1; i < count; i++) { BodyPart bodyPart = multipart.getBodyPart(i); container.attachments.add(bodyPart); } } else { container = new ViewableContainer("", "", new ArrayList()); } return container; } return extractTextual(message); } private static ViewableContainer extractTextual(Part part) throws MessagingException { String text = ""; String html = ""; List attachments = new ArrayList(); Body firstBody = part.getBody(); if (part.isMimeType("text/plain")) { String bodyText = getTextFromPart(part); if (bodyText != null) { text = fixDraftTextBody(bodyText); } } else if (part.isMimeType("multipart/alternative") && firstBody instanceof MimeMultipart) { MimeMultipart multipart = (MimeMultipart) firstBody; for (int i = 0, count = multipart.getCount(); i < count; i++) { BodyPart bodyPart = multipart.getBodyPart(i); String bodyText = getTextFromPart(bodyPart); if (bodyText != null) { if (text.length() == 0 && bodyPart.isMimeType("text/plain")) { text = fixDraftTextBody(bodyText); } else if (html.length() == 0 && bodyPart.isMimeType("text/html")) { html = fixDraftTextBody(bodyText); } } } } return new ViewableContainer(text, html, attachments); } /** * Fix line endings of text bodies in draft messages. * *

* We create drafts with LF line endings. The values in the identity header are based on that. * So we replace CRLF with LF when loading messages (from the server). *

* * @param text * The body text with CRLF line endings * * @return The text with LF line endings */ private static String fixDraftTextBody(String text) { return text.replace("\r\n", "\n"); } }