package com.fsck.k9.mail.internet; import com.fsck.k9.mail.Body; import com.fsck.k9.mail.MessagingException; import*; import org.apache.james.mime4j.codec.QuotedPrintableOutputStream; public class TextBody implements Body { /** * Immutable empty byte array */ private static final byte[] EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY = new byte[0]; private String mBody; private String mEncoding; private String mCharset = "UTF-8"; public TextBody(String body) { this.mBody = body; } public void writeTo(OutputStream out) throws IOException, MessagingException { if (mBody != null) { byte[] bytes = mBody.getBytes(mCharset); if ("8bit".equals(mEncoding)) { out.write(bytes); } else { QuotedPrintableOutputStream qp = new QuotedPrintableOutputStream(out, false); qp.write(bytes); qp.flush(); } } } /** * Get the text of the body in it's unencoded format. * @return */ public String getText() { return mBody; } /** * Returns an InputStream that reads this body's text. */ public InputStream getInputStream() throws MessagingException { try { byte[] b; if (mBody!=null) { b = mBody.getBytes(mCharset); } else { b = EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY; } return new ByteArrayInputStream(b); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException usee) { return null; } } public void setEncoding(String encoding) { mEncoding = encoding; } public void setCharset(String charset) { mCharset = charset; } }