package com.fsck.k9.helper; import android.text.Annotation; import android.text.Editable; import android.text.Html; import android.text.Spannable; import android.util.Log; import com.fsck.k9.K9; import org.xml.sax.XMLReader; import; import; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.regex.Matcher; /** * Contains common routines to convert html to text and vice versa. */ public class HtmlConverter { /** * When generating previews, Spannable objects that can't be converted into a String are * represented as 0xfffc. When displayed, these show up as undisplayed squares. These constants * define the object character and the replacement character. */ private static final char PREVIEW_OBJECT_CHARACTER = (char)0xfffc; private static final char PREVIEW_OBJECT_REPLACEMENT = (char)0x20; // space /** * toHtml() converts non-breaking spaces into the UTF-8 non-breaking space, which doesn't get * rendered properly in some clients. Replace it with a simple space. */ private static final char NBSP_CHARACTER = (char)0x00a0; // utf-8 non-breaking space private static final char NBSP_REPLACEMENT = (char)0x20; // space /** * Convert an HTML string to a plain text string. * @param html HTML string to convert. * @return Plain text result. */ public static String htmlToText(final String html) { return Html.fromHtml(html, null, new HtmlToTextTagHandler()).toString() .replace(PREVIEW_OBJECT_CHARACTER, PREVIEW_OBJECT_REPLACEMENT) .replace(NBSP_CHARACTER, NBSP_REPLACEMENT); } /** * Custom tag handler to use when converting HTML messages to text. It currently handles text * representations of HTML tags that Android's built-in parser doesn't understand and hides code * contained in STYLE and SCRIPT blocks. */ private static class HtmlToTextTagHandler implements Html.TagHandler { // List of tags whose content should be ignored. private static final Set TAGS_WITH_IGNORED_CONTENT = Collections.unmodifiableSet(new HashSet() {{ add("style"); add("script"); add("title"); add("!"); // comments }}); @Override public void handleTag(boolean opening, String tag, Editable output, XMLReader xmlReader) { tag = tag.toLowerCase(); if (tag.equals("hr") && opening) { // In the case of an
, replace it with a bunch of underscores. This is roughly // the behaviour of Outlook in Rich Text mode. output.append("_____________________________________________\n"); } else if (TAGS_WITH_IGNORED_CONTENT.contains(tag)) { handleIgnoredTag(opening, output); } } private static final String IGNORED_ANNOTATION_KEY = "K9_ANNOTATION"; private static final String IGNORED_ANNOTATION_VALUE = "hiddenSpan"; /** * When we come upon an ignored tag, we mark it with an Annotation object with a specific key * and value as above. We don't really need to be checking these values since Html.fromHtml() * doesn't use Annotation spans, but we should do it now to be safe in case they do start using * it in the future. * @param opening If this is an opening tag or not. * @param output Spannable string that we're working with. */ private void handleIgnoredTag(boolean opening, Editable output) { int len = output.length(); if (opening) { output.setSpan(new Annotation(IGNORED_ANNOTATION_KEY, IGNORED_ANNOTATION_VALUE), len, len, Spannable.SPAN_MARK_MARK); } else { Object start = getOpeningAnnotation(output); if (start != null) { int where = output.getSpanStart(start); // Remove the temporary Annotation span. output.removeSpan(start); // Delete everything between the start of the Annotation and the end of the string // (what we've generated so far). output.delete(where, len); } } } /** * Fetch the matching opening Annotation object and verify that it's the one added by K9. * @param output Spannable string we're working with. * @return Starting Annotation object. */ private Object getOpeningAnnotation(Editable output) { Object[] objs = output.getSpans(0, output.length(), Annotation.class); for (int i = objs.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { Annotation span = (Annotation) objs[i]; if (output.getSpanFlags(objs[i]) == Spannable.SPAN_MARK_MARK && span.getKey().equals(IGNORED_ANNOTATION_KEY) && span.getValue().equals(IGNORED_ANNOTATION_VALUE)) { return objs[i]; } } return null; } } private static final int MAX_SMART_HTMLIFY_MESSAGE_LENGTH = 1024 * 256 ; /** * Convert a text string into an HTML document. Attempts to do smart replacement for large * documents to prevent OOM errors. * @param text Plain text string. * @return HTML string. */ public static String textToHtml(String text) { // Our HTMLification code is somewhat memory intensive // and was causing lots of OOM errors on the market // if the message is big and plain text, just do // a trivial htmlification if (text.length() > MAX_SMART_HTMLIFY_MESSAGE_LENGTH) { return "" + htmlifyMessageHeader() + text + htmlifyMessageFooter() + ""; } StringReader reader = new StringReader(text); StringBuilder buff = new StringBuilder(text.length() + 512); int c; try { while ((c = != -1) { switch (c) { case '&': buff.append("&"); break; case '<': buff.append("<"); break; case '>': buff.append(">"); break; case '\r': break; default: buff.append((char)c); }//switch } } catch (IOException e) { //Should never happen Log.e(K9.LOG_TAG, "Could not read string to convert text to HTML:", e); } text = buff.toString(); text = text.replaceAll("\\s*([-=_]{30,}+)\\s*","
"); text = text.replaceAll("(?m)^([^\r\n]{4,}[\\s\\w,:;+/])(?:\r\n|\n|\r)(?=[a-z]\\S{0,10}[\\s\\n\\r])","$1 "); text = text.replaceAll("(?m)(\r\n|\n|\r){4,}","\n\n"); Matcher m = Regex.WEB_URL_PATTERN.matcher(text); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(text.length() + 512); sb.append(""); sb.append(htmlifyMessageHeader()); while (m.find()) { int start = m.start(); if (start == 0 || (start != 0 && text.charAt(start - 1) != '@')) { if (':') > 0) // With no URI-schema we may get "http:/" links with the second / missing { m.appendReplacement(sb, "$0"); } else { m.appendReplacement(sb, "$0"); } } else { m.appendReplacement(sb, "$0"); } } m.appendTail(sb); sb.append(htmlifyMessageFooter()); sb.append(""); text = sb.toString(); return text; } private static String htmlifyMessageHeader() { if (K9.messageViewFixedWidthFont()) { return "
            return "
"; } } private static String htmlifyMessageFooter() { if (K9.messageViewFixedWidthFont()) { return "
"; } else { return ""; } } }