package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Stack; import android.database.Cursor; import android.os.Parcel; import android.os.Parcelable; import; import; import; /** * This class stores search conditions. It's basically a boolean expression binary tree. * The output will be SQL queries ( obtained by traversing inorder ). * * TODO removing conditions from the tree * TODO implement NOT as a node again */ public class ConditionsTreeNode implements Parcelable { public enum Operator { AND, OR, CONDITION; } public ConditionsTreeNode mLeft; public ConditionsTreeNode mRight; public ConditionsTreeNode mParent; /* * If mValue isn't CONDITION then mCondition contains a real * condition, otherwise it's null. */ public Operator mValue; public SearchCondition mCondition; /* * Used for storing and retrieving the tree to/from the database. * The algorithm is called "modified preorder tree traversal". */ public int mLeftMPTTMarker; public int mRightMPTTMarker; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Static Helpers to restore a tree from a database cursor /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Builds a condition tree starting from a database cursor. The cursor * should point to rows representing the nodes of the tree. * * @param cursor Cursor pointing to the first of a bunch or rows. Each rows * should contains 1 tree node. * @return A condition tree. */ public static ConditionsTreeNode buildTreeFromDB(Cursor cursor) { Stack stack = new Stack(); ConditionsTreeNode tmp = null; // root node if (cursor.moveToFirst()) { tmp = buildNodeFromRow(cursor); stack.push(tmp); } // other nodes while (cursor.moveToNext()) { tmp = buildNodeFromRow(cursor); if (tmp.mRightMPTTMarker < stack.peek().mRightMPTTMarker) { stack.peek().mLeft = tmp; stack.push(tmp); } else { while (stack.peek().mRightMPTTMarker < tmp.mRightMPTTMarker) { stack.pop(); } stack.peek().mRight = tmp; } } return tmp; } /** * Converts a single database row to a single condition node. * * @param cursor Cursor pointing to the row we want to convert. * @return A single ConditionsTreeNode */ private static ConditionsTreeNode buildNodeFromRow(Cursor cursor) { ConditionsTreeNode result = null; SearchCondition condition = null; Operator tmpValue = ConditionsTreeNode.Operator.valueOf(cursor.getString(5)); if (tmpValue == Operator.CONDITION) { condition = new SearchCondition(Searchfield.valueOf(cursor.getString(0)), Attribute.valueOf(cursor.getString(2)), cursor.getString(1)); } result = new ConditionsTreeNode(condition); result.mValue = tmpValue; result.mLeftMPTTMarker = cursor.getInt(3); result.mRightMPTTMarker = cursor.getInt(4); return result; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Constructors /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public ConditionsTreeNode(SearchCondition condition) { mParent = null; mCondition = condition; mValue = Operator.CONDITION; } public ConditionsTreeNode(ConditionsTreeNode parent, Operator op) { mParent = parent; mValue = op; mCondition = null; } /* package */ ConditionsTreeNode cloneTree() { if (mParent != null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Can't call cloneTree() for a non-root node"); } ConditionsTreeNode copy = new ConditionsTreeNode(mCondition.clone()); copy.mLeftMPTTMarker = mLeftMPTTMarker; copy.mRightMPTTMarker = mRightMPTTMarker; copy.mLeft = (mLeft == null) ? null : mLeft.cloneNode(copy); copy.mRight = (mRight == null) ? null : mRight.cloneNode(copy); return copy; } private ConditionsTreeNode cloneNode(ConditionsTreeNode parent) { ConditionsTreeNode copy = new ConditionsTreeNode(parent, mValue); copy.mCondition = mCondition.clone(); copy.mLeftMPTTMarker = mLeftMPTTMarker; copy.mRightMPTTMarker = mRightMPTTMarker; copy.mLeft = (mLeft == null) ? null : mLeft.cloneNode(copy); copy.mRight = (mRight == null) ? null : mRight.cloneNode(copy); return copy; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Public modifiers /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Adds the expression as the second argument of an AND * clause to this node. * * @param expr Expression to 'AND' with. * @return New top AND node. * @throws Exception */ public ConditionsTreeNode and(ConditionsTreeNode expr) throws Exception { return add(expr, Operator.AND); } /** * Convenience method. * Adds the provided condition as the second argument of an AND * clause to this node. * * @param condition Condition to 'AND' with. * @return New top AND node, new root. */ public ConditionsTreeNode and(SearchCondition condition) { try { ConditionsTreeNode tmp = new ConditionsTreeNode(condition); return and(tmp); } catch (Exception e) { // impossible return null; } } /** * Adds the expression as the second argument of an OR * clause to this node. * * @param expr Expression to 'OR' with. * @return New top OR node. * @throws Exception */ public ConditionsTreeNode or(ConditionsTreeNode expr) throws Exception { return add(expr, Operator.OR); } /** * Convenience method. * Adds the provided condition as the second argument of an OR * clause to this node. * * @param condition Condition to 'OR' with. * @return New top OR node, new root. */ public ConditionsTreeNode or(SearchCondition condition) { try { ConditionsTreeNode tmp = new ConditionsTreeNode(condition); return or(tmp); } catch (Exception e) { // impossible return null; } } /** * This applies the MPTT labeling to the subtree of which this node * is the root node. * * For a description on MPTT see: * */ public void applyMPTTLabel() { applyMPTTLabel(1); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Public accessors /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Returns the condition stored in this node. * @return Condition stored in the node. */ public SearchCondition getCondition() { return mCondition; } /** * Get a set of all the leaves in the tree. * @return Set of all the leaves. */ public HashSet getLeafSet() { HashSet leafSet = new HashSet(); return getLeafSet(leafSet); } /** * Returns a list of all the nodes in the subtree of which this node * is the root. The list contains the nodes in a pre traversal order. * * @return List of all nodes in subtree in preorder. */ public List preorder() { ArrayList result = new ArrayList(); Stack stack = new Stack(); stack.push(this); while (!stack.isEmpty()) { ConditionsTreeNode current = stack.pop(); if (current.mLeft != null) { stack.push(current.mLeft); } if (current.mRight != null) { stack.push(current.mRight); } result.add(current); } return result; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Private class logic /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Adds two new ConditionTreeNodes, one for the operator and one for the * new condition. The current node will end up on the same level as the * one provided in the arguments, they will be siblings. Their common * parent node will be one containing the operator provided in the arguments. * The method will update all the required references so the tree ends up in * a valid state. * * This method only supports node arguments with a null parent node. * * @param Node to add. * @param Operator that will connect the new node with this one. * @return New parent node, containing the operator. * @throws Exception Throws when the provided new node does not have a null parent. */ private ConditionsTreeNode add(ConditionsTreeNode node, Operator op) throws Exception { if (node.mParent != null) { throw new Exception("Can only add new expressions from root node down."); } ConditionsTreeNode tmpNode = new ConditionsTreeNode(mParent, op); tmpNode.mLeft = this; tmpNode.mRight = node; if (mParent != null) { mParent.updateChild(this, tmpNode); } this.mParent = tmpNode; node.mParent = tmpNode; return tmpNode; } /** * Helper method that replaces a child of the current node with a new node. * If the provided old child node was the left one, left will be replaced with * the new one. Same goes for the right one. * * @param oldChild Old child node to be replaced. * @param newChild New child node. */ private void updateChild(ConditionsTreeNode oldChild, ConditionsTreeNode newChild) { // we can compare objects id's because this is the desired behaviour in this case if (mLeft == oldChild) { mLeft = newChild; } else if (mRight == oldChild) { mRight = newChild; } } /** * Recursive function to gather all the leaves in the subtree of which * this node is the root. * * @param leafSet Leafset that's being built. * @return Set of leaves being completed. */ private HashSet getLeafSet(HashSet leafSet) { if (mLeft == null && mRight == null) { // if we ended up in a leaf, add ourself and return leafSet.add(this); return leafSet; } // we didn't end up in a leaf if (mLeft != null) { mLeft.getLeafSet(leafSet); } if (mRight != null) { mRight.getLeafSet(leafSet); } return leafSet; } /** * This applies the MPTT labeling to the subtree of which this node * is the root node. * * For a description on MPTT see: * */ private int applyMPTTLabel(int label) { mLeftMPTTMarker = label; if (mLeft != null) { label = mLeft.applyMPTTLabel(label += 1); } if (mRight != null) { label = mRight.applyMPTTLabel(label += 1); } ++label; mRightMPTTMarker = label; return label; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Parcelable // // This whole class has to be parcelable because it's passed // on through intents. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// @Override public int describeContents() { return 0; } @Override public void writeToParcel(Parcel dest, int flags) { dest.writeInt(mValue.ordinal()); dest.writeParcelable(mCondition, flags); dest.writeParcelable(mLeft, flags); dest.writeParcelable(mRight, flags); } public static final Parcelable.Creator CREATOR = new Parcelable.Creator() { @Override public ConditionsTreeNode createFromParcel(Parcel in) { return new ConditionsTreeNode(in); } @Override public ConditionsTreeNode[] newArray(int size) { return new ConditionsTreeNode[size]; } }; private ConditionsTreeNode(Parcel in) { mValue = Operator.values()[in.readInt()]; mCondition = in.readParcelable(ConditionsTreeNode.class.getClassLoader()); mLeft = in.readParcelable(ConditionsTreeNode.class.getClassLoader()); mRight = in.readParcelable(ConditionsTreeNode.class.getClassLoader()); mParent = null; if (mLeft != null) { mLeft.mParent = this; } if (mRight != null) { mRight.mParent = this; } } }