Building version number ${version-name}
Building version number ${version-name}
Setting version to ${version-name}
You can't set the version without passing -Dversion-name=1.234
Bumping K-9 to ${version-name}
Creating library ${rclib} for remote control applications
Uploading to Google Code using Google::Code::Upload
Installing ${out.debug.file} onto default emulator...
Reinstalling ${out.debug.file} onto default emulator...
Android Ant Build. Available targets:
help: Displays this help.
debug: Builds the application and sign it with a debug key.
release: Builds the application. The generated apk file must be
signed before it is published.
install: Installs the debug package onto a running emulator or
device. This can only be used if the application has
not yet been installed.
reinstall: Installs the debug package on a running emulator or
device that already has the application.
The signatures must match.
uninstall: uninstall the application from a running emulator or
bump-version: ant -Dversion-name=3.123
Bumps the project version to 3.123,tags and commits it
astyle: Make K-9's source look like it's supposed to
eclipse: Apply template Eclipse settings
javadoc: Create javadoc. Requires ANDROID_HOME environment
variable to be set (i.e. /opt/android-sdk-update-manager/)