package com.fsck.k9.activity.misc; import; import; import; import java.lang.ref.WeakReference; import java.util.concurrent.RejectedExecutionException; import; import android.content.ContentResolver; import android.content.Context; import android.content.res.Resources; import; import; import; import; import; import android.os.AsyncTask; import android.os.Build; import; import android.widget.QuickContactBadge; import com.fsck.k9.helper.Contacts; public class ContactPictureLoader { /** * Resize the pictures to the following value (device-independent pixels). */ private static final int PICTURE_SIZE = 40; /** * Maximum number of email addresses to store in {@link #mUnknownContactsCache}. */ private static final int MAX_UNKNOWN_CONTACTS = 1000; /** * Used as lightweight dummy value for entries in {@link #mUnknownContactsCache}. */ private static final int[] DUMMY_INT_ARRAY = new int[0]; private ContentResolver mContentResolver; private Resources mResources; private Contacts mContactsHelper; private Bitmap mDefaultPicture; private int mPictureSizeInPx; /** * LRU cache of contact pictures. */ private final LruCache mBitmapCache; /** * LRU cache of email addresses that don't belong to a contact we have a picture for. * *

* We don't store the default picture for unknown contacts or contacts without a picture in * {@link #mBitmapCache}, because that would lead to an unnecessarily complex implementation of * the {@code LruCache.sizeOf()} method. Instead, we save the email addresses we know don't * belong to one of our contacts with a picture. Knowing this, we can avoid querying the * contacts database for those addresses and immediately return the default picture. *

*/ private final LruCache mUnknownContactsCache; public ContactPictureLoader(Context context, int defaultPictureResource) { Context appContext = context.getApplicationContext(); mContentResolver = appContext.getContentResolver(); mResources = appContext.getResources(); mContactsHelper = Contacts.getInstance(appContext); mDefaultPicture = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(mResources, defaultPictureResource); float scale = mResources.getDisplayMetrics().density; mPictureSizeInPx = (int) (PICTURE_SIZE * scale); ActivityManager activityManager = (ActivityManager) appContext.getSystemService(Context.ACTIVITY_SERVICE); int memClass = activityManager.getMemoryClass(); // Use 1/16th of the available memory for this memory cache. final int cacheSize = 1024 * 1024 * memClass / 16; mBitmapCache = new LruCache(cacheSize) { @Override protected int sizeOf(String key, Bitmap bitmap) { // The cache size will be measured in bytes rather than number of items. if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.HONEYCOMB_MR1) { return bitmap.getByteCount(); } return bitmap.getRowBytes() * bitmap.getHeight(); } }; mUnknownContactsCache = new LruCache(MAX_UNKNOWN_CONTACTS); } /** * Load a contact picture and display it using the supplied {@link QuickContactBadge} instance. * *

* If the supplied email address doesn't belong to any of our contacts, the default picture is * returned. If the picture is found in the cache, it is displayed in the * {@code QuickContactBadge} immediately. Otherwise a {@link ContactPictureRetrievalTask} is * started to try to load the contact picture in a background thread. The picture is then * stored in the bitmap cache or the email address is stored in the "unknown contacts cache" if * it doesn't belong to one of our contacts. *

* * @param email * The email address that is used to search the contacts database. * @param badge * The {@code QuickContactBadge} instance to receive the picture. * * @see #mBitmapCache * @see #mUnknownContactsCache */ public void loadContactPicture(String email, QuickContactBadge badge) { Bitmap bitmap = getBitmapFromCache(email); if (bitmap != null) { // The picture was found in the bitmap cache badge.setImageBitmap(bitmap); } else if (isEmailInUnknownContactsCache(email)) { // This email address doesn't belong to a contact we have a picture for. Use the // default picture. badge.setImageBitmap(mDefaultPicture); } else if (cancelPotentialWork(email, badge)) { // Query the contacts database in a background thread and try to load the contact // picture, if there is one. ContactPictureRetrievalTask task = new ContactPictureRetrievalTask(badge); AsyncDrawable asyncDrawable = new AsyncDrawable(mResources, mDefaultPicture, task); badge.setImageDrawable(asyncDrawable); try { task.exec(email); } catch (RejectedExecutionException e) { // We flooded the thread pool queue... fall back to using the default picture badge.setImageBitmap(mDefaultPicture); } } } private void addBitmapToCache(String key, Bitmap bitmap) { if (getBitmapFromCache(key) == null) { mBitmapCache.put(key, bitmap); } } private Bitmap getBitmapFromCache(String key) { return mBitmapCache.get(key); } private void addEmailToUnknownContactsCache(String key) { if (!isEmailInUnknownContactsCache(key)) { mUnknownContactsCache.put(key, DUMMY_INT_ARRAY); } } private boolean isEmailInUnknownContactsCache(String key) { return mUnknownContactsCache.get(key) != null; } /** * Checks if a {@code ContactPictureRetrievalTask} was already created to load the contact * picture for the supplied email address. * * @param email * The email address to check the contacts database for. * @param badge * The {@code QuickContactBadge} instance that will receive the picture. * * @return {@code true}, if the contact picture should be loaded in a background thread. * {@code false}, if another {@link ContactPictureRetrievalTask} was already scheduled * to load that contact picture. */ private boolean cancelPotentialWork(String email, QuickContactBadge badge) { final ContactPictureRetrievalTask task = getContactPictureRetrievalTask(badge); if (task != null && email != null) { String emailFromTask = task.getEmail(); if (!email.equals(emailFromTask)) { // Cancel previous task task.cancel(true); } else { // The same work is already in progress return false; } } // No task associated with the QuickContactBadge, or an existing task was cancelled return true; } private ContactPictureRetrievalTask getContactPictureRetrievalTask(QuickContactBadge badge) { if (badge != null) { Drawable drawable = badge.getDrawable(); if (drawable instanceof AsyncDrawable) { AsyncDrawable asyncDrawable = (AsyncDrawable) drawable; return asyncDrawable.getContactPictureRetrievalTask(); } } return null; } /** * Load a contact picture in a background thread. */ class ContactPictureRetrievalTask extends AsyncTask { private final WeakReference mQuickContactBadgeReference; private String mEmail; ContactPictureRetrievalTask(QuickContactBadge badge) { mQuickContactBadgeReference = new WeakReference(badge); } public void exec(String... args) { if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.HONEYCOMB) { executeOnExecutor(AsyncTask.THREAD_POOL_EXECUTOR, args); } else { execute(args); } } public String getEmail() { return mEmail; } @Override protected Bitmap doInBackground(String... args) { String email = args[0]; mEmail = email; final Uri x = mContactsHelper.getPhotoUri(email); Bitmap bitmap = null; if (x != null) { try { InputStream stream = mContentResolver.openInputStream(x); if (stream != null) { try { Bitmap tempBitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(stream); if (tempBitmap != null) { bitmap = Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(tempBitmap, mPictureSizeInPx, mPictureSizeInPx, true); if (tempBitmap != bitmap) { tempBitmap.recycle(); } } } finally { try { stream.close(); } catch (IOException e) { /* ignore */ } } } } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { /* ignore */ } } if (bitmap == null) { bitmap = mDefaultPicture; // Remember that we don't have a contact picture for this email address addEmailToUnknownContactsCache(email); } else { // Save the picture of the contact with that email address in the memory cache addBitmapToCache(email, bitmap); } return bitmap; } @Override protected void onPostExecute(Bitmap bitmap) { if (mQuickContactBadgeReference != null) { QuickContactBadge badge = mQuickContactBadgeReference.get(); if (badge != null && getContactPictureRetrievalTask(badge) == this) { badge.setImageBitmap(bitmap); } } } } /** * {@code Drawable} subclass that stores a reference to the {@link ContactPictureRetrievalTask} * that is trying to load the contact picture. * *

* The reference is used by {@link ContactPictureLoader#cancelPotentialWork(String, * QuickContactBadge)} to find out if the contact picture is already being loaded by a * {@code ContactPictureRetrievalTask}. *

*/ static class AsyncDrawable extends BitmapDrawable { private final WeakReference mAsyncTaskReference; public AsyncDrawable(Resources res, Bitmap bitmap, ContactPictureRetrievalTask task) { super(res, bitmap); mAsyncTaskReference = new WeakReference(task); } public ContactPictureRetrievalTask getContactPictureRetrievalTask() { return mAsyncTaskReference.get(); } } }