package com.fsck.k9;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue;
import java.util.concurrent.SynchronousQueue;
import android.content.ComponentName;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.content.IntentFilter;
import android.content.SharedPreferences;
import android.os.Handler;
import android.os.Looper;
import android.text.format.Time;
import android.util.Log;
import com.fsck.k9.activity.MessageCompose;
import com.fsck.k9.controller.MessagingController;
import com.fsck.k9.controller.MessagingListener;
import com.fsck.k9.mail.Address;
import com.fsck.k9.mail.Message;
import com.fsck.k9.mail.MessagingException;
import com.fsck.k9.mail.internet.BinaryTempFileBody;
import com.fsck.k9.service.BootReceiver;
import com.fsck.k9.service.MailService;
import com.fsck.k9.service.ShutdownReceiver;
import com.fsck.k9.service.StorageGoneReceiver;
public class K9 extends Application {
* Components that are interested in knowing when the K9 instance is
* available and ready (Android invokes Application.onCreate() after other
* components') should implement this interface and register using
* {@link K9#registerApplicationAware(ApplicationAware)}.
public static interface ApplicationAware {
* Called when the Application instance is available and ready.
* @param application
* The application instance. Never null
* @throws Exception
void initializeComponent(K9 application);
public static Application app = null;
public static File tempDirectory;
public static final String LOG_TAG = "k9";
* Components that are interested in knowing when the K9 instance is
* available and ready.
* @see ApplicationAware
private static List observers = new ArrayList();
public enum BACKGROUND_OPS {
private static String language = "";
private static int theme =;
private static final FontSizes fontSizes = new FontSizes();
* Some log messages can be sent to a file, so that the logs
* can be read using unprivileged access (eg. Terminal Emulator)
* on the phone, without adb. Set to null to disable
public static final String logFile = null;
//public static final String logFile = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory() + "/k9mail/debug.log";
* If this is enabled, various development settings will be enabled
* It should NEVER be on for Market builds
* Right now, it just governs strictmode
public static boolean DEVELOPER_MODE = true;
* If this is enabled there will be additional logging information sent to
* Log.d, including protocol dumps.
* Controlled by Preferences at run-time
public static boolean DEBUG = false;
* Should K-9 log the conversation it has over the wire with
* SMTP servers?
public static boolean DEBUG_PROTOCOL_SMTP = true;
* Should K-9 log the conversation it has over the wire with
* IMAP servers?
public static boolean DEBUG_PROTOCOL_IMAP = true;
* Should K-9 log the conversation it has over the wire with
* POP3 servers?
public static boolean DEBUG_PROTOCOL_POP3 = true;
* Should K-9 log the conversation it has over the wire with
* WebDAV servers?
public static boolean DEBUG_PROTOCOL_WEBDAV = true;
* If this is enabled than logging that normally hides sensitive information
* like passwords will show that information.
public static boolean DEBUG_SENSITIVE = false;
* Can create messages containing stack traces that can be forwarded
* to the development team.
public static boolean ENABLE_ERROR_FOLDER = true;
public static String ERROR_FOLDER_NAME = "K9mail-errors";
private static boolean mAnimations = true;
private static boolean mConfirmDelete = false;
private static boolean mConfirmSpam = false;
private static boolean mConfirmMarkAllAsRead = true;
private static boolean mKeyguardPrivacy = false;
private static boolean mMessageListStars = true;
private static boolean mMessageListCheckboxes = false;
private static boolean mMessageListTouchable = false;
private static int mMessageListPreviewLines = 2;
private static boolean mShowCorrespondentNames = true;
private static boolean mShowContactName = false;
private static boolean mChangeContactNameColor = false;
private static int mContactNameColor = 0xff00008f;
private static boolean mMessageViewFixedWidthFont = false;
private static boolean mMessageViewReturnToList = false;
private static boolean mGesturesEnabled = true;
private static boolean mUseVolumeKeysForNavigation = false;
private static boolean mUseVolumeKeysForListNavigation = false;
private static boolean mManageBack = false;
private static boolean mStartIntegratedInbox = false;
private static boolean mMeasureAccounts = true;
private static boolean mCountSearchMessages = true;
private static boolean mHideSpecialAccounts = false;
private static boolean mZoomControlsEnabled = false;
private static boolean mMobileOptimizedLayout = false;
private static boolean mQuietTimeEnabled = false;
private static String mQuietTimeStarts = null;
private static String mQuietTimeEnds = null;
private static boolean compactLayouts = false;
private static boolean useGalleryBugWorkaround = false;
private static boolean galleryBuggy;
* The MIME type(s) of attachments we're willing to view.
public static final String[] ACCEPTABLE_ATTACHMENT_VIEW_TYPES = new String[] {
* The MIME type(s) of attachments we're not willing to view.
public static final String[] UNACCEPTABLE_ATTACHMENT_VIEW_TYPES = new String[] {
* The MIME type(s) of attachments we're willing to download to SD.
public static final String[] ACCEPTABLE_ATTACHMENT_DOWNLOAD_TYPES = new String[] {
* The MIME type(s) of attachments we're not willing to download to SD.
public static final String[] UNACCEPTABLE_ATTACHMENT_DOWNLOAD_TYPES = new String[] {
* The special name "INBOX" is used throughout the application to mean "Whatever folder
* the server refers to as the user's Inbox. Placed here to ease use.
public static final String INBOX = "INBOX";
* This local folder is used to store messages to be sent.
public static final String OUTBOX = "OUTBOX";
* For use when displaying that no folder is selected
public static final String FOLDER_NONE = "-NONE-";
public static final String LOCAL_UID_PREFIX = "K9LOCAL:";
public static final String REMOTE_UID_PREFIX = "K9REMOTE:";
public static final String IDENTITY_HEADER = "X-K9mail-Identity";
* Specifies how many messages will be shown in a folder by default. This number is set
* on each new folder and can be incremented with "Load more messages..." by the
public static int DEFAULT_VISIBLE_LIMIT = 25;
* The maximum size of an attachment we're willing to download (either View or Save)
* Attachments that are base64 encoded (most) will be about 1.375x their actual size
* so we should probably factor that in. A 5MB attachment will generally be around
* 6.8MB downloaded but only 5MB saved.
public static final int MAX_ATTACHMENT_DOWNLOAD_SIZE = (128 * 1024 * 1024);
/* How many times should K-9 try to deliver a message before giving up
* until the app is killed and restarted
public static int MAX_SEND_ATTEMPTS = 5;
* Max time (in millis) the wake lock will be held for when background sync is happening
public static final int WAKE_LOCK_TIMEOUT = 600000;
public static final int MANUAL_WAKE_LOCK_TIMEOUT = 120000;
public static final int PUSH_WAKE_LOCK_TIMEOUT = 60000;
public static final int MAIL_SERVICE_WAKE_LOCK_TIMEOUT = 30000;
public static final int BOOT_RECEIVER_WAKE_LOCK_TIMEOUT = 60000;
* Time the LED is on/off when blinking on new email notification
public static final int NOTIFICATION_LED_ON_TIME = 500;
public static final int NOTIFICATION_LED_OFF_TIME = 2000;
public static final boolean NOTIFICATION_LED_WHILE_SYNCING = false;
public static final int NOTIFICATION_LED_FAST_ON_TIME = 100;
public static final int NOTIFICATION_LED_FAST_OFF_TIME = 100;
public static final int NOTIFICATION_LED_BLINK_SLOW = 0;
public static final int NOTIFICATION_LED_BLINK_FAST = 1;
public static final int NOTIFICATION_LED_SENDING_FAILURE_COLOR = 0xffff0000;
// Must not conflict with an account number
public static final int FETCHING_EMAIL_NOTIFICATION = -5000;
public static final int SEND_FAILED_NOTIFICATION = -1500;
public static final int CONNECTIVITY_ID = -3;
public static class Intents {
public static class EmailReceived {
public static final String ACTION_EMAIL_RECEIVED = "com.fsck.k9.intent.action.EMAIL_RECEIVED";
public static final String ACTION_EMAIL_DELETED = "com.fsck.k9.intent.action.EMAIL_DELETED";
public static final String ACTION_REFRESH_OBSERVER = "com.fsck.k9.intent.action.REFRESH_OBSERVER";
public static final String EXTRA_ACCOUNT = "com.fsck.k9.intent.extra.ACCOUNT";
public static final String EXTRA_FOLDER = "com.fsck.k9.intent.extra.FOLDER";
public static final String EXTRA_SENT_DATE = "com.fsck.k9.intent.extra.SENT_DATE";
public static final String EXTRA_FROM = "com.fsck.k9.intent.extra.FROM";
public static final String EXTRA_TO = "com.fsck.k9.intent.extra.TO";
public static final String EXTRA_CC = "com.fsck.k9.intent.extra.CC";
public static final String EXTRA_BCC = "com.fsck.k9.intent.extra.BCC";
public static final String EXTRA_SUBJECT = "com.fsck.k9.intent.extra.SUBJECT";
public static final String EXTRA_FROM_SELF = "com.fsck.k9.intent.extra.FROM_SELF";
public static class Share {
* We don't want to use EmailReceived.EXTRA_FROM ("com.fsck.k9.intent.extra.FROM")
* because of different semantics (String array vs. string with comma separated
* email addresses)
public static final String EXTRA_FROM = "com.fsck.k9.intent.extra.SENDER";
* Called throughout the application when the number of accounts has changed. This method
* enables or disables the Compose activity, the boot receiver and the service based on
* whether any accounts are configured.
public static void setServicesEnabled(Context context) {
int acctLength = Preferences.getPreferences(context).getAvailableAccounts().size();
setServicesEnabled(context, acctLength > 0, null);
private static void setServicesEnabled(Context context, boolean enabled, Integer wakeLockId) {
PackageManager pm = context.getPackageManager();
if (!enabled && pm.getComponentEnabledSetting(new ComponentName(context, MailService.class)) ==
* If no accounts now exist but the service is still enabled we're about to disable it
* so we'll reschedule to kill off any existing alarms.
MailService.actionReset(context, wakeLockId);
Class>[] classes = { MessageCompose.class, BootReceiver.class, MailService.class };
for (Class> clazz : classes) {
boolean alreadyEnabled = pm.getComponentEnabledSetting(new ComponentName(context, clazz)) ==
if (enabled != alreadyEnabled) {
new ComponentName(context, clazz),
if (enabled && pm.getComponentEnabledSetting(new ComponentName(context, MailService.class)) ==
* And now if accounts do exist then we've just enabled the service and we want to
* schedule alarms for the new accounts.
MailService.actionReset(context, wakeLockId);
* Register BroadcastReceivers programmaticaly because doing it from manifest
* would make K-9 auto-start. We don't want auto-start because the initialization
* sequence isn't safe while some events occur (SD card unmount).
protected void registerReceivers() {
final StorageGoneReceiver receiver = new StorageGoneReceiver();
final IntentFilter filter = new IntentFilter();
final BlockingQueue queue = new SynchronousQueue();
// starting a new thread to handle unmount events
new Thread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
try {
queue.put(new Handler());
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
Log.e(K9.LOG_TAG, "", e);
}, "Unmount-thread").start();
try {
final Handler storageGoneHandler = queue.take();
registerReceiver(receiver, filter, null, storageGoneHandler);
Log.i(K9.LOG_TAG, "Registered: unmount receiver");
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
Log.e(K9.LOG_TAG, "Unable to register unmount receiver", e);
registerReceiver(new ShutdownReceiver(), new IntentFilter(Intent.ACTION_SHUTDOWN));
Log.i(K9.LOG_TAG, "Registered: shutdown receiver");
public static void save(SharedPreferences.Editor editor) {
editor.putBoolean("enableDebugLogging", K9.DEBUG);
editor.putBoolean("enableSensitiveLogging", K9.DEBUG_SENSITIVE);
editor.putString("backgroundOperations", K9.backgroundOps.toString());
editor.putBoolean("animations", mAnimations);
editor.putBoolean("gesturesEnabled", mGesturesEnabled);
editor.putBoolean("useVolumeKeysForNavigation", mUseVolumeKeysForNavigation);
editor.putBoolean("useVolumeKeysForListNavigation", mUseVolumeKeysForListNavigation);
editor.putBoolean("manageBack", mManageBack);
editor.putBoolean("zoomControlsEnabled", mZoomControlsEnabled);
editor.putBoolean("mobileOptimizedLayout", mMobileOptimizedLayout);
editor.putBoolean("quietTimeEnabled", mQuietTimeEnabled);
editor.putString("quietTimeStarts", mQuietTimeStarts);
editor.putString("quietTimeEnds", mQuietTimeEnds);
editor.putBoolean("startIntegratedInbox", mStartIntegratedInbox);
editor.putBoolean("measureAccounts", mMeasureAccounts);
editor.putBoolean("countSearchMessages", mCountSearchMessages);
editor.putBoolean("hideSpecialAccounts", mHideSpecialAccounts);
editor.putBoolean("messageListStars", mMessageListStars);
editor.putBoolean("messageListCheckboxes", mMessageListCheckboxes);
editor.putBoolean("messageListTouchable", mMessageListTouchable);
editor.putInt("messageListPreviewLines", mMessageListPreviewLines);
editor.putBoolean("showCorrespondentNames", mShowCorrespondentNames);
editor.putBoolean("showContactName", mShowContactName);
editor.putBoolean("changeRegisteredNameColor", mChangeContactNameColor);
editor.putInt("registeredNameColor", mContactNameColor);
editor.putBoolean("messageViewFixedWidthFont", mMessageViewFixedWidthFont);
editor.putBoolean("messageViewReturnToList", mMessageViewReturnToList);
editor.putString("language", language);
editor.putInt("theme", theme);
editor.putBoolean("useGalleryBugWorkaround", useGalleryBugWorkaround);
editor.putBoolean("confirmDelete", mConfirmDelete);
editor.putBoolean("confirmSpam", mConfirmSpam);
editor.putBoolean("confirmMarkAllAsRead", mConfirmMarkAllAsRead);
editor.putBoolean("keyguardPrivacy", mKeyguardPrivacy);
editor.putBoolean("compactLayouts", compactLayouts);;
public void onCreate() {
app = this;
galleryBuggy = checkForBuggyGallery();
Preferences prefs = Preferences.getPreferences(this);
SharedPreferences sprefs = prefs.getPreferences();
DEBUG = sprefs.getBoolean("enableDebugLogging", false);
DEBUG_SENSITIVE = sprefs.getBoolean("enableSensitiveLogging", false);
mAnimations = sprefs.getBoolean("animations", true);
mGesturesEnabled = sprefs.getBoolean("gesturesEnabled", true);
mUseVolumeKeysForNavigation = sprefs.getBoolean("useVolumeKeysForNavigation", false);
mUseVolumeKeysForListNavigation = sprefs.getBoolean("useVolumeKeysForListNavigation", false);
mManageBack = sprefs.getBoolean("manageBack", false);
mStartIntegratedInbox = sprefs.getBoolean("startIntegratedInbox", false);
mMeasureAccounts = sprefs.getBoolean("measureAccounts", true);
mCountSearchMessages = sprefs.getBoolean("countSearchMessages", true);
mHideSpecialAccounts = sprefs.getBoolean("hideSpecialAccounts", false);
mMessageListStars = sprefs.getBoolean("messageListStars", true);
mMessageListCheckboxes = sprefs.getBoolean("messageListCheckboxes", false);
mMessageListTouchable = sprefs.getBoolean("messageListTouchable", false);
mMessageListPreviewLines = sprefs.getInt("messageListPreviewLines", 2);
mMobileOptimizedLayout = sprefs.getBoolean("mobileOptimizedLayout", false);
mZoomControlsEnabled = sprefs.getBoolean("zoomControlsEnabled", false);
mQuietTimeEnabled = sprefs.getBoolean("quietTimeEnabled", false);
mQuietTimeStarts = sprefs.getString("quietTimeStarts", "21:00");
mQuietTimeEnds = sprefs.getString("quietTimeEnds", "7:00");
mShowCorrespondentNames = sprefs.getBoolean("showCorrespondentNames", true);
mShowContactName = sprefs.getBoolean("showContactName", false);
mChangeContactNameColor = sprefs.getBoolean("changeRegisteredNameColor", false);
mContactNameColor = sprefs.getInt("registeredNameColor", 0xff00008f);
mMessageViewFixedWidthFont = sprefs.getBoolean("messageViewFixedWidthFont", false);
mMessageViewReturnToList = sprefs.getBoolean("messageViewReturnToList", false);
useGalleryBugWorkaround = sprefs.getBoolean("useGalleryBugWorkaround", K9.isGalleryBuggy());
mConfirmDelete = sprefs.getBoolean("confirmDelete", false);
mConfirmSpam = sprefs.getBoolean("confirmSpam", false);
mConfirmMarkAllAsRead = sprefs.getBoolean("confirmMarkAllAsRead", true);
mKeyguardPrivacy = sprefs.getBoolean("keyguardPrivacy", false);
compactLayouts = sprefs.getBoolean("compactLayouts", false);
try {
setBackgroundOps(BACKGROUND_OPS.valueOf(sprefs.getString("backgroundOperations", "WHEN_CHECKED")));
} catch (Exception e) {
K9.setK9Language(sprefs.getString("language", ""));
* We have to give MimeMessage a temp directory because File.createTempFile(String, String)
* doesn't work in Android and MimeMessage does not have access to a Context.
* Enable background sync of messages
MessagingController.getInstance(this).addListener(new MessagingListener() {
private void broadcastIntent(String action, Account account, String folder, Message message) {
try {
Uri uri = Uri.parse("email://messages/" + account.getAccountNumber() + "/" + Uri.encode(folder) + "/" + Uri.encode(message.getUid()));
Intent intent = new Intent(action, uri);
intent.putExtra(K9.Intents.EmailReceived.EXTRA_ACCOUNT, account.getDescription());
intent.putExtra(K9.Intents.EmailReceived.EXTRA_FOLDER, folder);
intent.putExtra(K9.Intents.EmailReceived.EXTRA_SENT_DATE, message.getSentDate());
intent.putExtra(K9.Intents.EmailReceived.EXTRA_FROM, Address.toString(message.getFrom()));
intent.putExtra(K9.Intents.EmailReceived.EXTRA_TO, Address.toString(message.getRecipients(Message.RecipientType.TO)));
intent.putExtra(K9.Intents.EmailReceived.EXTRA_CC, Address.toString(message.getRecipients(Message.RecipientType.CC)));
intent.putExtra(K9.Intents.EmailReceived.EXTRA_BCC, Address.toString(message.getRecipients(Message.RecipientType.BCC)));
intent.putExtra(K9.Intents.EmailReceived.EXTRA_SUBJECT, message.getSubject());
intent.putExtra(K9.Intents.EmailReceived.EXTRA_FROM_SELF, account.isAnIdentity(message.getFrom()));
if (K9.DEBUG)
Log.d(K9.LOG_TAG, "Broadcasted: action=" + action
+ " account=" + account.getDescription()
+ " folder=" + folder
+ " message uid=" + message.getUid()
} catch (MessagingException e) {
Log.w(K9.LOG_TAG, "Error: action=" + action
+ " account=" + account.getDescription()
+ " folder=" + folder
+ " message uid=" + message.getUid()
public void synchronizeMailboxRemovedMessage(Account account, String folder, Message message) {
broadcastIntent(K9.Intents.EmailReceived.ACTION_EMAIL_DELETED, account, folder, message);
public void messageDeleted(Account account, String folder, Message message) {
broadcastIntent(K9.Intents.EmailReceived.ACTION_EMAIL_DELETED, account, folder, message);
public void synchronizeMailboxNewMessage(Account account, String folder, Message message) {
broadcastIntent(K9.Intents.EmailReceived.ACTION_EMAIL_RECEIVED, account, folder, message);
public void searchStats(final AccountStats stats) {
// let observers know a fetch occured
K9.this.sendBroadcast(new Intent(K9.Intents.EmailReceived.ACTION_REFRESH_OBSERVER, null));
private void maybeSetupStrictMode() {
try {
Class> strictMode = Class.forName("android.os.StrictMode");
Method enableDefaults = strictMode.getMethod("enableDefaults");
catch (Exception e) {
// Discard , as it means we're not running on a device with strict mode
Log.v(K9.LOG_TAG, "Failed to turn on strict mode " + e);
* since Android invokes Application.onCreate() only after invoking all
* other components' onCreate(), here is a way to notify interested
* component that the application is available and ready
protected void notifyObservers() {
for (final ApplicationAware aware : observers) {
if (K9.DEBUG) {
Log.v(K9.LOG_TAG, "Initializing observer: " + aware);
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
Log.w(K9.LOG_TAG, "Failure when notifying " + aware, e);
* Register a component to be notified when the {@link K9} instance is ready.
* @param component
* Never null
public static void registerApplicationAware(final ApplicationAware component) {
if (!observers.contains(component)) {
public static String getK9Language() {
return language;
public static void setK9Language(String nlanguage) {
language = nlanguage;
public static int getK9Theme() {
return theme;
public static void setK9Theme(int ntheme) {
theme = ntheme;
public static BACKGROUND_OPS getBackgroundOps() {
return backgroundOps;
public static boolean setBackgroundOps(BACKGROUND_OPS backgroundOps) {
BACKGROUND_OPS oldBackgroundOps = K9.backgroundOps;
K9.backgroundOps = backgroundOps;
return backgroundOps != oldBackgroundOps;
public static boolean setBackgroundOps(String nbackgroundOps) {
return setBackgroundOps(BACKGROUND_OPS.valueOf(nbackgroundOps));
public static boolean gesturesEnabled() {
return mGesturesEnabled;
public static void setGesturesEnabled(boolean gestures) {
mGesturesEnabled = gestures;
public static boolean useVolumeKeysForNavigationEnabled() {
return mUseVolumeKeysForNavigation;
public static void setUseVolumeKeysForNavigation(boolean volume) {
mUseVolumeKeysForNavigation = volume;
public static boolean useVolumeKeysForListNavigationEnabled() {
return mUseVolumeKeysForListNavigation;
public static void setUseVolumeKeysForListNavigation(boolean enabled) {
mUseVolumeKeysForListNavigation = enabled;
public static boolean manageBack() {
return mManageBack;
public static void setManageBack(boolean manageBack) {
mManageBack = manageBack;
public static boolean zoomControlsEnabled() {
return mZoomControlsEnabled;
public static void setZoomControlsEnabled(boolean zoomControlsEnabled) {
mZoomControlsEnabled = zoomControlsEnabled;
public static boolean mobileOptimizedLayout() {
return mMobileOptimizedLayout;
public static void setMobileOptimizedLayout(boolean mobileOptimizedLayout) {
mMobileOptimizedLayout = mobileOptimizedLayout;
public static boolean getQuietTimeEnabled() {
return mQuietTimeEnabled;
public static void setQuietTimeEnabled(boolean quietTimeEnabled) {
mQuietTimeEnabled = quietTimeEnabled;
public static String getQuietTimeStarts() {
return mQuietTimeStarts;
public static void setQuietTimeStarts(String quietTimeStarts) {
mQuietTimeStarts = quietTimeStarts;
public static String getQuietTimeEnds() {
return mQuietTimeEnds;
public static void setQuietTimeEnds(String quietTimeEnds) {
mQuietTimeEnds = quietTimeEnds;
public static boolean isQuietTime() {
if (!mQuietTimeEnabled) {
return false;
Time time = new Time();
Integer startHour = Integer.parseInt(mQuietTimeStarts.split(":")[0]);
Integer startMinute = Integer.parseInt(mQuietTimeStarts.split(":")[1]);
Integer endHour = Integer.parseInt(mQuietTimeEnds.split(":")[0]);
Integer endMinute = Integer.parseInt(mQuietTimeEnds.split(":")[1]);
Integer now = (time.hour * 60) + time.minute;
Integer quietStarts = startHour * 60 + startMinute;
Integer quietEnds = endHour * 60 + endMinute;
// If start and end times are the same, we're never quiet
if (quietStarts.equals(quietEnds)) {
return false;
// 21:00 - 05:00 means we want to be quiet if it's after 9 or before 5
if (quietStarts > quietEnds) {
// if it's 22:00 or 03:00 but not 8:00
if (now >= quietStarts || now <= quietEnds) {
return true;
// 01:00 - 05:00
else {
// if it' 2:00 or 4:00 but not 8:00 or 0:00
if (now >= quietStarts && now <= quietEnds) {
return true;
return false;
public static boolean startIntegratedInbox() {
return mStartIntegratedInbox;
public static void setStartIntegratedInbox(boolean startIntegratedInbox) {
mStartIntegratedInbox = startIntegratedInbox;
public static boolean showAnimations() {
return mAnimations;
public static void setAnimations(boolean animations) {
mAnimations = animations;
public static boolean messageListTouchable() {
return mMessageListTouchable;
public static void setMessageListTouchable(boolean touchy) {
mMessageListTouchable = touchy;
public static int messageListPreviewLines() {
return mMessageListPreviewLines;
public static void setMessageListPreviewLines(int lines) {
mMessageListPreviewLines = lines;
public static boolean messageListStars() {
return mMessageListStars;
public static void setMessageListStars(boolean stars) {
mMessageListStars = stars;
public static boolean messageListCheckboxes() {
return mMessageListCheckboxes;
public static void setMessageListCheckboxes(boolean checkboxes) {
mMessageListCheckboxes = checkboxes;
public static boolean showCorrespondentNames() {
return mShowCorrespondentNames;
public static void setShowCorrespondentNames(boolean showCorrespondentNames) {
mShowCorrespondentNames = showCorrespondentNames;
public static boolean showContactName() {
return mShowContactName;
public static void setShowContactName(boolean showContactName) {
mShowContactName = showContactName;
public static boolean changeContactNameColor() {
return mChangeContactNameColor;
public static void setChangeContactNameColor(boolean changeContactNameColor) {
mChangeContactNameColor = changeContactNameColor;
public static int getContactNameColor() {
return mContactNameColor;
public static void setContactNameColor(int contactNameColor) {
mContactNameColor = contactNameColor;
public static boolean messageViewFixedWidthFont() {
return mMessageViewFixedWidthFont;
public static void setMessageViewFixedWidthFont(boolean fixed) {
mMessageViewFixedWidthFont = fixed;
public static boolean messageViewReturnToList() {
return mMessageViewReturnToList;
public static void setMessageViewReturnToList(boolean messageViewReturnToList) {
mMessageViewReturnToList = messageViewReturnToList;
public static Method getMethod(Class> classObject, String methodName) {
try {
return classObject.getMethod(methodName, boolean.class);
} catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
Log.i(K9.LOG_TAG, "Can't get method " +
classObject.toString() + "." + methodName);
} catch (Exception e) {
Log.e(K9.LOG_TAG, "Error while using reflection to get method " +
classObject.toString() + "." + methodName, e);
return null;
public static FontSizes getFontSizes() {
return fontSizes;
public static boolean measureAccounts() {
return mMeasureAccounts;
public static void setMeasureAccounts(boolean measureAccounts) {
mMeasureAccounts = measureAccounts;
public static boolean countSearchMessages() {
return mCountSearchMessages;
public static void setCountSearchMessages(boolean countSearchMessages) {
mCountSearchMessages = countSearchMessages;
public static boolean isHideSpecialAccounts() {
return mHideSpecialAccounts;
public static void setHideSpecialAccounts(boolean hideSpecialAccounts) {
mHideSpecialAccounts = hideSpecialAccounts;
public static boolean useGalleryBugWorkaround() {
return useGalleryBugWorkaround;
public static void setUseGalleryBugWorkaround(boolean useGalleryBugWorkaround) {
K9.useGalleryBugWorkaround = useGalleryBugWorkaround;
public static boolean isGalleryBuggy() {
return galleryBuggy;
public static boolean confirmDelete() {
return mConfirmDelete;
public static void setConfirmDelete(final boolean confirm) {
mConfirmDelete = confirm;
public static boolean confirmSpam() {
return mConfirmSpam;
public static void setConfirmSpam(final boolean confirm) {
mConfirmSpam = confirm;
public static boolean confirmMarkAllAsRead() {
return mConfirmMarkAllAsRead;
public static void setConfirmMarkAllAsRead(final boolean confirm) {
mConfirmMarkAllAsRead = confirm;
* @return Whether privacy rules should be applied when system is locked
public static boolean keyguardPrivacy() {
return mKeyguardPrivacy;
public static void setKeyguardPrivacy(final boolean state) {
mKeyguardPrivacy = state;
public static boolean useCompactLayouts() {
return compactLayouts;
public static void setCompactLayouts(boolean compactLayouts) {
K9.compactLayouts = compactLayouts;
* Check if this system contains a buggy Gallery 3D package.
* We have to work around the fact that those Gallery versions won't show
* any images or videos when the pick intent is used with a MIME type other
* than image/* or video/*. See issue 1186.
* @return true, if a buggy Gallery 3D package was found. False, otherwise.
private boolean checkForBuggyGallery() {
try {
PackageInfo pi = getPackageManager().getPackageInfo("", 0);
return (pi.versionCode == 30682);
} catch (NameNotFoundException e) {
return false;