package com.fsck.k9.mailstore; import; import android.content.ContentResolver; import android.content.ContentValues; import android.content.Context; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import android.database.Cursor; import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase; import; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.util.Log; import com.fsck.k9.Account; import com.fsck.k9.K9; import com.fsck.k9.Preferences; import com.fsck.k9.helper.UrlEncodingHelper; import com.fsck.k9.helper.Utility; import com.fsck.k9.mail.Flag; import com.fsck.k9.mail.Folder; import com.fsck.k9.mail.MessageRetrievalListener; import com.fsck.k9.mail.MessagingException; import com.fsck.k9.mail.Store; import com.fsck.k9.mailstore.StorageManager.StorageProvider; import; import com.fsck.k9.mailstore.LockableDatabase.DbCallback; import com.fsck.k9.mailstore.LockableDatabase.WrappedException; import com.fsck.k9.provider.EmailProvider; import com.fsck.k9.provider.EmailProvider.MessageColumns; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap; /** *
 * Implements a SQLite database backed local store for Messages.
*/ public class LocalStore extends Store implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = -5142141896809423072L; static final String[] EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY = new String[0]; static final byte[] EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY = new byte[0]; /** * Lock objects indexed by account UUID. * * @see #getInstance(Account, Application) */ private static ConcurrentMap sAccountLocks = new ConcurrentHashMap(); /** * Local stores indexed by UUID because the Uri may change due to migration to/from SD-card. */ private static ConcurrentMap sLocalStores = new ConcurrentHashMap(); /* * a String containing the columns getMessages expects to work with * in the correct order. */ static String GET_MESSAGES_COLS = "subject, sender_list, date, uid, flags,, to_list, cc_list, " + "bcc_list, reply_to_list, attachment_count, internal_date, messages.message_id, " + "folder_id, preview,, threads.root, deleted, read, flagged, answered, " + "forwarded "; static final String GET_FOLDER_COLS = ", name, visible_limit, last_updated, status, push_state, last_pushed, " + "integrate, top_group, poll_class, push_class, display_class, notify_class"; static final int FOLDER_ID_INDEX = 0; static final int FOLDER_NAME_INDEX = 1; static final int FOLDER_VISIBLE_LIMIT_INDEX = 2; static final int FOLDER_LAST_CHECKED_INDEX = 3; static final int FOLDER_STATUS_INDEX = 4; static final int FOLDER_PUSH_STATE_INDEX = 5; static final int FOLDER_LAST_PUSHED_INDEX = 6; static final int FOLDER_INTEGRATE_INDEX = 7; static final int FOLDER_TOP_GROUP_INDEX = 8; static final int FOLDER_SYNC_CLASS_INDEX = 9; static final int FOLDER_PUSH_CLASS_INDEX = 10; static final int FOLDER_DISPLAY_CLASS_INDEX = 11; static final int FOLDER_NOTIFY_CLASS_INDEX = 12; static final String[] UID_CHECK_PROJECTION = { "uid" }; /** * Maximum number of UIDs to check for existence at once. * * @see LocalFolder#extractNewMessages(List) */ static final int UID_CHECK_BATCH_SIZE = 500; /** * Maximum number of messages to perform flag updates on at once. * * @see #setFlag(List, Flag, boolean) */ private static final int FLAG_UPDATE_BATCH_SIZE = 500; /** * Maximum number of threads to perform flag updates on at once. * * @see #setFlagForThreads(List, Flag, boolean) */ private static final int THREAD_FLAG_UPDATE_BATCH_SIZE = 500; public static final int DB_VERSION = 50; public static String getColumnNameForFlag(Flag flag) { switch (flag) { case SEEN: { return MessageColumns.READ; } case FLAGGED: { return MessageColumns.FLAGGED; } case ANSWERED: { return MessageColumns.ANSWERED; } case FORWARDED: { return MessageColumns.FORWARDED; } default: { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Flag must be a special column flag"); } } } protected String uUid = null; final Application mApplication; LockableDatabase database; private ContentResolver mContentResolver; private final Account mAccount; /** * local://localhost/path/to/database/uuid.db * This constructor is only used by {@link Store#getLocalInstance(Account, Application)} * @param account * @param application * @throws UnavailableStorageException if not {@link StorageProvider#isReady(Context)} */ public LocalStore(final Account account, final Application application) throws MessagingException { mAccount = account; database = new LockableDatabase(application, account.getUuid(), new StoreSchemaDefinition(this)); mApplication = application; mContentResolver = application.getContentResolver(); database.setStorageProviderId(account.getLocalStorageProviderId()); uUid = account.getUuid();; } /** * Get an instance of a local mail store. * * @throws UnavailableStorageException * if not {@link StorageProvider#isReady(Context)} */ public static LocalStore getInstance(Account account, Application application) throws MessagingException { String accountUuid = account.getUuid(); // Create new per-account lock object if necessary sAccountLocks.putIfAbsent(accountUuid, new Object()); // Get the account's lock object Object lock = sAccountLocks.get(accountUuid); // Use per-account locks so DatabaseUpgradeService always knows which account database is // currently upgraded. synchronized (lock) { LocalStore store = sLocalStores.get(accountUuid); if (store == null) { // Creating a LocalStore instance will create or upgrade the database if // necessary. This could take some time. store = new LocalStore(account, application); sLocalStores.put(accountUuid, store); } return store; } } public static void removeAccount(Account account) { try { removeInstance(account); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(K9.LOG_TAG, "Failed to reset local store for account " + account.getUuid(), e); } } private static void removeInstance(Account account) { String accountUuid = account.getUuid(); sLocalStores.remove(accountUuid); } public void switchLocalStorage(final String newStorageProviderId) throws MessagingException { database.switchProvider(newStorageProviderId); } protected Account getAccount() { return mAccount; } protected SharedPreferences getPreferences() { return Preferences.getPreferences(mApplication).getPreferences(); } public long getSize() throws MessagingException { final StorageManager storageManager = StorageManager.getInstance(mApplication); final File attachmentDirectory = storageManager.getAttachmentDirectory(uUid, database.getStorageProviderId()); return database.execute(false, new DbCallback() { @Override public Long doDbWork(final SQLiteDatabase db) { final File[] files = attachmentDirectory.listFiles(); long attachmentLength = 0; if (files != null) { for (File file : files) { if (file.exists()) { attachmentLength += file.length(); } } } final File dbFile = storageManager.getDatabase(uUid, database.getStorageProviderId()); return dbFile.length() + attachmentLength; } }); } public void compact() throws MessagingException { if (K9.DEBUG) Log.i(K9.LOG_TAG, "Before compaction size = " + getSize()); database.execute(false, new DbCallback() { @Override public Void doDbWork(final SQLiteDatabase db) throws WrappedException { db.execSQL("VACUUM"); return null; } }); if (K9.DEBUG) Log.i(K9.LOG_TAG, "After compaction size = " + getSize()); } public void clear() throws MessagingException { if (K9.DEBUG) Log.i(K9.LOG_TAG, "Before prune size = " + getSize()); pruneCachedAttachments(true); if (K9.DEBUG) { Log.i(K9.LOG_TAG, "After prune / before compaction size = " + getSize()); Log.i(K9.LOG_TAG, "Before clear folder count = " + getFolderCount()); Log.i(K9.LOG_TAG, "Before clear message count = " + getMessageCount()); Log.i(K9.LOG_TAG, "After prune / before clear size = " + getSize()); } // don't delete messages that are Local, since there is no copy on the server. // Don't delete deleted messages. They are essentially placeholders for UIDs of messages that have // been deleted locally. They take up insignificant space database.execute(false, new DbCallback() { @Override public Void doDbWork(final SQLiteDatabase db) { // Delete entries from 'threads' table db.execSQL("DELETE FROM threads WHERE message_id IN " + "(SELECT id FROM messages WHERE deleted = 0 AND uid NOT LIKE 'Local%')"); // Set 'root' and 'parent' of remaining entries in 'thread' table to 'NULL' to make // sure the thread structure is in a valid state (this may destroy existing valid // thread trees, but is much faster than adjusting the tree by removing messages // one by one). db.execSQL("UPDATE threads SET root=id, parent=NULL"); // Delete entries from 'messages' table db.execSQL("DELETE FROM messages WHERE deleted = 0 AND uid NOT LIKE 'Local%'"); return null; } }); compact(); if (K9.DEBUG) { Log.i(K9.LOG_TAG, "After clear message count = " + getMessageCount()); Log.i(K9.LOG_TAG, "After clear size = " + getSize()); } } public int getMessageCount() throws MessagingException { return database.execute(false, new DbCallback() { @Override public Integer doDbWork(final SQLiteDatabase db) { Cursor cursor = null; try { cursor = db.rawQuery("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM messages", null); cursor.moveToFirst(); return cursor.getInt(0); // message count } finally { Utility.closeQuietly(cursor); } } }); } public int getFolderCount() throws MessagingException { return database.execute(false, new DbCallback() { @Override public Integer doDbWork(final SQLiteDatabase db) { Cursor cursor = null; try { cursor = db.rawQuery("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM folders", null); cursor.moveToFirst(); return cursor.getInt(0); // folder count } finally { Utility.closeQuietly(cursor); } } }); } @Override public LocalFolder getFolder(String name) { return new LocalFolder(this, name); } public LocalFolder getFolderById(long folderId) { return new LocalFolder(this, folderId); } // TODO this takes about 260-300ms, seems slow. @Override public List getPersonalNamespaces(boolean forceListAll) throws MessagingException { final List folders = new LinkedList(); try { database.execute(false, new DbCallback < List > () { @Override public List doDbWork(final SQLiteDatabase db) throws WrappedException { Cursor cursor = null; try { cursor = db.rawQuery("SELECT " + GET_FOLDER_COLS + " FROM folders " + "ORDER BY name ASC", null); while (cursor.moveToNext()) { if (cursor.isNull(FOLDER_ID_INDEX)) { continue; } String folderName = cursor.getString(FOLDER_NAME_INDEX); LocalFolder folder = new LocalFolder(LocalStore.this, folderName);; folders.add(folder); } return folders; } catch (MessagingException e) { throw new WrappedException(e); } finally { Utility.closeQuietly(cursor); } } }); } catch (WrappedException e) { throw(MessagingException) e.getCause(); } return folders; } @Override public void checkSettings() throws MessagingException { } public void delete() throws UnavailableStorageException { database.delete(); } public void recreate() throws UnavailableStorageException { database.recreate(); } /** * Deletes all cached attachments for the entire store. * @param force * @throws com.fsck.k9.mail.MessagingException */ //TODO this method seems to be only called with force=true, simplify accordingly private void pruneCachedAttachments(final boolean force) throws MessagingException { database.execute(false, new DbCallback() { @Override public Void doDbWork(final SQLiteDatabase db) throws WrappedException { if (force) { ContentValues cv = new ContentValues(); cv.putNull("content_uri"); db.update("attachments", cv, null, null); } final StorageManager storageManager = StorageManager.getInstance(mApplication); File[] files = storageManager.getAttachmentDirectory(uUid, database.getStorageProviderId()).listFiles(); for (File file : files) { if (file.exists()) { if (!force) { Cursor cursor = null; try { cursor = db.query( "attachments", new String[] { "store_data" }, "id = ?", new String[] { file.getName() }, null, null, null); if (cursor.moveToNext()) { if (cursor.getString(0) == null) { if (K9.DEBUG) Log.d(K9.LOG_TAG, "Attachment " + file.getAbsolutePath() + " has no store data, not deleting"); /* * If the attachment has no store data it is not recoverable, so * we won't delete it. */ continue; } } } finally { Utility.closeQuietly(cursor); } } if (!force) { try { ContentValues cv = new ContentValues(); cv.putNull("content_uri"); db.update("attachments", cv, "id = ?", new String[] { file.getName() }); } catch (Exception e) { /* * If the row has gone away before we got to mark it not-downloaded that's * okay. */ } } if (!file.delete()) { file.deleteOnExit(); } } } return null; } }); } public void resetVisibleLimits(int visibleLimit) throws MessagingException { final ContentValues cv = new ContentValues(); cv.put("visible_limit", Integer.toString(visibleLimit)); database.execute(false, new DbCallback() { @Override public Void doDbWork(final SQLiteDatabase db) throws WrappedException { db.update("folders", cv, null, null); return null; } }); } public List getPendingCommands() throws MessagingException { return database.execute(false, new DbCallback>() { @Override public List doDbWork(final SQLiteDatabase db) throws WrappedException { Cursor cursor = null; try { cursor = db.query("pending_commands", new String[] { "id", "command", "arguments" }, null, null, null, null, "id ASC"); List commands = new ArrayList(); while (cursor.moveToNext()) { PendingCommand command = new PendingCommand(); command.mId = cursor.getLong(0); command.command = cursor.getString(1); String arguments = cursor.getString(2); command.arguments = arguments.split(","); for (int i = 0; i < command.arguments.length; i++) { command.arguments[i] = Utility.fastUrlDecode(command.arguments[i]); } commands.add(command); } return commands; } finally { Utility.closeQuietly(cursor); } } }); } public void addPendingCommand(PendingCommand command) throws MessagingException { for (int i = 0; i < command.arguments.length; i++) { command.arguments[i] = UrlEncodingHelper.encodeUtf8(command.arguments[i]); } final ContentValues cv = new ContentValues(); cv.put("command", command.command); cv.put("arguments", Utility.combine(command.arguments, ',')); database.execute(false, new DbCallback() { @Override public Void doDbWork(final SQLiteDatabase db) throws WrappedException { db.insert("pending_commands", "command", cv); return null; } }); } public void removePendingCommand(final PendingCommand command) throws MessagingException { database.execute(false, new DbCallback() { @Override public Void doDbWork(final SQLiteDatabase db) throws WrappedException { db.delete("pending_commands", "id = ?", new String[] { Long.toString(command.mId) }); return null; } }); } public void removePendingCommands() throws MessagingException { database.execute(false, new DbCallback() { @Override public Void doDbWork(final SQLiteDatabase db) throws WrappedException { db.delete("pending_commands", null, null); return null; } }); } public static class PendingCommand { private long mId; public String command; public String[] arguments; @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(command); sb.append(": "); for (String argument : arguments) { sb.append(", "); sb.append(argument); //sb.append("\n"); } return sb.toString(); } } @Override public boolean isMoveCapable() { return true; } @Override public boolean isCopyCapable() { return true; } public List searchForMessages(MessageRetrievalListener retrievalListener, LocalSearch search) throws MessagingException { StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder(); List queryArgs = new ArrayList(); SqlQueryBuilder.buildWhereClause(mAccount, search.getConditions(), query, queryArgs); // Avoid "ambiguous column name" error by prefixing "id" with the message table name String where = SqlQueryBuilder.addPrefixToSelection(new String[] { "id" }, "messages.", query.toString()); String[] selectionArgs = queryArgs.toArray(EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY); String sqlQuery = "SELECT " + GET_MESSAGES_COLS + "FROM messages " + "LEFT JOIN threads ON (threads.message_id = " + "LEFT JOIN folders ON ( = messages.folder_id) WHERE " + "((empty IS NULL OR empty != 1) AND deleted = 0)" + ((!TextUtils.isEmpty(where)) ? " AND (" + where + ")" : "") + " ORDER BY date DESC"; if (K9.DEBUG) { Log.d(K9.LOG_TAG, "Query = " + sqlQuery); } return getMessages(retrievalListener, null, sqlQuery, selectionArgs); } /* * Given a query string, actually do the query for the messages and * call the MessageRetrievalListener for each one */ List getMessages( final MessageRetrievalListener listener, final LocalFolder folder, final String queryString, final String[] placeHolders ) throws MessagingException { final List messages = new ArrayList(); final int j = database.execute(false, new DbCallback() { @Override public Integer doDbWork(final SQLiteDatabase db) throws WrappedException { Cursor cursor = null; int i = 0; try { cursor = db.rawQuery(queryString + " LIMIT 10", placeHolders); while (cursor.moveToNext()) { LocalMessage message = new LocalMessage(LocalStore.this, null, folder); message.populateFromGetMessageCursor(cursor); messages.add(message); if (listener != null) { listener.messageFinished(message, i, -1); } i++; } cursor.close(); cursor = db.rawQuery(queryString + " LIMIT -1 OFFSET 10", placeHolders); while (cursor.moveToNext()) { LocalMessage message = new LocalMessage(LocalStore.this, null, folder); message.populateFromGetMessageCursor(cursor); messages.add(message); if (listener != null) { listener.messageFinished(message, i, -1); } i++; } } catch (Exception e) { Log.d(K9.LOG_TAG, "Got an exception", e); } finally { Utility.closeQuietly(cursor); } return i; } }); if (listener != null) { listener.messagesFinished(j); } return Collections.unmodifiableList(messages); } public List getMessagesInThread(final long rootId) throws MessagingException { String rootIdString = Long.toString(rootId); LocalSearch search = new LocalSearch(); search.and(Searchfield.THREAD_ID, rootIdString, Attribute.EQUALS); return searchForMessages(null, search); } public AttachmentInfo getAttachmentInfo(final String attachmentId) throws MessagingException { return database.execute(false, new DbCallback() { @Override public AttachmentInfo doDbWork(final SQLiteDatabase db) throws WrappedException { String name; String type; int size; Cursor cursor = null; try { cursor = db.query( "attachments", new String[] { "name", "size", "mime_type" }, "id = ?", new String[] { attachmentId }, null, null, null); if (!cursor.moveToFirst()) { return null; } name = cursor.getString(0); size = cursor.getInt(1); type = cursor.getString(2); final AttachmentInfo attachmentInfo = new AttachmentInfo(); = name; attachmentInfo.size = size; attachmentInfo.type = type; return attachmentInfo; } finally { Utility.closeQuietly(cursor); } } }); } public static class AttachmentInfo { public String name; public int size; public String type; } public void createFolders(final List foldersToCreate, final int visibleLimit) throws MessagingException { database.execute(true, new DbCallback() { @Override public Void doDbWork(final SQLiteDatabase db) throws WrappedException { for (LocalFolder folder : foldersToCreate) { String name = folder.getName(); final LocalFolder.PreferencesHolder prefHolder = PreferencesHolder(); // When created, special folders should always be displayed // inbox should be integrated // and the inbox and drafts folders should be syncced by default if (mAccount.isSpecialFolder(name)) { prefHolder.inTopGroup = true; prefHolder.displayClass = LocalFolder.FolderClass.FIRST_CLASS; if (name.equalsIgnoreCase(mAccount.getInboxFolderName())) { prefHolder.integrate = true; prefHolder.notifyClass = LocalFolder.FolderClass.FIRST_CLASS; prefHolder.pushClass = LocalFolder.FolderClass.FIRST_CLASS; } else { prefHolder.pushClass = LocalFolder.FolderClass.INHERITED; } if (name.equalsIgnoreCase(mAccount.getInboxFolderName()) || name.equalsIgnoreCase(mAccount.getDraftsFolderName())) { prefHolder.syncClass = LocalFolder.FolderClass.FIRST_CLASS; } else { prefHolder.syncClass = LocalFolder.FolderClass.NO_CLASS; } } folder.refresh(name, prefHolder); // Recover settings from Preferences db.execSQL("INSERT INTO folders (name, visible_limit, top_group, display_class, poll_class, notify_class, push_class, integrate) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", new Object[] { name, visibleLimit, prefHolder.inTopGroup ? 1 : 0,,,,, prefHolder.integrate ? 1 : 0, }); } return null; } }); } String serializeFlags(Iterable flags) { List extraFlags = new ArrayList(); for (Flag flag : flags) { switch (flag) { case DELETED: case SEEN: case FLAGGED: case ANSWERED: case FORWARDED: { break; } default: { extraFlags.add(flag); } } } return Utility.combine(extraFlags, ',').toUpperCase(Locale.US); } // TODO: database should not be exposed! public LockableDatabase getDatabase() { return database; } void notifyChange() { Uri uri = Uri.withAppendedPath(EmailProvider.CONTENT_URI, "account/" + uUid + "/messages"); mContentResolver.notifyChange(uri, null); } /** * Split database operations with a large set of arguments into multiple SQL statements. * *

* At the time of this writing (2012-12-06) SQLite only supports around 1000 arguments. That's * why we have to split SQL statements with a large set of arguments into multiple SQL * statements each working on a subset of the arguments. *

* * @param selectionCallback * Supplies the argument set and the code to query/update the database. * @param batchSize * The maximum size of the selection set in each SQL statement. * * @throws MessagingException */ public void doBatchSetSelection(final BatchSetSelection selectionCallback, final int batchSize) throws MessagingException { final List selectionArgs = new ArrayList(); int start = 0; while (start < selectionCallback.getListSize()) { final StringBuilder selection = new StringBuilder(); selection.append(" IN ("); int count = Math.min(selectionCallback.getListSize() - start, batchSize); for (int i = start, end = start + count; i < end; i++) { if (i > start) { selection.append(",?"); } else { selection.append("?"); } selectionArgs.add(selectionCallback.getListItem(i)); } selection.append(")"); try { database.execute(true, new DbCallback() { @Override public Void doDbWork(final SQLiteDatabase db) throws WrappedException, UnavailableStorageException { selectionCallback.doDbWork(db, selection.toString(), selectionArgs.toArray(EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY)); return null; } }); selectionCallback.postDbWork(); } catch (WrappedException e) { throw(MessagingException) e.getCause(); } selectionArgs.clear(); start += count; } } /** * Defines the behavior of {@link LocalStore#doBatchSetSelection(BatchSetSelection, int)}. */ public interface BatchSetSelection { /** * @return The size of the argument list. */ int getListSize(); /** * Get a specific item of the argument list. * * @param index * The index of the item. * * @return Item at position {@code i} of the argument list. */ String getListItem(int index); /** * Execute the SQL statement. * * @param db * Use this {@link SQLiteDatabase} instance for your SQL statement. * @param selectionSet * A partial selection string containing place holders for the argument list, e.g. * {@code " IN (?,?,?)"} (starts with a space). * @param selectionArgs * The current subset of the argument list. * @throws UnavailableStorageException */ void doDbWork(SQLiteDatabase db, String selectionSet, String[] selectionArgs) throws UnavailableStorageException; /** * This will be executed after each invocation of * {@link #doDbWork(SQLiteDatabase, String, String[])} (after the transaction has been * committed). */ void postDbWork(); } /** * Change the state of a flag for a list of messages. * *

* The goal of this method is to be fast. Currently this means using as few SQL UPDATE * statements as possible. * * @param messageIds * A list of primary keys in the "messages" table. * @param flag * The flag to change. This must be a flag with a separate column in the database. * @param newState * {@code true}, if the flag should be set. {@code false}, otherwise. * * @throws MessagingException */ public void setFlag(final List messageIds, final Flag flag, final boolean newState) throws MessagingException { final ContentValues cv = new ContentValues(); cv.put(getColumnNameForFlag(flag), newState); doBatchSetSelection(new BatchSetSelection() { @Override public int getListSize() { return messageIds.size(); } @Override public String getListItem(int index) { return Long.toString(messageIds.get(index)); } @Override public void doDbWork(SQLiteDatabase db, String selectionSet, String[] selectionArgs) throws UnavailableStorageException { db.update("messages", cv, "(empty IS NULL OR empty != 1) AND id" + selectionSet, selectionArgs); } @Override public void postDbWork() { notifyChange(); } }, FLAG_UPDATE_BATCH_SIZE); } /** * Change the state of a flag for a list of threads. * *

* The goal of this method is to be fast. Currently this means using as few SQL UPDATE * statements as possible. * * @param threadRootIds * A list of root thread IDs. * @param flag * The flag to change. This must be a flag with a separate column in the database. * @param newState * {@code true}, if the flag should be set. {@code false}, otherwise. * * @throws MessagingException */ public void setFlagForThreads(final List threadRootIds, Flag flag, final boolean newState) throws MessagingException { final String flagColumn = getColumnNameForFlag(flag); doBatchSetSelection(new BatchSetSelection() { @Override public int getListSize() { return threadRootIds.size(); } @Override public String getListItem(int index) { return Long.toString(threadRootIds.get(index)); } @Override public void doDbWork(SQLiteDatabase db, String selectionSet, String[] selectionArgs) throws UnavailableStorageException { db.execSQL("UPDATE messages SET " + flagColumn + " = " + ((newState) ? "1" : "0") + " WHERE id IN (" + "SELECT FROM threads t " + "LEFT JOIN messages m ON (t.message_id = " + "WHERE (m.empty IS NULL OR m.empty != 1) AND m.deleted = 0 " + "AND t.root" + selectionSet + ")", selectionArgs); } @Override public void postDbWork() { notifyChange(); } }, THREAD_FLAG_UPDATE_BATCH_SIZE); } /** * Get folder name and UID for the supplied messages. * * @param messageIds * A list of primary keys in the "messages" table. * @param threadedList * If this is {@code true}, {@code messageIds} contains the thread IDs of the messages * at the root of a thread. In that case return UIDs for all messages in these threads. * If this is {@code false} only the UIDs for messages in {@code messageIds} are * returned. * * @return The list of UIDs for the messages grouped by folder name. * * @throws MessagingException */ public Map> getFoldersAndUids(final List messageIds, final boolean threadedList) throws MessagingException { final Map> folderMap = new HashMap>(); doBatchSetSelection(new BatchSetSelection() { @Override public int getListSize() { return messageIds.size(); } @Override public String getListItem(int index) { return Long.toString(messageIds.get(index)); } @Override public void doDbWork(SQLiteDatabase db, String selectionSet, String[] selectionArgs) throws UnavailableStorageException { if (threadedList) { String sql = "SELECT m.uid, " + "FROM threads t " + "LEFT JOIN messages m ON (t.message_id = " + "LEFT JOIN folders f ON (m.folder_id = " + "WHERE (m.empty IS NULL OR m.empty != 1) AND m.deleted = 0 " + "AND t.root" + selectionSet; getDataFromCursor(db.rawQuery(sql, selectionArgs)); } else { String sql = "SELECT m.uid, " + "FROM messages m " + "LEFT JOIN folders f ON (m.folder_id = " + "WHERE (m.empty IS NULL OR m.empty != 1) AND" + selectionSet; getDataFromCursor(db.rawQuery(sql, selectionArgs)); } } private void getDataFromCursor(Cursor cursor) { try { while (cursor.moveToNext()) { String uid = cursor.getString(0); String folderName = cursor.getString(1); List uidList = folderMap.get(folderName); if (uidList == null) { uidList = new ArrayList(); folderMap.put(folderName, uidList); } uidList.add(uid); } } finally { cursor.close(); } } @Override public void postDbWork() { notifyChange(); } }, UID_CHECK_BATCH_SIZE); return folderMap; } }