package; import android.os.Parcel; import android.os.Parcelable; public interface SearchSpecification extends Parcelable { /** * Get all the uuids of accounts this search acts on. * @return Array of uuids. */ public String[] getAccountUuids(); /** * Returns the search's name if it was named. * @return Name of the search. */ public String getName(); /** * Returns the root node of the condition tree accompanying * the search. * * @return Root node of conditions tree. */ public ConditionsTreeNode getConditions(); /* * Some meta names for certain conditions. */ public static final String ALL_ACCOUNTS = "allAccounts"; public static final String GENERIC_INBOX_NAME = "genericInboxName"; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ATTRIBUTE enum /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public enum Attribute { CONTAINS(false), EQUALS(false), STARTSWITH(false), ENDSWITH(false), NOT_CONTAINS(true), NOT_EQUALS(true), NOT_STARTSWITH(true), NOT_ENDSWITH(true); private boolean mNegation; private Attribute(boolean negation) { this.mNegation = negation; } public String formQuery(String value) { String queryPart = ""; switch (this) { case NOT_CONTAINS: case CONTAINS: queryPart = "'%"+value+"%'"; break; case NOT_EQUALS: case EQUALS: queryPart = "'"+value+"'"; break; case NOT_STARTSWITH: case STARTSWITH: queryPart = "'%"+value+"'"; break; case NOT_ENDSWITH: case ENDSWITH: queryPart = "'"+value+"%'"; break; default: queryPart = "'"+value+"'"; } return (mNegation ? " NOT LIKE " : " LIKE ") + queryPart; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // SEARCHFIELD enum /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* * Using an enum in order to have more robust code. Users ( & coders ) * are prevented from passing illegal fields. No database overhead * when invalid fields passed. * * By result, only the fields in here are searchable. * * Fields not in here at this moment ( and by effect not searchable ): * id, html_content, internal_date, message_id, * preview, mime_type * */ public enum Searchfield { SUBJECT("subject"), DATE("date"), UID("uid"), FLAG("flags"), SENDER("sender_list"), TO("to_list"), CC("cc_list"), FOLDER("folder_id"), BCC("bcc_list"), REPLY_TO("reply_to_list"), MESSAGE("text_content"), ATTACHMENT_COUNT("attachment_count"), DELETED("deleted"), THREAD_ROOT("thread_root"), ID("id"); private String dbName; private Searchfield(String dbName) { this.dbName = dbName; } public String getDatabaseName() { return dbName; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // SearchCondition class /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * This class represents 1 value for a certain search field. One * value consists of three things: * an attribute: equals, starts with, contains,... * a searchfield: date, flags, sender, subject,... * a value: "apple", "jesse",.. * * @author dzan */ public class SearchCondition implements Parcelable { public String value; public Attribute attribute; public Searchfield field; public SearchCondition(Searchfield field, Attribute attribute, String value) { this.value = value; this.attribute = attribute; this.field = field; } private SearchCondition(Parcel in) { this.value = in.readString(); this.attribute = Attribute.values()[in.readInt()]; this.field = Searchfield.values()[in.readInt()]; } @Override public SearchCondition clone() { return new SearchCondition(field, attribute, value); } public String toHumanString() { return field.toString() + attribute.toString(); } @Override public String toString() { return field.getDatabaseName() + attribute.formQuery(value); } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (o instanceof SearchCondition) { SearchCondition tmp = (SearchCondition) o; if (tmp.attribute == attribute && tmp.field == field && tmp.value.equals(value)) { return true; } } return false; } @Override public int describeContents() { return 0; } @Override public void writeToParcel(Parcel dest, int flags) { dest.writeString(value); dest.writeInt(attribute.ordinal()); dest.writeInt(field.ordinal()); } public static final Parcelable.Creator CREATOR = new Parcelable.Creator() { @Override public SearchCondition createFromParcel(Parcel in) { return new SearchCondition(in); } @Override public SearchCondition[] newArray(int size) { return new SearchCondition[size]; } }; } }