package com.fsck.k9.preferences; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeMap; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import android.os.Environment; import com.fsck.k9.Account; import com.fsck.k9.FontSizes; import com.fsck.k9.K9; import com.fsck.k9.K9.NotificationHideSubject; import com.fsck.k9.K9.NotificationQuickDelete; import com.fsck.k9.K9.SplitViewMode; import com.fsck.k9.K9.Theme; import com.fsck.k9.R; import com.fsck.k9.Account.SortType; import com.fsck.k9.preferences.Settings.*; import static com.fsck.k9.K9.LockScreenNotificationVisibility; public class GlobalSettings { public static final Map> SETTINGS; public static final Map UPGRADERS; static { Map> s = new LinkedHashMap>(); /** * When adding new settings here, be sure to increment {@link Settings.VERSION} * and use that for whatever you add here. */ s.put("animations", Settings.versions( new V(1, new BooleanSetting(false)) )); s.put("attachmentdefaultpath", Settings.versions( new V(1, new DirectorySetting(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().toString())) )); s.put("backgroundOperations", Settings.versions( new V(1, new EnumSetting( K9.BACKGROUND_OPS.class, K9.BACKGROUND_OPS.WHEN_CHECKED_AUTO_SYNC)) )); s.put("changeRegisteredNameColor", Settings.versions( new V(1, new BooleanSetting(false)) )); s.put("confirmDelete", Settings.versions( new V(1, new BooleanSetting(false)) )); s.put("confirmDeleteStarred", Settings.versions( new V(2, new BooleanSetting(false)) )); s.put("confirmSpam", Settings.versions( new V(1, new BooleanSetting(false)) )); s.put("countSearchMessages", Settings.versions( new V(1, new BooleanSetting(false)) )); s.put("enableDebugLogging", Settings.versions( new V(1, new BooleanSetting(false)) )); s.put("enableSensitiveLogging", Settings.versions( new V(1, new BooleanSetting(false)) )); s.put("fontSizeAccountDescription", Settings.versions( new V(1, new FontSizeSetting(FontSizes.FONT_DEFAULT)) )); s.put("fontSizeAccountName", Settings.versions( new V(1, new FontSizeSetting(FontSizes.FONT_DEFAULT)) )); s.put("fontSizeFolderName", Settings.versions( new V(1, new FontSizeSetting(FontSizes.FONT_DEFAULT)) )); s.put("fontSizeFolderStatus", Settings.versions( new V(1, new FontSizeSetting(FontSizes.FONT_DEFAULT)) )); s.put("fontSizeMessageComposeInput", Settings.versions( new V(5, new FontSizeSetting(FontSizes.FONT_DEFAULT)) )); s.put("fontSizeMessageListDate", Settings.versions( new V(1, new FontSizeSetting(FontSizes.FONT_DEFAULT)) )); s.put("fontSizeMessageListPreview", Settings.versions( new V(1, new FontSizeSetting(FontSizes.FONT_DEFAULT)) )); s.put("fontSizeMessageListSender", Settings.versions( new V(1, new FontSizeSetting(FontSizes.FONT_DEFAULT)) )); s.put("fontSizeMessageListSubject", Settings.versions( new V(1, new FontSizeSetting(FontSizes.FONT_DEFAULT)) )); s.put("fontSizeMessageViewAdditionalHeaders", Settings.versions( new V(1, new FontSizeSetting(FontSizes.FONT_DEFAULT)) )); s.put("fontSizeMessageViewCC", Settings.versions( new V(1, new FontSizeSetting(FontSizes.FONT_DEFAULT)) )); s.put("fontSizeMessageViewContent", Settings.versions( new V(1, new WebFontSizeSetting(3)), new V(31, null) )); s.put("fontSizeMessageViewDate", Settings.versions( new V(1, new FontSizeSetting(FontSizes.FONT_DEFAULT)) )); s.put("fontSizeMessageViewSender", Settings.versions( new V(1, new FontSizeSetting(FontSizes.FONT_DEFAULT)) )); s.put("fontSizeMessageViewSubject", Settings.versions( new V(1, new FontSizeSetting(FontSizes.FONT_DEFAULT)) )); s.put("fontSizeMessageViewTime", Settings.versions( new V(1, new FontSizeSetting(FontSizes.FONT_DEFAULT)) )); s.put("fontSizeMessageViewTo", Settings.versions( new V(1, new FontSizeSetting(FontSizes.FONT_DEFAULT)) )); s.put("gesturesEnabled", Settings.versions( new V(1, new BooleanSetting(true)), new V(4, new BooleanSetting(false)) )); s.put("hideSpecialAccounts", Settings.versions( new V(1, new BooleanSetting(false)) )); s.put("keyguardPrivacy", Settings.versions( new V(1, new BooleanSetting(false)), new V(12, null) )); s.put("language", Settings.versions( new V(1, new LanguageSetting()) )); s.put("measureAccounts", Settings.versions( new V(1, new BooleanSetting(true)) )); s.put("messageListCheckboxes", Settings.versions( new V(1, new BooleanSetting(false)) )); s.put("messageListPreviewLines", Settings.versions( new V(1, new IntegerRangeSetting(1, 100, 2)) )); s.put("messageListStars", Settings.versions( new V(1, new BooleanSetting(true)) )); s.put("messageViewFixedWidthFont", Settings.versions( new V(1, new BooleanSetting(false)) )); s.put("messageViewReturnToList", Settings.versions( new V(1, new BooleanSetting(false)) )); s.put("messageViewShowNext", Settings.versions( new V(1, new BooleanSetting(false)) )); s.put("quietTimeEnabled", Settings.versions( new V(1, new BooleanSetting(false)) )); s.put("quietTimeEnds", Settings.versions( new V(1, new TimeSetting("7:00")) )); s.put("quietTimeStarts", Settings.versions( new V(1, new TimeSetting("21:00")) )); s.put("registeredNameColor", Settings.versions( new V(1, new ColorSetting(0xFF00008F)) )); s.put("showContactName", Settings.versions( new V(1, new BooleanSetting(false)) )); s.put("showCorrespondentNames", Settings.versions( new V(1, new BooleanSetting(true)) )); s.put("sortTypeEnum", Settings.versions( new V(10, new EnumSetting(SortType.class, Account.DEFAULT_SORT_TYPE)) )); s.put("sortAscending", Settings.versions( new V(10, new BooleanSetting(Account.DEFAULT_SORT_ASCENDING)) )); s.put("startIntegratedInbox", Settings.versions( new V(1, new BooleanSetting(false)) )); s.put("theme", Settings.versions( new V(1, new ThemeSetting(K9.Theme.LIGHT)) )); s.put("messageViewTheme", Settings.versions( new V(16, new ThemeSetting(K9.Theme.LIGHT)), new V(24, new SubThemeSetting(K9.Theme.USE_GLOBAL)) )); s.put("useVolumeKeysForListNavigation", Settings.versions( new V(1, new BooleanSetting(false)) )); s.put("useVolumeKeysForNavigation", Settings.versions( new V(1, new BooleanSetting(false)) )); s.put("wrapFolderNames", Settings.versions( new V(22, new BooleanSetting(false)) )); s.put("notificationHideSubject", Settings.versions( new V(12, new EnumSetting( NotificationHideSubject.class, NotificationHideSubject.NEVER)) )); s.put("useBackgroundAsUnreadIndicator", Settings.versions( new V(19, new BooleanSetting(true)) )); s.put("threadedView", Settings.versions( new V(20, new BooleanSetting(true)) )); s.put("splitViewMode", Settings.versions( new V(23, new EnumSetting(SplitViewMode.class, SplitViewMode.NEVER)) )); s.put("messageComposeTheme", Settings.versions( new V(24, new SubThemeSetting(K9.Theme.USE_GLOBAL)) )); s.put("fixedMessageViewTheme", Settings.versions( new V(24, new BooleanSetting(true)) )); s.put("showContactPicture", Settings.versions( new V(25, new BooleanSetting(true)) )); s.put("autofitWidth", Settings.versions( new V(28, new BooleanSetting(true)) )); s.put("colorizeMissingContactPictures", Settings.versions( new V(29, new BooleanSetting(true)) )); s.put("messageViewDeleteActionVisible", Settings.versions( new V(30, new BooleanSetting(true)) )); s.put("messageViewArchiveActionVisible", Settings.versions( new V(30, new BooleanSetting(false)) )); s.put("messageViewMoveActionVisible", Settings.versions( new V(30, new BooleanSetting(false)) )); s.put("messageViewCopyActionVisible", Settings.versions( new V(30, new BooleanSetting(false)) )); s.put("messageViewSpamActionVisible", Settings.versions( new V(30, new BooleanSetting(false)) )); s.put("fontSizeMessageViewContentPercent", Settings.versions( new V(31, new IntegerRangeSetting(40, 250, 100)) )); s.put("hideUserAgent", Settings.versions( new V(32, new BooleanSetting(false)) )); s.put("hideTimeZone", Settings.versions( new V(32, new BooleanSetting(false)) )); s.put("lockScreenNotificationVisibility", Settings.versions( new V(37, new EnumSetting(LockScreenNotificationVisibility.class, LockScreenNotificationVisibility.MESSAGE_COUNT)) )); s.put("confirmDeleteFromNotification", Settings.versions( new V(38, new BooleanSetting(true)) )); s.put("messageListSenderAboveSubject", Settings.versions( new V(38, new BooleanSetting(false)) )); s.put("notificationQuickDelete", Settings.versions( new V(38, new EnumSetting(NotificationQuickDelete.class, NotificationQuickDelete.NEVER)) )); SETTINGS = Collections.unmodifiableMap(s); Map u = new HashMap(); u.put(12, new SettingsUpgraderV12()); u.put(24, new SettingsUpgraderV24()); u.put(31, new SettingsUpgraderV31()); UPGRADERS = Collections.unmodifiableMap(u); } public static Map validate(int version, Map importedSettings) { return Settings.validate(version, SETTINGS, importedSettings, false); } public static Set upgrade(int version, Map validatedSettings) { return Settings.upgrade(version, UPGRADERS, SETTINGS, validatedSettings); } public static Map convert(Map settings) { return Settings.convert(settings, SETTINGS); } public static Map getGlobalSettings(SharedPreferences storage) { Map result = new HashMap(); for (String key : SETTINGS.keySet()) { String value = storage.getString(key, null); if (value != null) { result.put(key, value); } } return result; } /** * Upgrades the settings from version 11 to 12 * * Map the 'keyguardPrivacy' value to the new NotificationHideSubject enum. */ public static class SettingsUpgraderV12 implements SettingsUpgrader { @Override public Set upgrade(Map settings) { Boolean keyguardPrivacy = (Boolean) settings.get("keyguardPrivacy"); if (keyguardPrivacy != null && keyguardPrivacy.booleanValue()) { // current setting: only show subject when unlocked settings.put("notificationHideSubject", NotificationHideSubject.WHEN_LOCKED); } else { // always show subject [old default] settings.put("notificationHideSubject", NotificationHideSubject.NEVER); } return new HashSet(Arrays.asList("keyguardPrivacy")); } } /** * Upgrades the settings from version 23 to 24. * *

* Set messageViewTheme to {@link K9.Theme#USE_GLOBAL} if messageViewTheme has * the same value as theme. *

*/ public static class SettingsUpgraderV24 implements SettingsUpgrader { @Override public Set upgrade(Map settings) { K9.Theme messageViewTheme = (K9.Theme) settings.get("messageViewTheme"); K9.Theme theme = (K9.Theme) settings.get("theme"); if (theme != null && messageViewTheme != null && theme == messageViewTheme) { settings.put("messageViewTheme", K9.Theme.USE_GLOBAL); } return null; } } /** * Upgrades the settings from version 30 to 31. * *

* Convert value from fontSizeMessageViewContent to * fontSizeMessageViewContentPercent. *

*/ public static class SettingsUpgraderV31 implements SettingsUpgrader { @Override public Set upgrade(Map settings) { int oldSize = ((Integer) settings.get("fontSizeMessageViewContent")).intValue(); int newSize = convertFromOldSize(oldSize); settings.put("fontSizeMessageViewContentPercent", newSize); return new HashSet(Arrays.asList("fontSizeMessageViewContent")); } public static int convertFromOldSize(int oldSize) { switch (oldSize) { case 1: { return 40; } case 2: { return 75; } case 4: { return 175; } case 5: { return 250; } case 3: default: { return 100; } } } } /** * The language setting. * *

* Valid values are read from {@code settings_language_values} in * {@code res/values/arrays.xml}. *

*/ public static class LanguageSetting extends PseudoEnumSetting { private final Map mMapping; public LanguageSetting() { super(""); Map mapping = new HashMap(); String[] values =; for (String value : values) { if (value.length() == 0) { mapping.put("", "default"); } else { mapping.put(value, value); } } mMapping = Collections.unmodifiableMap(mapping); } @Override protected Map getMapping() { return mMapping; } @Override public Object fromString(String value) throws InvalidSettingValueException { if (mMapping.containsKey(value)) { return value; } throw new InvalidSettingValueException(); } } /** * The theme setting. */ public static class ThemeSetting extends SettingsDescription { private static final String THEME_LIGHT = "light"; private static final String THEME_DARK = "dark"; public ThemeSetting(K9.Theme defaultValue) { super(defaultValue); } @Override public Object fromString(String value) throws InvalidSettingValueException { try { Integer theme = Integer.parseInt(value); if (theme == K9.Theme.LIGHT.ordinal() || // We used to store the resource ID of the theme in the preference storage, // but don't use the database upgrade mechanism to update the values. So // we have to deal with the old format here. theme == { return K9.Theme.LIGHT; } else if (theme == K9.Theme.DARK.ordinal() || theme == { return K9.Theme.DARK; } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { /* do nothing */ } throw new InvalidSettingValueException(); } @Override public Object fromPrettyString(String value) throws InvalidSettingValueException { if (THEME_LIGHT.equals(value)) { return K9.Theme.LIGHT; } else if (THEME_DARK.equals(value)) { return K9.Theme.DARK; } throw new InvalidSettingValueException(); } @Override public String toPrettyString(Object value) { switch ((K9.Theme) value) { case DARK: { return THEME_DARK; } default: { return THEME_LIGHT; } } } @Override public String toString(Object value) { return Integer.toString(((K9.Theme) value).ordinal()); } } /** * The message view theme setting. */ public static class SubThemeSetting extends ThemeSetting { private static final String THEME_USE_GLOBAL = "use_global"; public SubThemeSetting(Theme defaultValue) { super(defaultValue); } @Override public Object fromString(String value) throws InvalidSettingValueException { try { Integer theme = Integer.parseInt(value); if (theme == K9.Theme.USE_GLOBAL.ordinal()) { return K9.Theme.USE_GLOBAL; } return super.fromString(value); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new InvalidSettingValueException(); } } @Override public Object fromPrettyString(String value) throws InvalidSettingValueException { if (THEME_USE_GLOBAL.equals(value)) { return K9.Theme.USE_GLOBAL; } return super.fromPrettyString(value); } @Override public String toPrettyString(Object value) { if (((K9.Theme) value) == K9.Theme.USE_GLOBAL) { return THEME_USE_GLOBAL; } return super.toPrettyString(value); } } /** * A time setting. */ public static class TimeSetting extends SettingsDescription { public TimeSetting(String defaultValue) { super(defaultValue); } @Override public Object fromString(String value) throws InvalidSettingValueException { if (!value.matches(TimePickerPreference.VALIDATION_EXPRESSION)) { throw new InvalidSettingValueException(); } return value; } } /** * A directory on the file system. */ public static class DirectorySetting extends SettingsDescription { public DirectorySetting(String defaultValue) { super(defaultValue); } @Override public Object fromString(String value) throws InvalidSettingValueException { try { if (new File(value).isDirectory()) { return value; } } catch (Exception e) { /* do nothing */ } throw new InvalidSettingValueException(); } } }