package com.fsck.k9.helper; import; import; import; import; import android.content.ActivityNotFoundException; import android.content.DialogInterface; import android.content.Intent; import; import android.text.InputType; import android.widget.EditText; import com.fsck.k9.K9; import com.fsck.k9.R; public class FileBrowserHelper { /** * A string array that specifies the name of the intent to use, and the scheme to use with it * when setting the data for the intent. */ private static final String[][] PICK_DIRECTORY_INTENTS = { { "org.openintents.action.PICK_DIRECTORY", "file://" }, // OI File Manager (maybe others) { "com.estrongs.action.PICK_DIRECTORY", "file://" }, // ES File Explorer { Intent.ACTION_PICK, "folder://" }, // Blackmoon File Browser (maybe others) { "com.androidworkz.action.PICK_DIRECTORY", "file://" } }; // SystemExplorer private static FileBrowserHelper sInstance; /** * callback class to provide the result of the fallback textedit path dialog */ public interface FileBrowserFailOverCallback { /** * the user has entered a path * @param path the path as String */ public void onPathEntered(String path); /** * the user has cancel the inputtext dialog */ public void onCancel(); } /** * factory method * */ private FileBrowserHelper() { } public synchronized static FileBrowserHelper getInstance() { if (sInstance == null) { sInstance = new FileBrowserHelper(); } return sInstance; } /** * tries to open known filebrowsers. * If no filebrowser is found and fallback textdialog is shown * @param c the context as activity * @param startPath: the default value, where the filebrowser will start. * if startPath = null => the default path is used * @param requestcode: the int you will get as requestcode in onActivityResult * (only used if there is a filebrowser installed) * @param callback: the callback (only used when no filebrowser is installed. * if a filebrowser is installed => override the onActivtyResult Method * * @return true: if a filebrowser has been found (the result will be in the onActivityResult * false: a fallback textinput has been shown. The Result will be sent with the callback method * * */ public boolean showFileBrowserActivity(Activity c, File startPath, int requestcode, FileBrowserFailOverCallback callback) { boolean success = false; if (startPath == null) { startPath = new File(K9.getAttachmentDefaultPath()); } int listIndex = 0; do { String intentAction = PICK_DIRECTORY_INTENTS[listIndex][0]; String uriPrefix = PICK_DIRECTORY_INTENTS[listIndex][1]; Intent intent = new Intent(intentAction); intent.setData(Uri.parse(uriPrefix + startPath.getPath())); try { c.startActivityForResult(intent, requestcode); success = true; } catch (ActivityNotFoundException e) { // Try the next intent in the list listIndex++; } } while (!success && (listIndex < PICK_DIRECTORY_INTENTS.length)); if (listIndex == PICK_DIRECTORY_INTENTS.length) { //No Filebrowser is installed => show a fallback textdialog showPathTextInput(c, startPath, callback); success = false; } return success; } public boolean showFileBrowserActivity(Fragment c, File startPath, int requestcode, FileBrowserFailOverCallback callback) { boolean success = false; if (startPath == null) { startPath = new File(K9.getAttachmentDefaultPath()); } int listIndex = 0; do { String intentAction = PICK_DIRECTORY_INTENTS[listIndex][0]; String uriPrefix = PICK_DIRECTORY_INTENTS[listIndex][1]; Intent intent = new Intent(intentAction); intent.setData(Uri.parse(uriPrefix + startPath.getPath())); try { c.startActivityForResult(intent, requestcode); success = true; } catch (ActivityNotFoundException e) { // Try the next intent in the list listIndex++; } } while (!success && (listIndex < PICK_DIRECTORY_INTENTS.length)); if (listIndex == PICK_DIRECTORY_INTENTS.length) { //No Filebrowser is installed => show a fallback textdialog showPathTextInput(c.getActivity(), startPath, callback); success = false; } return success; } private void showPathTextInput(final Activity c, final File startPath, final FileBrowserFailOverCallback callback) { AlertDialog.Builder alert = new AlertDialog.Builder(c); alert.setTitle(c.getString(R.string.attachment_save_title)); alert.setMessage(c.getString(R.string.attachment_save_desc)); final EditText input = new EditText(c); input.setInputType(InputType.TYPE_CLASS_TEXT); if (startPath != null) input.setText(startPath.toString()); alert.setView(input); alert.setPositiveButton(c.getString(R.string.okay_action), new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int whichButton) { String path = input.getText().toString(); callback.onPathEntered(path); } }); alert.setNegativeButton(c.getString(R.string.cancel_action), new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int whichButton) { callback.onCancel(); } });; } }