#!/usr/bin/env python # Rewrite localized strings files to match the formatting of the master strings file in an Android project # # Written for use with K-9 Mail (https://github.com/k9mail/k-9) # Licensed under the WTFPL (http://www.wtfpl.net/about/) import sys import re from copy import deepcopy from lxml import etree INDENTATION = " " * 4 def new_tail(element): newline_count = element.tail.count("\n") if newline_count == 0: return element.tail else: return "%s%s" % ("\n" * newline_count, INDENTATION) def remove_namespace_attribute(text): return re.sub(' xmlns:xliff="[^"]+"', "", text) def fix_children_tail(element): for item in element.getchildren(): if item.tail is not None and item.tail.count("\n") > 0: item.tail = "\n%s" % (INDENTATION * 2) element.getchildren()[-1].tail = "\n%s" % INDENTATION if len(sys.argv) < 3: print "Usage: sync_translation.py <master> <translation>" print "Example: sync_translation.py res/values/strings.xml res/values-zh-rTW/strings.xml" exit(1) master_file = sys.argv[1] translation_file = sys.argv[2] # Parse source files parser = etree.XMLParser(strip_cdata=False) master = etree.parse(master_file, parser=parser) translation = etree.parse(translation_file, parser=parser) # Create new XML object for the output output = etree.Element("resources", nsmap={'xliff': "urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2"}) output.text = "\n%s" % INDENTATION # Copy top level comments from translation previous = output elem = translation.getroot() while elem.getprevious() is not None: elem = elem.getprevious() new_elem = deepcopy(elem) previous.addprevious(new_elem) previous = new_elem for element in master.getroot().getchildren(): if not isinstance(element.tag, basestring): # This is a comment; copy it to 'output' new_element = deepcopy(element) new_element.tail = new_tail(element) output.append(new_element) else: tag = element.tag name = element.get("name") if tag == "string": # Find string element in translation translated = translation.find('.//string[@name="%s"]' % name) if translated is None: # No translation found; copy original string and make it a comment temp_element = deepcopy(element) temp_element.tail = "" text = " NEW: %s" % etree.tostring(temp_element, encoding="UNICODE") text = remove_namespace_attribute(text) new_element = etree.Comment(text) else: # Translation found; use it new_element = deepcopy(translated) new_element.tail = new_tail(element) output.append(new_element) elif tag == "plurals": # Find plurals element in translation translated = translation.find('.//plurals[@name="%s"]' % name) if translated is None: # No translation found; copy original element and wrap it in a comment temp_element = deepcopy(element) temp_element.tail = "" fix_children_tail(temp_element) text = " NEW:\n%s%s\n%s" % (INDENTATION, etree.tostring(temp_element, encoding="UNICODE"), INDENTATION) text = remove_namespace_attribute(text) new_element = etree.Comment(text) else: # Translation found; use it new_element = deepcopy(translated) fix_children_tail(new_element) new_element.tail = new_tail(element) output.append(new_element) else: sys.stderr.write("Unknown element: %s\n" % tag) output.getchildren()[-1].tail = "\n" tree = etree.ElementTree(output) tree.write(sys.argv[2], xml_declaration=True, encoding="UTF-8", pretty_print=True)