package com.fsck.k9.helper; import android.content.ContentResolver; import android.content.Context; import android.database.Cursor; import; import android.os.Build; import android.content.Intent; import com.fsck.k9.mail.Address; /** * Helper class to access the contacts stored on the device. This is needed * because the original contacts API introduced with SDK 1 was deprecated with * SDK 5 and will eventually be removed in newer SDK versions. * A class that uses the latest contacts API available on the device will be * loaded at runtime. * * @see ContactsSdk5 * @see ContactsSdk5p */ public abstract class Contacts { /** * Instance of the SDK specific class that interfaces with the contacts * API. */ private static Contacts sInstance = null; /** * Get SDK specific instance of the Contacts class. * * @param context A {@link Context} instance. * @return Appropriate {@link Contacts} instance for this device. */ public static Contacts getInstance(Context context) { Context appContext = context.getApplicationContext(); if (sInstance == null) { /* * Check the version of the SDK we are running on. Choose an * implementation class designed for that version of the SDK. */ if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT <= Build.VERSION_CODES.ECLAIR_MR1) { /* * The new API was introduced with SDK 5. But Android versions < 2.2 * need some additional code to be able to search for phonetic names. */ sInstance = new ContactsSdk5p(appContext); } else { sInstance = new ContactsSdk5(appContext); } } return sInstance; } protected Context mContext; protected ContentResolver mContentResolver; protected Boolean mHasContactPicker; /** * Constructor * * @param context A {@link Context} instance. */ protected Contacts(Context context) { mContext = context; mContentResolver = context.getContentResolver(); } /** * Start the activity to add information to an existing contact or add a * new one. * * @param email An {@link Address} instance containing the email address * of the entity you want to add to the contacts. Optionally * the instance also contains the (display) name of that * entity. */ public abstract void createContact(Address email); /** * Start the activity to add a phone number to an existing contact or add a new one. * * @param phoneNumber * The phone number to add to a contact, or to use when creating a new contact. */ public abstract void addPhoneContact(String phoneNumber); /** * Check whether the provided email address belongs to one of the contacts. * * @param emailAddress The email address to look for. * @return true, if the email address belongs to a contact. * false, otherwise. */ public abstract boolean isInContacts(String emailAddress); /** * Filter the contacts matching the given search term. * * @param filter The search term to filter the contacts. * @return A {@link Cursor} instance that can be used to get the * matching contacts. */ public abstract Cursor searchContacts(CharSequence filter); /** * Get the name of the contact an email address belongs to. * * @param address The email address to search for. * @return The name of the contact the email address belongs to. Or * null if there's no matching contact. */ public abstract String getNameForAddress(String address); /** * Extract the name from a {@link Cursor} instance returned by * {@link #searchContacts(CharSequence)}. * * @param cursor The {@link Cursor} instance. * @return The name of the contact in the {@link Cursor}'s current row. */ public abstract String getName(Cursor cursor); /** * Extract the email address from a {@link Cursor} instance returned by * {@link #searchContacts(CharSequence)}. * * @param cursor The {@link Cursor} instance. * @return The email address of the contact in the {@link Cursor}'s current * row. */ public abstract String getEmail(Cursor cursor); /** * Mark contacts with the provided email addresses as contacted. * * @param addresses Array of {@link Address} objects describing the * contacts to be marked as contacted. */ public abstract void markAsContacted(final Address[] addresses); /** * Creates the intent necessary to open a contact picker. * * @return The intent necessary to open a contact picker. */ public abstract Intent contactPickerIntent(); /** * Given a contact picker intent, returns a {@code ContactItem} instance for that contact. * * @param intent * The {@link Intent} returned by the contact picker. * * @return A {@link ContactItem} instance describing the picked contact. Or {@code null} if the * contact doesn't have any email addresses. */ public abstract ContactItem extractInfoFromContactPickerIntent(final Intent intent); /** * Get URI to the picture of the contact with the supplied email address. * * @param address * An email address. The contact database is searched for a contact with this email * address. * * @return URI to the picture of the contact with the supplied email address. {@code null} if * no such contact could be found or the contact doesn't have a picture. */ public abstract Uri getPhotoUri(String address); /** * Does the device actually have a Contacts application suitable for * picking a contact. As hard as it is to believe, some vendors ship * without it. * * @return True, if the device supports picking contacts. False, otherwise. */ public boolean hasContactPicker() { if (mHasContactPicker == null) { mHasContactPicker = !(mContext.getPackageManager(). queryIntentActivities(contactPickerIntent(), 0).isEmpty()); } return mHasContactPicker; } }