package; import; import; import android.util.Log; import com.fsck.k9.mail.Authentication; import com.fsck.k9.mail.AuthenticationFailedException; import com.fsck.k9.mail.CertificateValidationException; import com.fsck.k9.mail.ConnectionSecurity; import com.fsck.k9.mail.K9MailLib; import com.fsck.k9.mail.MessagingException; import com.fsck.k9.mail.filter.Base64; import com.fsck.k9.mail.filter.PeekableInputStream; import com.fsck.k9.mail.ssl.TrustedSocketFactory; import; import com.fsck.k9.mail.transport.imap.ImapSettings; import com.jcraft.jzlib.JZlib; import com.jcraft.jzlib.ZOutputStream; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Set; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import; import; import; import static com.fsck.k9.mail.K9MailLib.DEBUG_PROTOCOL_IMAP; import static com.fsck.k9.mail.K9MailLib.LOG_TAG; /** * A cacheable class that stores the details for a single IMAP connection. */ class ImapConnection { private Socket mSocket; private PeekableInputStream mIn; private OutputStream mOut; private ImapResponseParser mParser; private int mNextCommandTag; private Set capabilities = new HashSet(); private ImapSettings mSettings; private ConnectivityManager mConnectivityManager; private final TrustedSocketFactory mSocketFactory; public ImapConnection(ImapSettings settings, TrustedSocketFactory socketFactory, ConnectivityManager connectivityManager) { this.mSettings = settings; this.mSocketFactory = socketFactory; this.mConnectivityManager = connectivityManager; } public Set getCapabilities() { return capabilities; } public OutputStream getOutputStream() { return mOut; } protected String getLogId() { return "conn" + hashCode(); } private List receiveCapabilities(List responses) { for (ImapResponse response : responses) { ImapList capabilityList = null; if (!response.isEmpty() && ImapResponseParser.equalsIgnoreCase(response.get(0), "OK")) { for (Object thisPart : response) { if (thisPart instanceof ImapList) { ImapList thisList = (ImapList)thisPart; if (ImapResponseParser.equalsIgnoreCase(thisList.get(0), ImapCommands.CAPABILITY_CAPABILITY)) { capabilityList = thisList; break; } } } } else if (response.mTag == null) { capabilityList = response; } if (capabilityList != null && !capabilityList.isEmpty() && ImapResponseParser.equalsIgnoreCase(capabilityList.get(0), ImapCommands.CAPABILITY_CAPABILITY)) { if (K9MailLib.isDebug()) { Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Saving " + capabilityList.size() + " capabilities for " + getLogId()); } for (Object capability : capabilityList) { if (capability instanceof String) { // if (K9MailLib.isDebug()) // { // Log.v(LOG_TAG, "Saving capability '" + capability + "' for " + getLogId()); // } capabilities.add(((String)capability).toUpperCase(Locale.US)); } } } } return responses; } public void open() throws IOException, MessagingException { if (isOpen()) { return; } boolean authSuccess = false; mNextCommandTag = 1; try { Security.setProperty("networkaddress.cache.ttl", "0"); } catch (Exception e) { Log.w(LOG_TAG, "Could not set DNS ttl to 0 for " + getLogId(), e); } try { Security.setProperty("networkaddress.cache.negative.ttl", "0"); } catch (Exception e) { Log.w(LOG_TAG, "Could not set DNS negative ttl to 0 for " + getLogId(), e); } try { ConnectionSecurity connectionSecurity = mSettings.getConnectionSecurity(); // Try all IPv4 and IPv6 addresses of the host InetAddress[] addresses = InetAddress.getAllByName(mSettings.getHost()); for (int i = 0; i < addresses.length; i++) { try { if (K9MailLib.isDebug() && DEBUG_PROTOCOL_IMAP) { Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Connecting to " + mSettings.getHost() + " as " + addresses[i]); } SocketAddress socketAddress = new InetSocketAddress(addresses[i], mSettings.getPort()); if (connectionSecurity == ConnectionSecurity.SSL_TLS_REQUIRED) { mSocket = mSocketFactory.createSocket( null, mSettings.getHost(), mSettings.getPort(), mSettings.getClientCertificateAlias()); } else { mSocket = new Socket(); } mSocket.connect(socketAddress, RemoteStore.SOCKET_CONNECT_TIMEOUT); // Successfully connected to the server; don't try any other addresses break; } catch (SocketException e) { if (i < (addresses.length - 1)) { // There are still other addresses for that host to try continue; } throw new MessagingException("Cannot connect to host", e); } } setReadTimeout(RemoteStore.SOCKET_READ_TIMEOUT); mIn = new PeekableInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(mSocket.getInputStream(), 1024)); mParser = new ImapResponseParser(mIn); mOut = new BufferedOutputStream(mSocket.getOutputStream(), 1024); capabilities.clear(); ImapResponse nullResponse = mParser.readResponse(); if (K9MailLib.isDebug() && DEBUG_PROTOCOL_IMAP) Log.v(LOG_TAG, getLogId() + "<<<" + nullResponse); List nullResponses = new LinkedList(); nullResponses.add(nullResponse); receiveCapabilities(nullResponses); if (!hasCapability(ImapCommands.CAPABILITY_CAPABILITY)) { if (K9MailLib.isDebug()) Log.i(LOG_TAG, "Did not get capabilities in banner, requesting CAPABILITY for " + getLogId()); List responses = receiveCapabilities(executeSimpleCommand(ImapCommands.COMMAND_CAPABILITY)); if (responses.size() != 2) { throw new MessagingException("Invalid CAPABILITY response received"); } } if (mSettings.getConnectionSecurity() == ConnectionSecurity.STARTTLS_REQUIRED) { if (hasCapability("STARTTLS")) { // STARTTLS executeSimpleCommand("STARTTLS"); mSocket = mSocketFactory.createSocket( mSocket, mSettings.getHost(), mSettings.getPort(), mSettings.getClientCertificateAlias()); mSocket.setSoTimeout(RemoteStore.SOCKET_READ_TIMEOUT); mIn = new PeekableInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(mSocket .getInputStream(), 1024)); mParser = new ImapResponseParser(mIn); mOut = new BufferedOutputStream(mSocket.getOutputStream(), 1024); // Per RFC 2595 (3.1): Once TLS has been started, reissue CAPABILITY command if (K9MailLib.isDebug()) Log.i(LOG_TAG, "Updating capabilities after STARTTLS for " + getLogId()); capabilities.clear(); List responses = receiveCapabilities(executeSimpleCommand(ImapCommands.COMMAND_CAPABILITY)); if (responses.size() != 2) { throw new MessagingException("Invalid CAPABILITY response received"); } } else { /* * This exception triggers a "Certificate error" * notification that takes the user to the incoming * server settings for review. This might be needed if * the account was configured with an obsolete * "STARTTLS (if available)" setting. */ throw new CertificateValidationException( "STARTTLS connection security not available"); } } switch (mSettings.getAuthType()) { case CRAM_MD5: if (hasCapability(ImapCommands.CAPABILITY_AUTH_CRAM_MD5)) { authCramMD5(); } else { throw new MessagingException( "Server doesn't support encrypted passwords using CRAM-MD5."); } break; case PLAIN: if (hasCapability(ImapCommands.CAPABILITY_AUTH_PLAIN)) { saslAuthPlain(); } else if (!hasCapability(ImapCommands.CAPABILITY_LOGINDISABLED)) { login(); } else { throw new MessagingException( "Server doesn't support unencrypted passwords using AUTH=PLAIN and LOGIN is disabled."); } break; case EXTERNAL: if (hasCapability(ImapCommands.CAPABILITY_AUTH_EXTERNAL)) { saslAuthExternal(); } else { // Provide notification to user of a problem authenticating using client certificates throw new CertificateValidationException(CertificateValidationException.Reason.MissingCapability); } break; default: throw new MessagingException( "Unhandled authentication method found in the server settings (bug)."); } authSuccess = true; if (K9MailLib.isDebug()) { Log.d(LOG_TAG, ImapCommands.CAPABILITY_COMPRESS_DEFLATE + " = " + hasCapability(ImapCommands.CAPABILITY_COMPRESS_DEFLATE)); } if (hasCapability(ImapCommands.CAPABILITY_COMPRESS_DEFLATE)) { boolean useCompression = true; NetworkInfo netInfo = mConnectivityManager.getActiveNetworkInfo(); if (netInfo != null) { int type = netInfo.getType(); if (K9MailLib.isDebug()) Log.d(LOG_TAG, "On network type " + type); useCompression = mSettings.useCompression(type); } if (K9MailLib.isDebug()) Log.d(LOG_TAG, "useCompression " + useCompression); if (useCompression) { try { executeSimpleCommand(ImapCommands.COMMAND_COMPRESS_DEFLATE); Inflater inf = new Inflater(true); InflaterInputStream zInputStream = new InflaterInputStream(mSocket.getInputStream(), inf); mIn = new PeekableInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(zInputStream, 1024)); mParser = new ImapResponseParser(mIn); ZOutputStream zOutputStream = new ZOutputStream(mSocket.getOutputStream(), JZlib.Z_BEST_SPEED, true); mOut = new BufferedOutputStream(zOutputStream, 1024); zOutputStream.setFlushMode(JZlib.Z_PARTIAL_FLUSH); if (K9MailLib.isDebug()) { Log.i(LOG_TAG, "Compression enabled for " + getLogId()); } } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(LOG_TAG, "Unable to negotiate compression", e); } } } if (K9MailLib.isDebug()) Log.d(LOG_TAG, "NAMESPACE = " + hasCapability(ImapCommands.CAPABILITY_NAMESPACE) + ", mPathPrefix = " + mSettings.getPathPrefix()); if (mSettings.getPathPrefix() == null) { if (hasCapability(ImapCommands.CAPABILITY_NAMESPACE)) { if (K9MailLib.isDebug()) Log.i(LOG_TAG, "mPathPrefix is unset and server has NAMESPACE capability"); List namespaceResponses = executeSimpleCommand(ImapCommands.COMMAND_NAMESPACE); for (ImapResponse response : namespaceResponses) { if (ImapResponseParser.equalsIgnoreCase(response.get(0), ImapCommands.COMMAND_NAMESPACE)) { if (K9MailLib.isDebug()) Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Got NAMESPACE response " + response + " on " + getLogId()); Object personalNamespaces = response.get(1); if (personalNamespaces != null && personalNamespaces instanceof ImapList) { if (K9MailLib.isDebug()) Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Got personal namespaces: " + personalNamespaces); ImapList bracketed = (ImapList)personalNamespaces; Object firstNamespace = bracketed.get(0); if (firstNamespace != null && firstNamespace instanceof ImapList) { if (K9MailLib.isDebug()) Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Got first personal namespaces: " + firstNamespace); bracketed = (ImapList)firstNamespace; mSettings.setPathPrefix(bracketed.getString(0)); mSettings.setPathDelimeter(bracketed.getString(1)); mSettings.setCombinedPrefix(null); if (K9MailLib.isDebug()) Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Got path '" + mSettings.getPathPrefix() + "' and separator '" + mSettings.getPathDelimeter() + "'"); } } } } } else { if (K9MailLib.isDebug()) Log.i(LOG_TAG, "mPathPrefix is unset but server does not have NAMESPACE capability"); mSettings.setPathPrefix(""); } } if (mSettings.getPathDelimeter() == null) { try { List nameResponses = executeSimpleCommand("LIST \"\" \"\""); for (ImapResponse response : nameResponses) { if (ImapResponseParser.equalsIgnoreCase(response.get(0), "LIST")) { mSettings.setPathDelimeter(response.getString(2)); mSettings.setCombinedPrefix(null); if (K9MailLib.isDebug()) Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Got path delimeter '" + mSettings.getPathDelimeter() + "' for " + getLogId()); } } } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(LOG_TAG, "Unable to get path delimeter using LIST", e); } } } catch (SSLException e) { if (e.getCause() instanceof CertificateException) { throw new CertificateValidationException(e.getMessage(), e); } else { throw e; } } catch (GeneralSecurityException gse) { throw new MessagingException( "Unable to open connection to IMAP server due to security error.", gse); } catch (ConnectException ce) { String ceMess = ce.getMessage(); String[] tokens = ceMess.split("-"); if (tokens.length > 1 && tokens[1] != null) { Log.e(LOG_TAG, "Stripping host/port from ConnectionException for " + getLogId(), ce); throw new ConnectException(tokens[1].trim()); } else { throw ce; } } finally { if (!authSuccess) { Log.e(LOG_TAG, "Failed to login, closing connection for " + getLogId()); close(); } } } protected void login() throws IOException, MessagingException { /* * Use quoted strings which permit spaces and quotes. (Using IMAP * string literals would be better, but some servers are broken * and don't parse them correctly.) */ // escape double-quotes and backslash characters with a backslash Pattern p = Pattern.compile("[\\\\\"]"); String replacement = "\\\\$0"; String username = p.matcher(mSettings.getUsername()).replaceAll( replacement); String password = p.matcher(mSettings.getPassword()).replaceAll( replacement); try { receiveCapabilities(executeSimpleCommand( String.format("LOGIN \"%s\" \"%s\"", username, password), true)); } catch (ImapStore.ImapException e) { throw new AuthenticationFailedException(e.getMessage()); } } protected void authCramMD5() throws MessagingException, IOException { String command = "AUTHENTICATE CRAM-MD5"; String tag = sendCommand(command, false); ImapResponse response = readContinuationResponse(tag); if (response.size() != 1 || !(response.get(0) instanceof String)) { throw new MessagingException("Invalid Cram-MD5 nonce received"); } byte[] b64Nonce = response.getString(0).getBytes(); byte[] b64CRAM = Authentication.computeCramMd5Bytes( mSettings.getUsername(), mSettings.getPassword(), b64Nonce); mOut.write(b64CRAM); mOut.write('\r'); mOut.write('\n'); mOut.flush(); try { receiveCapabilities(readStatusResponse(tag, command, null)); } catch (MessagingException e) { throw new AuthenticationFailedException(e.getMessage()); } } protected void saslAuthPlain() throws IOException, MessagingException { String command = "AUTHENTICATE PLAIN"; String tag = sendCommand(command, false); readContinuationResponse(tag); mOut.write(Base64.encodeBase64(("\000" + mSettings.getUsername() + "\000" + mSettings.getPassword()).getBytes())); mOut.write('\r'); mOut.write('\n'); mOut.flush(); try { receiveCapabilities(readStatusResponse(tag, command, null)); } catch (MessagingException e) { throw new AuthenticationFailedException(e.getMessage()); } } private void saslAuthExternal() throws IOException, MessagingException { try { receiveCapabilities(executeSimpleCommand( String.format("AUTHENTICATE EXTERNAL %s", Base64.encode(mSettings.getUsername())), false)); } catch (ImapStore.ImapException e) { /* * Provide notification to the user of a problem authenticating * using client certificates. We don't use an * AuthenticationFailedException because that would trigger a * "Username or password incorrect" notification in * AccountSetupCheckSettings. */ throw new CertificateValidationException(e.getMessage()); } } protected ImapResponse readContinuationResponse(String tag) throws IOException, MessagingException { ImapResponse response; do { response = readResponse(); if (response.mTag != null) { if (response.mTag.equalsIgnoreCase(tag)) { throw new MessagingException( "Command continuation aborted: " + response); } else { Log.w(LOG_TAG, "After sending tag " + tag + ", got tag response from previous command " + response + " for " + getLogId()); } } } while (!response.mCommandContinuationRequested); return response; } protected List readStatusResponse(String tag, String commandToLog, ImapStore.UntaggedHandler untaggedHandler) throws IOException, MessagingException { List responses = new ArrayList(); ImapResponse response; do { response = mParser.readResponse(); if (K9MailLib.isDebug() && DEBUG_PROTOCOL_IMAP) Log.v(LOG_TAG, getLogId() + "<<<" + response); if (response.mTag != null && !response.mTag.equalsIgnoreCase(tag)) { Log.w(LOG_TAG, "After sending tag " + tag + ", got tag response from previous command " + response + " for " + getLogId()); Iterator iter = responses.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { ImapResponse delResponse =; if (delResponse.mTag != null || delResponse.size() < 2 || (!ImapResponseParser.equalsIgnoreCase(delResponse.get(1), "EXISTS") && !ImapResponseParser.equalsIgnoreCase(delResponse.get(1), "EXPUNGE"))) { iter.remove(); } } response.mTag = null; continue; } if (untaggedHandler != null) { untaggedHandler.handleAsyncUntaggedResponse(response); } responses.add(response); } while (response.mTag == null); if (response.size() < 1 || !ImapResponseParser.equalsIgnoreCase(response.get(0), "OK")) { throw new ImapStore.ImapException("Command: " + commandToLog + "; response: " + response.toString(), response.getAlertText()); } return responses; } protected void setReadTimeout(int millis) throws SocketException { Socket sock = mSocket; if (sock != null) { sock.setSoTimeout(millis); } } protected boolean isIdleCapable() { if (K9MailLib.isDebug()) Log.v(LOG_TAG, "Connection " + getLogId() + " has " + capabilities.size() + " capabilities"); return capabilities.contains(ImapCommands.CAPABILITY_IDLE); } protected boolean hasCapability(String capability) { return capabilities.contains(capability.toUpperCase(Locale.US)); } public boolean isOpen() { return (mIn != null && mOut != null && mSocket != null && mSocket.isConnected() && !mSocket.isClosed()); } public void close() { // if (isOpen()) { // try { // executeSimpleCommand("LOGOUT"); // } catch (Exception e) { // // } // } IOUtils.closeQuietly(mIn); IOUtils.closeQuietly(mOut); IOUtils.closeQuietly(mSocket); mIn = null; mOut = null; mSocket = null; } public ImapResponse readResponse() throws IOException, MessagingException { return readResponse(null); } public ImapResponse readResponse(ImapResponseParser.IImapResponseCallback callback) throws IOException { try { ImapResponse response = mParser.readResponse(callback); if (K9MailLib.isDebug() && DEBUG_PROTOCOL_IMAP) Log.v(LOG_TAG, getLogId() + "<<<" + response); return response; } catch (IOException ioe) { close(); throw ioe; } } public void sendContinuation(String continuation) throws IOException { mOut.write(continuation.getBytes()); mOut.write('\r'); mOut.write('\n'); mOut.flush(); if (K9MailLib.isDebug() && DEBUG_PROTOCOL_IMAP) Log.v(LOG_TAG, getLogId() + ">>> " + continuation); } public String sendCommand(String command, boolean sensitive) throws MessagingException, IOException { try { open(); String tag = Integer.toString(mNextCommandTag++); String commandToSend = tag + " " + command + "\r\n"; mOut.write(commandToSend.getBytes()); mOut.flush(); if (K9MailLib.isDebug() && DEBUG_PROTOCOL_IMAP) { if (sensitive && !K9MailLib.isDebugSensitive()) { Log.v(LOG_TAG, getLogId() + ">>> " + "[Command Hidden, Enable Sensitive Debug Logging To Show]"); } else { Log.v(LOG_TAG, getLogId() + ">>> " + commandToSend); } } return tag; } catch (IOException ioe) { close(); throw ioe; } catch (ImapStore.ImapException ie) { close(); throw ie; } catch (MessagingException me) { close(); throw me; } } public List executeSimpleCommand(String command) throws IOException, MessagingException { return executeSimpleCommand(command, false, null); } public List executeSimpleCommand(String command, boolean sensitive) throws IOException, MessagingException { return executeSimpleCommand(command, sensitive, null); } public List executeSimpleCommand(String command, boolean sensitive, ImapStore.UntaggedHandler untaggedHandler) throws IOException, MessagingException { String commandToLog = command; if (sensitive && !K9MailLib.isDebugSensitive()) { commandToLog = "*sensitive*"; } //if (K9MailLib.isDebug()) // Log.v(LOG_TAG, "Sending IMAP command " + commandToLog + " on connection " + getLogId()); String tag = sendCommand(command, sensitive); //if (K9MailLib.isDebug()) // Log.v(LOG_TAG, "Sent IMAP command " + commandToLog + " with tag " + tag + " for " + getLogId()); return readStatusResponse(tag, commandToLog, untaggedHandler); } }