When selecting one of the five vibrate patterns or the number of repetitions, we should demonstrate to the user what the vibrate pattern feels like. (Thanks to achen.code)
use the ListPreference instead of the EditTextPreference to set vibrate times.
Respect "Return to list after delete" after pressing on "Archive", "Move", or "Spam" button.
TODO: Change strings to reflect this change (e.g. "Return to list after move/delete")
* ideal-screenreader:
The IDEAL Group have joined the K-9 dogwalkers and submitted their code to be part of K-9!
Initial import of the Ideal K-9 branch which adds support for screenreaders.
themselves up for download.
To do so, we need to start storing the original content-id and
content-disposition for attachments - this includes a database upgrade.
Based on a patch from @achen.code
Update issue 1916
Status: started
I updated the existing strings.xml with many of your fixes and added a Canadian French specific strings.xml: it only contains terms that differ.
Identified terms (fr / fr_CA) :
e-mail / courriel
spam / pourriel
You can now choose "Français (Canada)" language from the configuration screen.
I tried to match the Gmail application running on a system configured with French locale: it mainly use the "message" term and sometime "e-mail" like in notifications as well as "spam".
Some other modifications are spelling fixes.
Our previous implementation of UID FETCH didn't ever take into account
maximum command line lengths. When fetching, say 800 messages from a
GMail IMAP server, we could easily overflow the max line length leading
to a fetch that didn't get all the messages we wanted to and was
truncated before the description of which fields we want. That caused
K-9 to fetch complete messages, exhaust memory and ultimately fail,
even when we were just trying to get message lengths.
An equivalent fix needs to be made to seach by UID.
all of our mail syncing code. This led to very choppy UI experience.
This change doesn't entirely fix message load lag, but the _worst case_
I see is now better than the best case I saw last week.
Added option to automatically show images in message view (always, if sender is in contacts, never).
Patch by paulkilroy (thanks!)
Includes bugfix for the "Show pictures" on orientation change code introduced earlier.