mirror of
synced 2025-02-14 14:10:27 -05:00
Removed ancient build.xml files from when we were switching from 1.1 to 1.5. (1.5 is now the default in build.xml)
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,297 +0,0 @@
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<project name="K9" default="debug">
<!-- SDK Locations -->
<property environment="env"/>
<property name="sdk-folder" value="${env.ANDROID_SDK}" />
<property name="android-tools" value="${sdk-folder}/tools" />
<!-- Application Package Name -->
<property name="application-package" value="com.fsck.k9" />
<!-- The intermediates directory -->
<!-- Eclipse uses "bin" for its own output, so we do the same. -->
<property name="outdir" value="bin" />
<!-- ************************************************************************************* -->
<!-- No user servicable parts below. -->
<property name="android-framework" value="${android-tools}/lib/framework.aidl" />
<property name="android-libs" value="${android-tools}/lib/" />
<!-- Input directories -->
<property name="resource-dir" value="res" />
<property name="asset-dir" value="assets" />
<property name="srcdir" value="src" />
<condition property="srcdir-ospath"
else="${basedir}/${srcdir}" >
<os family="windows"/>
<property name="external-libs" value="libs" />
<condition property="external-libs-ospath"
else="${basedir}/${external-libs}" >
<os family="windows"/>
<!-- Output directories -->
<property name="outdir-classes" value="${outdir}/classes" />
<condition property="outdir-classes-ospath"
else="${basedir}/${outdir-classes}" >
<os family="windows"/>
<!-- Create R.java in the source directory -->
<property name="outdir-r" value="src" />
<!-- Intermediate files -->
<property name="dex-file" value="classes.dex" />
<property name="intermediate-dex" value="${outdir}/${dex-file}" />
<condition property="intermediate-dex-ospath"
else="${basedir}/${intermediate-dex}" >
<os family="windows"/>
<!-- The final package file to generate -->
<property name="resources-package" value="${outdir}/${ant.project.name}.ap_" />
<condition property="resources-package-ospath"
else="${basedir}/${resources-package}" >
<os family="windows"/>
<property name="out-debug-package" value="${outdir}/${ant.project.name}-debug.apk" />
<condition property="out-debug-package-ospath"
else="${basedir}/${out-debug-package}" >
<os family="windows"/>
<property name="out-signed-package" value="${outdir}/${ant.project.name}-signed.apk" />
<condition property="out-signed-package-ospath"
else="${basedir}/${out-signed-package}" >
<os family="windows"/>
<property name="out-unsigned-package" value="${outdir}/${ant.project.name}-unsigned.apk" />
<condition property="out-unsigned-package-ospath"
else="${basedir}/${out-unsigned-package}" >
<os family="windows"/>
<!-- Tools -->
<condition property="aapt" value="${android-tools}/aapt.exe" else="${android-tools}/aapt" >
<os family="windows"/>
<condition property="aidl" value="${android-tools}/aidl.exe" else="${android-tools}/aidl" >
<os family="windows"/>
<condition property="adb" value="${android-tools}/adb.exe" else="${android-tools}/adb" >
<os family="windows"/>
<condition property="dx" value="${android-tools}/dx.bat" else="${android-tools}/dx" >
<os family="windows"/>
<condition property="apk-builder" value="${android-tools}/apkbuilder.bat" else="${android-tools}/apkbuilder" >
<os family="windows"/>
<property name="android-jar" value="${sdk-folder}/android.jar" />
<!-- Rules -->
<!-- Create the output directories if they don't exist yet. -->
<target name="dirs">
<echo>Creating output directories if needed...</echo>
<mkdir dir="${outdir}" />
<mkdir dir="${outdir-classes}" />
<!-- Generate the R.java file for this project's resources. -->
<target name="resource-src" depends="dirs">
<echo>Generating R.java / Manifest.java from the resources...</echo>
<exec executable="${aapt}" failonerror="true">
<arg value="package" />
<arg value="-m" />
<arg value="-J" />
<arg value="${outdir-r}" />
<arg value="-M" />
<arg value="AndroidManifest.xml" />
<arg value="-S" />
<arg value="${resource-dir}" />
<arg value="-I" />
<arg value="${android-jar}" />
<copy overwrite="true" file="src/com/fsck/k9/R.java" tofile="src/com/android/email/R.java">
<filterset begintoken="package " endtoken=";">
<filter token="com.fsck.k9" value="package com.android.email;"/>
<!-- Generate java classes from .aidl files. -->
<target name="aidl" depends="dirs">
<echo>Compiling aidl files into Java classes...</echo>
<apply executable="${aidl}" failonerror="true">
<arg value="-p${android-framework}" />
<arg value="-I${srcdir}" />
<fileset dir="${srcdir}">
<include name="**/*.aidl"/>
<!-- Compile this project's .java files into .class files. -->
<target name="compile" depends="dirs, resource-src, aidl">
<javac encoding="ascii" target="1.5" debug="true" extdirs=""
<fileset dir="${android-libs}" includes="*.jar"/>
<fileset dir="${external-libs}" includes="*.jar"/>
<!-- Convert this project's .class files into .dex files. -->
<target name="dex" depends="compile">
<echo>Converting compiled files and external libraries into ${outdir}/${dex-file}...</echo>
<apply executable="${dx}" failonerror="true" parallel="true">
<arg value="-JXmx1024m" />
<arg value="--dex" />
<arg value="--output=${intermediate-dex-ospath}" />
<arg path="${outdir-classes-ospath}" />
<fileset dir="${external-libs}" includes="*.jar"/>
<!-- Put the project's resources into the output package file. -->
<target name="package-res-and-assets">
<echo>Packaging resources and assets...</echo>
<exec executable="${aapt}" failonerror="true">
<arg value="package" />
<arg value="-f" />
<arg value="-M" />
<arg value="AndroidManifest.xml" />
<arg value="-S" />
<arg value="${resource-dir}" />
<arg value="-A" />
<arg value="${asset-dir}" />
<arg value="-I" />
<arg value="${android-jar}" />
<arg value="-F" />
<arg value="${resources-package}" />
<!-- Same as package-res-and-assets, but without "-A ${asset-dir}" -->
<target name="package-res-no-assets">
<echo>Packaging resources...</echo>
<exec executable="${aapt}" failonerror="true">
<arg value="package" />
<arg value="-f" />
<arg value="-M" />
<arg value="AndroidManifest.xml" />
<arg value="-S" />
<arg value="${resource-dir}" />
<!-- No assets directory -->
<arg value="-I" />
<arg value="${android-jar}" />
<arg value="-F" />
<arg value="${resources-package}" />
<!-- Invoke the proper target depending on whether or not
an assets directory is present. -->
<!-- TODO: find a nicer way to include the "-A ${asset-dir}" argument
only when the assets dir exists. -->
<target name="package-res">
<available file="${asset-dir}" type="dir"
property="res-target" value="and-assets" />
<property name="res-target" value="no-assets" />
<antcall target="package-res-${res-target}" />
<!-- Package the application and sign it with a debug key.
This is the default target when building. It is used for debug. -->
<target name="debug" depends="dex, package-res">
<echo>Packaging ${out-debug-package}, and signing it with a debug key...</echo>
<exec executable="${apk-builder}" failonerror="true">
<arg value="${out-debug-package-ospath}" />
<arg value="-z" />
<arg value="${resources-package-ospath}" />
<arg value="-f" />
<arg value="${intermediate-dex-ospath}" />
<arg value="-rf" />
<arg value="${srcdir-ospath}" />
<arg value="-rj" />
<arg value="${external-libs-ospath}" />
<!-- Package the application without signing it.
This allows for the application to be signed later with an official publishing key. -->
<target name="release" depends="dex, package-res">
<echo>Packaging ${out-unsigned-package} for release...</echo>
<exec executable="${apk-builder}" failonerror="true">
<arg value="${out-unsigned-package-ospath}" />
<arg value="-u" />
<arg value="-z" />
<arg value="${resources-package-ospath}" />
<arg value="-f" />
<arg value="${intermediate-dex-ospath}" />
<arg value="-rf" />
<arg value="${srcdir-ospath}" />
<arg value="-rj" />
<arg value="${external-libs-ospath}" />
<echo>Signing ${out-unsigned-package}</echo>
<exec executable="jarsigner" failonerror="true">
<arg value="-verbose" />
<arg value="-storepass" />
<arg value="${env.jarpass}" />
<arg value="-signedjar" />
<arg value="${out-signed-package-ospath}" />
<arg value="${out-unsigned-package-ospath}" />
<arg value="fsckcom" />
<!-- Install the package on the default emulator -->
<target name="install" depends="debug">
<echo>Installing ${out-debug-package} onto default emulator...</echo>
<exec executable="${adb}" failonerror="true">
<arg value="install" />
<arg value="${out-debug-package}" />
<target name="reinstall" depends="debug">
<echo>Installing ${out-debug-package} onto default emulator...</echo>
<exec executable="${adb}" failonerror="true">
<arg value="install" />
<arg value="-r" />
<arg value="${out-debug-package}" />
<!-- Uinstall the package from the default emulator -->
<target name="uninstall">
<echo>Uninstalling ${application-package} from the default emulator...</echo>
<exec executable="${adb}" failonerror="true">
<arg value="uninstall" />
<arg value="${application-package}" />
@ -1,305 +0,0 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project name="K9" default="help">
<!-- The local.properties file is created and updated by the 'android' tool.
It contain the path to the SDK. It should *NOT* be checked in in Version
Control Systems. -->
<property file="local.properties"/>
<!-- The build.properties file can be created by you and is never touched
by the 'android' tool. This is the place to change some of the default property values
used by the Ant rules.
Here are some properties you may want to change/update:
the name of your application package as defined in the manifest. Used by the
'uninstall' rule.
the name of the source folder. Default is 'src'.
the name of the output folder. Default is 'bin'.
Properties related to the SDK location or the project target should be updated
using the 'android' tool with the 'update' action.
This file is an integral part of the build system for your application and
should be checked in in Version Control Systems.
<property file="build.properties"/>
<!-- The default.properties file is created and updated by the 'android' tool, as well
as ADT.
This file is an integral part of the build system for your application and
should be checked in in Version Control Systems. -->
<property file="default.properties"/>
<!-- Custom Android task to deal with the project target, and import the proper rules.
This requires ant 1.6.0 or above. -->
<path id="android.antlibs">
<pathelement path="${sdk-location}/tools/lib/anttasks.jar" />
<pathelement path="${sdk-location}/tools/lib/sdklib.jar" />
<pathelement path="${sdk-location}/tools/lib/androidprefs.jar" />
<pathelement path="${sdk-location}/tools/lib/apkbuilder.jar" />
<pathelement path="${sdk-location}/tools/lib/jarutils.jar" />
<taskdef name="setup"
<setup import="false" />
<!-- Execute the Android Setup task that will setup some properties specific to the target,
and import the rules files.
To customize the rules, copy/paste them below the task, and disable import by setting
the import attribute to false:
This will ensure that the properties are setup correctly but that your customized
targets are used.
This rules file is meant to be imported by the custom Ant task:
The following properties are put in place by the importing task:
android-jar, android-aidl, aapt, aidl, and dx
Additionnaly, the task sets up the following classpath reference:
This is used by the compiler task as the boot classpath.
<!-- Custom tasks -->
<taskdef name="aaptexec"
<taskdef name="apkbuilder"
<!-- Properties -->
<property name="android-tools" value="${sdk-location}/tools" />
<!-- Input directories -->
<property name="source-folder" value="src" />
<property name="gen-folder" value="gen" />
<property name="resource-folder" value="res" />
<property name="asset-folder" value="assets" />
<property name="source-location" value="${basedir}/${source-folder}" />
<!-- folder for the 3rd party java libraries -->
<property name="external-libs-folder" value="libs" />
<!-- folder for the native libraries -->
<property name="native-libs-folder" value="libs" />
<!-- Output directories -->
<property name="gen-folder" value="gen" />
<property name="out-folder" value="bin" />
<property name="out-classes" value="${out-folder}/classes" />
<property name="out-classes-location" value="${basedir}/${out-classes}"/>
<!-- out folders for a parent project if this project is an instrumentation project -->
<property name="main-out-folder" value="../${out-folder}" />
<property name="main-out-classes" value="${main-out-folder}/classes"/>
<!-- Intermediate files -->
<property name="dex-file" value="classes.dex" />
<property name="intermediate-dex" value="${out-folder}/${dex-file}" />
<!-- dx does not properly support incorrect / or \ based on the platform
and Ant cannot convert them because the parameter is not a valid path.
Because of this we have to compute different paths depending on the platform. -->
<condition property="intermediate-dex-location"
else="${basedir}/${intermediate-dex}" >
<os family="windows"/>
<!-- The final package file to generate -->
<property name="out-debug-package" value="${out-folder}/${ant.project.name}-debug.apk"/>
<!-- Tools -->
<condition property="exe" value=".exe" else=""><os family="windows"/></condition>
<property name="adb" value="${android-tools}/adb${exe}"/>
<!-- rules -->
<!-- Create the output directories if they don't exist yet. -->
<target name="dirs">
<echo>Creating output directories if needed...</echo>
<mkdir dir="${resource-folder}" />
<mkdir dir="${external-libs-folder}" />
<mkdir dir="${gen-folder}" />
<mkdir dir="${out-folder}" />
<mkdir dir="${out-classes}" />
<!-- Generate the R.java file for this project's resources. -->
<target name="resource-src" depends="dirs">
<echo>Generating R.java / Manifest.java from the resources...</echo>
<exec executable="${aapt}" failonerror="true">
<arg value="package" />
<arg value="-m" />
<arg value="-J" />
<arg path="${gen-folder}" />
<arg value="-M" />
<arg path="AndroidManifest.xml" />
<arg value="-S" />
<arg path="${resource-folder}" />
<arg value="-I" />
<arg path="${android-jar}" />
<copy overwrite="true" file="gen/com/fsck/k9/R.java" tofile="gen/com/android/email/R.java">
<filterset begintoken="package " endtoken=";">
<filter token="com.fsck.k9" value="package com.android.email;"/>
<!-- Generate java classes from .aidl files. -->
<target name="aidl" depends="dirs">
<echo>Compiling aidl files into Java classes...</echo>
<apply executable="${aidl}" failonerror="true">
<arg value="-p${android-aidl}" />
<arg value="-I${source-folder}" />
<arg value="-o${gen-folder}" />
<fileset dir="${source-folder}">
<include name="**/*.aidl"/>
<!-- Compile this project's .java files into .class files. -->
<target name="compile" depends="resource-src, aidl">
<javac encoding="ascii" target="1.5" debug="true" extdirs=""
<src path="${source-folder}" />
<src path="${gen-folder}" />
<fileset dir="${external-libs-folder}" includes="*.jar"/>
<fileset dir="${sdk-location}/platforms/android-1.5/" includes="**/*.jar"/>
<pathelement path="${main-out-classes}"/>
<!-- Convert this project's .class files into .dex files. -->
<target name="dex" depends="compile">
<echo>Converting compiled files and external libraries into ${out-folder}/${dex-file}...</echo>
<apply executable="${dx}" failonerror="true" parallel="true">
<arg value="-JXmx1024m" />
<arg value="--dex" />
<arg value="--output=${intermediate-dex-location}" />
<arg path="${out-classes-location}" />
<fileset dir="${external-libs-folder}" includes="*.jar"/>
<!-- Put the project's resources into the output package file
This actually can create multiple resource package in case
Some custom apk with specific configuration have been
declared in default.properties.
<target name="package-resources">
<echo>Packaging resources</echo>
<aaptexec executable="${aapt}"
basename="${ant.project.name}" />
<!-- Package the application and sign it with a debug key.
This is the default target when building. It is used for debug. -->
<target name="debug" depends="dex, package-resources">
<file path="${intermediate-dex}" />
<sourcefolder path="${source-folder}" />
<jarfolder path="${external-libs-folder}" />
<nativefolder path="${native-libs-folder}" />
<!-- Package the application without signing it.
This allows for the application to be signed later with an official publishing key. -->
<target name="release" depends="dex, package-resources">
<file path="${intermediate-dex}" />
<sourcefolder path="${source-folder}" />
<jarfolder path="${external-libs-folder}" />
<nativefolder path="${native-libs-folder}" />
<echo>Signing ${out-unsigned-package}</echo>
<exec executable="jarsigner" failonerror="true">
<arg value="-verbose" />
<arg value="-storepass" />
<arg value="${env.jarpass}" />
<arg value="-signedjar" />
<arg value="${out-signed-package-ospath}" />
<arg value="${out-unsigned-package-ospath}" />
<arg value="fsckcom" />
<!-- Install the package on the default emulator -->
<target name="install" depends="debug">
<echo>Installing ${out-debug-package} onto default emulator...</echo>
<exec executable="${adb}" failonerror="true">
<arg value="install" />
<arg path="${out-debug-package}" />
<target name="reinstall" depends="debug">
<echo>Installing ${out-debug-package} onto default emulator...</echo>
<exec executable="${adb}" failonerror="true">
<arg value="install" />
<arg value="-r" />
<arg path="${out-debug-package}" />
<!-- Uinstall the package from the default emulator -->
<target name="uninstall">
<echo>Uninstalling ${application-package} from the default emulator...</echo>
<exec executable="${adb}" failonerror="true">
<arg value="uninstall" />
<arg path="${application-package}" />
<target name="help">
<!-- displays starts at col 13
|13 80| -->
<echo>Android Ant Build. Available targets:</echo>
<echo> help: Displays this help.</echo>
<echo> debug: Builds the application and sign it with a debug key.</echo>
<echo> release: Builds the application. The generated apk file must be</echo>
<echo> signed before it is published.</echo>
<echo> install: Installs the debug package onto a running emulator or</echo>
<echo> device. This can only be used if the application has </echo>
<echo> not yet been installed.</echo>
<echo> reinstall: Installs the debug package on a running emulator or</echo>
<echo> device that already has the application.</echo>
<echo> The signatures must match.</echo>
<echo> uninstall: uninstall the application from a running emulator or</echo>
<echo> device.</echo>
Reference in New Issue
Block a user