Cosmetic changes - kill whitespace at the end of lines

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cketti 2011-10-28 21:29:39 +02:00
parent e3f6561008
commit 7e1c19d4d8
1 changed files with 17 additions and 17 deletions

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@ -20,40 +20,40 @@ import com.fsck.k9.helper.power.TracingPowerManager.TracingWakeLock;
* Note: All documentation in this file market <CK:RE> is documentation written by Christian Knecht by reverse engineering.
* This documentation is without warranty and may not be accurate nor reflect the author's original intent.
* <CK:RE>
* CoreService is the base class for all K9 Services.
* An Android service is a way to model a part of an application that needs to accomplish certain tasks without the
* UI part of the application being necessarily active (of course an application could also be a pure service, without
* any UI; this is not the case of K9). By declaring a service and starting it, the OS knows that the application has
* work to do and should avoid killing the process.
* A service's main purpose is to do some task (usually in the background) which requires one of more threads. The
* thread that starts the service is the same as the UI thread of the process. It should thus not be used to run
* the tasks.
* CoreService is providing the execution plumbing for background tasks including the required thread and task queuing
* for all K9 services to use.
* A service is supposed to run only as long as it has some work to do whether that work is active processing or some
* just some monitoring, like listening on a network port for incoming connections or listing on an open network
* connection for incoming data (push mechanism).
* To make sure the service is running only when required, is must be shutdown after tasks are done. As the
* execution of tasks is abstracted away in this class, it also proper shutdown handling if approriate. If
* the Service requires this is should call enableAutoShutdown(true) in it's onCreate() method.
* the Service requires this is should call enableAutoShutdown(true) in it's onCreate() method.
* While a service is running it's tasks, it is usually not a good idea to let the device go to sleep more.
* WakeLocks are used to avoid this. CoreService provides a central registry (singleton) that can be used
* application-wide to store WakeLocks.
* In short, CoreService provides the following features to K9 Services:
* - task execution and queuing
* - Service life cycle management (insures the service is stopped when not needed anymore); disabled by default
* - WakeLock registry and management
* </CK:RE>
* </CK:RE>
public abstract class CoreService extends Service {
@ -69,13 +69,13 @@ public abstract class CoreService extends Service {
* only as long as a task is running. If a service should behave differently, disable auto-shutdown.
private boolean mAutoShutdown = true;
* This variable is part of the auto-shutdown feature and determines whether the service has to be shutdown at the
* end of the onStart() method or not.
protected boolean mImmediateShutdown = true; //
protected boolean mImmediateShutdown = true; //
public void onCreate() {
if (K9.DEBUG)
@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ public abstract class CoreService extends Service {
public void onStart(Intent intent, int startId) {
// deprecated method but still used for backwards compatibility with Android version <2.0
// CK:DocAdded: Manage wake-locks, especially, release any wake-locks held so far and define a new "local" wake lock.
// Also, because we create a new wakelock, we re-initialize the wakelock timeout and give
// the service-start code a protection of up to MAIL_SERVICE_WAKE_LOCK_TIMEOUT (currently 30s).
@ -172,12 +172,12 @@ public abstract class CoreService extends Service {
startService(intent, startId);
} finally {
try{wakeLock.release();} catch (Exception e) {/* ignore */}
try{if (mAutoShutdown && mImmediateShutdown && startId != -1) stopSelf(startId);} catch (Exception e) {/* ignore */}
try{if (mAutoShutdown && mImmediateShutdown && startId != -1) stopSelf(startId);} catch (Exception e) {/* ignore */}
* @param context
* @param runner
* @param wakeLockTime
@ -233,7 +233,7 @@ public abstract class CoreService extends Service {
Log.i(K9.LOG_TAG, "CoreService: " + className + " is shutting down, ignoring rejected execution exception: " + e.getMessage());
mImmediateShutdown = !serviceShutdownScheduled;
mImmediateShutdown = !serviceShutdownScheduled;
return serviceShutdownScheduled;