mirror of https://github.com/moparisthebest/k-9 synced 2025-03-02 17:41:57 -05:00

289 lines
20 KiB
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
<string name="app_name">K-9</string>
<string name="read_attachment_label">read Email attachments</string>
<string name="read_attachment_desc">Allows this application to read your Email attachments.</string>
<string name="accounts_title">Your accounts</string>
<string name="compose_title">Compose</string>
<string name="debug_title">Debug</string>
<!-- Actions will be used as buttons and in menu items -->
<string name="next_action">Next</string> <!-- Used as part of a multi-step process -->
<string name="okay_action">OK</string> <!-- User to confirm acceptance of dialog boxes, warnings, errors, etc. -->
<string name="cancel_action">Cancel</string>
<string name="send_action">Send</string>
<string name="reply_action">Reply</string>
<string name="reply_all_action">Reply all</string>
<string name="delete_action">Delete</string>
<string name="forward_action">Forward</string>
<string name="continue_action">Continue</string>
<string name="done_action">Done</string> <!-- Used to complete a multi-step process -->
<string name="remove_action">Remove</string>
<string name="discard_action">Discard</string>
<string name="save_draft_action">Save as draft</string>
<string name="retry_action">Retry</string>
<string name="refresh_action">Refresh</string>
<string name="add_account_action">Add account</string>
<string name="compose_action">Compose</string>
<string name="search_action">Search</string>
<string name="preferences_action">Preferences</string>
<string name="open_action">Open</string>
<string name="account_settings_action">Account settings</string>
<string name="remove_account_action">Remove account</string>
<string name="accounts_action">Accounts</string>
<string name="read_action">Read</string>
<string name="mark_as_read_action">Mark as read</string>
<string name="mark_as_unread_action">Mark as unread</string>
<string name="move_to_action">Move to</string>
<string name="folders_action">Folders</string>
<string name="view_hide_details_action">View/hide details</string>
<string name="add_cc_bcc_action">Add Cc/Bcc</string>
<string name="edit_subject_action">Edit subject</string>
<string name="add_attachment_action">Add attachment</string>
<string name="dump_settings_action">Dump settings</string>
<string name="empty_trash_action">Empty Trash</string>
<string name="accounts_context_menu_title">Account options</string>
<string name="general_no_subject">(No subject)</string> <!-- Shown in place of the subject when a message has no subject. Showing this in parentheses is customary. -->
<string name="status_loading">Loading\u2026</string>
<string name="status_loading_more">Loading messages\u2026</string>
<string name="status_network_error">Connection error</string>
<string name="status_error">Error</string> <!-- Used in Outbox when a message has failed to send -->
<string name="status_sending">Sending\u2026</string> <!-- Used in Outbox when a message is currently sending -->
<string name="status_loading_more_failed">Retry loading more messages</string>
<string name="notification_new_title">New email</string>
<string name="notification_new_scrolling">New email from <xliff:g id="sender">%s</xliff:g></string>
<string name="notification_new_one_account_fmt"><xliff:g id="unread_message_count">%d</xliff:g> Unread (<xliff:g id="account">%s</xliff:g>)</string> <!-- 279 Unread (someone@google.com) -->
<string name="notification_new_multi_account_fmt">in <xliff:g id="number_accounts">%d</xliff:g> accounts</string>
<string name="notification_unsent_title">Message not sent</string>
<string name="special_mailbox_name_inbox">Inbox</string>
<string name="special_mailbox_name_outbox">Outbox</string>
<!-- The following mailbox names will be used if the user has not specified one from the server -->
<string name="special_mailbox_name_drafts">Drafts</string>
<string name="special_mailbox_name_trash">Trash</string>
<string name="special_mailbox_name_sent">Sent</string>
2008-11-03 19:40:11 +00:00
<string name="accounts_welcome">
Welcome to K-9 Mail setup. K-9 is an open source email client for Android based on the standard Android Mail client.
\nK-9's improved features include:
* Better performance
* Email signatures
* Bcc-to-self
* Return-address configuration
* Keyboard shortcuts
* Better IMAP support
* Saving attachments to SD
* ...and more
\nPlease note that K-9 does not support most free hotmail accounts and, like many email clients, has some quirks when talking to Microsoft Exchange.
\nSubmit bug reports, contribute new features and ask questions at http://code.google.com/p/k9mail
<string name="debug_version_fmt">Version: <xliff:g id="version">%s</xliff:g></string>
<string name="debug_enable_debug_logging_label">Enable extra debug logging?</string>
<string name="debug_enable_sensitive_logging_label">Enable sensitive information debug logging? (May show passwords in logs.)</string>
2008-10-30 05:08:47 +00:00
<string name="message_header_mua">K-9 for Android <xliff:g id="version">%s</xliff:g></string>
<string name="combined_inbox_title">All Email</string>
<string name="combined_inbox_label">Recent messages from all accounts</string>
<string name="combined_inbox_list_title">All Email Inbox</string> <!-- Inbox here should be the same as mailbox_name_inbox -->
<string name="message_list_title_fmt"><xliff:g id="mailbox">%s</xliff:g> (<xliff:g id="message_count">%d</xliff:g>)</string> <!-- Inbox (12) -->
<string name="message_list_load_more_messages_action">Load more messages</string>
<string name="message_compose_to_hint">To</string>
<string name="message_compose_cc_hint">Cc</string>
<string name="message_compose_bcc_hint">Bcc</string>
<string name="message_compose_subject_hint">Subject</string>
<string name="message_compose_fwd_header_fmt">\n\n-------- Original Message --------\nSubject: <xliff:g id="subject">%s</xliff:g>\nFrom: <xliff:g id="sender">%s</xliff:g>\nTo: <xliff:g id="to">%s</xliff:g>\nCC: <xliff:g id="cc">%s</xliff:g>\n\n</string>
<string name="message_compose_reply_header_fmt">\n\n<xliff:g id="sender">%s</xliff:g> wrote:\n\n</string>
<string name="message_compose_quoted_text_label">Quoted text</string>
<string name="message_compose_error_no_recipients">You must add at least one recipient.</string>
<string name="message_compose_downloading_attachments_toast">Some attachments were not downloaded. They will be downloaded automatically before this message is sent.</string>
<string name="message_compose_attachments_skipped_toast">Some attachments cannot be forwarded because they have not downloaded.</string>
<string name="message_view_to_label">To:</string>
<string name="message_view_attachment_view_action">Open</string>
<string name="message_view_attachment_download_action">Save</string>
<string name="message_view_prev_action">Prev message</string>
<string name="message_view_next_action">Next message</string>
<string name="message_view_datetime_fmt">MMM dd yyyy hh:mm a</string>
<string name="message_view_status_attachment_saved">Attachment saved to SD card as <xliff:g id="filename">%s</xliff:g>.</string>
<string name="message_view_status_attachment_not_saved">Unable to save attachment to SD card.</string>
<string name="message_view_show_pictures_instructions">Select \"Show pictures\" to display embedded pictures.</string>
<string name="message_view_show_pictures_action">Show pictures</string>
<string name="message_view_fetching_attachment_toast">Fetching attachment.</string>
<string name="mailbox_select_dlg_title">Folders</string>
<string name="mailbox_select_dlg_new_mailbox_action">New folder</string>
<string name="new_mailbox_dlg_title">New folder name</string>
<string name="message_copied_toast">Message copied.</string>
<string name="message_moved_toast">Message moved.</string>
<string name="message_deleted_toast">Message deleted.</string>
<string name="message_discarded_toast">Message discarded.</string>
<string name="message_saved_toast">Message saved as draft.</string>
<string name="account_setup_basics_title">Set up email</string>
<string name="account_setup_basics_instructions">Type your account email address:</string>
<string name="account_setup_basics_instructions2_fmt">(You may add <xliff:g id="number_accounts">%d</xliff:g> more accounts.)</string>
<string name="account_setup_basics_email_hint">Email address</string>
<string name="account_setup_basics_email_error_invalid_fmt"><xliff:g id="email">%s</xliff:g> is not a valid email address.</string>
<string name="account_setup_basics_email_error_duplicate_fmt"><xliff:g id="email">%s</xliff:g> is already added.</string>
<string name="account_setup_basics_password_hint">Password</string>
<string name="account_setup_basics_default_label">Send email from this account by default.</string>
<string name="account_setup_basics_manual_setup_action">Manual setup</string>
<string name="account_setup_check_settings_title"></string>
<string name="account_setup_check_settings_retr_info_msg">Retrieving account information\u2026</string>
<string name="account_setup_check_settings_check_incoming_msg">Checking incoming server settings\u2026</string>
<string name="account_setup_check_settings_check_outgoing_msg">Checking outgoing server settings\u2026</string>
<string name="account_setup_check_settings_finishing_msg">Finishing\u2026</string>
<string name="account_setup_check_settings_canceling_msg">Canceling\u2026</string>
<string name="account_setup_names_title">Set up email</string>
<string name="account_setup_names_instructions">Your account is set up, and email is on its way!</string>
<string name="account_setup_names_account_name_label">Give this account a name (optional):</string>
<string name="account_setup_names_user_name_label">Type your name (displays on outgoing messages):</string>
<string name="account_setup_finished_toast">Your account is set up!\n\nFetching email\u2026</string>
<string name="account_setup_account_type_title">Add new email account</string>
<string name="account_setup_account_type_instructions">What type of account is this?</string>
<string name="account_setup_account_type_pop_action">POP3 account</string>
<string name="account_setup_account_type_imap_action">IMAP account</string>
Merge into 'trunk' r51837@31b (orig r127): ismarc31 | 2008-11-10 19:10:50 -0500 Experimental branch for Exchange WebDAV support r51838@31b (orig r128): ismarc31 | 2008-11-10 19:24:52 -0500 Initial proof-of-concept code for WebDav support r51839@31b (orig r129): ismarc31 | 2008-11-10 22:02:37 -0500 Fixed a couple of migration issues and enabled WebDav as a mail type r53269@31b (orig r132): ismarc31 | 2008-11-21 21:55:55 -0500 Mostly rewritten class and organization. Better implementation of message fetching. Consolidated response parsing. Removed a large number of redundant calls. There is still some unused functions needing cleaning up, and some unimplemented actions r53338@31b (orig r133): ismarc31 | 2008-11-22 16:50:02 -0500 Removed more redundant and unused calls. Implemented checking read status r53453@31b (orig r134): ismarc31 | 2008-11-24 20:13:24 -0500 Added support for marking messages as read. r53454@31b (orig r135): ismarc31 | 2008-11-24 22:04:04 -0500 Added support for deleting messages server side r53455@31b (orig r136): ismarc31 | 2008-11-25 01:32:19 -0500 Improved flag setting functionality, do bulk HTTP request instead of lots of little ones r53589@31b (orig r138): young.bradley | 2008-11-29 16:18:25 -0500 Missing some ports (webDavPorts); this causes an array index out of bounds exception when anything other than "None" or "SSL (Optional)" are selected. Adding the three additional ports solves this issue. r53590@31b (orig r139): young.bradley | 2008-11-30 00:47:42 -0500 Initial support for sending via WebDav r53591@31b (orig r140): ismarc31 | 2008-11-30 20:12:41 -0500 Fix for display names being URL Encoded for folders. Initial support of Uid Hashmaps instead of plain arrays. r53592@31b (orig r141): ismarc31 | 2008-11-30 21:46:06 -0500 Fix to constructor of HttpGeneric(final String uri). URLs returned from Exchange aren't always fully encoded, this fixes the encoding before creating the method. r53593@31b (orig r142): ismarc31 | 2008-12-01 02:22:16 -0500 Completed support for using hashmaps instead of arrays for indexing urls to emails and read status. Delete is safe again and read status is correct the first time through. r53594@31b (orig r143): ismarc31 | 2008-12-01 22:20:50 -0500 Fix for double-Inbox display issue. Removed volumous amounts of Log.d messages. r53644@31b (orig r157): young.bradley | 2008-12-04 15:14:28 -0500 Fix for wildcard certificates (e.g. issued to *.example.com). Only checking the trust of the certificate itself, since apparently the full chain causes it to not work. r53765@31b (orig r161): ismarc31 | 2008-12-06 18:55:08 -0500 Implemented new functionality for pulling message envelope. Uses a WebDAV call for all messages rather than parsing the stream. Message size is properly set now as well. r54055@31b (orig r163): jessev | 2008-12-06 19:28:24 -0500 * merge fixes
2008-12-07 00:29:11 +00:00
<string name="account_setup_account_type_webdav_action">WebDav(Exchange) account</string>
<string name="account_setup_incoming_title">Incoming server settings</string>
<string name="account_setup_incoming_username_label">Username</string>
<string name="account_setup_incoming_password_label">Password</string>
<string name="account_setup_incoming_pop_server_label">POP3 server</string>
<string name="account_setup_incoming_imap_server_label">IMAP server</string>
Merge into 'trunk' r51837@31b (orig r127): ismarc31 | 2008-11-10 19:10:50 -0500 Experimental branch for Exchange WebDAV support r51838@31b (orig r128): ismarc31 | 2008-11-10 19:24:52 -0500 Initial proof-of-concept code for WebDav support r51839@31b (orig r129): ismarc31 | 2008-11-10 22:02:37 -0500 Fixed a couple of migration issues and enabled WebDav as a mail type r53269@31b (orig r132): ismarc31 | 2008-11-21 21:55:55 -0500 Mostly rewritten class and organization. Better implementation of message fetching. Consolidated response parsing. Removed a large number of redundant calls. There is still some unused functions needing cleaning up, and some unimplemented actions r53338@31b (orig r133): ismarc31 | 2008-11-22 16:50:02 -0500 Removed more redundant and unused calls. Implemented checking read status r53453@31b (orig r134): ismarc31 | 2008-11-24 20:13:24 -0500 Added support for marking messages as read. r53454@31b (orig r135): ismarc31 | 2008-11-24 22:04:04 -0500 Added support for deleting messages server side r53455@31b (orig r136): ismarc31 | 2008-11-25 01:32:19 -0500 Improved flag setting functionality, do bulk HTTP request instead of lots of little ones r53589@31b (orig r138): young.bradley | 2008-11-29 16:18:25 -0500 Missing some ports (webDavPorts); this causes an array index out of bounds exception when anything other than "None" or "SSL (Optional)" are selected. Adding the three additional ports solves this issue. r53590@31b (orig r139): young.bradley | 2008-11-30 00:47:42 -0500 Initial support for sending via WebDav r53591@31b (orig r140): ismarc31 | 2008-11-30 20:12:41 -0500 Fix for display names being URL Encoded for folders. Initial support of Uid Hashmaps instead of plain arrays. r53592@31b (orig r141): ismarc31 | 2008-11-30 21:46:06 -0500 Fix to constructor of HttpGeneric(final String uri). URLs returned from Exchange aren't always fully encoded, this fixes the encoding before creating the method. r53593@31b (orig r142): ismarc31 | 2008-12-01 02:22:16 -0500 Completed support for using hashmaps instead of arrays for indexing urls to emails and read status. Delete is safe again and read status is correct the first time through. r53594@31b (orig r143): ismarc31 | 2008-12-01 22:20:50 -0500 Fix for double-Inbox display issue. Removed volumous amounts of Log.d messages. r53644@31b (orig r157): young.bradley | 2008-12-04 15:14:28 -0500 Fix for wildcard certificates (e.g. issued to *.example.com). Only checking the trust of the certificate itself, since apparently the full chain causes it to not work. r53765@31b (orig r161): ismarc31 | 2008-12-06 18:55:08 -0500 Implemented new functionality for pulling message envelope. Uses a WebDAV call for all messages rather than parsing the stream. Message size is properly set now as well. r54055@31b (orig r163): jessev | 2008-12-06 19:28:24 -0500 * merge fixes
2008-12-07 00:29:11 +00:00
<string name="account_setup_incoming_webdav_server_label">WebDav(Exchange) server</string>
<string name="account_setup_incoming_port_label">Port</string>
<string name="account_setup_incoming_security_label">Security type</string>
<string name="account_setup_incoming_security_none_label">None</string>
<string name="account_setup_incoming_security_ssl_optional_label">SSL (if available)</string>
<string name="account_setup_incoming_security_ssl_label">SSL (always)</string>
<string name="account_setup_incoming_security_tls_optional_label">TLS (if available)</string>
<string name="account_setup_incoming_security_tls_label">TLS (always)</string>
<string name="account_setup_incoming_delete_policy_label">Delete email from server:</string>
<string name="account_setup_incoming_delete_policy_never_label">Never</string>
<string name="account_setup_incoming_delete_policy_7days_label">After 7 days</string>
<string name="account_setup_incoming_delete_policy_delete_label">When I delete from Inbox</string>
<string name="account_setup_incoming_imap_path_prefix_label">IMAP path prefix</string>
<string name="account_setup_incoming_imap_path_prefix_hint">Optional</string>
Merge into 'trunk' r51837@31b (orig r127): ismarc31 | 2008-11-10 19:10:50 -0500 Experimental branch for Exchange WebDAV support r51838@31b (orig r128): ismarc31 | 2008-11-10 19:24:52 -0500 Initial proof-of-concept code for WebDav support r51839@31b (orig r129): ismarc31 | 2008-11-10 22:02:37 -0500 Fixed a couple of migration issues and enabled WebDav as a mail type r53269@31b (orig r132): ismarc31 | 2008-11-21 21:55:55 -0500 Mostly rewritten class and organization. Better implementation of message fetching. Consolidated response parsing. Removed a large number of redundant calls. There is still some unused functions needing cleaning up, and some unimplemented actions r53338@31b (orig r133): ismarc31 | 2008-11-22 16:50:02 -0500 Removed more redundant and unused calls. Implemented checking read status r53453@31b (orig r134): ismarc31 | 2008-11-24 20:13:24 -0500 Added support for marking messages as read. r53454@31b (orig r135): ismarc31 | 2008-11-24 22:04:04 -0500 Added support for deleting messages server side r53455@31b (orig r136): ismarc31 | 2008-11-25 01:32:19 -0500 Improved flag setting functionality, do bulk HTTP request instead of lots of little ones r53589@31b (orig r138): young.bradley | 2008-11-29 16:18:25 -0500 Missing some ports (webDavPorts); this causes an array index out of bounds exception when anything other than "None" or "SSL (Optional)" are selected. Adding the three additional ports solves this issue. r53590@31b (orig r139): young.bradley | 2008-11-30 00:47:42 -0500 Initial support for sending via WebDav r53591@31b (orig r140): ismarc31 | 2008-11-30 20:12:41 -0500 Fix for display names being URL Encoded for folders. Initial support of Uid Hashmaps instead of plain arrays. r53592@31b (orig r141): ismarc31 | 2008-11-30 21:46:06 -0500 Fix to constructor of HttpGeneric(final String uri). URLs returned from Exchange aren't always fully encoded, this fixes the encoding before creating the method. r53593@31b (orig r142): ismarc31 | 2008-12-01 02:22:16 -0500 Completed support for using hashmaps instead of arrays for indexing urls to emails and read status. Delete is safe again and read status is correct the first time through. r53594@31b (orig r143): ismarc31 | 2008-12-01 22:20:50 -0500 Fix for double-Inbox display issue. Removed volumous amounts of Log.d messages. r53644@31b (orig r157): young.bradley | 2008-12-04 15:14:28 -0500 Fix for wildcard certificates (e.g. issued to *.example.com). Only checking the trust of the certificate itself, since apparently the full chain causes it to not work. r53765@31b (orig r161): ismarc31 | 2008-12-06 18:55:08 -0500 Implemented new functionality for pulling message envelope. Uses a WebDAV call for all messages rather than parsing the stream. Message size is properly set now as well. r54055@31b (orig r163): jessev | 2008-12-06 19:28:24 -0500 * merge fixes
2008-12-07 00:29:11 +00:00
<string name="account_setup_incoming_webdav_path_prefix_label">WebDav(Exchange) path prefix</string>
<string name="account_setup_incoming_webdav_path_prefix_hint">Optional</string>
<string name="account_setup_outgoing_title">Outgoing server settings</string>
<string name="account_setup_outgoing_smtp_server_label">SMTP server</string>
<string name="account_setup_outgoing_port_label">Port</string>
<string name="account_setup_outgoing_security_label">Security type</string>
<string name="account_setup_outgoing_security_none_label">None</string>
<string name="account_setup_outgoing_security_ssl_label">SSL</string>
<string name="account_setup_outgoing_security_tls_optional_label">TLS (if available)</string>
<string name="account_setup_outgoing_security_tls_label">TLS (always)</string>
<string name="account_setup_outgoing_require_login_label">Require sign-in.</string>
<string name="account_setup_outgoing_username_label">Username</string>
<string name="account_setup_outgoing_password_label">Password</string>
<!-- The authentication strings below are for a planned (hopefully) change to the above username and password options -->
<string name="account_setup_outgoing_authentication_label">Authentication type</string>
<string name="account_setup_outgoing_authentication_basic_label">Username &amp; password</string>
<string name="account_setup_outgoing_authentication_basic_username_label">Username</string>
<string name="account_setup_outgoing_authentication_basic_password_label">Password</string>
<string name="account_setup_outgoing_authentication_pop_before_smtp_label">POP before SMTP</string>
<string name="account_setup_outgoing_authentication_imap_before_smtp_label">IMAP before SMTP</string>
Merge into 'trunk' r51837@31b (orig r127): ismarc31 | 2008-11-10 19:10:50 -0500 Experimental branch for Exchange WebDAV support r51838@31b (orig r128): ismarc31 | 2008-11-10 19:24:52 -0500 Initial proof-of-concept code for WebDav support r51839@31b (orig r129): ismarc31 | 2008-11-10 22:02:37 -0500 Fixed a couple of migration issues and enabled WebDav as a mail type r53269@31b (orig r132): ismarc31 | 2008-11-21 21:55:55 -0500 Mostly rewritten class and organization. Better implementation of message fetching. Consolidated response parsing. Removed a large number of redundant calls. There is still some unused functions needing cleaning up, and some unimplemented actions r53338@31b (orig r133): ismarc31 | 2008-11-22 16:50:02 -0500 Removed more redundant and unused calls. Implemented checking read status r53453@31b (orig r134): ismarc31 | 2008-11-24 20:13:24 -0500 Added support for marking messages as read. r53454@31b (orig r135): ismarc31 | 2008-11-24 22:04:04 -0500 Added support for deleting messages server side r53455@31b (orig r136): ismarc31 | 2008-11-25 01:32:19 -0500 Improved flag setting functionality, do bulk HTTP request instead of lots of little ones r53589@31b (orig r138): young.bradley | 2008-11-29 16:18:25 -0500 Missing some ports (webDavPorts); this causes an array index out of bounds exception when anything other than "None" or "SSL (Optional)" are selected. Adding the three additional ports solves this issue. r53590@31b (orig r139): young.bradley | 2008-11-30 00:47:42 -0500 Initial support for sending via WebDav r53591@31b (orig r140): ismarc31 | 2008-11-30 20:12:41 -0500 Fix for display names being URL Encoded for folders. Initial support of Uid Hashmaps instead of plain arrays. r53592@31b (orig r141): ismarc31 | 2008-11-30 21:46:06 -0500 Fix to constructor of HttpGeneric(final String uri). URLs returned from Exchange aren't always fully encoded, this fixes the encoding before creating the method. r53593@31b (orig r142): ismarc31 | 2008-12-01 02:22:16 -0500 Completed support for using hashmaps instead of arrays for indexing urls to emails and read status. Delete is safe again and read status is correct the first time through. r53594@31b (orig r143): ismarc31 | 2008-12-01 22:20:50 -0500 Fix for double-Inbox display issue. Removed volumous amounts of Log.d messages. r53644@31b (orig r157): young.bradley | 2008-12-04 15:14:28 -0500 Fix for wildcard certificates (e.g. issued to *.example.com). Only checking the trust of the certificate itself, since apparently the full chain causes it to not work. r53765@31b (orig r161): ismarc31 | 2008-12-06 18:55:08 -0500 Implemented new functionality for pulling message envelope. Uses a WebDAV call for all messages rather than parsing the stream. Message size is properly set now as well. r54055@31b (orig r163): jessev | 2008-12-06 19:28:24 -0500 * merge fixes
2008-12-07 00:29:11 +00:00
<string name="account_setup_outgoing_authentication_webdav_before_smtp_label">WebDav(Exchange) before SMTP</string>
<string name="account_setup_options_title">Account options</string>
<string name="account_setup_options_mail_check_frequency_label">Email checking frequency</string>
<!-- Frequency also used in account_settings_* -->
<string name="account_setup_options_mail_check_frequency_never">Never</string>
<string name="account_setup_options_mail_check_frequency_5min">Every 5 minutes</string>
<string name="account_setup_options_mail_check_frequency_10min">Every 10 minutes</string>
<string name="account_setup_options_mail_check_frequency_15min">Every 15 minutes</string>
<string name="account_setup_options_mail_check_frequency_30min">Every 30 minutes</string>
<string name="account_setup_options_mail_check_frequency_1hour">Every hour</string>
<string name="account_setup_options_default_label">Send email from this account by default.</string>
<string name="account_setup_options_notify_label">Notify me when email arrives.</string>
2008-12-11 19:13:55 +00:00
<string name="account_setup_options_notify_ringtone_label">Play a sound when email arrives.</string>
<!-- Number of displayed messages, also used in account_settings_* -->
<string name="account_setup_options_mail_display_count_label">Number of emails to display</string>
<string name="account_setup_options_mail_display_count_10">10 Messages</string>
<string name="account_setup_options_mail_display_count_25">25 Messages</string>
<string name="account_setup_options_mail_display_count_50">50 Messages</string>
<string name="account_setup_options_mail_display_count_100">100 Messages</string>
<string name="account_setup_failed_dlg_title">Setup could not finish</string>
<string name="account_setup_failed_dlg_auth_message_fmt">Username or password incorrect.\n(<xliff:g id="error">%s</xliff:g>)</string> <!-- Username or password incorrect\n(ERR01 Account does not exist) -->
<string name="account_setup_failed_dlg_certificate_message_fmt">Cannot safely connect to server.\n(<xliff:g id="error">%s</xliff:g>)</string> <!-- Cannot safely connect to server\n(Invalid certificate) -->
<string name="account_setup_failed_dlg_server_message_fmt">Cannot connect to server.\n(<xliff:g id="error">%s</xliff:g>)</string> <!-- Cannot connect to server\n(Connection timed out) -->
<string name="account_setup_failed_dlg_edit_details_action">Edit details</string>
<string name="account_settings_title_fmt">General settings</string>
<string name="account_settings_default">Default account</string>
<string name="account_settings_default_label">Default account</string>
<string name="account_settings_default_summary">Send email from this account by default</string>
<string name="account_settings_email_label">Your email address</string>
2008-12-11 19:13:55 +00:00
<string name="account_settings_notify_label">Email notifications</string>
<string name="account_settings_notify_summary">Notify in status bar when email arrives</string>
2008-12-11 19:13:55 +00:00
<string name="account_settings_notify_ringtone_label">Ringtone notifications</string>
<string name="account_settings_notify_ringtone_summary">Play a sound when email arrives</string>
<string name="account_settings_show_combined_label">Show combined Inbox</string>
<string name="account_settings_mail_check_frequency_label">Email check frequency</string>
<string name="account_settings_mail_display_count_label">Number of emails to display</string>
<string name="account_settings_incoming_label">Incoming settings</string>
<string name="account_settings_incoming_summary">Configure the incoming email server</string>
<string name="account_settings_outgoing_label">Outgoing settings</string>
<string name="account_settings_outgoing_summary">Configure the outgoing email server</string>
<string name="account_settings_add_account_label">Add another account</string>
<string name="account_settings_description_label">Account name</string>
<string name="account_settings_name_label">Your name</string>
<string name="account_settings_notifications">Notification settings</string>
<string name="account_settings_vibrate_enable">Vibrate</string>
<string name="account_settings_vibrate_summary">Also vibrate when email arrives</string>
<string name="account_settings_ringtone">Select ringtone</string>
<string name="account_settings_servers">Server settings</string>
<string name="account_settings_composition_title">Message composition options</string>
2008-10-30 05:08:47 +00:00
<string name="account_settings_composition_label">Composing messages</string>
<string name="account_settings_always_bcc_label">Bcc all messages to</string>
2008-10-29 03:54:02 +00:00
<string name="account_settings_always_bcc_summary">Send this address a copy of every outgoing message</string>
Merge into 'trunk' r51837@31b (orig r127): ismarc31 | 2008-11-10 19:10:50 -0500 Experimental branch for Exchange WebDAV support r51838@31b (orig r128): ismarc31 | 2008-11-10 19:24:52 -0500 Initial proof-of-concept code for WebDav support r51839@31b (orig r129): ismarc31 | 2008-11-10 22:02:37 -0500 Fixed a couple of migration issues and enabled WebDav as a mail type r53269@31b (orig r132): ismarc31 | 2008-11-21 21:55:55 -0500 Mostly rewritten class and organization. Better implementation of message fetching. Consolidated response parsing. Removed a large number of redundant calls. There is still some unused functions needing cleaning up, and some unimplemented actions r53338@31b (orig r133): ismarc31 | 2008-11-22 16:50:02 -0500 Removed more redundant and unused calls. Implemented checking read status r53453@31b (orig r134): ismarc31 | 2008-11-24 20:13:24 -0500 Added support for marking messages as read. r53454@31b (orig r135): ismarc31 | 2008-11-24 22:04:04 -0500 Added support for deleting messages server side r53455@31b (orig r136): ismarc31 | 2008-11-25 01:32:19 -0500 Improved flag setting functionality, do bulk HTTP request instead of lots of little ones r53589@31b (orig r138): young.bradley | 2008-11-29 16:18:25 -0500 Missing some ports (webDavPorts); this causes an array index out of bounds exception when anything other than "None" or "SSL (Optional)" are selected. Adding the three additional ports solves this issue. r53590@31b (orig r139): young.bradley | 2008-11-30 00:47:42 -0500 Initial support for sending via WebDav r53591@31b (orig r140): ismarc31 | 2008-11-30 20:12:41 -0500 Fix for display names being URL Encoded for folders. Initial support of Uid Hashmaps instead of plain arrays. r53592@31b (orig r141): ismarc31 | 2008-11-30 21:46:06 -0500 Fix to constructor of HttpGeneric(final String uri). URLs returned from Exchange aren't always fully encoded, this fixes the encoding before creating the method. r53593@31b (orig r142): ismarc31 | 2008-12-01 02:22:16 -0500 Completed support for using hashmaps instead of arrays for indexing urls to emails and read status. Delete is safe again and read status is correct the first time through. r53594@31b (orig r143): ismarc31 | 2008-12-01 22:20:50 -0500 Fix for double-Inbox display issue. Removed volumous amounts of Log.d messages. r53644@31b (orig r157): young.bradley | 2008-12-04 15:14:28 -0500 Fix for wildcard certificates (e.g. issued to *.example.com). Only checking the trust of the certificate itself, since apparently the full chain causes it to not work. r53765@31b (orig r161): ismarc31 | 2008-12-06 18:55:08 -0500 Implemented new functionality for pulling message envelope. Uses a WebDAV call for all messages rather than parsing the stream. Message size is properly set now as well. r54055@31b (orig r163): jessev | 2008-12-06 19:28:24 -0500 * merge fixes
2008-12-07 00:29:11 +00:00
<string name="account_settings_signature_label">Signature</string>
<string name="account_settings_signature_summary">Append a signature to every message you send</string>
Merge into 'trunk' r51837@31b (orig r127): ismarc31 | 2008-11-10 19:10:50 -0500 Experimental branch for Exchange WebDAV support r51838@31b (orig r128): ismarc31 | 2008-11-10 19:24:52 -0500 Initial proof-of-concept code for WebDav support r51839@31b (orig r129): ismarc31 | 2008-11-10 22:02:37 -0500 Fixed a couple of migration issues and enabled WebDav as a mail type r53269@31b (orig r132): ismarc31 | 2008-11-21 21:55:55 -0500 Mostly rewritten class and organization. Better implementation of message fetching. Consolidated response parsing. Removed a large number of redundant calls. There is still some unused functions needing cleaning up, and some unimplemented actions r53338@31b (orig r133): ismarc31 | 2008-11-22 16:50:02 -0500 Removed more redundant and unused calls. Implemented checking read status r53453@31b (orig r134): ismarc31 | 2008-11-24 20:13:24 -0500 Added support for marking messages as read. r53454@31b (orig r135): ismarc31 | 2008-11-24 22:04:04 -0500 Added support for deleting messages server side r53455@31b (orig r136): ismarc31 | 2008-11-25 01:32:19 -0500 Improved flag setting functionality, do bulk HTTP request instead of lots of little ones r53589@31b (orig r138): young.bradley | 2008-11-29 16:18:25 -0500 Missing some ports (webDavPorts); this causes an array index out of bounds exception when anything other than "None" or "SSL (Optional)" are selected. Adding the three additional ports solves this issue. r53590@31b (orig r139): young.bradley | 2008-11-30 00:47:42 -0500 Initial support for sending via WebDav r53591@31b (orig r140): ismarc31 | 2008-11-30 20:12:41 -0500 Fix for display names being URL Encoded for folders. Initial support of Uid Hashmaps instead of plain arrays. r53592@31b (orig r141): ismarc31 | 2008-11-30 21:46:06 -0500 Fix to constructor of HttpGeneric(final String uri). URLs returned from Exchange aren't always fully encoded, this fixes the encoding before creating the method. r53593@31b (orig r142): ismarc31 | 2008-12-01 02:22:16 -0500 Completed support for using hashmaps instead of arrays for indexing urls to emails and read status. Delete is safe again and read status is correct the first time through. r53594@31b (orig r143): ismarc31 | 2008-12-01 22:20:50 -0500 Fix for double-Inbox display issue. Removed volumous amounts of Log.d messages. r53644@31b (orig r157): young.bradley | 2008-12-04 15:14:28 -0500 Fix for wildcard certificates (e.g. issued to *.example.com). Only checking the trust of the certificate itself, since apparently the full chain causes it to not work. r53765@31b (orig r161): ismarc31 | 2008-12-06 18:55:08 -0500 Implemented new functionality for pulling message envelope. Uses a WebDAV call for all messages rather than parsing the stream. Message size is properly set now as well. r54055@31b (orig r163): jessev | 2008-12-06 19:28:24 -0500 * merge fixes
2008-12-07 00:29:11 +00:00
<string name="account_settings_sent_items_label">Sent Items Folder</string>
<string name="account_settings_sent_items_summary">Save all sent messages to this folder</string>
<string name="account_settings_deleted_items_label">Deleted Items Folder</string>
<string name="account_settings_deleted_items_summary">Set the deleted items folder</string>
<string name="account_delete_dlg_title">Remove</string>
<string name="account_delete_dlg_instructions_fmt">The account \"<xliff:g id="account">%s</xliff:g>\" will be removed from Email.</string>
<string name="provider_note_yahoo">Free Yahoo! Mail accounts only work over T-Mobile wireless networks. Yahoo! Mail Plus users should configure POP settings manually.</string>
<string name="provider_note_live">Only some \"Plus\" accounts include POP access
allowing this program to connect. If you are not able to sign in with
your correct email address and password, you may not have a paid
\"Plus\" account. Please launch the Web browser to gain access to
Merge into 'trunk' r51837@31b (orig r127): ismarc31 | 2008-11-10 19:10:50 -0500 Experimental branch for Exchange WebDAV support r51838@31b (orig r128): ismarc31 | 2008-11-10 19:24:52 -0500 Initial proof-of-concept code for WebDav support r51839@31b (orig r129): ismarc31 | 2008-11-10 22:02:37 -0500 Fixed a couple of migration issues and enabled WebDav as a mail type r53269@31b (orig r132): ismarc31 | 2008-11-21 21:55:55 -0500 Mostly rewritten class and organization. Better implementation of message fetching. Consolidated response parsing. Removed a large number of redundant calls. There is still some unused functions needing cleaning up, and some unimplemented actions r53338@31b (orig r133): ismarc31 | 2008-11-22 16:50:02 -0500 Removed more redundant and unused calls. Implemented checking read status r53453@31b (orig r134): ismarc31 | 2008-11-24 20:13:24 -0500 Added support for marking messages as read. r53454@31b (orig r135): ismarc31 | 2008-11-24 22:04:04 -0500 Added support for deleting messages server side r53455@31b (orig r136): ismarc31 | 2008-11-25 01:32:19 -0500 Improved flag setting functionality, do bulk HTTP request instead of lots of little ones r53589@31b (orig r138): young.bradley | 2008-11-29 16:18:25 -0500 Missing some ports (webDavPorts); this causes an array index out of bounds exception when anything other than "None" or "SSL (Optional)" are selected. Adding the three additional ports solves this issue. r53590@31b (orig r139): young.bradley | 2008-11-30 00:47:42 -0500 Initial support for sending via WebDav r53591@31b (orig r140): ismarc31 | 2008-11-30 20:12:41 -0500 Fix for display names being URL Encoded for folders. Initial support of Uid Hashmaps instead of plain arrays. r53592@31b (orig r141): ismarc31 | 2008-11-30 21:46:06 -0500 Fix to constructor of HttpGeneric(final String uri). URLs returned from Exchange aren't always fully encoded, this fixes the encoding before creating the method. r53593@31b (orig r142): ismarc31 | 2008-12-01 02:22:16 -0500 Completed support for using hashmaps instead of arrays for indexing urls to emails and read status. Delete is safe again and read status is correct the first time through. r53594@31b (orig r143): ismarc31 | 2008-12-01 22:20:50 -0500 Fix for double-Inbox display issue. Removed volumous amounts of Log.d messages. r53644@31b (orig r157): young.bradley | 2008-12-04 15:14:28 -0500 Fix for wildcard certificates (e.g. issued to *.example.com). Only checking the trust of the certificate itself, since apparently the full chain causes it to not work. r53765@31b (orig r161): ismarc31 | 2008-12-06 18:55:08 -0500 Implemented new functionality for pulling message envelope. Uses a WebDAV call for all messages rather than parsing the stream. Message size is properly set now as well. r54055@31b (orig r163): jessev | 2008-12-06 19:28:24 -0500 * merge fixes
2008-12-07 00:29:11 +00:00
these mail accounts.</string>
<string name="account_setup_failed_dlg_invalid_certificate_title">Unrecognized Certificate</string>
<string name="account_setup_failed_dlg_invalid_certificate_accept">Accept Key</string>
<string name="account_setup_failed_dlg_invalid_certificate_reject">Reject Key</string>