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package com.fsck.k9.mail.store;
import android.util.Log;
import com.fsck.k9.Account;
import com.fsck.k9.K9;
import com.fsck.k9.controller.MessageRetrievalListener;
import com.fsck.k9.helper.Utility;
import com.fsck.k9.mail.*;
import com.fsck.k9.mail.Folder.OpenMode;
import com.fsck.k9.mail.internet.MimeMessage;
import javax.net.ssl.SSLContext;
import javax.net.ssl.SSLException;
import javax.net.ssl.TrustManager;
import java.io.*;
import java.net.*;
import java.security.GeneralSecurityException;
import java.security.SecureRandom;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
public class Pop3Store extends Store {
public static final int CONNECTION_SECURITY_NONE = 0;
public static final int CONNECTION_SECURITY_TLS_OPTIONAL = 1;
public static final int CONNECTION_SECURITY_TLS_REQUIRED = 2;
public static final int CONNECTION_SECURITY_SSL_REQUIRED = 3;
public static final int CONNECTION_SECURITY_SSL_OPTIONAL = 4;
private static final Flag[] PERMANENT_FLAGS = { Flag.DELETED };
private String mHost;
private int mPort;
private String mUsername;
private String mPassword;
private boolean useCramMd5;
private int mConnectionSecurity;
private HashMap<String, Folder> mFolders = new HashMap<String, Folder>();
private Pop3Capabilities mCapabilities;
* This value is {@code true} if the server supports the CAPA command but doesn't advertise
* support for the TOP command OR if the server doesn't support the CAPA command and we
* already unsuccessfully tried to use the TOP command.
private boolean mTopNotSupported;
* pop3://user:password@server:port CONNECTION_SECURITY_NONE
* pop3+tls://user:password@server:port CONNECTION_SECURITY_TLS_OPTIONAL
* pop3+tls+://user:password@server:port CONNECTION_SECURITY_TLS_REQUIRED
* pop3+ssl+://user:password@server:port CONNECTION_SECURITY_SSL_REQUIRED
* pop3+ssl://user:password@server:port CONNECTION_SECURITY_SSL_OPTIONAL
public Pop3Store(Account account) throws MessagingException {
URI uri;
try {
uri = new URI(mAccount.getStoreUri());
} catch (URISyntaxException use) {
throw new MessagingException("Invalid Pop3Store URI", use);
String scheme = uri.getScheme();
if (scheme.equals("pop3")) {
mPort = 110;
} else if (scheme.equals("pop3+tls")) {
mPort = 110;
} else if (scheme.equals("pop3+tls+")) {
mPort = 110;
} else if (scheme.equals("pop3+ssl+")) {
mPort = 995;
} else if (scheme.equals("pop3+ssl")) {
mPort = 995;
} else {
throw new MessagingException("Unsupported protocol");
mHost = uri.getHost();
if (uri.getPort() != -1) {
mPort = uri.getPort();
useCramMd5 = false;
if (uri.getUserInfo() != null) {
try {
int userIndex = 0, passwordIndex = 1;
String[] userInfoParts = uri.getUserInfo().split(":");
2011-04-12 08:16:22 -04:00
if (userInfoParts.length > 2) {
useCramMd5 = true;
mUsername = URLDecoder.decode(userInfoParts[userIndex], "UTF-8");
if (userInfoParts.length > passwordIndex) {
mPassword = URLDecoder.decode(userInfoParts[passwordIndex], "UTF-8");
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException enc) {
// This shouldn't happen since the encoding is hardcoded to UTF-8
Log.e(K9.LOG_TAG, "Couldn't urldecode username or password.", enc);
public Folder getFolder(String name) {
Folder folder = mFolders.get(name);
if (folder == null) {
folder = new Pop3Folder(name);
mFolders.put(folder.getName(), folder);
return folder;
public List <? extends Folder > getPersonalNamespaces(boolean forceListAll) throws MessagingException {
List<Folder> folders = new LinkedList<Folder>();
return folders;
public void checkSettings() throws MessagingException {
Pop3Folder folder = new Pop3Folder(mAccount.getInboxFolderName());
if (!mCapabilities.uidl) {
* Run an additional test to see if UIDL is supported on the server. If it's not we
* can't service this account.
* If the server doesn't support UIDL it will return a - response, which causes
* executeSimpleCommand to throw a MessagingException, exiting this method.
class Pop3Folder extends Folder {
private Socket mSocket;
private InputStream mIn;
private OutputStream mOut;
private HashMap<String, Pop3Message> mUidToMsgMap = new HashMap<String, Pop3Message>();
private HashMap<Integer, Pop3Message> mMsgNumToMsgMap = new HashMap<Integer, Pop3Message>();
private HashMap<String, Integer> mUidToMsgNumMap = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
private String mName;
private int mMessageCount;
public Pop3Folder(String name) {
this.mName = name;
if (mName.equalsIgnoreCase(mAccount.getInboxFolderName())) {
mName = mAccount.getInboxFolderName();
public synchronized void open(OpenMode mode) throws MessagingException {
if (isOpen()) {
if (!mName.equalsIgnoreCase(mAccount.getInboxFolderName())) {
throw new MessagingException("Folder does not exist");
try {
SocketAddress socketAddress = new InetSocketAddress(mHost, mPort);
if (mConnectionSecurity == CONNECTION_SECURITY_SSL_REQUIRED ||
SSLContext sslContext = SSLContext.getInstance("TLS");
final boolean secure = mConnectionSecurity == CONNECTION_SECURITY_SSL_REQUIRED;
sslContext.init(null, new TrustManager[] {
TrustManagerFactory.get(mHost, secure)
}, new SecureRandom());
mSocket = sslContext.getSocketFactory().createSocket();
} else {
mSocket = new Socket();
mSocket.connect(socketAddress, SOCKET_CONNECT_TIMEOUT);
mIn = new BufferedInputStream(mSocket.getInputStream(), 1024);
mOut = new BufferedOutputStream(mSocket.getOutputStream(), 512);
if (!isOpen()) {
throw new MessagingException("Unable to connect socket");
// Eat the banner
mCapabilities = getCapabilities();
if (mCapabilities.stls) {
SSLContext sslContext = SSLContext.getInstance("TLS");
boolean secure = mConnectionSecurity == CONNECTION_SECURITY_TLS_REQUIRED;
sslContext.init(null, new TrustManager[] {
TrustManagerFactory.get(mHost, secure)
}, new SecureRandom());
mSocket = sslContext.getSocketFactory().createSocket(mSocket, mHost, mPort,
mIn = new BufferedInputStream(mSocket.getInputStream(), 1024);
mOut = new BufferedOutputStream(mSocket.getOutputStream(), 512);
if (!isOpen()) {
throw new MessagingException("Unable to connect socket");
} else if (mConnectionSecurity == CONNECTION_SECURITY_TLS_REQUIRED) {
throw new MessagingException("TLS not supported but required");
2011-04-12 08:16:22 -04:00
if (useCramMd5) {
try {
String b64Nonce = executeSimpleCommand("AUTH CRAM-MD5").replace("+ ", "");
String b64CRAM = Authentication.computeCramMd5(mUsername, mPassword, b64Nonce);
} catch (MessagingException me) {
throw new AuthenticationFailedException(null, me);
2011-04-12 08:16:22 -04:00
} else {
try {
executeSimpleCommand("USER " + mUsername);
executeSimpleCommand("PASS " + mPassword, true);
} catch (MessagingException me) {
throw new AuthenticationFailedException(null, me);
mCapabilities = getCapabilities();
} catch (SSLException e) {
throw new CertificateValidationException(e.getMessage(), e);
} catch (GeneralSecurityException gse) {
throw new MessagingException(
"Unable to open connection to POP server due to security error.", gse);
} catch (IOException ioe) {
throw new MessagingException("Unable to open connection to POP server.", ioe);
String response = executeSimpleCommand("STAT");
String[] parts = response.split(" ");
mMessageCount = Integer.parseInt(parts[1]);
public boolean isOpen() {
return (mIn != null && mOut != null && mSocket != null
&& mSocket.isConnected() && !mSocket.isClosed());
public OpenMode getMode() {
Complete merge of DAmail functionality into K9mail. Following features are added to K9mail: 1) Show unread message count on each folder 2) Sum unread count of all shown folders in an account to the account display 3) Periodically check selected folders for new mail, not just Inbox 4) Don't refresh folder when opened (unless folder is empty) 5) Show date and time of last sync for each folder 6) Fix timer for automatic periodic sync (use wakelock to assure completion) 7) Optimize local folder queries (speeds up account and folder lists) 8) Show Loading... message in status bar indicating which folder is being synced 9) Eliminate redundant sync of new messages (performance enhancement) 10) Improve notification text for multiple accounts 11) Do not automatically sync folders more often than the account-specific period 12) Use user-configured date and time formats 13) Select which folders are shown, using configurable Classes 14) Select which folders are synced, using configurable Classes 15) Added context (long press) menu to folders, to provide for Refresh and Folder Settings 16) Status light flashes purple when there are unread messages 17) Folder list more quickly eliminates display of deleted and out-of-Class folders. 18) Delete works 19) Mark all messages as read (in the folder context menu) 20) Notifications only for new unread messages 21) One minute synchronization frequency 22) Deleting an unread message decrements unread counter 23) Notifications work for POP3 accounts 24) Message deletes work for POP3 accounts 25) Explicit errors show in folder list 26) Stack traces saved to folder K9mail-errors 27) Clear pending actions (danger, for emergencies only!) 28) Delete policy in Account settings 29) DNS cache in InetAddress disabled 30) Trapped some crash-causing error conditions 31) Eliminate duplicate copies to Sent folder 32) Prevent crashes due to message listener concurrency 33) Empty Trash 34) Nuclear "Mark all messages as read" (marks all messages as read in server-side folder, irrespective of which messages have been downloaded) 35) Forward (alternate) to allow forwarding email through other programs 36) Accept text/plain Intents to allow other programs to send email through K9mail 37) Displays Outbox sending status 38) Manual retry of outbox sending when "Refresh"ing Outbox 39) Folder error status is persisted 40) Ability to log to arbitrary file Fixes K9 issues 11, 23, 24, 65, 69, 71, 79, 81, 82, 83, 87, 101, 104, 107, 120, 148, 154
2008-12-30 22:49:09 -05:00
return OpenMode.READ_WRITE;
public void close() {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
* QUIT may fail if the connection is already closed. We don't care. It's just
* being friendly.
private void closeIO() {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
* May fail if the connection is already closed.
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
* May fail if the connection is already closed.
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
* May fail if the connection is already closed.
mIn = null;
mOut = null;
mSocket = null;
public String getName() {
return mName;
public boolean create(FolderType type) throws MessagingException {
return false;
public boolean exists() throws MessagingException {
return mName.equalsIgnoreCase(mAccount.getInboxFolderName());
public int getMessageCount() {
return mMessageCount;
public int getUnreadMessageCount() throws MessagingException {
return -1;
public int getFlaggedMessageCount() throws MessagingException {
return -1;
public Message getMessage(String uid) throws MessagingException {
Pop3Message message = mUidToMsgMap.get(uid);
if (message == null) {
message = new Pop3Message(uid, this);
return message;
public Message[] getMessages(int start, int end, Date earliestDate, MessageRetrievalListener listener)
throws MessagingException {
if (start < 1 || end < 1 || end < start) {
throw new MessagingException(String.format("Invalid message set %d %d",
start, end));
try {
indexMsgNums(start, end);
} catch (IOException ioe) {
throw new MessagingException("getMessages", ioe);
ArrayList<Message> messages = new ArrayList<Message>();
int i = 0;
for (int msgNum = start; msgNum <= end; msgNum++) {
Pop3Message message = mMsgNumToMsgMap.get(msgNum);
if (message == null) {
* There could be gaps in the message numbers or malformed
* responses which lead to "gaps" in mMsgNumToMsgMap.
* See issue 2252
if (listener != null) {
listener.messageStarted(message.getUid(), i++, (end - start) + 1);
if (listener != null) {
listener.messageFinished(message, i++, (end - start) + 1);
return messages.toArray(new Message[messages.size()]);
* Ensures that the given message set (from start to end inclusive)
* has been queried so that uids are available in the local cache.
* @param start
* @param end
* @throws MessagingException
* @throws IOException
private void indexMsgNums(int start, int end)
throws MessagingException, IOException {
int unindexedMessageCount = 0;
for (int msgNum = start; msgNum <= end; msgNum++) {
if (mMsgNumToMsgMap.get(msgNum) == null) {
if (unindexedMessageCount == 0) {
if (unindexedMessageCount < 50 && mMessageCount > 5000) {
* In extreme cases we'll do a UIDL command per message instead of a bulk
* download.
for (int msgNum = start; msgNum <= end; msgNum++) {
Pop3Message message = mMsgNumToMsgMap.get(msgNum);
if (message == null) {
String response = executeSimpleCommand("UIDL " + msgNum);
int uidIndex = response.lastIndexOf(' ');
String msgUid = response.substring(uidIndex + 1);
message = new Pop3Message(msgUid, this);
indexMessage(msgNum, message);
} else {
String response = executeSimpleCommand("UIDL");
while ((response = readLine()) != null) {
if (response.equals(".")) {
String[] uidParts = response.split(" ");
if ((uidParts.length >= 3) && "+OK".equals(uidParts[0])) {
* At least one server software places a "+OK" in
* front of every line in the unique-id listing.
* Fix up the array if we detected this behavior.
* See Issue 1237
uidParts[0] = uidParts[1];
uidParts[1] = uidParts[2];
if (uidParts.length >= 2) {
Integer msgNum = Integer.valueOf(uidParts[0]);
String msgUid = uidParts[1];
if (msgNum >= start && msgNum <= end) {
Pop3Message message = mMsgNumToMsgMap.get(msgNum);
if (message == null) {
message = new Pop3Message(msgUid, this);
indexMessage(msgNum, message);
private void indexUids(ArrayList<String> uids)
throws MessagingException, IOException {
HashSet<String> unindexedUids = new HashSet<String>();
for (String uid : uids) {
if (mUidToMsgMap.get(uid) == null) {
Log.d(K9.LOG_TAG, "Need to index UID " + uid);
if (unindexedUids.size() == 0) {
* If we are missing uids in the cache the only sure way to
* get them is to do a full UIDL list. A possible optimization
* would be trying UIDL for the latest X messages and praying.
String response = executeSimpleCommand("UIDL");
while ((response = readLine()) != null) {
if (response.equals(".")) {
String[] uidParts = response.split(" ");
// Ignore messages without a unique-id
if (uidParts.length >= 2) {
2010-12-24 13:55:05 -05:00
Integer msgNum = Integer.valueOf(uidParts[0]);
String msgUid = uidParts[1];
if (unindexedUids.contains(msgUid)) {
2010-12-24 13:55:05 -05:00
Log.d(K9.LOG_TAG, "Got msgNum " + msgNum + " for UID " + msgUid);
Pop3Message message = mUidToMsgMap.get(msgUid);
if (message == null) {
2010-12-24 13:55:05 -05:00
message = new Pop3Message(msgUid, this);
indexMessage(msgNum, message);
private void indexMessage(int msgNum, Pop3Message message) {
Log.d(K9.LOG_TAG, "Adding index for UID " + message.getUid() + " to msgNum " + msgNum);
mMsgNumToMsgMap.put(msgNum, message);
mUidToMsgMap.put(message.getUid(), message);
mUidToMsgNumMap.put(message.getUid(), msgNum);
public Message[] getMessages(MessageRetrievalListener listener) throws MessagingException {
Complete merge of DAmail functionality into K9mail. Following features are added to K9mail: 1) Show unread message count on each folder 2) Sum unread count of all shown folders in an account to the account display 3) Periodically check selected folders for new mail, not just Inbox 4) Don't refresh folder when opened (unless folder is empty) 5) Show date and time of last sync for each folder 6) Fix timer for automatic periodic sync (use wakelock to assure completion) 7) Optimize local folder queries (speeds up account and folder lists) 8) Show Loading... message in status bar indicating which folder is being synced 9) Eliminate redundant sync of new messages (performance enhancement) 10) Improve notification text for multiple accounts 11) Do not automatically sync folders more often than the account-specific period 12) Use user-configured date and time formats 13) Select which folders are shown, using configurable Classes 14) Select which folders are synced, using configurable Classes 15) Added context (long press) menu to folders, to provide for Refresh and Folder Settings 16) Status light flashes purple when there are unread messages 17) Folder list more quickly eliminates display of deleted and out-of-Class folders. 18) Delete works 19) Mark all messages as read (in the folder context menu) 20) Notifications only for new unread messages 21) One minute synchronization frequency 22) Deleting an unread message decrements unread counter 23) Notifications work for POP3 accounts 24) Message deletes work for POP3 accounts 25) Explicit errors show in folder list 26) Stack traces saved to folder K9mail-errors 27) Clear pending actions (danger, for emergencies only!) 28) Delete policy in Account settings 29) DNS cache in InetAddress disabled 30) Trapped some crash-causing error conditions 31) Eliminate duplicate copies to Sent folder 32) Prevent crashes due to message listener concurrency 33) Empty Trash 34) Nuclear "Mark all messages as read" (marks all messages as read in server-side folder, irrespective of which messages have been downloaded) 35) Forward (alternate) to allow forwarding email through other programs 36) Accept text/plain Intents to allow other programs to send email through K9mail 37) Displays Outbox sending status 38) Manual retry of outbox sending when "Refresh"ing Outbox 39) Folder error status is persisted 40) Ability to log to arbitrary file Fixes K9 issues 11, 23, 24, 65, 69, 71, 79, 81, 82, 83, 87, 101, 104, 107, 120, 148, 154
2008-12-30 22:49:09 -05:00
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Pop3: No getMessages");
public Message[] getMessages(String[] uids, MessageRetrievalListener listener)
throws MessagingException {
Complete merge of DAmail functionality into K9mail. Following features are added to K9mail: 1) Show unread message count on each folder 2) Sum unread count of all shown folders in an account to the account display 3) Periodically check selected folders for new mail, not just Inbox 4) Don't refresh folder when opened (unless folder is empty) 5) Show date and time of last sync for each folder 6) Fix timer for automatic periodic sync (use wakelock to assure completion) 7) Optimize local folder queries (speeds up account and folder lists) 8) Show Loading... message in status bar indicating which folder is being synced 9) Eliminate redundant sync of new messages (performance enhancement) 10) Improve notification text for multiple accounts 11) Do not automatically sync folders more often than the account-specific period 12) Use user-configured date and time formats 13) Select which folders are shown, using configurable Classes 14) Select which folders are synced, using configurable Classes 15) Added context (long press) menu to folders, to provide for Refresh and Folder Settings 16) Status light flashes purple when there are unread messages 17) Folder list more quickly eliminates display of deleted and out-of-Class folders. 18) Delete works 19) Mark all messages as read (in the folder context menu) 20) Notifications only for new unread messages 21) One minute synchronization frequency 22) Deleting an unread message decrements unread counter 23) Notifications work for POP3 accounts 24) Message deletes work for POP3 accounts 25) Explicit errors show in folder list 26) Stack traces saved to folder K9mail-errors 27) Clear pending actions (danger, for emergencies only!) 28) Delete policy in Account settings 29) DNS cache in InetAddress disabled 30) Trapped some crash-causing error conditions 31) Eliminate duplicate copies to Sent folder 32) Prevent crashes due to message listener concurrency 33) Empty Trash 34) Nuclear "Mark all messages as read" (marks all messages as read in server-side folder, irrespective of which messages have been downloaded) 35) Forward (alternate) to allow forwarding email through other programs 36) Accept text/plain Intents to allow other programs to send email through K9mail 37) Displays Outbox sending status 38) Manual retry of outbox sending when "Refresh"ing Outbox 39) Folder error status is persisted 40) Ability to log to arbitrary file Fixes K9 issues 11, 23, 24, 65, 69, 71, 79, 81, 82, 83, 87, 101, 104, 107, 120, 148, 154
2008-12-30 22:49:09 -05:00
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Pop3: No getMessages by uids");
* Fetch the items contained in the FetchProfile into the given set of
* Messages in as efficient a manner as possible.
* @param messages
* @param fp
* @throws MessagingException
public void fetch(Message[] messages, FetchProfile fp, MessageRetrievalListener listener)
throws MessagingException {
if (messages == null || messages.length == 0) {
ArrayList<String> uids = new ArrayList<String>();
for (Message message : messages) {
try {
} catch (IOException ioe) {
throw new MessagingException("fetch", ioe);
try {
if (fp.contains(FetchProfile.Item.ENVELOPE)) {
* We pass the listener only if there are other things to do in the
* FetchProfile. Since fetchEnvelop works in bulk and eveything else
* works one at a time if we let fetchEnvelope send events the
* event would get sent twice.
fetchEnvelope(messages, fp.size() == 1 ? listener : null);
} catch (IOException ioe) {
throw new MessagingException("fetch", ioe);
for (int i = 0, count = messages.length; i < count; i++) {
Message message = messages[i];
if (!(message instanceof Pop3Message)) {
throw new MessagingException("Pop3Store.fetch called with non-Pop3 Message");
Pop3Message pop3Message = (Pop3Message)message;
try {
if (listener != null && !fp.contains(FetchProfile.Item.ENVELOPE)) {
listener.messageStarted(pop3Message.getUid(), i, count);
if (fp.contains(FetchProfile.Item.BODY)) {
fetchBody(pop3Message, -1);
} else if (fp.contains(FetchProfile.Item.BODY_SANE)) {
* To convert the suggested download size we take the size
* divided by the maximum line size (76).
(mAccount.getMaximumAutoDownloadMessageSize() / 76));
} else if (fp.contains(FetchProfile.Item.STRUCTURE)) {
* If the user is requesting STRUCTURE we are required to set the body
* to null since we do not support the function.
if (listener != null && !(fp.contains(FetchProfile.Item.ENVELOPE) && fp.size() == 1)) {
listener.messageFinished(message, i, count);
} catch (IOException ioe) {
throw new MessagingException("Unable to fetch message", ioe);
private void fetchEnvelope(Message[] messages,
MessageRetrievalListener listener) throws IOException, MessagingException {
int unsizedMessages = 0;
for (Message message : messages) {
if (message.getSize() == -1) {
if (unsizedMessages == 0) {
if (unsizedMessages < 50 && mMessageCount > 5000) {
* In extreme cases we'll do a command per message instead of a bulk request
* to hopefully save some time and bandwidth.
for (int i = 0, count = messages.length; i < count; i++) {
Message message = messages[i];
if (!(message instanceof Pop3Message)) {
throw new MessagingException("Pop3Store.fetch called with non-Pop3 Message");
Pop3Message pop3Message = (Pop3Message)message;
if (listener != null) {
listener.messageStarted(pop3Message.getUid(), i, count);
String response = executeSimpleCommand(String.format("LIST %d",
String[] listParts = response.split(" ");
//int msgNum = Integer.parseInt(listParts[1]);
int msgSize = Integer.parseInt(listParts[2]);
if (listener != null) {
listener.messageFinished(pop3Message, i, count);
} else {
HashSet<String> msgUidIndex = new HashSet<String>();
for (Message message : messages) {
int i = 0, count = messages.length;
String response = executeSimpleCommand("LIST");
while ((response = readLine()) != null) {
if (response.equals(".")) {
String[] listParts = response.split(" ");
int msgNum = Integer.parseInt(listParts[0]);
int msgSize = Integer.parseInt(listParts[1]);
Pop3Message pop3Message = mMsgNumToMsgMap.get(msgNum);
if (pop3Message != null && msgUidIndex.contains(pop3Message.getUid())) {
if (listener != null) {
listener.messageStarted(pop3Message.getUid(), i, count);
if (listener != null) {
listener.messageFinished(pop3Message, i, count);
* Fetches the body of the given message, limiting the downloaded data to the specified
* number of lines if possible.
* If lines is -1 the entire message is fetched. This is implemented with RETR for
* lines = -1 or TOP for any other value. If the server does not support TOP, RETR is used
* instead.
private void fetchBody(Pop3Message message, int lines)
throws IOException, MessagingException {
String response = null;
// Try hard to use the TOP command if we're not asked to download the whole message.
if (lines != -1 && (!mTopNotSupported || mCapabilities.top)) {
try {
if (K9.DEBUG && K9.DEBUG_PROTOCOL_POP3 && !mCapabilities.top) {
Log.d(K9.LOG_TAG, "This server doesn't support the CAPA command. " +
"Checking to see if the TOP command is supported nevertheless.");
response = executeSimpleCommand(String.format("TOP %d %d",
mUidToMsgNumMap.get(message.getUid()), lines));
// TOP command is supported. Remember this for the next time.
mCapabilities.top = true;
} catch (Pop3ErrorResponse e) {
if (mCapabilities.top) {
// The TOP command should be supported but something went wrong.
throw e;
} else {
Log.d(K9.LOG_TAG, "The server really doesn't support the TOP " +
"command. Using RETR instead.");
// Don't try to use the TOP command again.
mTopNotSupported = true;
if (response == null) {
response = executeSimpleCommand(String.format("RETR %d",
try {
message.parse(new Pop3ResponseInputStream(mIn));
// TODO: if we've received fewer lines than requested we also have the complete message.
if (lines == -1 || !mCapabilities.top) {
message.setFlag(Flag.X_DOWNLOADED_FULL, true);
} catch (MessagingException me) {
* If we're only downloading headers it's possible
* we'll get a broken MIME message which we're not
* real worried about. If we've downloaded the body
* and can't parse it we need to let the user know.
if (lines == -1) {
throw me;
public Flag[] getPermanentFlags() {
public void appendMessages(Message[] messages) throws MessagingException {
public void delete(boolean recurse) throws MessagingException {
public void delete(Message[] msgs, String trashFolderName) throws MessagingException {
setFlags(msgs, new Flag[] { Flag.DELETED }, true);
Complete merge of DAmail functionality into K9mail. Following features are added to K9mail: 1) Show unread message count on each folder 2) Sum unread count of all shown folders in an account to the account display 3) Periodically check selected folders for new mail, not just Inbox 4) Don't refresh folder when opened (unless folder is empty) 5) Show date and time of last sync for each folder 6) Fix timer for automatic periodic sync (use wakelock to assure completion) 7) Optimize local folder queries (speeds up account and folder lists) 8) Show Loading... message in status bar indicating which folder is being synced 9) Eliminate redundant sync of new messages (performance enhancement) 10) Improve notification text for multiple accounts 11) Do not automatically sync folders more often than the account-specific period 12) Use user-configured date and time formats 13) Select which folders are shown, using configurable Classes 14) Select which folders are synced, using configurable Classes 15) Added context (long press) menu to folders, to provide for Refresh and Folder Settings 16) Status light flashes purple when there are unread messages 17) Folder list more quickly eliminates display of deleted and out-of-Class folders. 18) Delete works 19) Mark all messages as read (in the folder context menu) 20) Notifications only for new unread messages 21) One minute synchronization frequency 22) Deleting an unread message decrements unread counter 23) Notifications work for POP3 accounts 24) Message deletes work for POP3 accounts 25) Explicit errors show in folder list 26) Stack traces saved to folder K9mail-errors 27) Clear pending actions (danger, for emergencies only!) 28) Delete policy in Account settings 29) DNS cache in InetAddress disabled 30) Trapped some crash-causing error conditions 31) Eliminate duplicate copies to Sent folder 32) Prevent crashes due to message listener concurrency 33) Empty Trash 34) Nuclear "Mark all messages as read" (marks all messages as read in server-side folder, irrespective of which messages have been downloaded) 35) Forward (alternate) to allow forwarding email through other programs 36) Accept text/plain Intents to allow other programs to send email through K9mail 37) Displays Outbox sending status 38) Manual retry of outbox sending when "Refresh"ing Outbox 39) Folder error status is persisted 40) Ability to log to arbitrary file Fixes K9 issues 11, 23, 24, 65, 69, 71, 79, 81, 82, 83, 87, 101, 104, 107, 120, 148, 154
2008-12-30 22:49:09 -05:00
public String getUidFromMessageId(Message message) throws MessagingException {
return null;
Complete merge of DAmail functionality into K9mail. Following features are added to K9mail: 1) Show unread message count on each folder 2) Sum unread count of all shown folders in an account to the account display 3) Periodically check selected folders for new mail, not just Inbox 4) Don't refresh folder when opened (unless folder is empty) 5) Show date and time of last sync for each folder 6) Fix timer for automatic periodic sync (use wakelock to assure completion) 7) Optimize local folder queries (speeds up account and folder lists) 8) Show Loading... message in status bar indicating which folder is being synced 9) Eliminate redundant sync of new messages (performance enhancement) 10) Improve notification text for multiple accounts 11) Do not automatically sync folders more often than the account-specific period 12) Use user-configured date and time formats 13) Select which folders are shown, using configurable Classes 14) Select which folders are synced, using configurable Classes 15) Added context (long press) menu to folders, to provide for Refresh and Folder Settings 16) Status light flashes purple when there are unread messages 17) Folder list more quickly eliminates display of deleted and out-of-Class folders. 18) Delete works 19) Mark all messages as read (in the folder context menu) 20) Notifications only for new unread messages 21) One minute synchronization frequency 22) Deleting an unread message decrements unread counter 23) Notifications work for POP3 accounts 24) Message deletes work for POP3 accounts 25) Explicit errors show in folder list 26) Stack traces saved to folder K9mail-errors 27) Clear pending actions (danger, for emergencies only!) 28) Delete policy in Account settings 29) DNS cache in InetAddress disabled 30) Trapped some crash-causing error conditions 31) Eliminate duplicate copies to Sent folder 32) Prevent crashes due to message listener concurrency 33) Empty Trash 34) Nuclear "Mark all messages as read" (marks all messages as read in server-side folder, irrespective of which messages have been downloaded) 35) Forward (alternate) to allow forwarding email through other programs 36) Accept text/plain Intents to allow other programs to send email through K9mail 37) Displays Outbox sending status 38) Manual retry of outbox sending when "Refresh"ing Outbox 39) Folder error status is persisted 40) Ability to log to arbitrary file Fixes K9 issues 11, 23, 24, 65, 69, 71, 79, 81, 82, 83, 87, 101, 104, 107, 120, 148, 154
2008-12-30 22:49:09 -05:00
Complete merge of DAmail functionality into K9mail. Following features are added to K9mail: 1) Show unread message count on each folder 2) Sum unread count of all shown folders in an account to the account display 3) Periodically check selected folders for new mail, not just Inbox 4) Don't refresh folder when opened (unless folder is empty) 5) Show date and time of last sync for each folder 6) Fix timer for automatic periodic sync (use wakelock to assure completion) 7) Optimize local folder queries (speeds up account and folder lists) 8) Show Loading... message in status bar indicating which folder is being synced 9) Eliminate redundant sync of new messages (performance enhancement) 10) Improve notification text for multiple accounts 11) Do not automatically sync folders more often than the account-specific period 12) Use user-configured date and time formats 13) Select which folders are shown, using configurable Classes 14) Select which folders are synced, using configurable Classes 15) Added context (long press) menu to folders, to provide for Refresh and Folder Settings 16) Status light flashes purple when there are unread messages 17) Folder list more quickly eliminates display of deleted and out-of-Class folders. 18) Delete works 19) Mark all messages as read (in the folder context menu) 20) Notifications only for new unread messages 21) One minute synchronization frequency 22) Deleting an unread message decrements unread counter 23) Notifications work for POP3 accounts 24) Message deletes work for POP3 accounts 25) Explicit errors show in folder list 26) Stack traces saved to folder K9mail-errors 27) Clear pending actions (danger, for emergencies only!) 28) Delete policy in Account settings 29) DNS cache in InetAddress disabled 30) Trapped some crash-causing error conditions 31) Eliminate duplicate copies to Sent folder 32) Prevent crashes due to message listener concurrency 33) Empty Trash 34) Nuclear "Mark all messages as read" (marks all messages as read in server-side folder, irrespective of which messages have been downloaded) 35) Forward (alternate) to allow forwarding email through other programs 36) Accept text/plain Intents to allow other programs to send email through K9mail 37) Displays Outbox sending status 38) Manual retry of outbox sending when "Refresh"ing Outbox 39) Folder error status is persisted 40) Ability to log to arbitrary file Fixes K9 issues 11, 23, 24, 65, 69, 71, 79, 81, 82, 83, 87, 101, 104, 107, 120, 148, 154
2008-12-30 22:49:09 -05:00
public void setFlags(Flag[] flags, boolean value)
throws MessagingException {
Message[] messages = getMessages(null);
setFlags(messages, flags, value);
Complete merge of DAmail functionality into K9mail. Following features are added to K9mail: 1) Show unread message count on each folder 2) Sum unread count of all shown folders in an account to the account display 3) Periodically check selected folders for new mail, not just Inbox 4) Don't refresh folder when opened (unless folder is empty) 5) Show date and time of last sync for each folder 6) Fix timer for automatic periodic sync (use wakelock to assure completion) 7) Optimize local folder queries (speeds up account and folder lists) 8) Show Loading... message in status bar indicating which folder is being synced 9) Eliminate redundant sync of new messages (performance enhancement) 10) Improve notification text for multiple accounts 11) Do not automatically sync folders more often than the account-specific period 12) Use user-configured date and time formats 13) Select which folders are shown, using configurable Classes 14) Select which folders are synced, using configurable Classes 15) Added context (long press) menu to folders, to provide for Refresh and Folder Settings 16) Status light flashes purple when there are unread messages 17) Folder list more quickly eliminates display of deleted and out-of-Class folders. 18) Delete works 19) Mark all messages as read (in the folder context menu) 20) Notifications only for new unread messages 21) One minute synchronization frequency 22) Deleting an unread message decrements unread counter 23) Notifications work for POP3 accounts 24) Message deletes work for POP3 accounts 25) Explicit errors show in folder list 26) Stack traces saved to folder K9mail-errors 27) Clear pending actions (danger, for emergencies only!) 28) Delete policy in Account settings 29) DNS cache in InetAddress disabled 30) Trapped some crash-causing error conditions 31) Eliminate duplicate copies to Sent folder 32) Prevent crashes due to message listener concurrency 33) Empty Trash 34) Nuclear "Mark all messages as read" (marks all messages as read in server-side folder, irrespective of which messages have been downloaded) 35) Forward (alternate) to allow forwarding email through other programs 36) Accept text/plain Intents to allow other programs to send email through K9mail 37) Displays Outbox sending status 38) Manual retry of outbox sending when "Refresh"ing Outbox 39) Folder error status is persisted 40) Ability to log to arbitrary file Fixes K9 issues 11, 23, 24, 65, 69, 71, 79, 81, 82, 83, 87, 101, 104, 107, 120, 148, 154
2008-12-30 22:49:09 -05:00
public void setFlags(Message[] messages, Flag[] flags, boolean value)
throws MessagingException {
if (!value || !Utility.arrayContains(flags, Flag.DELETED)) {
* The only flagging we support is setting the Deleted flag.
Complete merge of DAmail functionality into K9mail. Following features are added to K9mail: 1) Show unread message count on each folder 2) Sum unread count of all shown folders in an account to the account display 3) Periodically check selected folders for new mail, not just Inbox 4) Don't refresh folder when opened (unless folder is empty) 5) Show date and time of last sync for each folder 6) Fix timer for automatic periodic sync (use wakelock to assure completion) 7) Optimize local folder queries (speeds up account and folder lists) 8) Show Loading... message in status bar indicating which folder is being synced 9) Eliminate redundant sync of new messages (performance enhancement) 10) Improve notification text for multiple accounts 11) Do not automatically sync folders more often than the account-specific period 12) Use user-configured date and time formats 13) Select which folders are shown, using configurable Classes 14) Select which folders are synced, using configurable Classes 15) Added context (long press) menu to folders, to provide for Refresh and Folder Settings 16) Status light flashes purple when there are unread messages 17) Folder list more quickly eliminates display of deleted and out-of-Class folders. 18) Delete works 19) Mark all messages as read (in the folder context menu) 20) Notifications only for new unread messages 21) One minute synchronization frequency 22) Deleting an unread message decrements unread counter 23) Notifications work for POP3 accounts 24) Message deletes work for POP3 accounts 25) Explicit errors show in folder list 26) Stack traces saved to folder K9mail-errors 27) Clear pending actions (danger, for emergencies only!) 28) Delete policy in Account settings 29) DNS cache in InetAddress disabled 30) Trapped some crash-causing error conditions 31) Eliminate duplicate copies to Sent folder 32) Prevent crashes due to message listener concurrency 33) Empty Trash 34) Nuclear "Mark all messages as read" (marks all messages as read in server-side folder, irrespective of which messages have been downloaded) 35) Forward (alternate) to allow forwarding email through other programs 36) Accept text/plain Intents to allow other programs to send email through K9mail 37) Displays Outbox sending status 38) Manual retry of outbox sending when "Refresh"ing Outbox 39) Folder error status is persisted 40) Ability to log to arbitrary file Fixes K9 issues 11, 23, 24, 65, 69, 71, 79, 81, 82, 83, 87, 101, 104, 107, 120, 148, 154
2008-12-30 22:49:09 -05:00
ArrayList<String> uids = new ArrayList<String>();
try {
for (Message message : messages) {
} catch (IOException ioe) {
throw new MessagingException("Could not get message number for uid " + uids, ioe);
Complete merge of DAmail functionality into K9mail. Following features are added to K9mail: 1) Show unread message count on each folder 2) Sum unread count of all shown folders in an account to the account display 3) Periodically check selected folders for new mail, not just Inbox 4) Don't refresh folder when opened (unless folder is empty) 5) Show date and time of last sync for each folder 6) Fix timer for automatic periodic sync (use wakelock to assure completion) 7) Optimize local folder queries (speeds up account and folder lists) 8) Show Loading... message in status bar indicating which folder is being synced 9) Eliminate redundant sync of new messages (performance enhancement) 10) Improve notification text for multiple accounts 11) Do not automatically sync folders more often than the account-specific period 12) Use user-configured date and time formats 13) Select which folders are shown, using configurable Classes 14) Select which folders are synced, using configurable Classes 15) Added context (long press) menu to folders, to provide for Refresh and Folder Settings 16) Status light flashes purple when there are unread messages 17) Folder list more quickly eliminates display of deleted and out-of-Class folders. 18) Delete works 19) Mark all messages as read (in the folder context menu) 20) Notifications only for new unread messages 21) One minute synchronization frequency 22) Deleting an unread message decrements unread counter 23) Notifications work for POP3 accounts 24) Message deletes work for POP3 accounts 25) Explicit errors show in folder list 26) Stack traces saved to folder K9mail-errors 27) Clear pending actions (danger, for emergencies only!) 28) Delete policy in Account settings 29) DNS cache in InetAddress disabled 30) Trapped some crash-causing error conditions 31) Eliminate duplicate copies to Sent folder 32) Prevent crashes due to message listener concurrency 33) Empty Trash 34) Nuclear "Mark all messages as read" (marks all messages as read in server-side folder, irrespective of which messages have been downloaded) 35) Forward (alternate) to allow forwarding email through other programs 36) Accept text/plain Intents to allow other programs to send email through K9mail 37) Displays Outbox sending status 38) Manual retry of outbox sending when "Refresh"ing Outbox 39) Folder error status is persisted 40) Ability to log to arbitrary file Fixes K9 issues 11, 23, 24, 65, 69, 71, 79, 81, 82, 83, 87, 101, 104, 107, 120, 148, 154
2008-12-30 22:49:09 -05:00
for (Message message : messages) {
Integer msgNum = mUidToMsgNumMap.get(message.getUid());
if (msgNum == null) {
MessagingException me = new MessagingException("Could not delete message " + message.getUid()
+ " because no msgNum found; permanent error");
throw me;
executeSimpleCommand(String.format("DELE %s", msgNum));
private String readLine() throws IOException {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
int d = mIn.read();
if (d == -1) {
throw new IOException("End of stream reached while trying to read line.");
do {
if (((char)d) == '\r') {
} else if (((char)d) == '\n') {
} else {
} while ((d = mIn.read()) != -1);
String ret = sb.toString();
2010-07-29 20:53:46 -04:00
Log.d(K9.LOG_TAG, "<<< " + ret);
return ret;
private void writeLine(String s) throws IOException {
private Pop3Capabilities getCapabilities() throws IOException {
Pop3Capabilities capabilities = new Pop3Capabilities();
try {
String response = executeSimpleCommand("CAPA");
while ((response = readLine()) != null) {
if (response.equals(".")) {
if (response.equalsIgnoreCase("STLS")) {
capabilities.stls = true;
} else if (response.equalsIgnoreCase("UIDL")) {
capabilities.uidl = true;
} else if (response.equalsIgnoreCase("PIPELINING")) {
capabilities.pipelining = true;
} else if (response.equalsIgnoreCase("USER")) {
capabilities.user = true;
} else if (response.equalsIgnoreCase("TOP")) {
capabilities.top = true;
if (!capabilities.top) {
* If the CAPA command is supported but it doesn't advertise support for the
* TOP command, we won't check for it manually.
mTopNotSupported = true;
} catch (MessagingException me) {
* The server may not support the CAPA command, so we just eat this Exception
* and allow the empty capabilities object to be returned.
return capabilities;
private String executeSimpleCommand(String command) throws MessagingException {
2010-07-29 20:53:46 -04:00
return executeSimpleCommand(command, false);
private String executeSimpleCommand(String command, boolean sensitive) throws MessagingException {
try {
2010-07-29 20:53:46 -04:00
if (command != null) {
if (sensitive && !K9.DEBUG_SENSITIVE) {
2010-07-29 20:53:46 -04:00
Log.d(K9.LOG_TAG, ">>> "
+ "[Command Hidden, Enable Sensitive Debug Logging To Show]");
} else {
2010-07-29 20:53:46 -04:00
Log.d(K9.LOG_TAG, ">>> " + command);
String response = readLine();
if (response.length() > 1 && response.charAt(0) == '-') {
throw new Pop3ErrorResponse(response);
return response;
} catch (MessagingException me) {
throw me;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new MessagingException("Unable to execute POP3 command", e);
public boolean isFlagSupported(Flag flag) {
return (flag == Flag.DELETED);
public boolean supportsFetchingFlags() {
return false;
2011-01-23 22:27:26 -05:00
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (o instanceof Pop3Folder) {
return ((Pop3Folder) o).mName.equals(mName);
return super.equals(o);
public int hashCode() {
return mName.hashCode();
static class Pop3Message extends MimeMessage {
public Pop3Message(String uid, Pop3Folder folder) {
mUid = uid;
mFolder = folder;
mSize = -1;
public void setSize(int size) {
mSize = size;
protected void parse(InputStream in) throws IOException, MessagingException {
public void setFlag(Flag flag, boolean set) throws MessagingException {
super.setFlag(flag, set);
mFolder.setFlags(new Message[] { this }, new Flag[] { flag }, set);
Complete merge of DAmail functionality into K9mail. Following features are added to K9mail: 1) Show unread message count on each folder 2) Sum unread count of all shown folders in an account to the account display 3) Periodically check selected folders for new mail, not just Inbox 4) Don't refresh folder when opened (unless folder is empty) 5) Show date and time of last sync for each folder 6) Fix timer for automatic periodic sync (use wakelock to assure completion) 7) Optimize local folder queries (speeds up account and folder lists) 8) Show Loading... message in status bar indicating which folder is being synced 9) Eliminate redundant sync of new messages (performance enhancement) 10) Improve notification text for multiple accounts 11) Do not automatically sync folders more often than the account-specific period 12) Use user-configured date and time formats 13) Select which folders are shown, using configurable Classes 14) Select which folders are synced, using configurable Classes 15) Added context (long press) menu to folders, to provide for Refresh and Folder Settings 16) Status light flashes purple when there are unread messages 17) Folder list more quickly eliminates display of deleted and out-of-Class folders. 18) Delete works 19) Mark all messages as read (in the folder context menu) 20) Notifications only for new unread messages 21) One minute synchronization frequency 22) Deleting an unread message decrements unread counter 23) Notifications work for POP3 accounts 24) Message deletes work for POP3 accounts 25) Explicit errors show in folder list 26) Stack traces saved to folder K9mail-errors 27) Clear pending actions (danger, for emergencies only!) 28) Delete policy in Account settings 29) DNS cache in InetAddress disabled 30) Trapped some crash-causing error conditions 31) Eliminate duplicate copies to Sent folder 32) Prevent crashes due to message listener concurrency 33) Empty Trash 34) Nuclear "Mark all messages as read" (marks all messages as read in server-side folder, irrespective of which messages have been downloaded) 35) Forward (alternate) to allow forwarding email through other programs 36) Accept text/plain Intents to allow other programs to send email through K9mail 37) Displays Outbox sending status 38) Manual retry of outbox sending when "Refresh"ing Outbox 39) Folder error status is persisted 40) Ability to log to arbitrary file Fixes K9 issues 11, 23, 24, 65, 69, 71, 79, 81, 82, 83, 87, 101, 104, 107, 120, 148, 154
2008-12-30 22:49:09 -05:00
public void delete(String trashFolderName) throws MessagingException {
// try
// {
// Poor POP3 users, we can't copy the message to the Trash folder, but they still want a delete
setFlag(Flag.DELETED, true);
// }
// catch (MessagingException me)
// {
// Log.w(K9.LOG_TAG, "Could not delete non-existant message", me);
// }
Complete merge of DAmail functionality into K9mail. Following features are added to K9mail: 1) Show unread message count on each folder 2) Sum unread count of all shown folders in an account to the account display 3) Periodically check selected folders for new mail, not just Inbox 4) Don't refresh folder when opened (unless folder is empty) 5) Show date and time of last sync for each folder 6) Fix timer for automatic periodic sync (use wakelock to assure completion) 7) Optimize local folder queries (speeds up account and folder lists) 8) Show Loading... message in status bar indicating which folder is being synced 9) Eliminate redundant sync of new messages (performance enhancement) 10) Improve notification text for multiple accounts 11) Do not automatically sync folders more often than the account-specific period 12) Use user-configured date and time formats 13) Select which folders are shown, using configurable Classes 14) Select which folders are synced, using configurable Classes 15) Added context (long press) menu to folders, to provide for Refresh and Folder Settings 16) Status light flashes purple when there are unread messages 17) Folder list more quickly eliminates display of deleted and out-of-Class folders. 18) Delete works 19) Mark all messages as read (in the folder context menu) 20) Notifications only for new unread messages 21) One minute synchronization frequency 22) Deleting an unread message decrements unread counter 23) Notifications work for POP3 accounts 24) Message deletes work for POP3 accounts 25) Explicit errors show in folder list 26) Stack traces saved to folder K9mail-errors 27) Clear pending actions (danger, for emergencies only!) 28) Delete policy in Account settings 29) DNS cache in InetAddress disabled 30) Trapped some crash-causing error conditions 31) Eliminate duplicate copies to Sent folder 32) Prevent crashes due to message listener concurrency 33) Empty Trash 34) Nuclear "Mark all messages as read" (marks all messages as read in server-side folder, irrespective of which messages have been downloaded) 35) Forward (alternate) to allow forwarding email through other programs 36) Accept text/plain Intents to allow other programs to send email through K9mail 37) Displays Outbox sending status 38) Manual retry of outbox sending when "Refresh"ing Outbox 39) Folder error status is persisted 40) Ability to log to arbitrary file Fixes K9 issues 11, 23, 24, 65, 69, 71, 79, 81, 82, 83, 87, 101, 104, 107, 120, 148, 154
2008-12-30 22:49:09 -05:00
static class Pop3Capabilities {
public boolean stls;
public boolean top;
public boolean user;
public boolean uidl;
public boolean pipelining;
public String toString() {
return String.format("STLS %b, TOP %b, USER %b, UIDL %b, PIPELINING %b",
static class Pop3ResponseInputStream extends InputStream {
InputStream mIn;
boolean mStartOfLine = true;
boolean mFinished;
public Pop3ResponseInputStream(InputStream in) {
mIn = in;
public int read() throws IOException {
if (mFinished) {
return -1;
int d = mIn.read();
if (mStartOfLine && d == '.') {
d = mIn.read();
if (d == '\r') {
mFinished = true;
return -1;
mStartOfLine = (d == '\n');
return d;
* Exception that is thrown if the server returns an error response.
static class Pop3ErrorResponse extends MessagingException {
public Pop3ErrorResponse(String message) {
super(message, true);