2013-11-05 20:57:56 -05:00
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="changelog_style.xsl"?>
The master change log is kept in res/xml/changelog_master.xml.
Locale specific versions are kept in res/xml-<locale q u a l i f i e r > /changelog.xml.
Don't edit the changelog_<name > _branch.xml files in the gh-pages branch.
They are automatically updated with "ant bump-version".
<changelog >
2014-06-21 14:57:02 +02:00
<release version= "4.804" versioncode= "20005" >
<change > Fixed a bug with IMAP Push that could cause excessive battery drain</change>
<change > Exclude error folder from unread/starred count</change>
<change > Avoid adding the same recipient twice when using "reply to all"</change>
<change > Improved compatibility with IMAP (proxy) servers</change>
<change > Improved support for non-standard conform "share" functionality used by some apps</change>
<change > Another attempt at working around the display bug on Asus Transformer devices</change>
<change > Added mailbox.org to the list of providers </change>
<change > More bug fixes</change>
2014-01-27 13:34:36 -05:00
<release version= "4.803" versioncode= "20004" >
<change > Removed the work-around for the display bug on Asus Transformer devices introduced in v4.802 because it was causing problems</change>
<change > K-9 Mail now uses a locale-specific date in the header of a quoted message</change>
<change > Fixed bug where inline images where not showing in KitKat</change>
<change > Fixed POP3 STLS command</change>
<change > Added auto-configuration settings for some providers</change>
<change > Updated Dutch, Spanish, Danish, Slovak, Russian translation</change>
<change > More bug fixes</change>
2013-12-16 21:59:19 -05:00
<release version= "4.802" versioncode= "20003" >
<change > Added work-around for a display bug on Asus Transformer devices</change>
<change > Improved certificate validation. If you had to manually accept a certificate before you will have to do it again after this update.</change>
<change > Re-added support for SSLv3; fixed SSL-related problems with Android 2.2</change>
<change > Also use SSL/TLS hardening for STARTTLS connections</change>
<change > Added support for Bitcoin-URIs</change>
<change > Added higher resolution app icon</change>
<change > Added support for non-standard conforming servers when looking for "Drafts" folder</change>
<change > Added auto-configuration settings for some providers</change>
<change > Fixed color generation for contact picture placeholders</change>
<change > Updated Japanese, Polish, Czech, Russian, Greek, Hungarian, Dutch, Ukrainian, Brazilian Portuguese, French translations</change>
2013-11-07 10:43:19 -08:00
<release version= "4.801" versioncode= "20002" >
<change > Further bugfixes for importing settings on KitKat</change>
<change > First pass at a fix for blank messages showing up when the 'Auto-fit messages' option is checked</change>
<release version= "4.800" versioncode= "20001" >
2013-11-05 20:57:56 -05:00
<change > This release should behave better on KitKat devices. A version of 4.8 that runs on older devices should appear shortly.</change>
<release version= "4.701" versioncode= "19002" >
<change > Overhauled how we do message view scrolling to fix a KitKat issue. Thanks to Joe Steele!</change>
<change > Hardened TLS cipher suites and versions</change>
<change > K-9 no longer adds blank lines to composed messages if there is no quoted text</change>
<change > Fixed serveral issues related to message drafts</change>
<change > Better cleanup of old data when deleting an account</change>
<change > Worked around a bug in KitKat that stopped settings import from working</change>
<change > Updated German, Greek, Japanese, Korean, Lithuanian, Portugese, Russian and Slovak translations</change>
<change > </change>
<release version= "4.700" versioncode= "19001" >
<change > Code cleanups</change>
<change > Fixed a bug that could have caused message drafts to be sent before they were ready</change>
<change > Updates to German, Japanese, Russian, Slovak translations</change>
<change > Fix some small bugs in contact picture generation</change>
<change > Fetch attachments while MessageCompose activity is running</change>
<release version= "4.512" versioncode= "18012" >
<change > Updated auto-configuration settings to use IMAP for outlook.com</change>
<change > Updated auto-configuration settings for gmx.de</change>
<change > Notifications no longer show "null" when sending mail</change>
<change > Increased compatibility with custom ROMs and newer Samsung firmwares</change>
<change > Improved message generation</change>
<change > Dramatically improved SMTP 8BITMIME compliance</change>
<change > Updated Czech, French, German, Russian and Slovak translation</change>
<release version= "4.511" versioncode= "18011" >
<change > Remove remote/local store references when deleting accounts</change>
<change > Add visual indicator that a menu item opens a submenu</change>
<change > Make actions shown in message view menu configurable</change>
<change > Remove icons from the "Refile" submenu, as we don't show icons in any other submenu.</change>
<change > Add icon for the copy action</change>
<release version= "4.510" versioncode= "18010" >
<change > Fix erroneous SSL certificate warnings when connecting to a server that speaks STARTTLS</change>
<change > Updates to Russian and Slovakian translations</change>
<change > Major performance updates when opening folder lists</change>
<change > Fix a crashing bug related to random number generation on some 3rd party roms</change>
<change > Fixed a bug that prevented starring messages in the message list</change>
<release version= "4.509" versioncode= "18009" >
<change > Updates to Catalan, Czech, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Korean, Spanish and Swedish translations</change>
<change > Several performance improvements and crash fixes</change>
<change > tweak message list item "read item" background color so you can see the item divider a bit better</change>
<change > Add back select/deselect action to the message list context menu</change>
<change > Default message list checkboxes to off again</change>
<change > move message list thread count up to the subject line</change>
<change > add back stars to the message list UI</change>
<change > Return to old style color chips for accounts, folders and messages.</change>
<change > Skip incorrectly formatted/parsed LSUB/LIST replies from IMAP servers</change>
<change > Autoconfigure SSL for provider gmx.de</change>
<change > Autoconfiguration for a comprehensive list of .ru mail providers.</change>
<change > Use Google's fix for the PRNG mess Source: http://android-developers.blogspot.de/2013/08/some-securerandom-thoughts.html</change>
<change > Add an actionbar item for "add account" to the account list (if there's room)</change>
<change > GMail-app-style generated colorful one-letter contact pictures for pictureless contacts</change>
<change > Tighten up the account list display for narrow-screened devices like the HTC One</change>
<change > Updated invalid certificate message to be a bit more user-friendly.</change>
<change > Restore super-dense message list layout when the user has selected 0 lines of message preview and no contact pictures</change>
<change > Rename "SSL" to "SSL/TLS" and "TLS" to "STARTTLS" to better explain what's really going on</change>
<release version= "4.508" versioncode= "18008" >
<change > Move 'share' menu item back, at least for the moment</change>
<release version= "4.507" versioncode= "18007" >
<change > Add some Russian ISPs for autoconfiguration</change>
<change > Polish and Slovak translation updates</change>
<change > Performance improvements</change>
<change > Build system improvements</change>
<change > Move 'share' menu item up a level in the menu to ease discoverability</change>
<release version= "4.506" versioncode= "18006" >
<change > Performance improvements</change>
<change > Added autoconfiguration for Fastmail.FM</change>
<change > New Slovak translation</change>
<change > Updated Italian and Russian translations</change>
<change > Don't save signature to identity header if identity doesn't use a signature</change>
<release version= "4.505" versioncode= "18005" >
<change > Major performance improvements in folder lists</change>
<change > Catalan, Chinese and Russian translation updates</change>
<change > Several bugfixes</change>
<release version= "4.503" versioncode= "18003" >
<change > Added additional shortcuts to the Folder list</change>
<change > Tweaks to checkboxes and color chip display</change>
<change > Added an "empty trash" option to the Account context menu</change>
<change > Never use extended notifications when privacy mode is enabled</change>
<change > Removed submenu from the account context menu to work a bug in some Galaxy devices</change>
<change > Only enable debug logging on debugging builds</change>
<change > Bumped the minSdkVersion to 8 since we use features from SDK 8</change>
<change > Updated Russian, French, Greek, and Brazilian Portuguese translation</change>
<change > More bug fixes</change>
<release version= "4.502" versioncode= "18002" >
<change > Fixed bug that prevented moving to previous and next message in some situations</change>
<change > Updated Japanese, Czech, and Brazilian Portuguese translation</change>
<change > Fixed a couple of bugs</change>
<release version= "4.501" versioncode= "18001" >
<change > Added setting to automatically shrink messages to fit the screen width</change>
<change > Updated Greek translation</change>
<release version= "4.331" versioncode= "17032" >
<change > Checking mail from the Unified Inbox is now supported</change>
<change > Added "mark all as read" to the menu of the message list</change>
<change > Added sort by sender</change>
<change > Simplified status icons in the message list</change>
<change > Fixed inability to zoom out</change>
<change > Composing messages in right to left languages should now work better</change>
<change > Exclude folders Trash, Spam, and Outbox from "All messages"</change>
<change > Fixed white "flicker" when using the dark theme</change>
<change > Updated German translation</change>
<change > Many bug fixes</change>
<release version= "4.330" versioncode= "17031" >
<change > Changed appearance of the unread widget</change>
<change > Fixed crash when opening the app from notifications</change>
<change > Updated Finnish, Catalan translations</change>
<change > Multiple bug fixes</change>
<release version= "4.329" versioncode= "17030" >
<change > Changed the notification icon (Android 2.3+ only)</change>
<change > Restored showing the unread count on top of notification icons (Android 2.x only)</change>
<change > Show preview text of the latest message in a thread</change>
<change > Fixed 'empty trash' functionality for POP3 accounts</change>
<change > Added work-around for the auto-scroll issue of the message view on Jelly Bean</change>
<change > Changed navigation when coming from a notification</change>
<change > Don't return to home screen after forwarding/replying to a message</change>
<change > Changed button bar style in account setup screens (Android 3+)</change>
<change > Highlight selected message in the message list</change>
<change > Added a series of predefined account colors that will be used before resorting to random colors</change>
<change > Hide delete policy option not applicable to POP3 accounts</change>
<change > Fall back to character set ISO-2022-JP when ISO-2022-JP-2 is not available</change>
<change > Updated Korean, Danish, Finnish translations</change>
<change > More bug fixes</change>
<release version= "4.328" versioncode= "17029" >
<change > Fixed the changelog :)</change>
<release version= "4.327" versioncode= "17028" >
<change > Fix dialog message when deleting multiple messages from a notification</change>
<change > Message view / list: fix NPE when list is empty</change>
<change > If there is no message when resuming, K-9 should return to a MessageList.</change>
<change > Add a caching layer to EmailProvider. Database updates can be surprisingly slow. This lead to slow updates of the user interface which in turn made working with K-9 Mail not as fun as it should be. This commit hopefully changes that.</change>
<change > Updated Japanese translation</change>
<change > Updated French translation</change>
<change > Updated Czech localization</change>
<release version= "4.326" versioncode= "17027" >
<change > Korean translation update</change>
<change > Message header area overhauled</change>
<change > Holo theme improvements</change>
<change > Fix several NPEes</change>
<change > Finnish translation update</change>
<change > Improve last folder update time formatting.</change>
<change > Experimental change to move most of our refile buttons into a refile submenu. Specifically to elicit feedback. I don't expect this change to stick around in its current form. But I do want to get a sense of whether it's something that makes people happy or angry</change>
<change > Clean up date handling</change>
<change > Update German translation</change>
<change > Add animated notification icon for "check mail"</change>
<change > There's no good reason to exclude the Subject from the "full headers" view, especicially since we now play games with it sometimes showing up in the header and sometimes in the titlebar</change>
<change > Switch our font sizes to have a "default", which is the size described in the XML.</change>
<change > Add optional contact pictures to message list</change>
<change > Remove text selection menu item for JB and higher. Those versions have text selection support built-in (via long pressing the WebView).</change>
<change > Move message view theme setting from message view menu to global prefs by default.</change>
<change > Move "show all headers" into the menu (and out of the UI)</change>
<release version= "4.325" versioncode= "17026" >
<change > Bug fixes (threading, checkboxes)</change>
<change > German translation update</change>
<release version= "4.324" versioncode= "17025" >
<change > Bug fixes</change>
<change > Improved animations when showing the message list</change>
<release version= "4.323" versioncode= "17024" >
<change > Bug fixes</change>
<change > Updates to Finnish and French translations</change>
<change > Put back prev/next buttons in non-split message views</change>
<release version= "4.322" versioncode= "17023" >
<change > Added a setting to enable split-screen mode (display message list next to message content)</change>
<change > Show a thread as unread/starred if at least one message is unread/starred</change>
<change > Modified the preview lines setting to allow disabling message preview in message list</change>
<change > Remember the scroll position of the message list</change>
<change > Changed the color picker</change>
<change > Improved certificate failure notifications</change>
<change > Fixed a bug that prevented third-party apps from reading the number of unread messages</change>
<change > Fixed a bug that caused the app to load too many messages when you clicked "Load more messages"</change>
<change > Updated Finnish, French, German, Dutch translations</change>
<release version= "4.321" versioncode= "17022" >
<change > Fixed some bugs related to message threading</change>
<change > Improved search for folders in the folder list</change>
<change > Added support for wrapping long folder names in the folder list</change>
<change > Added a progress indicator for remote searches</change>
<change > Reworked messagelist progress indicators</change>
<change > Improved notifications on SSL certificate validation failures</change>
<change > Updated Finnish, French, Spanish translations</change>
<change > Fixes to the new notificiations</change>
<change > Improvements to database upgrade infrastructure</change>
<change > Added the ability to search all local messages from the folder list</change>
<change > Added button to show this about screen</change>
<change > Close thread view when last message has been moved/deleted</change>
<change > Performance improvements</change>
<release version= "4.320" versioncode= "17021" >
<change > Added 'Account settings' back to the account context menu</change>
<change > Added 'Refresh' and 'Settings' back to the folder context menu</change>
<change > Minor bug fixes</change>
<release version= "4.319" versioncode= "17020" >
<change > Added Jelly Bean-style notifications</change>