# packetQueueLength: maximum requests queued waiting for responses from upstream, all resolvers specified process from this queue, cached responses don't enter this queue, default 100, 0 means unlimited
# listeners: list of listeners, currently supports tcp:// and udp:// with no options, default 'tcp:// udp://'
# resolvers: list of resolvers with or without options, whitespace separated, options are in fragment separated by ;
# currently support tcp:// (regular DNS-over-TCP), tls:// (DNS-over-TLS), http:// https:// (DNS-over-HTTPS)
# both tls:// and https:// support option pubKeyPinsSha256 with a comma-separated list of base64 public key hashes like HPKP, not supplying this causes TLS connections to be unauthenticated (vulnerable to MITM)
# https:// also validates the hostname for now like a browser would
# below here are resolver options that may be defined here and/or at the resolver level, if both resolver level wins
# proxy: defines a proxy to use for all connections to this resolver, supports socks:// and http://, default none
# pubKeyPinsSha256: should be on an individual resolver level, specify comma-seperated base64 public key hashes like HPKP, not supplying this causes TLS connections to be unauthenticated (vulnerable to MITM), default none
# https:// also validates the hostname for now like a browser would
# maxRetries: maximum number of times a request is re-queued to be resolved upstream due to failure before giving up, this is maximum retries total, not per-resolver, default resolvers.length * 2
# name: human-readable name of resolver, might end up in logs, default full resolver URI
# connectTimeout: TCP connection timeout in milliseconds to upstream resolver, default 500