#include #include #include #include #include #include #include "imapfilter.h" #include "session.h" #include "buffer.h" #include "regexp.h" extern options opts; buffer ibuf; /* Input buffer. */ enum { /* Server data responses to be parsed; * regular expressions index. */ RESPONSE_TAGGED, RESPONSE_CAPABILITY, RESPONSE_AUTHENTICATE, RESPONSE_NAMESPACE, RESPONSE_STATUS, RESPONSE_STATUS_MESSAGES, RESPONSE_STATUS_RECENT, RESPONSE_STATUS_UNSEEN, RESPONSE_STATUS_UIDNEXT, RESPONSE_EXAMINE_EXISTS, RESPONSE_EXAMINE_RECENT, RESPONSE_LIST, RESPONSE_SEARCH, RESPONSE_FETCH, RESPONSE_FETCH_FLAGS, RESPONSE_FETCH_DATE, RESPONSE_FETCH_SIZE, RESPONSE_FETCH_STRUCTURE, RESPONSE_FETCH_BODY, RESPONSE_IDLE, }; regexp responses[] = { /* Server data responses to be parsed; * regular expressions patterns. */ { "([[:xdigit:]]{4,4}) (OK|NO|BAD) [^[:cntrl:]]*\r\n", NULL, 0, NULL }, { "\\* CAPABILITY ([[:print:]]*)\r\n", NULL, 0, NULL }, { "\\+ ([[:graph:]]*)\r\n", NULL, 0, NULL }, { "\\* NAMESPACE (NIL|\\(\\(\"([[:graph:]]*)\" \"([[:print:]])\"\\)" "[[:print:]]*\\)) (NIL|\\([[:print:]]*\\)) (NIL|\\([[:print:]]*\\))" "\r\n", NULL, 0, NULL }, { "\\* STATUS [[:print:]]* \\(([[:alnum:] ]*)\\) *\r\n", NULL, 0, NULL }, { "MESSAGES ([[:digit:]]+)", NULL, 0, NULL }, { "RECENT ([[:digit:]]+)", NULL, 0, NULL }, { "UNSEEN ([[:digit:]]+)", NULL, 0, NULL }, { "UIDNEXT ([[:digit:]]+)", NULL, 0, NULL }, { "\\* ([[:digit:]]+) EXISTS\r\n", NULL, 0, NULL }, { "\\* ([[:digit:]]+) RECENT\r\n", NULL, 0, NULL }, { "\\* (LIST|LSUB) \\(([[:print:]]*)\\) (\"[[:print:]]\"|NIL) " "(\"([[:print:]]+)\"|([[:print:]]+)|\\{([[:digit:]]+)\\}\r\n" "([[:print:]]*))\r\n", NULL, 0, NULL }, { "\\* SEARCH ?([[:digit:] ]*)\r\n", NULL, 0, NULL }, { "\\* [[:digit:]]+ FETCH \\(([[:print:]]*)\\)\r\n", NULL, 0, NULL }, { "FLAGS \\(([[:print:]]*)\\)", NULL, 0, NULL }, { "INTERNALDATE \"([[:print:]]*)\"", NULL, 0, NULL }, { "RFC822.SIZE ([[:digit:]]+)", NULL, 0, NULL }, { "BODYSTRUCTURE (\\([[:print:]]+\\))", NULL, 0, NULL }, { "\\* [[:digit:]]+ FETCH \\([[:print:]]*BODY\\[[[:print:]]*\\] " "(\\{([[:digit:]]+)\\}\r\n|\"([[:print:]]*)\")", NULL, 0, NULL }, { "\\* [[:digit:]]+ (RECENT|EXISTS)\r\n", NULL, 0, NULL }, { NULL, NULL, 0, NULL } }; int receive_response(session *ssn, char *buf, long timeout, int timeoutfail); int check_tag(char *buf, session *ssn, int tag); int check_bye(char *buf); int check_continuation(char *buf); int check_trycreate(char *buf); /* * Read data the server sent. */ int receive_response(session *ssn, char *buf, long timeout, int timeoutfail) { ssize_t n; if ((n = socket_read(ssn, buf, INPUT_BUF, timeout ? timeout : (long)(get_option_number("timeout")), timeoutfail)) == -1) return -1; if (opts.debug) { int i; debug("getting response (%d):\n\n", ssn->socket); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) debugc(buf[i]); debug("\n"); } return n; } /* * Search for tagged response in the data that the server sent. */ int check_tag(char *buf, session *ssn, int tag) { int r; char t[4 + 1]; regexp *re; r = STATUS_NONE; snprintf(t, sizeof(t), "%04X", tag); re = &responses[RESPONSE_TAGGED]; if (!regexec(re->preg, buf, re->nmatch, re->pmatch, 0)) { if (!strncasecmp(buf + re->pmatch[1].rm_so, t, strlen(t))) { if (!strncasecmp(buf + re->pmatch[2].rm_so, "OK", strlen("OK"))) r = STATUS_OK; else if (!strncasecmp(buf + re->pmatch[2].rm_so, "NO", strlen("NO"))) r = STATUS_NO; else if (!strncasecmp(buf + re->pmatch[2].rm_so, "BAD", strlen("BAD"))) r = STATUS_BAD; } } if (r != STATUS_NONE) verbose("S (%d): %s", ssn->socket, buf + re->pmatch[0].rm_so); if (r == STATUS_NO || r == STATUS_BAD) error("IMAP (%d): %s", ssn->socket, buf + re->pmatch[0].rm_so); return r; } /* * Check if server sent a BYE response (connection is closed immediately). */ int check_bye(char *buf) { if (xstrcasestr(buf, "* BYE") && !xstrcasestr(buf, " LOGOUT ")) return 1; else return 0; } /* * Check if server sent a PREAUTH response (connection already authenticated * by external means). */ int check_preauth(char *buf) { if (xstrcasestr(ibuf.data, "* PREAUTH")) return 1; else return 0; } /* * Check if the server sent a continuation request. */ int check_continuation(char *buf) { if ((buf[0] == '+' && buf[1] == ' ') || xstrcasestr(buf, "\r\n+ ")) return 1; else return 0; } /* * Check if the server sent a TRYCREATE response. */ int check_trycreate(char *buf) { if (xstrcasestr(buf, "[TRYCREATE]")) return 1; else return 0; } /* * Get server data and make sure there is a tagged response inside them. */ int response_generic(session *ssn, int tag) { int r; ssize_t n; if (tag == -1) return -1; buffer_reset(&ibuf); do { buffer_check(&ibuf, ibuf.len + INPUT_BUF); if ((n = receive_response(ssn, ibuf.data + ibuf.len, 0, 1)) == -1) return -1; ibuf.len += n; if (check_bye(ibuf.data)) return STATUS_BYE; } while ((r = check_tag(ibuf.data, ssn, tag)) == STATUS_NONE); if (r == STATUS_NO && (check_trycreate(ibuf.data) || get_option_boolean("create"))) return STATUS_TRYCREATE; return r; } /* * Get server data and make sure there is a continuation response inside them. */ int response_continuation(session *ssn, int tag) { int r; ssize_t n; buffer_reset(&ibuf); do { buffer_check(&ibuf, ibuf.len + INPUT_BUF); if ((n = receive_response(ssn, ibuf.data + ibuf.len, 0, 1)) == -1) return -1; ibuf.len += n; if (check_bye(ibuf.data)) return STATUS_BYE; } while ((r = check_tag(ibuf.data, ssn, tag)) == STATUS_NONE && !check_continuation(ibuf.data)); if (r == STATUS_NO && (check_trycreate(ibuf.data) || get_option_boolean("create"))) return STATUS_TRYCREATE; if (r == STATUS_NONE) return STATUS_CONTINUE; return r; } /* * Process the greeting that server sends during connection. */ int response_greeting(session *ssn) { buffer_reset(&ibuf); if (receive_response(ssn, ibuf.data, 0, 1) == -1) return -1; verbose("S (%d): %s", ssn->socket, ibuf.data); if (check_bye(ibuf.data)) return STATUS_BYE; if (check_preauth(ibuf.data)) return STATUS_PREAUTH; return STATUS_NONE; } /* * Process the data that server sent due to IMAP CAPABILITY client request. */ int response_capability(session *ssn, int tag) { int r; char *s; regexp *re; if ((r = response_generic(ssn, tag)) == -1) return -1; ssn->protocol = PROTOCOL_NONE; re = &responses[RESPONSE_CAPABILITY]; if (!regexec(re->preg, ibuf.data, re->nmatch, re->pmatch, 0)) { s = xstrndup(ibuf.data + re->pmatch[1].rm_so, re->pmatch[1].rm_eo - re->pmatch[1].rm_so); if (xstrcasestr(s, "IMAP4rev1")) ssn->protocol = PROTOCOL_IMAP4REV1; else if (xstrcasestr(s, "IMAP4")) ssn->protocol = PROTOCOL_IMAP4; else { error("server supports neither the IMAP4rev1 nor the " "IMAP4 protocol\n"); return -1; } ssn->capabilities = CAPABILITY_NONE; if (xstrcasestr(s, "NAMESPACE")) ssn->capabilities |= CAPABILITY_NAMESPACE; if (xstrcasestr(s, "AUTH=CRAM-MD5")) ssn->capabilities |= CAPABILITY_CRAMMD5; if (xstrcasestr(s, "STARTTLS")) ssn->capabilities |= CAPABILITY_STARTTLS; if (xstrcasestr(s, "CHILDREN")) ssn->capabilities |= CAPABILITY_CHILDREN; if (xstrcasestr(s, "IDLE")) ssn->capabilities |= CAPABILITY_IDLE; xfree(s); } return r; } /* * Process the data that server sent due to IMAP AUTHENTICATE client request. */ int response_authenticate(session *ssn, int tag, unsigned char **cont) { int r; regexp *re; re = &responses[RESPONSE_AUTHENTICATE]; if ((r = response_continuation(ssn, tag)) == STATUS_CONTINUE && !regexec(re->preg, ibuf.data, re->nmatch, re->pmatch, 0)) *cont = (unsigned char *)xstrndup(ibuf.data + re->pmatch[1].rm_so, re->pmatch[1].rm_eo - re->pmatch[1].rm_so); return r; } /* * Process the data that server sent due to IMAP NAMESPACE client request. */ int response_namespace(session *ssn, int tag) { int r, n; regexp *re; if ((r = response_generic(ssn, tag)) == -1) return -1; ssn->ns.prefix = NULL; ssn->ns.delim = '\0'; re = &responses[RESPONSE_NAMESPACE]; if (!regexec(re->preg, ibuf.data, re->nmatch, re->pmatch, 0)) { n = re->pmatch[2].rm_eo - re->pmatch[2].rm_so; if (n > 0) ssn->ns.prefix = xstrndup(ibuf.data + re->pmatch[2].rm_so, n); ssn->ns.delim = *(ibuf.data + re->pmatch[3].rm_so); } debug("namespace (%d): '%s' '%c'\n", ssn->socket, (ssn->ns.prefix ? ssn->ns.prefix : ""), ssn->ns.delim); return r; } /* * Process the data that server sent due to IMAP STATUS client request. */ int response_status(session *ssn, int tag, unsigned int *exist, unsigned int *recent, unsigned int *unseen, unsigned int *uidnext) { int r; char *s; regexp *re; if ((r = response_generic(ssn, tag)) == -1) return -1; re = &responses[RESPONSE_STATUS]; if (!regexec(re->preg, ibuf.data, re->nmatch, re->pmatch, 0)) { s = xstrndup(ibuf.data + re->pmatch[1].rm_so, re->pmatch[1].rm_eo - re->pmatch[1].rm_so); re = &responses[RESPONSE_STATUS_MESSAGES]; if (!regexec(re->preg, s, re->nmatch, re->pmatch, 0)) *exist = strtol(s + re->pmatch[1].rm_so, NULL, 10); re = &responses[RESPONSE_STATUS_RECENT]; if (!regexec(re->preg, s, re->nmatch, re->pmatch, 0)) *recent = strtol(s + re->pmatch[1].rm_so, NULL, 10); re = &responses[RESPONSE_STATUS_UNSEEN]; if (!regexec(re->preg, s, re->nmatch, re->pmatch, 0)) *unseen = strtol(s + re->pmatch[1].rm_so, NULL, 10); re = &responses[RESPONSE_STATUS_UIDNEXT]; if (!regexec(re->preg, s, re->nmatch, re->pmatch, 0)) *uidnext = strtol(s + re->pmatch[1].rm_so, NULL, 10); xfree(s); } return r; } /* * Process the data that server sent due to IMAP EXAMINE client request. */ int response_examine(session *ssn, int tag, unsigned int *exist, unsigned int *recent) { int r; regexp *re; if ((r = response_generic(ssn, tag)) == -1) return -1; re = &responses[RESPONSE_EXAMINE_EXISTS]; if (!regexec(re->preg, ibuf.data, re->nmatch, re->pmatch, 0)) *exist = strtol(ibuf.data + re->pmatch[1].rm_so, NULL, 10); re = &responses[RESPONSE_EXAMINE_RECENT]; if (!regexec(re->preg, ibuf.data, re->nmatch, re->pmatch, 0)) *recent = strtol(ibuf.data + re->pmatch[1].rm_so, NULL, 10); return r; } /* * Process the data that server sent due to IMAP SELECT client request. */ int response_select(session *ssn, int tag) { int r; if ((r = response_generic(ssn, tag)) == -1) return -1; if (xstrcasestr(ibuf.data, "[READ-ONLY]")) return STATUS_READONLY; return r; } /* * Process the data that server sent due to IMAP LIST or IMAP LSUB client * request. */ int response_list(session *ssn, int tag, char **mboxs, char **folders) { int r, n; char *b, *a, *s, *m, *f; const char *v; regexp *re; if ((r = response_generic(ssn, tag)) == -1) return -1; m = *mboxs = (char *)xmalloc((ibuf.len + 1) * sizeof(char)); f = *folders = (char *)xmalloc((ibuf.len + 1) * sizeof(char)); *m = *f = '\0'; re = &responses[RESPONSE_LIST]; b = ibuf.data; while (!regexec(re->preg, b, re->nmatch, re->pmatch, 0)) { a = xstrndup(b + re->pmatch[2].rm_so, re->pmatch[2].rm_eo - re->pmatch[2].rm_so); if (re->pmatch[5].rm_so != -1 && re->pmatch[5].rm_so != -1) s = xstrndup(b + re->pmatch[5].rm_so, re->pmatch[5].rm_eo - re->pmatch[5].rm_so); else if (re->pmatch[6].rm_so != -1 && re->pmatch[6].rm_so != -1) s = xstrndup(b + re->pmatch[6].rm_so, re->pmatch[6].rm_eo - re->pmatch[6].rm_so); else s = xstrndup(b + re->pmatch[8].rm_so, strtoul(b + re->pmatch[7].rm_so, NULL, 10)); v = reverse_namespace(s, ssn->ns.prefix, ssn->ns.delim); n = strlen(v); if (!xstrcasestr(a, "\\NoSelect")) { xstrncpy(m, v, ibuf.len - (m - *mboxs)); m += n; xstrncpy(m, "\n", ibuf.len - (m - *mboxs)); m += strlen("\n"); } if (!xstrcasestr(a, "\\NoInferiors") && (!(ssn->capabilities & CAPABILITY_CHILDREN) || ((ssn->capabilities & CAPABILITY_CHILDREN) && (xstrcasestr(a, "\\HasChildren")) && !xstrcasestr(a, "\\HasNoChildren")))) { xstrncpy(f, v, ibuf.len - (f - *folders)); f += n; xstrncpy(f, "\n", ibuf.len - (f - *folders)); f += strlen("\n"); } b += re->pmatch[0].rm_eo; xfree(a); xfree(s); } return r; } /* * Process the data that server sent due to IMAP SEARCH client request. */ int response_search(session *ssn, int tag, char **mesgs) { int r; unsigned int min; regexp *re; char *b, *m; if ((r = response_generic(ssn, tag)) == -1) return -1; re = &responses[RESPONSE_SEARCH]; b = ibuf.data; m = NULL; while (!regexec(re->preg, b, re->nmatch, re->pmatch, 0)) { if (!*mesgs) { m = *mesgs = (char *)xmalloc((ibuf.len + 1) * sizeof(char)); *m = '\0'; } min = (unsigned int)(re->pmatch[1].rm_eo - re->pmatch[1].rm_so) < ibuf.len ? (unsigned int)(re->pmatch[1].rm_eo - re->pmatch[1].rm_so) : ibuf.len; xstrncpy(m, b + re->pmatch[1].rm_so, min); m += min; xstrncpy(m++, " ", ibuf.len - min); b += re->pmatch[0].rm_eo; } return r; } /* * Process the data that server sent due to IMAP FETCH FAST client request. */ int response_fetchfast(session *ssn, int tag, char **flags, char **date, char **size) { int r; char *s; regexp *re; if ((r = response_generic(ssn, tag)) == -1) return -1; re = &responses[RESPONSE_FETCH]; if (!regexec(re->preg, ibuf.data, re->nmatch, re->pmatch, 0)) { s = xstrndup(ibuf.data + re->pmatch[1].rm_so, re->pmatch[1].rm_eo - re->pmatch[1].rm_so); re = &responses[RESPONSE_FETCH_FLAGS]; if (!regexec(re->preg, s, re->nmatch, re->pmatch, 0)) *flags = xstrndup(s + re->pmatch[1].rm_so, re->pmatch[1].rm_eo - re->pmatch[1].rm_so); re = &responses[RESPONSE_FETCH_DATE]; if (!regexec(re->preg, s, re->nmatch, re->pmatch, 0)) *date = xstrndup(s + re->pmatch[1].rm_so, re->pmatch[1].rm_eo - re->pmatch[1].rm_so); re = &responses[RESPONSE_FETCH_SIZE]; if (!regexec(re->preg, s, re->nmatch, re->pmatch, 0)) *size = xstrndup(s + re->pmatch[1].rm_so, re->pmatch[1].rm_eo - re->pmatch[1].rm_so); xfree(s); } return r; } /* * Process the data that server sent due to IMAP FETCH FLAGS client request. */ int response_fetchflags(session *ssn, int tag, char **flags) { int r; char *s; regexp *re; if ((r = response_generic(ssn, tag)) == -1) return -1; re = &responses[RESPONSE_FETCH]; if (!regexec(re->preg, ibuf.data, re->nmatch, re->pmatch, 0)) { s = xstrndup(ibuf.data + re->pmatch[1].rm_so, re->pmatch[1].rm_eo - re->pmatch[1].rm_so); re = &responses[RESPONSE_FETCH_FLAGS]; if (!regexec(re->preg, s, re->nmatch, re->pmatch, 0)) *flags = xstrndup(s + re->pmatch[1].rm_so, re->pmatch[1].rm_eo - re->pmatch[1].rm_so); xfree(s); } return r; } /* * Process the data that server sent due to IMAP FETCH INTERNALDATE client * request. */ int response_fetchdate(session *ssn, int tag, char **date) { int r; char *s; regexp *re; if ((r = response_generic(ssn, tag)) == -1) return -1; re = &responses[RESPONSE_FETCH]; if (!regexec(re->preg, ibuf.data, re->nmatch, re->pmatch, 0)) { s = xstrndup(ibuf.data + re->pmatch[1].rm_so, re->pmatch[1].rm_eo - re->pmatch[1].rm_so); re = &responses[RESPONSE_FETCH_DATE]; if (!regexec(re->preg, s, re->nmatch, re->pmatch, 0)) *date = xstrndup(s + re->pmatch[1].rm_so, re->pmatch[1].rm_eo - re->pmatch[1].rm_so); xfree(s); } return r; } /* * Process the data that server sent due to IMAP FETCH RFC822.SIZE client * request. */ int response_fetchsize(session *ssn, int tag, char **size) { int r; char *s; regexp *re; if ((r = response_generic(ssn, tag)) == -1) return -1; re = &responses[RESPONSE_FETCH]; if (!regexec(re->preg, ibuf.data, re->nmatch, re->pmatch, 0)) { s = xstrndup(ibuf.data + re->pmatch[1].rm_so, re->pmatch[1].rm_eo - re->pmatch[1].rm_so); re = &responses[RESPONSE_FETCH_SIZE]; if (!regexec(re->preg, s, re->nmatch, re->pmatch, 0)) *size = xstrndup(s + re->pmatch[1].rm_so, re->pmatch[1].rm_eo - re->pmatch[1].rm_so); xfree(s); } return r; } /* * Process the data that server sent due to IMAP FETCH BODYSTRUCTURE client * request. */ int response_fetchstructure(session *ssn, int tag, char **structure) { int r; char *s; regexp *re; if ((r = response_generic(ssn, tag)) == -1) return -1; re = &responses[RESPONSE_FETCH]; if (!regexec(re->preg, ibuf.data, re->nmatch, re->pmatch, 0)) { s = xstrndup(ibuf.data + re->pmatch[1].rm_so, re->pmatch[1].rm_eo - re->pmatch[1].rm_so); re = &responses[RESPONSE_FETCH_STRUCTURE]; if (!regexec(re->preg, s, re->nmatch, re->pmatch, 0)) { *structure = xstrndup(s + re->pmatch[1].rm_so, re->pmatch[1].rm_eo - re->pmatch[1].rm_so); } xfree(s); } return r; } /* * Process the data that server sent due to IMAP FETCH BODY[] client request, * ie. FETCH BODY[HEADER], FETCH BODY[TEXT], FETCH BODY[HEADER.FIELDS * ()], FETCH BODY[]. */ int response_fetchbody(session *ssn, int tag, char **body, size_t *len) { int r, match; unsigned int offset; ssize_t n; regexp *re; if (tag == -1) return -1; buffer_reset(&ibuf); match = -1; offset = 0; re = &responses[RESPONSE_FETCH_BODY]; do { buffer_check(&ibuf, ibuf.len + INPUT_BUF); if ((n = receive_response(ssn, ibuf.data + ibuf.len, 0, 1)) == -1) return -1; ibuf.len += n; if (match != 0) { match = regexec(re->preg, ibuf.data, re->nmatch, re->pmatch, 0); if (match == 0 && re->pmatch[2].rm_so != -1 && re->pmatch[2].rm_eo != -1) { *len = strtoul(ibuf.data + re->pmatch[2].rm_so, NULL, 10); offset = re->pmatch[0].rm_eo + *len; } } if (offset != 0 && ibuf.len >= offset) { if (check_bye(ibuf.data + offset)) return STATUS_BYE; } } while (ibuf.len < offset || (r = check_tag(ibuf.data + offset, ssn, tag)) == STATUS_NONE); if (match == 0) { if (re->pmatch[2].rm_so != -1 && re->pmatch[2].rm_eo != -1) { *body = ibuf.data + re->pmatch[0].rm_eo; } else { *body = ibuf.data + re->pmatch[3].rm_so; *len = re->pmatch[3].rm_eo - re->pmatch[3].rm_so; } } return r; } /* * Process the data that server sent due to IMAP IDLE client request. */ int response_idle(session *ssn, int tag) { regexp *re; if (tag == -1) return -1; re = &responses[RESPONSE_IDLE]; do { buffer_reset(&ibuf); switch (receive_response(ssn, ibuf.data, get_option_number("keepalive") * 60, 0)) { case -1: return -1; break; /* NOTREACHED */ case 0: return STATUS_TIMEOUT; break; /* NOTREACHED */ } verbose("S (%d): %s", ssn->socket, ibuf.data); if (check_bye(ibuf.data)) return STATUS_BYE; } while (regexec(re->preg, ibuf.data, re->nmatch, re->pmatch, 0)); return STATUS_UNTAGGED; }