-- The Account class represents an IMAP account. Account = {} IMAP = Account imap = Account Account._mt = {} setmetatable(Account, Account._mt) Account._mt.__call = function (self, arg) _check_required(arg.server, 'string') _check_required(arg.username, 'string') _check_optional(arg.password, 'string') _check_optional(arg.port, 'number') _check_optional(arg.ssl, 'string') local object = {} object._type = 'account' object._account = {} object._account.server = arg.server object._account.username = arg.username object._account.password = arg.password object._account.port = tostring(arg.port or arg.ssl and 993 or 143) object._account.ssl = arg.ssl or '' object._account.session = nil object._account.selected = nil object._string = arg.username .. '@' .. arg.server for key, value in pairs(Account) do if type(value) == 'function' then object[key] = value end end object._mt = {} object._mt.__index = object._attach_mailbox object._mt.__gc = object._logout_user setmetatable(object, object._mt) object:_login_user() return object end function Account._check_connection(self) if not self._account.session then error('not connected to ' .. self._string, 0) end end function Account._check_result(self, request, result) if result == nil then self._account.session = nil self._account.selected = nil error(request .. ' request to ' .. self._string .. ' failed', 0) end end function Account._login_user(self) if self._account.password == nil then self._account.password = get_password('Enter password for ' .. self._string .. ': ') end if self._account.session then return true end local r, s = ifcore.login(self._account.server, self._account.port, self._account.ssl, self._account.username, self._account.password) self._check_result(self, 'login', r) if r == false then return true end self._account.session = s self._account.selected = nil return true end function Account._logout_user(self) self._check_connection(self) local r = ifcore.logout(self._account.session) self._check_result(self, 'logout', r) if r == false then return false end self._account.session = nil self._account.selected = nil return true end function Account._attach_mailbox(self, mailbox) self[mailbox] = Mailbox(self, mailbox) return self[mailbox] end function Account._detach_mailbox(self, mailbox) self[mailbox] = nil end function Account.list_all(self, folder, mbox) _check_optional(folder, 'string') _check_optional(mbox, 'string') if folder == nil then folder = '' else if options.namespace == true then if folder == '/' then folder = '' end if folder ~= '' then folder = folder .. '/' end end end if mbox == nil then mbox = '%' end self._check_connection(self) local r, mailboxes, folders = ifcore.list(self._account.session, '', folder .. mbox) self._check_result(self, 'list', r) if r == false then return false end local m = {} for s in string.gmatch(mailboxes, '%C+') do table.insert(m, s) end local f = {} for s in string.gmatch(folders, '%C+') do if s ~= folder and s ~= folder .. '/' then table.insert(f, s) end end return m, f end function Account.list_subscribed(self, folder, mbox) _check_optional(folder, 'string') _check_optional(mbox, 'string') if folder == nil then folder = '' else if options.namespace == true then if folder == '/' then folder = '' end if folder ~= '' then folder = folder .. '/' end end end if mbox == nil then mbox = '*' end self._check_connection(self) local r, mailboxes, folders = ifcore.lsub(self._account.session, '', folder .. mbox) self._check_result(self, 'lsub', r) if r == false then return false end local m = {} for s in string.gmatch(mailboxes, '%C+') do table.insert(m, s) end local f = {} for s in string.gmatch(folders, '%C+') do if s ~= folder and s ~= folder .. '/' then table.insert(f, s) end end return m, f end function Account.create_mailbox(self, name) _check_required(name, 'string') self._check_connection(self) local r = ifcore.create(self._account.session, name) self._check_result(self, 'create', r) if r == false then return false end if options.info == true then print('Created mailbox ' .. self._string .. '/' .. name .. '.') end return r end function Account.delete_mailbox(self, name) _check_required(name, 'string') self._check_connection(self) local r = ifcore.delete(self._account.session, name) self._check_result(self, 'delete', r) if r == false then return false end if options.info == true then print('Deleted mailbox ' .. self._string .. '/' .. name .. '.') end return r end function Account.rename_mailbox(self, oldname, newname) _check_required(oldname, 'string') _check_required(newname, 'string') self._check_connection(self) local r = ifcore.rename(self._account.session, oldname, newname) self._check_result(self, 'rename', r) if r == false then return false end if options.info == true then print('Renamed mailbox ' .. self._string .. '/' .. oldname .. ' to ' .. self._string .. '/' .. newname .. '.') end return r end function Account.subscribe_mailbox(self, name) _check_required(name, 'string') self._check_connection(self) local r = ifcore.subscribe(self._account.session, name) self._check_result(self, 'subscribe', r) if r == false then return false end if options.info == true then print('Subscribed mailbox ' .. self._string .. '/' .. name .. '.') end return r end function Account.unsubscribe_mailbox(self, name) _check_required(name, 'string') self._check_connection(self) local r = ifcore.unsubscribe(self._account.session, name) self._check_result(self, 'unsubscribe', r) if r == false then return false end if options.info == true then print('Unsubscribed mailbox ' .. self._string .. '/' .. name .. '.') end return r end Account.login = Account._login_user Account.logout = Account._logout_user Account._mt.__index = function () end Account._mt.__newindex = function () end