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synced 2025-03-10 13:39:39 -04:00
5050 lines
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5050 lines
111 KiB
# Basque translation of xchat.
# Copyright (C) 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This file is put in the public domain.
# Mikel Olasagasti <hey_neken@euskal.org>, 2004.
# , fuzzy
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: xchat 2.4.0pre2\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: www.xchat.org\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-05 16:05+1000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2004-08-16 17:49+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Mikel Olasagasti <hey_neken@mundurat.net>\n"
"Language-Team: Basque <translation-team-eu@lists.sourceforge.net>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
#: src/common/cfgfiles.c:350
msgid "Cannot create ~/.xchat2"
msgstr "Ezin da ~/.xchat2 sortu\t"
#: src/common/cfgfiles.c:667
msgid "I'm busy"
msgstr "Lanpetuta nabil"
#: src/common/cfgfiles.c:668
msgid "Leaving"
msgstr "Irteten"
#: src/common/cfgfiles.c:714
msgid ""
"* Running IRC as root is stupid! You should\n"
" create a User Account and use that to login.\n"
msgstr ""
"* root bezala IRCa erabiltzia ez da ona! Erabiltzaile kontu\n"
" berri bat sortu beharko zenuke eta honekin sartu.\n"
#: src/common/dcc.c:61
msgid "Waiting"
msgstr "Itxaroten"
#: src/common/dcc.c:62
msgid "Active"
msgstr "Aktibo"
#: src/common/dcc.c:63
msgid "Failed"
msgstr "Huts egin da"
#: src/common/dcc.c:64
msgid "Done"
msgstr "Eginda"
#: src/common/dcc.c:65
msgid "Connect"
msgstr "Konektatu"
#: src/common/dcc.c:66
msgid "Aborted"
msgstr "Abortatua"
#: src/common/dcc.c:1279
#, c-format
msgid "Cannot access %s\n"
msgstr "Ezin da %s-ra sartu\n"
#: src/common/dcc.c:1874
msgid "No active DCCs\n"
msgstr "Ez dago DCC aktiborik\n"
#: src/common/ignore.c:120 src/common/ignore.c:124 src/common/ignore.c:128
#: src/common/ignore.c:132 src/common/ignore.c:136 src/common/ignore.c:140
#: src/common/ignore.c:144
msgid "YES "
msgstr "BAI "
#: src/common/ignore.c:122 src/common/ignore.c:126 src/common/ignore.c:130
#: src/common/ignore.c:134 src/common/ignore.c:138 src/common/ignore.c:142
#: src/common/ignore.c:146
msgid "NO "
msgstr "EZ"
#: src/common/ignore.c:373
#, c-format
msgid "You are being CTCP flooded from %s, ignoring %s\n"
msgstr "CTCP ugariegi jasotzen hari zara %s(r)engandik, %s ignoratu egingo da.\n"
#: src/common/ignore.c:398
#, c-format
msgid "You are being MSG flooded from %s, setting autodialog OFF.\n"
msgstr "MSG ugariegi jasotzen hari zara %s(r)engandik, auto-elkarrizeketa OFFen ezarri da.\n"
#: src/common/notify.c:400
#, c-format
msgid " %-20s online\n"
msgstr " %-20s online\n"
#: src/common/notify.c:402
#, c-format
msgid " %-20s offline\n"
msgstr " %-20s offline\n"
#: src/common/outbound.c:70
msgid "No channel joined. Try /join #<channel>\n"
msgstr "Kanaletara sartu gabe. Saiatu /join #<kanala>-rekin\n"
#: src/common/outbound.c:76
msgid "Not connected. Try /server <host> [<port>]\n"
msgstr "Konektatu gabe. Saiatu /server <ostalaria> [<ataka>]-rekin\n"
#: src/common/outbound.c:1355
msgid "I need /bin/sh to run!\n"
msgstr "/bin/sh behar dut abiatzeko!\n"
#: src/common/outbound.c:1596
msgid ""
"Commands Available:\n"
" "
msgstr ""
"Erabilgarri dauden komandoak:\n"
" "
#: src/common/outbound.c:1631
msgid ""
"Type /HELP <command> for more information, or /HELP -l\n"
msgstr ""
"Idatzi /HELP <komandoa> informazio gehiagorako, edo /HELP -l\n"
#: src/common/outbound.c:1632
msgid ""
"User defined commands:\n"
" "
msgstr ""
"Erabiltzaileak definitutako komandoak:\n"
" "
#: src/common/outbound.c:1724
#, c-format
msgid "Unknown arg '%s' ignored."
msgstr "Argumentu ezezaguna '%s', ezikusia."
#: src/common/outbound.c:2474
msgid "No such plugin found.\n"
msgstr "Ez da alako plugin-ik aurkitu.\n"
#: src/common/outbound.c:2479 src/fe-gtk/plugingui.c:186
msgid "That plugin is refusing to unload.\n"
msgstr "Plugin hori kargatzeari uko egiten ari da.\n"
#: src/common/outbound.c:2624
msgid "ADDBUTTON <name> <action>, adds a button under the user-list"
msgstr "ADDBUTTON <izena> <ekintza>, botoi bat gehitzen du erabiltzaile zerrendaren azpian"
#: src/common/outbound.c:2626
msgid "ALLCHAN <cmd>, sends a command to all channels you're in"
msgstr "ALLCHAN <komandoa>, zauden kanal guztietara komando bat bidaltzen du"
#: src/common/outbound.c:2628
msgid "ALLSERV <cmd>, sends a command to all servers you're in"
msgstr "ALLSERV <cmd>, zauden zerbitzari guztietara komando bat bidaltzen du"
#: src/common/outbound.c:2629
msgid "AWAY [<reason>], sets you away"
msgstr "AWAY [<arrazoia>], aldendua jartzen zaitu"
#: src/common/outbound.c:2631
msgid "BAN <mask> [<bantype>], bans everyone matching the mask from the current channel. If they are already on the channel this doesn't kick them (needs chanop)"
msgstr ""
#: src/common/outbound.c:2633
msgid "CLEAR, Clears the current text window"
msgstr "CLEAR, uneko testu leihoa garbitzen du"
#: src/common/outbound.c:2634
msgid "CLOSE, Closes the current window/tab"
msgstr "CLOSE, uneko leiho/fitxa itxitzen du"
#: src/common/outbound.c:2637
msgid "COUNTRY <code>, finds a country code, eg: au = australia"
msgstr "COUNTRY <kodea>, herrialde kode bat aurkitzen du, adib.: au = australia"
#: src/common/outbound.c:2639
msgid "CTCP <nick> <message>, send the CTCP message to nick, common messages are VERSION and USERINFO"
msgstr ""
#: src/common/outbound.c:2641
msgid "CYCLE, parts current channel and immediately rejoins"
msgstr ""
#: src/common/outbound.c:2643
msgid ""
"DCC GET <nick> - accept an offered file\n"
"DCC SEND [-maxcps=#] <nick> [file] - send a file to someone\n"
"DCC LIST - show DCC list\n"
"DCC CHAT <nick> - offer DCC CHAT to someone\n"
"DCC CLOSE <type> <nick> <file> example:\n"
" /dcc close send johnsmith file.tar.gz"
msgstr ""
#: src/common/outbound.c:2653
msgid "DEHOP <nick>, removes chanhalf-op status from the nick on the current channel (needs chanop)"
msgstr ""
#: src/common/outbound.c:2655
msgid "DELBUTTON <name>, deletes a button from under the user-list"
msgstr "DELBUTTON <izena>, erabiltzaile zerrendaren azpitik botoi bat ezabatzen du"
#: src/common/outbound.c:2657
msgid "DEOP <nick>, removes chanop status from the nick on the current channel (needs chanop)"
msgstr "DEOP <ezizena>, uneko kanalean chanop egoera kentzen dio aukeratutako ezizenari (chanop egoera behar da)"
#: src/common/outbound.c:2659
msgid "DEVOICE <nick>, removes voice status from the nick on the current channel (needs chanop)"
msgstr "DEVOICE <ezizena>, uneko kanalean voice egoera kentzen dio aukeratutako ezizenari <chanop egoera behar da>"
#: src/common/outbound.c:2660
msgid "DISCON, Disconnects from server"
msgstr "DISCON, zerbitzaritik deskonektatzen da"
#: src/common/outbound.c:2661
msgid "DNS <nick|host|ip>, Finds a users IP number"
msgstr "DNS <ezizena|ostalaria|ip-a>, erabiltzaile baten IPa aurkitzen du"
#: src/common/outbound.c:2662
msgid "ECHO <text>, Prints text locally"
msgstr ""
#: src/common/outbound.c:2665
msgid "EXEC [-o] <command>, runs the command. If -o flag is used then output is sent to current channel, else is printed to current text box"
msgstr ""
#: src/common/outbound.c:2667
msgid "EXECCONT, sends the process SIGCONT"
msgstr ""
#: src/common/outbound.c:2670
msgid "EXECKILL [-9], kills a running exec in the current session. If -9 is given the process is SIGKILL'ed"
msgstr ""
#: src/common/outbound.c:2672
msgid "EXECSTOP, sends the process SIGSTOP"
msgstr ""
#: src/common/outbound.c:2673
msgid "EXECWRITE, sends data to the processes stdin"
msgstr ""
#: src/common/outbound.c:2677
msgid "FLUSHQ, flushes the current server's send queue"
msgstr ""
#: src/common/outbound.c:2679
msgid "GATE <host> [<port>], proxies through a host, port defaults to 23"
msgstr ""
#: src/common/outbound.c:2685
msgid "HOP <nick>, gives chanhalf-op status to the nick (needs chanop)"
msgstr ""
#: src/common/outbound.c:2687
msgid ""
"IGNORE <mask> <types..> <options..>\n"
" mask - host mask to ignore, eg: *!*@*.aol.com\n"
" types - types of data to ignore, one or all of:\n"
" options - NOSAVE, QUIET"
msgstr ""
#: src/common/outbound.c:2694
msgid "INVITE <nick> [<channel>], invites someone to a channel, by default the current channel (needs chanop)"
msgstr ""
#: src/common/outbound.c:2695
msgid "JOIN <channel>, joins the channel"
msgstr "JOIN <kanala>, kanalera sartzen da"
#: src/common/outbound.c:2697
msgid "KICK <nick>, kicks the nick from the current channel (needs chanop)"
msgstr "KICK <ezizena>, uneko kanaletik aukeratutako ezizena kanporatzen du (kanalop-a behar da)"
#: src/common/outbound.c:2699
msgid "KICKBAN <nick>, bans then kicks the nick from the current channel (needs chanop)"
msgstr ""
#: src/common/outbound.c:2702
msgid "LAGCHECK, forces a new lag check"
msgstr ""
#: src/common/outbound.c:2704
msgid "LASTLOG <string>, searches for a string in the buffer"
msgstr ""
#: src/common/outbound.c:2706
msgid "LOAD <file>, loads a plugin or script"
msgstr "LOAD <fitxategia>, plugin edo skript bat kargatzen du"
#: src/common/outbound.c:2709
msgid "MDEHOP, Mass deop's all chanhalf-ops in the current channel (needs chanop)"
msgstr ""
#: src/common/outbound.c:2711
msgid "MDEOP, Mass deop's all chanops in the current channel (needs chanop)"
msgstr ""
#: src/common/outbound.c:2713
msgid "ME <action>, sends the action to the current channel (actions are written in the 3rd person, like /me jumps)"
msgstr ""
#: src/common/outbound.c:2715
msgid "MKICK, Mass kicks everyone except you in the current channel (needs chanop)"
msgstr ""
#: src/common/outbound.c:2718
msgid "MOP, Mass op's all users in the current channel (needs chanop)"
msgstr ""
#: src/common/outbound.c:2719
msgid "MSG <nick> <message>, sends a private message"
msgstr "MSG <nick> <mezua>, mezu pribatu bat bidaltzen du"
#: src/common/outbound.c:2722
msgid "NAMES, Lists the nicks on the current channel"
msgstr ""
#: src/common/outbound.c:2724
msgid "NCTCP <nick> <message>, Sends a CTCP notice"
msgstr "NCTCP <ezizena> <mezua>, CTCP mezua bidaltzen dio ezizenari"
#: src/common/outbound.c:2725
msgid "NEWSERVER <hostname> [<port>]"
msgstr "NEWSERVER <ostalaria> [<ataka>]"
#: src/common/outbound.c:2726
msgid "NICK <nickname>, sets your nick"
msgstr "NICK <ezizena>, zure ezizena ezartzen du"
#: src/common/outbound.c:2729
msgid "NOTICE <nick/channel> <message>, sends a notice. Notices are a type of message that should be auto reacted to"
msgstr ""
#: src/common/outbound.c:2731
msgid "NOTIFY [<nick>], lists your notify list or adds someone to it"
msgstr ""
#: src/common/outbound.c:2733
msgid "OP <nick>, gives chanop status to the nick (needs chanop)"
msgstr "OP <ezizena>, chanop egoera ematen dio erabiltzaileari (chanop behar da)"
#: src/common/outbound.c:2735
msgid "PART [<channel>] [<reason>], leaves the channel, by default the current one"
msgstr "PART [<kanala>] [<arrazoia>], kanaletik irteten da, unekotik lehenetsita"
#: src/common/outbound.c:2737
msgid "PING <nick | channel>, CTCP pings nick or channel"
msgstr "PING <ezizena | kanala>, CTCP ping egin ezizen edo kanalari"
#: src/common/outbound.c:2739
msgid "QUERY <nick>, opens up a new privmsg window to someone"
msgstr ""
#: src/common/outbound.c:2741
msgid "QUIT [<reason>], disconnects from the current server"
msgstr "QUIT [<arrazoia>], deskonektatu egiten da uneko zerbitzaritik"
#: src/common/outbound.c:2743
msgid "QUOTE <text>, sends the text in raw form to the server"
msgstr "QUOTE <mezua>, mezua era lauean bidaltzen dio zerbitzariari"
#: src/common/outbound.c:2746
msgid "RECONNECT [-ssl] [<host>] [<port>] [<password>], Can be called just as /RECONNECT to reconnect to the current server or with /RECONNECT ALL to reconnect to all the open servers"
msgstr ""
#: src/common/outbound.c:2749
msgid "RECONNECT [<host>] [<port>] [<password>], Can be called just as /RECONNECT to reconnect to the current server or with /RECONNECT ALL to reconnect to all the open servers"
msgstr ""
#: src/common/outbound.c:2751
msgid "RECV <text>, send raw data to xchat, as if it was received from the irc server"
msgstr ""
#: src/common/outbound.c:2754
msgid "SAY <text>, sends the text to the object in the current window"
msgstr "SAY <testua>, uneko leihoko objektuari testua bidaltzen dio"
#: src/common/outbound.c:2757
msgid "SERVCHAN [-ssl] <host> <port> <channel>, connects and joins a channel"
msgstr ""
#: src/common/outbound.c:2760
msgid "SERVCHAN <host> <port> <channel>, connects and joins a channel"
msgstr ""
#: src/common/outbound.c:2764
msgid "SERVER [-ssl] <host> [<port>] [<password>], connects to a server, the default port is 6667 for normal connections, and 9999 for ssl connections"
msgstr ""
#: src/common/outbound.c:2767
msgid "SERVER <host> [<port>] [<password>], connects to a server, the default port is 6667"
msgstr "SERVER <ostalaria> [<ataka>] [<pasahitza>], zerbitzari batera konektatzen da, lehenetsitako ataka 6667 da"
#: src/common/outbound.c:2769
msgid "SET [-quiet] <variable> [<value>]"
msgstr "SET [-quiet] <bariablea> [<balorea>]"
#: src/common/outbound.c:2772
msgid "TOPIC [<topic>], sets the topic if one is given, else shows the current topic"
msgstr "TOPIC [<gaia>], zerbait ematen bada gaia hori ezartzen du, bestela uneko gaia erakusten du"
#: src/common/outbound.c:2774
msgid "UNBAN <mask> [<mask>...], unbans the specified masks."
msgstr "UNBAN <maskara> [<maskara>...], espezifikatutako maskarei debekua kentzen die"
#: src/common/outbound.c:2775
msgid "UNIGNORE <mask> [QUIET]"
msgstr "UNIGNORE <maskara> [IXILIK]"
#: src/common/outbound.c:2776
msgid "UNLOAD <name>, unloads a plugin or script"
msgstr "UNLOAD <izena>, plugin edo skript-a deskargatzen du"
#: src/common/outbound.c:2779
msgid "VOICE <nick>, gives voice status to someone (needs chanop)"
msgstr "VOICE <ezizena>, ahots egoera ematen dio norbaiti (chanop-a behar da)"
#: src/common/outbound.c:2781
msgid "WALLCHAN <message>, writes the message to all channels"
msgstr "WALLCHAN <mezua>, mezua kanal guztietan idazten du"
#: src/common/outbound.c:2783
msgid "WALLCHOP <message>, sends the message to all chanops on the current channel"
msgstr "WALLCHOP <mezua>, uneko kanaleko chanop guztiei mezua bidaltzen die"
#: src/common/outbound.c:2816
#, c-format
msgid "Usage: %s\n"
msgstr "Erabilera: %s\n"
#: src/common/outbound.c:2821
msgid ""
"No help available on that command.\n"
msgstr ""
"Ez dago laguntzarik eskuragarri komando horrentzat.\n"
#: src/common/outbound.c:2827
msgid "No such command.\n"
msgstr "Ez dago honelako komandorik.\n"
#: src/common/outbound.c:3151
msgid "Bad arguments for user command.\n"
msgstr "Argumentu akastunak erabiltzaile komandoentzat.\n"
#: src/common/outbound.c:3315
msgid "Too many recursive usercommands, aborting."
msgstr ""
#: src/common/outbound.c:3388
msgid "Unknown Command. Try /help\n"
msgstr "Komando ezezaguna. Saiatu /help ekin\n"
#: src/common/plugin.c:359 src/common/plugin.c:400
msgid "No xchat_plugin_init symbol; is this really an xchat plugin?"
msgstr ""
#: src/common/server.c:586
msgid "Are you sure this is a SSL capable server and port?\n"
msgstr "Ziur zaude SSL erabiltzeko gai den zerbitzari eta ataka dela?\n"
#: src/common/server.c:933
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Cannot resolve hostname %s\n"
"Check your IP Settings!\n"
msgstr ""
"Ezin da ebatzi %s ostalari-izena\n"
"Egiaztatu zure IP ezarpenak!\n"
#: src/common/server.c:938
msgid "Proxy traversal failed.\n"
msgstr "Proxy trasbersalak huts egin du.\n"
#: src/common/servlist.c:642
#, c-format
msgid "Cycling to next server in %s...\n"
msgstr "Hurrengo zerbitzarira %s-n ziklatzen...\n"
#: src/common/servlist.c:1050
#, c-format
msgid "Warning: \"%s\" character set is unknown. No conversion will be applied for network %s."
msgstr "Oharra: \"%s\" karaktere-jokoa ezezaguna da. Ez da konbertsiorik aplikatu %s sarearentzat."
#: src/common/textevents.h:6
msgid "%C22*%O$t$1 added to notify list."
msgstr "%O%C11$1%O notifikazio zerrendara gehitua."
#: src/common/textevents.h:9
msgid "%C22*%O$t$1 Banlist:%C19 $4%C20 $2%C21 $3"
msgstr "%C22*%O$t$1 Debekatu zerrenda:%C19 $4%C20 $2%C21 $3"
#: src/common/textevents.h:12
msgid "%C22*%O$tCannot join%C26 %B$1 %O(You are banned)."
msgstr ""
#: src/common/textevents.h:18
msgid "%C22*%O$t$1 is now known as $2"
msgstr "%C22*%O$t$1 orain $2 bezala ezaguna"
#: src/common/textevents.h:21
msgid "%C18*$t$1%O $2"
msgstr "%C18*$t$1%O $2"
#: src/common/textevents.h:24
msgid "%C21*%O$t%C21%B$1%O%C21 $2"
msgstr "%C21*%O$t%C21%B$1%O%C21 $2"
#: src/common/textevents.h:27
msgid "%C22*%O$t$1 sets ban on $2"
msgstr ""
#: src/common/textevents.h:30
msgid "%C22*%O$tChannel $1 created on $2"
msgstr ""
#: src/common/textevents.h:33
msgid "%C22*%O$t%C26$1%O removes channel half-operator status from%C26 $2"
msgstr ""
#: src/common/textevents.h:36
msgid "%C22*%O$t%C26$1%O removes channel operator status from%C26 $2"
msgstr ""
#: src/common/textevents.h:39
msgid "%C22*%O$t%C26$1%O removes voice from%C26 $2"
msgstr ""
#: src/common/textevents.h:42
msgid "%C22*%O$t$1 sets exempt on $2"
msgstr ""
#: src/common/textevents.h:45
msgid "%C22*%O$t%C26$1%O gives channel half-operator status to%C26 $2"
msgstr ""
#: src/common/textevents.h:48
msgid "%C22*%O$t$1 sets invite on $2"
msgstr ""
#: src/common/textevents.h:51
msgid "%UChannel Users Topic"
msgstr "%UKanala Erabiltzaileak Gaia"
#: src/common/textevents.h:54
msgid "%C18%B%B$4$1%O%C18%O$t$2"
msgstr "%C18%B%B$4$1%O%C18%O$t$2"
#: src/common/textevents.h:57
msgid "%C22*%O$t$1 sets mode $2$3 $4"
msgstr ""
#: src/common/textevents.h:60
msgid "%C22*%O$t%C22Channel $1 modes: $2"
msgstr ""
#: src/common/textevents.h:63
msgid "$4%C21%B$1%O$t%C21$2"
msgstr "%C2<%O$1%C2>%O$t$2%O"
#: src/common/textevents.h:66
msgid "%C28-%C29$1/$2%C28-%O$t$3"
msgstr "%C28-%C29$1/$2%C28-%O$t$3"
#: src/common/textevents.h:69
msgid "%C22*%O$t%C26$1%O gives channel operator status to%C26 $2"
msgstr ""
#: src/common/textevents.h:72
msgid "%C22*%O$t$1 removes exempt on $2"
msgstr ""
#: src/common/textevents.h:75
msgid "%C22*%O$t$1 removes invite on $2"
msgstr "%C22*%O$t$1-k gonbidapena kentzen dio $2(r)i"
#: src/common/textevents.h:78
msgid "%C22*%O$t$1 removes channel keyword"
msgstr ""
#: src/common/textevents.h:81
msgid "%C22*%O$t$1 removes user limit"
msgstr ""
#: src/common/textevents.h:84
msgid "%C22*%O$t$1 sets channel keyword to $2"
msgstr ""
#: src/common/textevents.h:87
msgid "%C22*%O$t$1 sets channel limit to $2"
msgstr ""
#: src/common/textevents.h:90
msgid "%C22*%O$t$1 removes ban on $2"
msgstr "%C22*%O$t$1-k debekua kentzen dio honi $2"
#: src/common/textevents.h:93
msgid "%C22*%O$t%C26$1%O gives voice to%C26 $2"
msgstr ""
#: src/common/textevents.h:96
msgid "%C22*%O$t%C22Connected. Now logging in..."
msgstr "%C22*%O$t%C22Konektatua. Orain saioa hasten..."
#: src/common/textevents.h:99
msgid "%C22*%O$t%C22Connecting to $1 ($2) port $3%O..."
msgstr "%C22*%O$t%C22Hona konektatzen $1 ($2) ataka $3%O..."
#: src/common/textevents.h:102
msgid "%C21*%O$t%C21Connection failed. Error: $1"
msgstr "%C21*%O$t%C21Konexioak huts egin du. Errorea: $1"
#: src/common/textevents.h:105
msgid "%C22*%O$tReceived a CTCP $1 from $2"
msgstr ""
#: src/common/textevents.h:108
msgid "%C22*%O$tReceived a CTCP $1 from $2 (to $3)"
msgstr ""
#: src/common/textevents.h:111
msgid "%C19>%O$1%C19<%O$tCTCP $2"
msgstr "%C19>%O$1%C19<%O$tCTCP $2"
#: src/common/textevents.h:114
msgid "%C22*%O$tReceived a CTCP Sound $1 from $2"
msgstr ""
#: src/common/textevents.h:117
msgid "%C22*%O$tDCC CHAT to %C26$1%O aborted."
msgstr ""
#: src/common/textevents.h:120
msgid "%C22*%O$tDCC CHAT connection established to %C26$1 %C30[%O$2%C30]"
msgstr ""
#: src/common/textevents.h:123
msgid "%C22*%O$tDCC CHAT to %C26$1%O lost ($4)."
msgstr ""
#: src/common/textevents.h:126
msgid "%C22*%O$tReceived a DCC CHAT offer from $1"
msgstr ""
#: src/common/textevents.h:129
msgid "%C22*%O$tOffering DCC CHAT to $1"
msgstr ""
#: src/common/textevents.h:132
msgid "%C22*%O$tAlready offering CHAT to $1"
msgstr ""
#: src/common/textevents.h:135
msgid "%C22*%O$tDCC $1 connect attempt to%C26 $2%O failed (err=$3)."
msgstr ""
#: src/common/textevents.h:138
msgid "%C22*%O$tReceived '$1%O' from $2"
msgstr ""
#: src/common/textevents.h:141
#, c-format
msgid "%C24,18 Type To/From Status Size Pos File "
msgstr ""
#: src/common/textevents.h:144
msgid "%C22*%O$tReceived a malformed DCC request from %C26$1%O.%010%C22*%O$tContents of packet: $2"
msgstr ""
#: src/common/textevents.h:147
msgid "%C22*%O$tOffering%C26 $1%O to%C26 $2"
msgstr ""
#: src/common/textevents.h:150
msgid "%C22*%O$tNo such DCC offer."
msgstr ""
#: src/common/textevents.h:153
msgid "%C22*%O$tDCC RECV%C26 $2%O to%C26 $1%O aborted."
msgstr ""
#: src/common/textevents.h:156
msgid "%C22*%O$tDCC RECV%C26 $1%O from%C26 $3%O complete %C30[%C26$4%O cps%C30]%O."
msgstr ""
#: src/common/textevents.h:159
msgid "%C22*%O$tDCC RECV connection established to%C26 $1 %C30[%O$2%C30]"
msgstr ""
#: src/common/textevents.h:162
msgid "%C22*%O$tDCC RECV%C26 $1%O from%C26 $3%O failed ($4)."
msgstr "%C22*%O$tDCC RECV%C26 $1%O honengandik%C26 $3%O huts egin du ($4)."
#: src/common/textevents.h:165
msgid "%C22*%O$tDCC RECV: Cannot open $1 for writing ($2)."
msgstr ""
#: src/common/textevents.h:168
msgid "%C22*%O$tThe file%C26 $1%C already exists, saving it as%C26 $2%O instead."
msgstr ""
#: src/common/textevents.h:171
msgid "%C22*%O$t%C26$1 %Ohas requested to resume%C26 $2 %Cfrom%C26 $3%C."
msgstr ""
#: src/common/textevents.h:174
msgid "%C22*%O$tDCC SEND%C26 $2%O to%C26 $1%O aborted."
msgstr ""
#: src/common/textevents.h:177
msgid "%C22*%O$tDCC SEND%C26 $1%O to%C26 $2%O complete %C30[%C26$3%O cps%C30]%O."
msgstr ""
#: src/common/textevents.h:180
msgid "%C22*%O$tDCC SEND connection established to%C26 $1 %C30[%O$2%C30]"
msgstr ""
#: src/common/textevents.h:183
msgid "%C22*%O$tDCC SEND%C26 $1%O to%C26 $2%O failed. $3"
msgstr ""
#: src/common/textevents.h:186
msgid "%C22*%O$t%C26$1 %Ohas offered%C26 $2 %O(%C26$3 %Obytes)"
msgstr ""
#: src/common/textevents.h:189
msgid "%C22*%O$tDCC $1%C26 $2 %Oto%C26 $3 %Cstalled - aborting."
msgstr ""
#: src/common/textevents.h:192
msgid "%C22*%O$tDCC $1%C26 $2 %Oto%C26 $3 %Otimed out - aborting."
msgstr ""
#: src/common/textevents.h:195
msgid "%C22*%O$t$1 deleted from notify list."
msgstr "%O%C11$1%O notifikazio zerrendatik kendua."
#: src/common/textevents.h:198
msgid "%C22*%O$tDisconnected ($1)."
msgstr "%C22*%O$tDeskonektatua ($1)."
#: src/common/textevents.h:201
msgid "%C22*%O$tFound your IP: [$1]"
msgstr "%C22*%O$tZure IPa aurkitu da: [$1]"
#: src/common/textevents.h:204
msgid "$1$t$2"
msgstr "$1$t$2"
#: src/common/textevents.h:207
msgid "%O%C26$1%O added to ignore list."
msgstr "%O%C26$1%O ezikusien zerrendara gehitua."
#: src/common/textevents.h:210
msgid "Ignore on %C26$1%O changed."
msgstr " %C26$1%O -ri ignoraketa egoera aldatu da."
#: src/common/textevents.h:213
#, c-format
msgid "%C24,18 "
msgstr "%C24,18 "
#: src/common/textevents.h:216
#, c-format
msgid "%C24,18 Hostmask PRIV NOTI CHAN CTCP DCC INVI UNIG "
msgstr "%C24,18 ostalariaren maskara PRIV NOTI CHAN CTCP DCC INVI UNIG "
#: src/common/textevents.h:219
msgid "%O%C26$1%O removed from ignore list."
msgstr "%O%C11$1%O notifikazio zerrendatik kendua."
#: src/common/textevents.h:222
msgid " Ignore list is empty."
msgstr " Ezikuzien zerrenda hutsik dago."
#: src/common/textevents.h:225
msgid "%C22*%O$tCannot join%C26 %B$1 %O(Channel is invite only)."
msgstr ""
#: src/common/textevents.h:228
msgid "%C22*%O$tYou have been invited to%C26 $1%O by%C26 $2%C (%C26$3%C)"
msgstr ""
#: src/common/textevents.h:231
msgid "%C19*%O$t%C19%B$1 %B($3) has joined $2"
msgstr "%C19*%O$t%C19%B$1 %B($3) gehitu da $2"
#: src/common/textevents.h:234
msgid "%C22*%O$tCannot join%C26 %B$1 %O(Requires keyword)."
msgstr ""
#: src/common/textevents.h:237
msgid "%C21*%O$t%C21$1 has kicked $2 from $3 ($4%O%C21)"
msgstr "%C21*%O$t%C21$1 -(e)k $2 kaleratu du hemendik $3 ($4%O%C21)"
#: src/common/textevents.h:240
msgid "%C22*%O$tYou have been killed by $1 ($2%O%C22)"
msgstr "%C22*%O$tHonek hil zaitu $1 ($2%O%C22)"
#: src/common/textevents.h:243
msgid "%C19>%O$1%C19<%O$t$2%O"
msgstr "%C19>%O$1%C19<%O$t$2%O"
#: src/common/textevents.h:246
msgid "%C16*%O$t$1%O"
msgstr "%C16*%O$t$1%O"
#: src/common/textevents.h:249
msgid "%C22*%O$t%C22MOTD Skipped."
msgstr "%C22*%O$t%C22MOTD saltatua."
#: src/common/textevents.h:252
msgid "%C22*%O$t$1 already in use. Retrying with $2..."
msgstr "%C22*%O$t$1 une hontan erabilia. $2-(r)ekin saiatzen..."
#: src/common/textevents.h:255
msgid "%C22*%O$tNickname already in use. Use /NICK to try another."
msgstr ""
#: src/common/textevents.h:258
msgid "%C22*%O$tNo such DCC."
msgstr ""
#: src/common/textevents.h:261
msgid "%C22*%O$tNo process is currently running"
msgstr ""
#: src/common/textevents.h:264
msgid "%C28-%C29$1%C28-%O$t$2"
msgstr "%C28-%C29$1%C28-%O$t$2"
#: src/common/textevents.h:267
msgid "%C19>%O$1%C19<%O$t$2"
msgstr "%C19>%O$1%C19<%O$t$2"
#: src/common/textevents.h:270
msgid "$tNotify list is empty."
msgstr "$tNotifikazio zerrenda hutsik dago."
#: src/common/textevents.h:273
msgid "%C24,18 %B Notify List "
msgstr ""
#: src/common/textevents.h:276
msgid "%C22*%O$t$1 users in notify list."
msgstr ""
#: src/common/textevents.h:279
msgid "%C22*%O$tNotify: $1 is offline ($2)."
msgstr ""
#: src/common/textevents.h:282
msgid "%C22*%O$tNotify: $1 is online ($2)."
msgstr ""
#: src/common/textevents.h:288
msgid "%C23*%O$t%C23$1 (%O%C23$2) has left $3"
msgstr ""
#: src/common/textevents.h:291
msgid "%C23*%O$t%C23$1 (%O%C23$2) has left $3 (%O%C23$4)"
msgstr ""
#: src/common/textevents.h:294
msgid "%C22*%O$tPing reply from $1: $2 second(s)"
msgstr ""
#: src/common/textevents.h:297
msgid "%C22*%O$tNo ping reply for $1 seconds, disconnecting."
msgstr ""
#: src/common/textevents.h:300
msgid "%C28*%C29$3$1%C28*$t%O$2"
msgstr "%C28*%C29$3$1%C28*$t%O$2"
#: src/common/textevents.h:303
msgid "%C18%B%B$3$1%O$t$2"
msgstr "%C18%B%B$3$1%O$t$2"
#: src/common/textevents.h:306
msgid "%C22*%O$tA process is already running"
msgstr ""
#: src/common/textevents.h:309
msgid "%C23*%O$t%C23$1 has quit (%O%C23$2)"
msgstr ""
#: src/common/textevents.h:312
msgid "%C22*%O$t$1 sets modes%B %C30[%O$2%B%C30]"
msgstr ""
#: src/common/textevents.h:315
msgid "%C28-%C29$1/Wallops%C28-%O$t$2"
msgstr "%C28-%C29$1/Wallops%C28-%O$t$2"
#: src/common/textevents.h:318
msgid "%C22*%O$tLooking up IP number for%C26 $1%O..."
msgstr ""
#: src/common/textevents.h:321
msgid "%C22*%O$t%C22Connected."
msgstr "%C22*%O$t%C22Konektatua."
#: src/common/textevents.h:324 src/common/textevents.h:330
#: src/common/textevents.h:333
msgid "%C22*%O$t$1"
msgstr "%C22*%O$t$1"
#: src/common/textevents.h:327
msgid "%C22*%O$t%C22Looking up $1"
msgstr ""
#: src/common/textevents.h:336
msgid "%C22*%O$tStopped previous connection attempt (pid=$1)"
msgstr ""
#: src/common/textevents.h:339
msgid "%C29*%O$t%C29Topic for $1%C %C29is: $2"
msgstr ""
#: src/common/textevents.h:342
msgid "%C29*%O$t%C29Topic for $1%C %C29set by $2%C %C29at $3"
msgstr ""
#: src/common/textevents.h:345
msgid "%C22*%O$t$1 has changed the topic to: $2"
msgstr "%C22*%O$t$1-k gaia honakora aldatu du: $2"
#: src/common/textevents.h:348
msgid "%C22*%O$tUnknown host. Maybe you misspelled it?"
msgstr ""
#: src/common/textevents.h:351
msgid "%C22*%O$tCannot join%C26 %B$1 %O(User limit reached)."
msgstr ""
#: src/common/textevents.h:354
msgid "%C22*%O$t%C26Users on $1:%C $2"
msgstr ""
#: src/common/textevents.h:357
msgid "%C22*%O$t%C28[%O$1%C28] %Cis away %C30(%O$2%O%C30)"
msgstr ""
#: src/common/textevents.h:360 src/common/textevents.h:384
msgid "%C22*%O$t%C28[%O$1%C28]%O $2"
msgstr "%C22*%O$t%C28[%O$1%C28]%O $2"
#: src/common/textevents.h:363
msgid "%C22*%O$t%C28[%O$1%C28] %OEnd of WHOIS list."
msgstr ""
#: src/common/textevents.h:366
msgid "%C22*%O$t%C28[%O$1%C28] %O$2"
msgstr "%C22*%O$t%C28[%O$1%C28] %O$2"
#: src/common/textevents.h:369
msgid "%C22*%O$t%C28[%O$1%C28] %O$2%C27 $3"
msgstr "%C22*%O$t%C28[%O$1%C28] %O$2%C27 $3"
#: src/common/textevents.h:372
msgid "%C22*%O$t%C28[%O$1%C28] %Oreal user@host%C27 $2%O, real IP%C27 $3"
msgstr ""
#: src/common/textevents.h:375
msgid "%C22*%O$t%C28[%O$1%C28]%O idle%C26 $2"
msgstr "%C22*%O$t%C28[%O$1%C28]%O idle%C26 $2"
#: src/common/textevents.h:378
msgid "%C22*%O$t%C28[%O$1%C28]%O idle%C26 $2%O, signon:%C26 $3"
msgstr ""
#: src/common/textevents.h:381
msgid "%C22*%O$t%C28[%O$1%C28] %C30(%O$2@$3%C30)%O: $4"
msgstr "%C22*%O$t%C28[%O$1%C28] %C30(%O$2@$3%C30)%O: $4"
#: src/common/textevents.h:387
msgid "%C19*%O$t%C19Now talking on $2"
msgstr "%C19*%O$t%C19Orain hemen hitz egiten $2"
#: src/common/textevents.h:390
#, c-format
msgid "%C23*$tYou have left channel $3"
msgstr ""
#: src/common/textevents.h:393
msgid "%C23*$tYou have left channel $3 (%O%C23$4%O%C23)"
msgstr ""
#: src/common/textevents.h:396
msgid "%C23*$tYou have been kicked from $2 by $3 ($4%O%C23)"
msgstr ""
#: src/common/textevents.h:399
msgid "%C22*%O$tYou've invited%C26 $1%O to%C26 $2%O (%C26$3%O)"
msgstr "%C22*%O$tHau gonbidatu duzu%C26 $1%O hona%C26 $2%O (%C26$3%O)"
#: src/common/textevents.h:402
msgid "%C31%B%B$4$1%O$t%C30$2"
msgstr ""
#: src/common/textevents.h:405
msgid "%C22*%O$tYou are now known as $2"
msgstr ""
#: src/common/text.c:207
#, c-format
msgid "**** ENDING LOGGING AT %s\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/common/text.c:324
#, c-format
msgid "**** BEGIN LOGGING AT %s\n"
msgstr "**** %s-n SAIOA HASTEN\n"
#: src/common/text.c:343
#, c-format
msgid ""
"* Can't open log file(s) for writing. Check the\n"
" permissions on %s/xchatlogs"
msgstr ""
"* Ezin ireki log fitxategia(k) idazteko. Egiaztatu\n"
" baimenak %s/xchatlogs-en"
#: src/common/text.c:558
msgid "Left message"
msgstr "Ezkerreko mezua"
#: src/common/text.c:559
msgid "Right message"
msgstr "Eskuineko mezua"
#: src/common/text.c:563
msgid "The nick of the joining person"
msgstr "Sartu den pertsonaren ezizena"
#: src/common/text.c:564
msgid "The channel being joined"
msgstr "Sartzen hari den kanala"
#: src/common/text.c:565 src/common/text.c:610 src/common/text.c:667
msgid "The host of the person"
msgstr "Pertsonaren ostalaria"
#: src/common/text.c:569 src/common/text.c:574 src/common/text.c:581
#: src/common/text.c:648 src/common/text.c:773 src/common/text.c:780
#: src/common/text.c:785 src/common/text.c:790 src/common/text.c:795
#: src/common/text.c:801 src/common/text.c:806 src/common/text.c:810
#: src/common/text.c:815 src/common/text.c:821 src/common/text.c:867
#: src/common/text.c:876 src/common/text.c:881 src/common/text.c:886
#: src/common/text.c:895 src/common/text.c:906 src/common/text.c:913
#: src/common/text.c:919 src/common/text.c:924 src/common/text.c:929
#: src/common/text.c:936 src/common/text.c:942 src/common/text.c:948
#: src/common/text.c:953 src/common/text.c:958 src/common/text.c:962
#: src/common/text.c:968 src/common/text.c:976 src/common/text.c:1010
#: src/common/text.c:1015
msgid "Nickname"
msgstr "Ezizena"
#: src/common/text.c:570
msgid "The action"
msgstr "akzioa"
#: src/common/text.c:575
msgid "The text"
msgstr "Testua"
#: src/common/text.c:576
msgid "Mode char"
msgstr ""
#: src/common/text.c:577 src/common/text.c:650
msgid "Identified text"
msgstr "Identifikatutako testua"
#: src/common/text.c:582 src/common/text.c:638 src/common/text.c:644
#: src/common/text.c:649
msgid "The message"
msgstr "Mezua"
#: src/common/text.c:586 src/common/text.c:654
msgid "Old nickname"
msgstr "Ezizen zaharra"
#: src/common/text.c:587 src/common/text.c:655
msgid "New nickname"
msgstr "Ezizen berria"
#: src/common/text.c:591
msgid "Nick of person who changed the topic"
msgstr "Gaia aldatu duenaren ezizena"
#: src/common/text.c:592 src/common/text.c:598 src/fe-gtk/chanlist.c:599
#: src/fe-gtk/chanlist.c:700
msgid "Topic"
msgstr "Gaia"
#: src/common/text.c:593 src/common/text.c:597 src/common/text.c:1030
#: src/fe-gtk/chanlist.c:597 src/fe-gtk/chanlist.c:691
#: src/fe-gtk/ignoregui.c:176
msgid "Channel"
msgstr "Kanala"
#: src/common/text.c:602 src/common/text.c:661
msgid "The nickname of the kicker"
msgstr "Bidaltzailearen ezizena"
#: src/common/text.c:603 src/common/text.c:659
msgid "The person being kicked"
msgstr "Kaleratuko den pertsona"
#: src/common/text.c:604 src/common/text.c:611 src/common/text.c:615
#: src/common/text.c:620 src/common/text.c:660 src/common/text.c:668
msgid "The channel"
msgstr "Kanala"
#: src/common/text.c:605 src/common/text.c:662 src/common/text.c:669
msgid "The reason"
msgstr "Arrazoia"
#: src/common/text.c:609 src/common/text.c:666
msgid "The nick of the person leaving"
msgstr "Irten den pertsonaren ezizena"
#: src/common/text.c:616 src/common/text.c:622
msgid "The time"
msgstr "Ordua"
#: src/common/text.c:621
msgid "The creator"
msgstr "Sortzailea"
#: src/common/text.c:626
msgid "Nick"
msgstr "Ezizena"
#: src/common/text.c:627 src/common/text.c:882
msgid "Reason"
msgstr "Arrazoia"
#: src/common/text.c:628 src/common/text.c:775 src/common/text.c:857
msgid "Host"
msgstr "Ostalaria"
#: src/common/text.c:632 src/common/text.c:637 src/common/text.c:642
msgid "Who it's from"
msgstr "Norengandik den"
#: src/common/text.c:633
msgid "The time in x.x format (see below)"
msgstr "Ordua x.x formatuan (ikusi azpian)"
#: src/common/text.c:643 src/common/text.c:685
msgid "The Channel it's going to"
msgstr "Kanalean hau gertatuko da"
#: src/common/text.c:673
msgid "The sound"
msgstr "Soinua"
#: src/common/text.c:674 src/common/text.c:679 src/common/text.c:684
msgid "The nick of the person"
msgstr "Pertsonaren ezizena"
#: src/common/text.c:678 src/common/text.c:683
msgid "The CTCP event"
msgstr "CTCP gertaera"
#: src/common/text.c:689
msgid "The nick of the person who set the key"
msgstr "Pasahitza jarri duenaren ezizena"
#: src/common/text.c:690
msgid "The key"
msgstr "Giltza"
#: src/common/text.c:694
msgid "The nick of the person who set the limit"
msgstr "Muga jarri duenaren ezizena"
#: src/common/text.c:695
msgid "The limit"
msgstr "Muga"
#: src/common/text.c:699
msgid "The nick of the person who did the op'ing"
msgstr "Op egoera eman duen pertsonaren ezizena"
#: src/common/text.c:700
msgid "The nick of the person who has been op'ed"
msgstr "Op egoera eman zaion pertsonaren ezizena"
#: src/common/text.c:704
msgid "The nick of the person who has been halfop'ed"
msgstr "Erdi-Op egoera eman zaion pertsonaren ezizena"
#: src/common/text.c:705
msgid "The nick of the person who did the halfop'ing"
msgstr "Erdi-Op egoera eman duen pertsonaren ezizena"
#: src/common/text.c:709
msgid "The nick of the person who did the voice'ing"
msgstr "Ahotsa eman duen pertsonaren ezizena"
#: src/common/text.c:710
msgid "The nick of the person who has been voice'ed"
msgstr "Ahotsa eman zaion pertsonaren ezizena"
#: src/common/text.c:714
msgid "The nick of the person who did the banning"
msgstr ""
#: src/common/text.c:715 src/common/text.c:742
msgid "The ban mask"
msgstr "Debekuaren maskara"
#: src/common/text.c:719
msgid "The nick who removed the key"
msgstr "Pasahitza kendu duenaren ezizena"
#: src/common/text.c:723
msgid "The nick who removed the limit"
msgstr "Muga ezabatu duenaren ezizena"
#: src/common/text.c:727
msgid "The nick of the person of did the deop'ing"
msgstr ""
#: src/common/text.c:728
msgid "The nick of the person who has been deop'ed"
msgstr "Op egoera kendu zaion pertsonaren ezizena"
#: src/common/text.c:731
msgid "The nick of the person of did the dehalfop'ing"
msgstr ""
#: src/common/text.c:732
msgid "The nick of the person who has been dehalfop'ed"
msgstr "Erdi-Op egoera kendu zaion pertsonaren ezizena"
#: src/common/text.c:736
msgid "The nick of the person of did the devoice'ing"
msgstr ""
#: src/common/text.c:737
msgid "The nick of the person who has been devoice'ed"
msgstr "Ahotsa kendu zaion pertsonaren ezizena"
#: src/common/text.c:741
msgid "The nick of the person of did the unban'ing"
msgstr ""
#: src/common/text.c:746
msgid "The nick of the person who did the exempt"
msgstr ""
#: src/common/text.c:747 src/common/text.c:752
msgid "The exempt mask"
msgstr ""
#: src/common/text.c:751
msgid "The nick of the person removed the exempt"
msgstr ""
#: src/common/text.c:756
msgid "The nick of the person who did the invite"
msgstr "Gonbidapena luzatu duen pertsonaren ezizena"
#: src/common/text.c:757 src/common/text.c:762
msgid "The invite mask"
msgstr "Gonbidapenaren maskara"
#: src/common/text.c:761
msgid "The nick of the person removed the invite"
msgstr ""
#: src/common/text.c:766
msgid "The nick of the person setting the mode"
msgstr ""
#: src/common/text.c:767
msgid "The mode's sign (+/-)"
msgstr "Egoeraren seinua (+/-)"
#: src/common/text.c:768
msgid "The mode letter"
msgstr "Egoeraren letra"
#: src/common/text.c:769
msgid "The channel it's being set on"
msgstr "Kanala honela ezarriko da"
#: src/common/text.c:774
msgid "Username"
msgstr "Erabiltzaile izena"
#: src/common/text.c:776
msgid "Full name"
msgstr "Izen osoa"
#: src/common/text.c:781
msgid "Channel Membership/\"is an IRC operator\""
msgstr "Kanaleko kidea /\"IRC operatzaile bat da\""
#: src/common/text.c:786
msgid "Server Information"
msgstr "Zerbitzariaren informazioa"
#: src/common/text.c:791 src/common/text.c:796
msgid "Idle time"
msgstr "Inaktibitate denbora"
#: src/common/text.c:797
msgid "Signon time"
msgstr "Konektatutako ordua"
#: src/common/text.c:802
msgid "Away reason"
msgstr "Aldentzearen arrazoia"
#: src/common/text.c:811 src/common/text.c:816 src/common/text.c:824
#: src/common/text.c:1002
msgid "Message"
msgstr "Mezua"
#: src/common/text.c:817
msgid "Account"
msgstr "Kontua"
#: src/common/text.c:822
msgid "Real user@host"
msgstr "Benetazko erabiltzaile@ostalaria"
#: src/common/text.c:823
msgid "Real IP"
msgstr "Benetazko IPa"
#: src/common/text.c:828 src/common/text.c:837 src/common/text.c:843
#: src/common/text.c:1025
msgid "Channel Name"
msgstr "Kanalaren izena"
#: src/common/text.c:832 src/common/text.c:988 src/fe-gtk/textgui.c:338
msgid "Text"
msgstr "Testua"
#: src/common/text.c:833 src/common/text.c:839 src/common/text.c:1026
msgid "Server Name"
msgstr "Zerbitzariaren izena"
#: src/common/text.c:838
msgid "Nick of person who invited you"
msgstr "Gonbidatu zaituenaren ezizena"
#: src/common/text.c:844 src/fe-gtk/chanlist.c:598
msgid "Users"
msgstr "Erabiltzaileak"
#: src/common/text.c:848
msgid "Nickname in use"
msgstr "Ezizena erabilita"
#: src/common/text.c:849
msgid "Nick being tried"
msgstr "Saiatzen hari den ezizena"
#: src/common/text.c:853 src/common/text.c:889 src/common/text.c:900
#: src/common/text.c:907 src/common/text.c:920 src/common/text.c:937
#: src/common/text.c:1037 src/common/util.c:351
msgid "Error"
msgstr "Errorea"
#: src/common/text.c:858 src/common/text.c:992
msgid "IP"
msgstr "IP"
#: src/common/text.c:859 src/common/text.c:888
msgid "Port"
msgstr "Ataka"
#: src/common/text.c:863
msgid "PID"
msgstr "PID"
#: src/common/text.c:871
msgid "Channel name"
msgstr "Kanalaren izena"
#: src/common/text.c:872 src/common/text.c:877
msgid "Modes string"
msgstr ""
#: src/common/text.c:887 src/common/text.c:925 src/common/text.c:930
#: src/common/text.c:971
msgid "IP address"
msgstr "IP helbidea"
#: src/common/text.c:893 src/common/text.c:918
msgid "DCC Type"
msgstr "DCC mota"
#: src/common/text.c:894 src/common/text.c:899 src/common/text.c:904
#: src/common/text.c:911 src/common/text.c:931 src/common/text.c:935
#: src/common/text.c:941 src/common/text.c:947 src/common/text.c:954
#: src/common/text.c:963 src/common/text.c:969
msgid "Filename"
msgstr "Fitxategi-izena"
#: src/common/text.c:905 src/common/text.c:912
msgid "Destination filename"
msgstr "Helmuga fitxategia"
#: src/common/text.c:914 src/common/text.c:943
msgid "CPS"
msgstr "CPS"
#: src/common/text.c:949
msgid "Pathname"
msgstr "Bide-izena"
#: src/common/text.c:964 src/fe-gtk/dccgui.c:490 src/fe-gtk/dccgui.c:647
msgid "Position"
msgstr "Posizioa"
#: src/common/text.c:970 src/fe-gtk/dccgui.c:489 src/fe-gtk/dccgui.c:646
msgid "Size"
msgstr "Tamainua"
#: src/common/text.c:975
msgid "DCC String"
msgstr "DCC katea"
#: src/common/text.c:980
msgid "Number of notify items"
msgstr "Notifikazio kopurua"
#: src/common/text.c:984
msgid "Servername"
msgstr "Zerbitzeriaren izena"
#: src/common/text.c:996
msgid "Old Filename"
msgstr "Fitxategi zaharra"
#: src/common/text.c:997
msgid "New Filename"
msgstr "Fitxategi berria"
#: src/common/text.c:1001
msgid "Receiver"
msgstr "Jasotzailea"
#: src/common/text.c:1006
msgid "Hostmask"
msgstr "Ostalariaren maskara"
#: src/common/text.c:1011
msgid "Hostname"
msgstr "Ostalariaren izena"
#: src/common/text.c:1016
msgid "The Packet"
msgstr "Paketea"
#: src/common/text.c:1020
msgid "Seconds"
msgstr "Segunduak"
#: src/common/text.c:1024
msgid "Nick of person who have been invited"
msgstr "Gonbidatua izan denaren ezizena"
#: src/common/text.c:1031
msgid "Banmask"
msgstr "Debeku maskara"
#: src/common/text.c:1032
msgid "Who set the ban"
msgstr "Nork ezarri duen debekua"
#: src/common/text.c:1033
msgid "Ban time"
msgstr "Debekuaren denbora"
#: src/common/text.c:1073
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Error parsing event %s.\n"
"Loading default."
msgstr ""
#: src/common/text.c:1708
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Cannot read sound file:\n"
msgstr ""
"Ezin da soinu fitxategia irakurri:\n"
#: src/common/util.c:295
msgid "Remote host closed socket"
msgstr "Ostalari urrunak socket-a itxi du"
#: src/common/util.c:300
msgid "Connection refused"
msgstr "Konexio ukatua"
#: src/common/util.c:303
msgid "No route to host"
msgstr "Ez dago biderik ostalariraino"
#: src/common/util.c:305
msgid "Connection timed out"
msgstr "Konexioa denboraz kanpo"
#: src/common/util.c:307
msgid "Cannot assign that address"
msgstr "Ezin da helbide hori eman"
#: src/common/util.c:309
msgid "Connection reset by peer"
msgstr "Konexioa bikoteak berrezarria"
#: src/common/util.c:800
msgid "Andorra"
msgstr "Andorra"
#: src/common/util.c:801
msgid "United Arab Emirates"
msgstr "Arabiar Emirerri Batuak"
#: src/common/util.c:802
msgid "Afghanistan"
msgstr "Afganistan"
#: src/common/util.c:803
msgid "Antigua and Barbuda"
msgstr "Antigua eta Barbuda"
#: src/common/util.c:804
msgid "Anguilla"
msgstr "Anguilla"
#: src/common/util.c:805
msgid "Albania"
msgstr "Albania"
#: src/common/util.c:806
msgid "Armenia"
msgstr "Armenia"
#: src/common/util.c:807
msgid "Netherlands Antilles"
msgstr "Antilla Nederlandarrak"
#: src/common/util.c:808
msgid "Angola"
msgstr "Angola"
#: src/common/util.c:809
msgid "Antarctica"
msgstr "Antarktika"
#: src/common/util.c:810
msgid "Argentina"
msgstr "Argentina"
#: src/common/util.c:811
msgid "Reverse DNS"
msgstr "Alderantzizko DNSa"
#: src/common/util.c:812
msgid "American Samoa"
msgstr "Samoa Estatubatuarra"
#: src/common/util.c:813
msgid "Austria"
msgstr "Austria"
#: src/common/util.c:814
msgid "Nato Fiel"
msgstr ""
#: src/common/util.c:815
msgid "Australia"
msgstr "Australia"
#: src/common/util.c:816
msgid "Aruba"
msgstr "Aruba"
#: src/common/util.c:817
msgid "Azerbaijan"
msgstr "Azerbaijan"
#: src/common/util.c:818
msgid "Bosnia and Herzegovina"
msgstr "Bosnia-Herzegovina"
#: src/common/util.c:819
msgid "Barbados"
msgstr "Barbados"
#: src/common/util.c:820
msgid "Bangladesh"
msgstr "Bangladesh"
#: src/common/util.c:821
msgid "Belgium"
msgstr "Belgika"
#: src/common/util.c:822
msgid "Burkina Faso"
msgstr "Burkina Faso"
#: src/common/util.c:823
msgid "Bulgaria"
msgstr "Bulgaria"
#: src/common/util.c:824
msgid "Bahrain"
msgstr "Bahrein"
#: src/common/util.c:825
msgid "Burundi"
msgstr "Burundi"
#: src/common/util.c:826
msgid "Businesses"
msgstr "Negozioak"
#: src/common/util.c:827
msgid "Benin"
msgstr "Benin"
#: src/common/util.c:828
msgid "Bermuda"
msgstr "Bermudak"
#: src/common/util.c:829
msgid "Brunei Darussalam"
msgstr "Brunei Darussalam"
#: src/common/util.c:830
msgid "Bolivia"
msgstr "Bolivia"
#: src/common/util.c:831
msgid "Brazil"
msgstr "Brasil"
#: src/common/util.c:832
msgid "Bahamas"
msgstr "Bahamak"
#: src/common/util.c:833
msgid "Bhutan"
msgstr "Bhutan"
#: src/common/util.c:834
msgid "Bouvet Island"
msgstr "Bouvet Uhartea"
#: src/common/util.c:835
msgid "Botswana"
msgstr "Botswana"
#: src/common/util.c:836
msgid "Belarus"
msgstr "Bielorrusia"
#: src/common/util.c:837
msgid "Belize"
msgstr "Belize"
#: src/common/util.c:838
msgid "Canada"
msgstr "Kanada"
#: src/common/util.c:839
msgid "Cocos Islands"
msgstr "Cocos Uharteak"
#: src/common/util.c:840
msgid "Central African Republic"
msgstr "Ertafrikar Errepublika"
#: src/common/util.c:841
msgid "Congo"
msgstr "Kongo"
#: src/common/util.c:842
msgid "Switzerland"
msgstr "Suitza"
#: src/common/util.c:843
#, fuzzy
msgid "Cote d'Ivoire"
msgstr "Bolikosta"
#: src/common/util.c:844
msgid "Cook Islands"
msgstr "Cook Uharteak"
#: src/common/util.c:845
msgid "Chile"
msgstr "Txile"
#: src/common/util.c:846
msgid "Cameroon"
msgstr "Kamerun"
#: src/common/util.c:847
msgid "China"
msgstr "Txina"
#: src/common/util.c:848
msgid "Colombia"
msgstr "Kolombia"
#: src/common/util.c:849
msgid "Internic Commercial"
msgstr "Internic Komertziala"
#: src/common/util.c:850
msgid "Costa Rica"
msgstr "Costa Rica"
#: src/common/util.c:851
msgid "Former Czechoslovakia"
msgstr "Txekiar Errepublika"
#: src/common/util.c:852
msgid "Cuba"
msgstr "Kuba"
#: src/common/util.c:853
msgid "Cape Verde"
msgstr "Cabo Verde"
#: src/common/util.c:854
msgid "Christmas Island"
msgstr "Christmas Uhartea"
#: src/common/util.c:855
msgid "Cyprus"
msgstr "Txipre"
#: src/common/util.c:856
msgid "Czech Republic"
msgstr "Txekiar Errepublika"
#: src/common/util.c:857
msgid "Germany"
msgstr "Alemania"
#: src/common/util.c:858
msgid "Djibouti"
msgstr "Djituti"
#: src/common/util.c:859
msgid "Denmark"
msgstr "Danimarka"
#: src/common/util.c:860
msgid "Dominica"
msgstr "Dominika"
#: src/common/util.c:861
msgid "Dominican Republic"
msgstr "Dominikar Errepublika"
#: src/common/util.c:862
msgid "Algeria"
msgstr "Algeria"
#: src/common/util.c:863
msgid "Ecuador"
msgstr "Ekuador"
#: src/common/util.c:864
msgid "Educational Institution"
msgstr "Instituzio Edukatiboa"
#: src/common/util.c:865
msgid "Estonia"
msgstr "Estonia"
#: src/common/util.c:866
msgid "Egypt"
msgstr "Egipto"
#: src/common/util.c:867
msgid "Western Sahara"
msgstr "Mendebaldeko Sahara"
#: src/common/util.c:868
msgid "Eritrea"
msgstr "Eritrea"
#: src/common/util.c:869
msgid "Spain"
msgstr "Espainia"
#: src/common/util.c:870
msgid "Ethiopia"
msgstr "Etiopia"
#: src/common/util.c:871
msgid "Finland"
msgstr "Finlandia"
#: src/common/util.c:872
msgid "Fiji"
msgstr "Fiji"
#: src/common/util.c:873
msgid "Falkland Islands"
msgstr "Malvina Uharteak (Falkland)"
#: src/common/util.c:874
msgid "Micronesia"
msgstr "Maine"
#: src/common/util.c:875
msgid "Faroe Islands"
msgstr "Faroe Uharteak"
#: src/common/util.c:876
msgid "France"
msgstr "Frantzia"
#: src/common/util.c:877
msgid "France, Metropolitan"
msgstr "Frantzia, Metropolitanoa"
#: src/common/util.c:878
msgid "Gabon"
msgstr "Gabon"
#: src/common/util.c:879
msgid "Great Britain"
msgstr "Britania Handia"
#: src/common/util.c:880
msgid "Grenada"
msgstr "Granada"
#: src/common/util.c:881
msgid "Georgia"
msgstr "Georgia"
#: src/common/util.c:882
msgid "French Guiana"
msgstr "Guyana Frantsesa"
#: src/common/util.c:883
msgid "British Channel Isles"
msgstr "Channel Uharte Britaniarrak"
#: src/common/util.c:884
msgid "Ghana"
msgstr "Ghana"
#: src/common/util.c:885
msgid "Gibraltar"
msgstr "Gibraltar"
#: src/common/util.c:886
msgid "Greenland"
msgstr "Groenlandia"
#: src/common/util.c:887
msgid "Gambia"
msgstr "Gambia"
#: src/common/util.c:888
msgid "Guinea"
msgstr "Ginea"
#: src/common/util.c:889
msgid "Government"
msgstr "Gobernua"
#: src/common/util.c:890
msgid "Guadeloupe"
msgstr "Guadelupe"
#: src/common/util.c:891
msgid "Equatorial Guinea"
msgstr "Ekuatore-Ginea"
#: src/common/util.c:892
msgid "Greece"
msgstr "Grezia"
#: src/common/util.c:893
msgid "S. Georgia and S. Sandwich Isles"
msgstr "Hegoaldeko Georgia eta Hegoaldeko Sandwich Uharteak"
#: src/common/util.c:894
msgid "Guatemala"
msgstr "Guatemala"
#: src/common/util.c:895
msgid "Guam"
msgstr "Guam"
#: src/common/util.c:896
msgid "Guinea-Bissau"
msgstr "Ginea Bissau"
#: src/common/util.c:897
msgid "Guyana"
msgstr "Guyana"
#: src/common/util.c:898
msgid "Hong Kong"
msgstr "Hong Kong"
#: src/common/util.c:899
msgid "Heard and McDonald Islands"
msgstr "Heard Uhartea eta McDonald Uharteak"
#: src/common/util.c:900
msgid "Honduras"
msgstr "Honduras"
#: src/common/util.c:901
msgid "Croatia"
msgstr "Kroazia"
#: src/common/util.c:902
msgid "Haiti"
msgstr "Haiti"
#: src/common/util.c:903
msgid "Hungary"
msgstr "Hungaria"
#: src/common/util.c:904
msgid "Indonesia"
msgstr "Indonesia"
#: src/common/util.c:905
msgid "Ireland"
msgstr "Irlanda"
#: src/common/util.c:906
msgid "Israel"
msgstr "Israel"
#: src/common/util.c:907
msgid "India"
msgstr "India"
#: src/common/util.c:908
msgid "Informational"
msgstr "Informatiboa"
#: src/common/util.c:909
msgid "International"
msgstr "Internazionala"
#: src/common/util.c:910
msgid "British Indian Ocean Territory"
msgstr "Indiar Ozeanoko Lurralde Britainiarra"
#: src/common/util.c:911
msgid "Iraq"
msgstr "Irak"
#: src/common/util.c:912
msgid "Iran"
msgstr "Iran"
#: src/common/util.c:913
msgid "Iceland"
msgstr "Islandia"
#: src/common/util.c:914
msgid "Italy"
msgstr "Italia"
#: src/common/util.c:915
msgid "Jamaica"
msgstr "Jamaika"
#: src/common/util.c:916
msgid "Jordan"
msgstr "Jordania"
#: src/common/util.c:917
msgid "Japan"
msgstr "Japonia"
#: src/common/util.c:918
msgid "Kenya"
msgstr "Kenya"
#: src/common/util.c:919
msgid "Kyrgyzstan"
msgstr "Kirgizstan"
#: src/common/util.c:920
msgid "Cambodia"
msgstr "Kanbodia"
#: src/common/util.c:921
msgid "Kiribati"
msgstr "Kiribati"
#: src/common/util.c:922
msgid "Comoros"
msgstr "Komoreak"
#: src/common/util.c:923
msgid "St. Kitts and Nevis"
msgstr "Saint Kitts eta Nevis"
#: src/common/util.c:924
msgid "North Korea"
msgstr "Korea, Herri-Errepublika Demokratikoa (Ipar Korea)"
#: src/common/util.c:925
msgid "South Korea"
msgstr "Korea Errepublika (Hego Korea)"
#: src/common/util.c:926
msgid "Kuwait"
msgstr "Kuwait"
#: src/common/util.c:927
msgid "Cayman Islands"
msgstr "Cayman Uharteak"
#: src/common/util.c:928
msgid "Kazakhstan"
msgstr "Kazakhstan"
#: src/common/util.c:929
msgid "Laos"
msgstr "Laos"
#: src/common/util.c:930
msgid "Lebanon"
msgstr "Libano"
#: src/common/util.c:931
msgid "Saint Lucia"
msgstr "Santa Luzia"
#: src/common/util.c:932
msgid "Liechtenstein"
msgstr "Liechtenstein"
#: src/common/util.c:933
msgid "Sri Lanka"
msgstr "Sri Lanka"
#: src/common/util.c:934
msgid "Liberia"
msgstr "Liberia"
#: src/common/util.c:935
msgid "Lesotho"
msgstr "Lesotho"
#: src/common/util.c:936
msgid "Lithuania"
msgstr "Lituania"
#: src/common/util.c:937
msgid "Luxembourg"
msgstr "Luxemburgo"
#: src/common/util.c:938
msgid "Latvia"
msgstr "Letonia"
#: src/common/util.c:939
msgid "Libya"
msgstr "Liberia"
#: src/common/util.c:940
msgid "Morocco"
msgstr "Maroko"
#: src/common/util.c:941
msgid "Monaco"
msgstr "Monako"
#: src/common/util.c:942
msgid "Moldova"
msgstr "Moldavia"
#: src/common/util.c:943
msgid "United States Medical"
msgstr "Estatu Batuak Medizinala"
#: src/common/util.c:944
msgid "Madagascar"
msgstr "Madagaskar"
#: src/common/util.c:945
msgid "Marshall Islands"
msgstr "Marshall Uharteak"
#: src/common/util.c:946
msgid "Military"
msgstr "Militarra"
#: src/common/util.c:947
msgid "Macedonia"
msgstr "Macedonia"
#: src/common/util.c:948
msgid "Mali"
msgstr "Mali"
#: src/common/util.c:949
msgid "Myanmar"
msgstr "Birmania"
#: src/common/util.c:950
msgid "Mongolia"
msgstr "Mongolia"
#: src/common/util.c:951
msgid "Macau"
msgstr "Macau"
#: src/common/util.c:952
msgid "Northern Mariana Islands"
msgstr "Iparraldeko Mariana Uharteak"
#: src/common/util.c:953
msgid "Martinique"
msgstr "Martinika"
#: src/common/util.c:954
msgid "Mauritania"
msgstr "Mauritania"
#: src/common/util.c:955
msgid "Montserrat"
msgstr "Montserrat"
#: src/common/util.c:956
msgid "Malta"
msgstr "Malta"
#: src/common/util.c:957
msgid "Mauritius"
msgstr "Maurizio"
#: src/common/util.c:958
msgid "Maldives"
msgstr "Mali"
#: src/common/util.c:959
msgid "Malawi"
msgstr "Malawi"
#: src/common/util.c:960
msgid "Mexico"
msgstr "Mexiko"
#: src/common/util.c:961
msgid "Malaysia"
msgstr "Malaysia"
#: src/common/util.c:962
msgid "Mozambique"
msgstr "Mozambike"
#: src/common/util.c:963
msgid "Namibia"
msgstr "Namibia"
#: src/common/util.c:964
msgid "New Caledonia"
msgstr "Kaledonia Berria"
#: src/common/util.c:965
msgid "Niger"
msgstr "Niger"
#: src/common/util.c:966
msgid "Internic Network"
msgstr "Internic Sarea"
#: src/common/util.c:967
msgid "Norfolk Island"
msgstr "Norfolk Uhartea"
#: src/common/util.c:968
msgid "Nigeria"
msgstr "Nigeria"
#: src/common/util.c:969
msgid "Nicaragua"
msgstr "Nikaragua"
#: src/common/util.c:970
msgid "Netherlands"
msgstr "Herbereak"
#: src/common/util.c:971
msgid "Norway"
msgstr "Norvegia"
#: src/common/util.c:972
msgid "Nepal"
msgstr "Nepal"
#: src/common/util.c:973
msgid "Nauru"
msgstr "Nauru"
#: src/common/util.c:974
msgid "Neutral Zone"
msgstr "Eremu neutrala"
#: src/common/util.c:975
msgid "Niue"
msgstr "Niue"
#: src/common/util.c:976
msgid "New Zealand"
msgstr "Zeelanda Berria"
#: src/common/util.c:977
msgid "Oman"
msgstr "Oman"
#: src/common/util.c:978
msgid "Internic Non-Profit Organization"
msgstr "Papua Ginea Berria"
#: src/common/util.c:979
msgid "Panama"
msgstr "Panama"
#: src/common/util.c:980
msgid "Peru"
msgstr "Peru"
#: src/common/util.c:981
msgid "French Polynesia"
msgstr "Polinesia Frantsesa"
#: src/common/util.c:982
msgid "Papua New Guinea"
msgstr "Papua Ginea Berria"
#: src/common/util.c:983
msgid "Philippines"
msgstr "Filipinak"
#: src/common/util.c:984
msgid "Pakistan"
msgstr "Pakistan"
#: src/common/util.c:985
msgid "Poland"
msgstr "Polonia"
#: src/common/util.c:986
msgid "St. Pierre and Miquelon"
msgstr "Saint Pierre eta Miquelon"
#: src/common/util.c:987
msgid "Pitcairn"
msgstr "Pitcairn"
#: src/common/util.c:988
msgid "Puerto Rico"
msgstr "Puerto Rico"
#: src/common/util.c:989
msgid "Portugal"
msgstr "Portugal"
#: src/common/util.c:990
msgid "Palau"
msgstr "Belau (lehen Palaos)"
#: src/common/util.c:991
msgid "Paraguay"
msgstr "Paraguay"
#: src/common/util.c:992
msgid "Qatar"
msgstr "Katar"
#: src/common/util.c:993
msgid "Reunion"
msgstr "Reunion"
#: src/common/util.c:994
msgid "Romania"
msgstr "Errumania"
#: src/common/util.c:995
msgid "Old School ARPAnet"
msgstr "ARPAnet zaharra"
#: src/common/util.c:996
msgid "Russian Federation"
msgstr "Errusiako Federazioa"
#: src/common/util.c:997
msgid "Rwanda"
msgstr "Ruanda"
#: src/common/util.c:998
msgid "Saudi Arabia"
msgstr "Saudi Arabia"
#: src/common/util.c:999
msgid "Solomon Islands"
msgstr "Salomon Uharteak"
#: src/common/util.c:1000
msgid "Seychelles"
msgstr "Seychelleak"
#: src/common/util.c:1001
msgid "Sudan"
msgstr "Sudan"
#: src/common/util.c:1002
msgid "Sweden"
msgstr "Suedia"
#: src/common/util.c:1003
msgid "Singapore"
msgstr "Singapur"
#: src/common/util.c:1004
msgid "St. Helena"
msgstr "Santa Elena"
#: src/common/util.c:1005
msgid "Slovenia"
msgstr "Eslovenia"
#: src/common/util.c:1006
msgid "Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands"
msgstr "Svalbard eta Jan Mayen Uharteak"
#: src/common/util.c:1007
msgid "Slovak Republic"
msgstr "Eslovakia"
#: src/common/util.c:1008
msgid "Sierra Leone"
msgstr "Sierra Leona"
#: src/common/util.c:1009
msgid "San Marino"
msgstr "San Marino"
#: src/common/util.c:1010
msgid "Senegal"
msgstr "Senegal"
#: src/common/util.c:1011
msgid "Somalia"
msgstr "Somalia"
#: src/common/util.c:1012
msgid "Suriname"
msgstr "Surinam"
#: src/common/util.c:1013
msgid "Sao Tome and Principe"
msgstr "Sao Tome eta Printze"
#: src/common/util.c:1014
msgid "Former USSR"
msgstr "Lehenago USSR"
#: src/common/util.c:1015
msgid "El Salvador"
msgstr "El Salvador"
#: src/common/util.c:1016
msgid "Syria"
msgstr "Siria"
#: src/common/util.c:1017
msgid "Swaziland"
msgstr "Swazilandia"
#: src/common/util.c:1018
msgid "Turks and Caicos Islands"
msgstr "Turk eta Caicoak Uharteak"
#: src/common/util.c:1019
msgid "Chad"
msgstr "Txad"
#: src/common/util.c:1020
msgid "French Southern Territories"
msgstr "Hegoaldeko Lurralde Frantsesak"
#: src/common/util.c:1021
msgid "Togo"
msgstr "Togo"
#: src/common/util.c:1022
msgid "Thailand"
msgstr "Tailandia"
#: src/common/util.c:1023
msgid "Tajikistan"
msgstr "Tadjikistan"
#: src/common/util.c:1024
msgid "Tokelau"
msgstr "Tokelau"
#: src/common/util.c:1025
msgid "Turkmenistan"
msgstr "Turkmenistan"
#: src/common/util.c:1026
msgid "Tunisia"
msgstr "Tunisia"
#: src/common/util.c:1027
msgid "Tonga"
msgstr "Tonga"
#: src/common/util.c:1028
msgid "East Timor"
msgstr "Ekialdeko Timor"
#: src/common/util.c:1029
msgid "Turkey"
msgstr "Turkia"
#: src/common/util.c:1030
msgid "Trinidad and Tobago"
msgstr "Trinidad eta Tobago"
#: src/common/util.c:1031
msgid "Tuvalu"
msgstr "Tuvalu"
#: src/common/util.c:1032
msgid "Taiwan"
msgstr "Taiwan"
#: src/common/util.c:1033
msgid "Tanzania"
msgstr "Tanzania"
#: src/common/util.c:1034
msgid "Ukraine"
msgstr "Ukraina"
#: src/common/util.c:1035
msgid "Uganda"
msgstr "Uganda"
#: src/common/util.c:1036
msgid "United Kingdom"
msgstr "Erresuma Batua"
#: src/common/util.c:1037
msgid "US Minor Outlying Islands"
msgstr "United States Minor Outlying Islands"
#: src/common/util.c:1038
msgid "United States of America"
msgstr "Amerikako Estatu Batuak"
#: src/common/util.c:1039
msgid "Uruguay"
msgstr "Uruguay"
#: src/common/util.c:1040
msgid "Uzbekistan"
msgstr "Uzbekistan"
#: src/common/util.c:1041
msgid "Vatican City State"
msgstr "Vatikanoko Hiria"
#: src/common/util.c:1042
msgid "St. Vincent and the Grenadines"
msgstr "San Bizente eta Grenadinak"
#: src/common/util.c:1043
msgid "Venezuela"
msgstr "Venezuela"
#: src/common/util.c:1044
msgid "British Virgin Islands"
msgstr "Birjina Uharteak (Err. Ba.)"
#: src/common/util.c:1045
msgid "US Virgin Islands"
msgstr "Birjina Uharteak (EEBB)"
#: src/common/util.c:1046
msgid "Vietnam"
msgstr "Vietnam"
#: src/common/util.c:1047
msgid "Vanuatu"
msgstr "Vanuatu"
#: src/common/util.c:1048
msgid "Wallis and Futuna Islands"
msgstr "Wallis and Futuna Uharteak"
#: src/common/util.c:1049
msgid "Samoa"
msgstr "Samoa"
#: src/common/util.c:1050
msgid "Yemen"
msgstr "Jemen"
#: src/common/util.c:1051
msgid "Mayotte"
msgstr "Mayotte"
#: src/common/util.c:1052
msgid "Yugoslavia"
msgstr "Jugoslavia"
#: src/common/util.c:1053
msgid "South Africa"
msgstr "Hegoafrikar Errepublika"
#: src/common/util.c:1054
msgid "Zambia"
msgstr "Zambia"
#: src/common/util.c:1055
msgid "Zaire"
msgstr "Zaire"
#: src/common/util.c:1056
msgid "Zimbabwe"
msgstr "Zimbabwe"
#: src/common/util.c:1062 src/common/util.c:1072 src/fe-gtk/menu.c:513
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:517 src/fe-gtk/menu.c:521 src/fe-gtk/menu.c:525
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:529
msgid "Unknown"
msgstr "Ezezaguna"
#: src/common/xchat.c:923
msgid "Direct client-to-client"
msgstr "Bezerotik-bezerora zuzenean"
#: src/common/xchat.c:924
msgid "Send File"
msgstr "Bidali fitxategia"
#: src/common/xchat.c:925
msgid "Offer Chat"
msgstr "Eskeini berriketa"
#: src/common/xchat.c:926
msgid "Abort Chat"
msgstr "Abortatu berriketa"
#: src/common/xchat.c:927 src/fe-gtk/plugingui.c:74
msgid "Version"
msgstr "Bertsioa"
#: src/common/xchat.c:928
msgid "Userinfo"
msgstr "Erabiltzailearen Informazioa"
#: src/common/xchat.c:929
msgid "Clientinfo"
msgstr "Bezeroaren informazioa"
#: src/common/xchat.c:930 src/common/xchat.c:964 src/common/xchat.c:1015
msgid "Ping"
msgstr "Ping"
#: src/common/xchat.c:931
msgid "Time"
msgstr "Ordua"
#: src/common/xchat.c:932
msgid "Finger"
msgstr "Finger"
#: src/common/xchat.c:933
msgid "Oper"
msgstr "Operatzailea"
#: src/common/xchat.c:934
msgid "Kill this user"
msgstr "Hil erabiltzaile hau"
#: src/common/xchat.c:935
msgid "Mode"
msgstr "Modua"
#: src/common/xchat.c:936
msgid "Give Ops"
msgstr "Eman Opak"
#: src/common/xchat.c:937
msgid "Take Ops"
msgstr "Hartu Op"
#: src/common/xchat.c:938
msgid "Give Half-Ops"
msgstr "Eman erdi-Op-ak"
#: src/common/xchat.c:939
msgid "Take Half-Ops"
msgstr "Hartu erdi-Op-ak"
#: src/common/xchat.c:940
msgid "Give Voice"
msgstr "Eman ahotsa"
#: src/common/xchat.c:941
msgid "Take Voice"
msgstr "Hartu ahotsa"
#: src/common/xchat.c:942
msgid "Ignore"
msgstr "Ezikusi"
#: src/common/xchat.c:943
msgid "Ignore User"
msgstr "Ezikusi erabiltzailea"
#: src/common/xchat.c:944
msgid "UnIgnore User"
msgstr "Ez-ignoratu erabiltzailea"
#: src/common/xchat.c:945
msgid "Kick/Ban"
msgstr "Kanporatu/debekatu"
#: src/common/xchat.c:946 src/common/xchat.c:998
msgid "Kick"
msgstr "Kanporatu"
#: src/common/xchat.c:947 src/common/xchat.c:948 src/common/xchat.c:949
#: src/common/xchat.c:950 src/common/xchat.c:951 src/common/xchat.c:997
msgid "Ban"
msgstr "Debekatu"
#: src/common/xchat.c:952 src/common/xchat.c:953 src/common/xchat.c:954
#: src/common/xchat.c:955
msgid "KickBan"
msgstr "Kanporatu-debekatu"
#: src/common/xchat.c:956 src/fe-gtk/dccgui.c:535 src/fe-gtk/dccgui.c:683
msgid "Info"
msgstr "Informazioa"
#: src/common/xchat.c:957
msgid "Who"
msgstr "Who"
#: src/common/xchat.c:958 src/common/xchat.c:1011
msgid "WhoIs"
msgstr "WhoIs"
#: src/common/xchat.c:959
msgid "DNS Lookup"
msgstr "DNS bilaketa"
#: src/common/xchat.c:960
msgid "Trace"
msgstr "Trace"
#: src/common/xchat.c:961
msgid "UserHost"
msgstr "Erabiltzaile-ostalaria"
#: src/common/xchat.c:962
msgid "External"
msgstr "Kanpoko"
#: src/common/xchat.c:963
msgid "Traceroute"
msgstr "Traceroute"
#: src/common/xchat.c:965
msgid "Telnet"
msgstr "Telnet"
#: src/common/xchat.c:966
msgid "Open Dialog Window"
msgstr "Ireki elkarrizketa leihoa"
#: src/common/xchat.c:978
msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr "Deskonektatu"
#: src/common/xchat.c:979
msgid "Reconnect"
msgstr "Berriz konektatu"
#: src/common/xchat.c:980
msgid "Leave Channel"
msgstr "Irten kanaletik"
#: src/common/xchat.c:981
msgid "Join Channel..."
msgstr "Sartu kanalera..."
#: src/common/xchat.c:982
msgid "Enter Channel to Join:"
msgstr "Sartu elkartu nahi duzun kanalaren izena:"
#: src/common/xchat.c:983
msgid "Server Links"
msgstr "Zerbitzari estekak"
#: src/common/xchat.c:984
msgid "Ping Server"
msgstr "Ping egin zerbitzariari"
#: src/common/xchat.c:985
msgid "Hide Version"
msgstr "Ezkutatu bertsioa"
#: src/common/xchat.c:995
msgid "Op"
msgstr "Op"
#: src/common/xchat.c:996
msgid "DeOp"
msgstr "OP kendu"
#: src/common/xchat.c:999
msgid "bye"
msgstr "agur"
#: src/common/xchat.c:1000
#, c-format
msgid "Enter reason to kick %s:"
msgstr "Sartu %s botatzeko arrazoia:"
#: src/common/xchat.c:1001
msgid "Sendfile"
msgstr "Bidali fitxategia"
#: src/common/xchat.c:1002
msgid "Dialog"
msgstr "Elkarrizketa"
#: src/common/xchat.c:1012
msgid "Send"
msgstr "Bidali"
#: src/common/xchat.c:1013
msgid "Chat"
msgstr "Berriketa"
#: src/common/xchat.c:1014 src/fe-gtk/banlist.c:314 src/fe-gtk/search.c:117
#: src/fe-gtk/urlgrab.c:200
msgid "Clear"
msgstr "Garbitu"
#: src/fe-gtk/about.c:102
msgid "About X-Chat"
msgstr "X-Chat-i buruz"
#: src/fe-gtk/about.c:124
msgid "A multiplatform IRC Client"
msgstr "Plataforma anitzentzat IRC bezeroa"
#: src/fe-gtk/ascii.c:131
msgid "Character Chart"
msgstr "Karaktere taula"
#: src/fe-gtk/banlist.c:148 src/fe-gtk/banlist.c:232
msgid "You must select some bans."
msgstr "Debeku batzuk aukeratu behar dituzu."
#: src/fe-gtk/banlist.c:248 src/fe-gtk/ignoregui.c:175
msgid "Mask"
msgstr "Maskara"
#: src/fe-gtk/banlist.c:249 src/fe-gtk/dccgui.c:492
msgid "From"
msgstr "Nork"
#: src/fe-gtk/banlist.c:250
msgid "Date"
msgstr "Data"
#: src/fe-gtk/banlist.c:294
#, c-format
msgid "X-Chat: Ban List (%s)"
msgstr "X-Chat: Debeku zerrenda (%s)"
#: src/fe-gtk/banlist.c:310
msgid "Unban"
msgstr "Debekua kendu"
#: src/fe-gtk/banlist.c:312
msgid "Crop"
msgstr "Moztu"
#: src/fe-gtk/banlist.c:316
msgid "Refresh"
msgstr "Freskatu"
#: src/fe-gtk/chanlist.c:120
#, c-format
msgid "User and Channel Statistics: %d/%d Users on %d/%d Channels"
msgstr "Erabiltzaile eta kanal estatistikak: %d/%d erabiltzaile %d/%d kanaletan"
#: src/fe-gtk/chanlist.c:536
msgid "I can't save an empty list!"
msgstr "Ezin duzu zerrenda huts bat gorde!"
#: src/fe-gtk/chanlist.c:539 src/fe-gtk/menu.c:954
msgid "Select an output filename"
msgstr "Aukeratu irteera fitxategi bat"
#: src/fe-gtk/chanlist.c:607
#, c-format
msgid "X-Chat: Channel List (%s)"
msgstr "X-Chat: Kanal zerrenda (%s)"
#: src/fe-gtk/chanlist.c:622
msgid "List display options:"
msgstr "Zerrendatu bistaratzaile aukerak"
#: src/fe-gtk/chanlist.c:634
msgid "Minimum Users:"
msgstr "Gutxienezko erabiltzaileak:"
#: src/fe-gtk/chanlist.c:649
msgid "Maximum Users:"
msgstr "Gehienezko erabiltzaileak:"
#: src/fe-gtk/chanlist.c:664
msgid "Regex Match:"
msgstr ""
#: src/fe-gtk/chanlist.c:685
msgid "Apply Match to:"
msgstr "Aplikatu parekotasuna honi:"
#: src/fe-gtk/chanlist.c:709
msgid "Apply"
msgstr "Aplikatu"
#: src/fe-gtk/chanlist.c:751
msgid "Refresh the list"
msgstr "Freskatu zerrenda"
#: src/fe-gtk/chanlist.c:753
msgid "Save the list"
msgstr "Gorde zerrenda"
#: src/fe-gtk/chanlist.c:755 src/fe-gtk/menu.c:756
msgid "Join Channel"
msgstr "Sartu kanalera"
#: src/fe-gtk/dccgui.c:126
#, c-format
msgid "Send file to %s"
msgstr "Bidali fitxategia %s-ri"
#: src/fe-gtk/dccgui.c:346
#, c-format
msgid ""
" File: %s\n"
" To/From: %s\n"
" Size: %u\n"
" Port: %d\n"
" IP Number: %s\n"
"Start Time: %s Max CPS: %d\n"
msgstr ""
" Fitxategia: %s\n"
" Norentzat/Norengandik: %s\n"
" Tamainua: %u\n"
" Ataka: %d\n"
" IP zenbakia: %s\n"
"Hasi den ordua: %s Max CPS: %d\n"
#: src/fe-gtk/dccgui.c:379
msgid "That file is not resumable."
msgstr "Fitxategi hau ez da jarraigaitza"
#: src/fe-gtk/dccgui.c:383
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Cannot access file: %s\n"
"Resuming not possible."
msgstr ""
"Ezin da fitxategira iritsi: %s\n"
"Berrekitea ezinezkoa."
#: src/fe-gtk/dccgui.c:390
msgid "File in download directory is larger than file offered. Resuming not possible."
msgstr ""
#: src/fe-gtk/dccgui.c:394
msgid "Cannot resume the same file from two people."
msgstr "Ezin da bi pertsonen fitxategi berdinarekin jarraitu"
#: src/fe-gtk/dccgui.c:481
msgid "MIME Type"
msgstr "MIME Mota"
#: src/fe-gtk/dccgui.c:487 src/fe-gtk/dccgui.c:644 src/fe-gtk/dccgui.c:767
#: src/fe-gtk/notifygui.c:110
msgid "Status"
msgstr "Egoera"
#: src/fe-gtk/dccgui.c:488 src/fe-gtk/dccgui.c:645 src/fe-gtk/plugingui.c:75
msgid "File"
msgstr "Fitxategia"
#: src/fe-gtk/dccgui.c:491 src/fe-gtk/dccgui.c:649
msgid "ETA"
msgstr "ETA"
#: src/fe-gtk/dccgui.c:501
msgid "X-Chat: File Receive List"
msgstr "X-Chat: Jasotako fitxategien zerrenda"
#: src/fe-gtk/dccgui.c:529 src/fe-gtk/dccgui.c:682 src/fe-gtk/dccgui.c:797
msgid "Abort"
msgstr "Abortatu"
#: src/fe-gtk/dccgui.c:531 src/fe-gtk/dccgui.c:798
msgid "Accept"
msgstr "Onartu"
#: src/fe-gtk/dccgui.c:533
msgid "Resume"
msgstr "Berrekin"
#: src/fe-gtk/dccgui.c:537
msgid "Open"
msgstr "Ireki"
#: src/fe-gtk/dccgui.c:648
msgid "Ack"
msgstr "Ack"
#: src/fe-gtk/dccgui.c:650
msgid "To"
msgstr "Nori"
#: src/fe-gtk/dccgui.c:660
msgid "X-Chat: File Send List"
msgstr "X-Chat: Bidalitako fitxategien zerrenda"
#: src/fe-gtk/dccgui.c:768
msgid "To/From"
msgstr "Nori/Nork"
#: src/fe-gtk/dccgui.c:769
msgid "Recv"
msgstr "Jasotakoak"
#: src/fe-gtk/dccgui.c:770
msgid "Sent"
msgstr "Bidaliak"
#: src/fe-gtk/dccgui.c:771
msgid "StartTime"
msgstr "Hasiera ordua"
#: src/fe-gtk/dccgui.c:781
msgid "X-Chat: DCC Chat List"
msgstr "X-Chat: DCC elkarrizketa zerrenda"
#: src/fe-gtk/editlist.c:139
msgid "*NEW*"
msgstr "*BERRIA*"
#: src/fe-gtk/editlist.c:140
msgid "EDIT ME"
msgstr "EDITATU"
#: src/fe-gtk/editlist.c:305 src/fe-gtk/plugingui.c:73
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Izena"
#: src/fe-gtk/editlist.c:306
msgid "Command"
msgstr "Komandoa"
#: src/fe-gtk/editlist.c:333
msgid "Move Up"
msgstr "Mugitu gora"
#: src/fe-gtk/editlist.c:337
msgid "Move Dn"
msgstr "Mugitu behera"
#: src/fe-gtk/editlist.c:345
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Utzi"
#: src/fe-gtk/editlist.c:349 src/fe-gtk/textgui.c:413 src/fe-gtk/urlgrab.c:204
msgid "Save"
msgstr "Gorde"
#: src/fe-gtk/editlist.c:357
msgid "Add New"
msgstr "Gehitu berria"
#: src/fe-gtk/editlist.c:361 src/fe-gtk/fkeys.c:744 src/fe-gtk/ignoregui.c:379
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Ezabatu"
#: src/fe-gtk/editlist.c:369
msgid "Sort"
msgstr "Sailkatu"
#: src/fe-gtk/editlist.c:373
msgid "Help"
msgstr "Laguntza"
#: src/fe-gtk/fe-gtk.c:144
msgid "Options"
msgstr "Aukerak"
#: src/fe-gtk/fe-gtk.c:145
#: src/fe-gtk/fe-gtk.c:146
msgid "use a different config dir"
msgstr "erabili konfiguraziorako beste direktorio bat"
#: src/fe-gtk/fe-gtk.c:147
msgid "don't auto connect"
msgstr "ez konektatu automatikoki"
#: src/fe-gtk/fe-gtk.c:148
msgid "don't auto load any plugins"
msgstr "ez kargatu automatikoki plugin-ak"
#: src/fe-gtk/fe-gtk.c:149
msgid "show version information"
msgstr "erakutsi bertsioari buruzko informazioa"
#: src/fe-gtk/fe-gtk.c:234
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Failed to open font:\n"
msgstr ""
"Huts egin da letra tipoa irekitzen:\n"
#: src/fe-gtk/fe-gtk.c:594
msgid "Search buffer is empty.\n"
msgstr "Bilaketa bufferra hutsik dago.\n"
#: src/fe-gtk/fe-gtk.c:671
#, c-format
msgid "%d bytes"
msgstr "%d byte"
#: src/fe-gtk/fkeys.c:155
msgid "The Run Command action runs the data in Data 1 as if it has been typed into the entry box where you pressed the key sequence. Thus it can contain text (which will be sent to the channel/person), commands or user commands. When run all \\n characters in Data 1 are used to deliminate seperate commands so it is possible to run more than one command. If you want a \\ in the actual text run then enter \\\\"
msgstr ""
#: src/fe-gtk/fkeys.c:157
msgid "The Change Page command switches between pages in the notebook. Set Data 1 to the page you want to switch to. If Data 2 is set to anything then the switch will be relative to the current position"
msgstr ""
#: src/fe-gtk/fkeys.c:159
msgid "The Insert in Buffer command will insert the contents of Data 1 into the entry where the key sequence was pressed at the current cursor position"
msgstr ""
#: src/fe-gtk/fkeys.c:161
msgid "The Scroll Page command scrolls the text widget up or down one page or one line. Set Data 1 to either Up, Down, +1 or -1."
msgstr ""
#: src/fe-gtk/fkeys.c:163
msgid "The Set Buffer command sets the entry where the key sequence was entered to the contents of Data 1"
msgstr ""
#: src/fe-gtk/fkeys.c:165
msgid "The Last Command command sets the entry to contain the last command entered - the same as pressing up in a shell"
msgstr ""
#: src/fe-gtk/fkeys.c:167
msgid "The Next Command command sets the entry to contain the next command entered - the same as pressing down in a shell"
msgstr ""
#: src/fe-gtk/fkeys.c:169
msgid "This command changes the text in the entry to finish an incomplete nickname or command. If Data 1 is set then double-tabbing in a string will select the last nick, not the next"
msgstr ""
#: src/fe-gtk/fkeys.c:171
msgid "This command scrolls up and down through the list of nicks. If Data 1 is set to anything it will scroll up, else it scrolls down"
msgstr ""
#: src/fe-gtk/fkeys.c:173
msgid "This command checks the last word entered in the entry against the replace list and replaces it if it finds a match"
msgstr ""
#: src/fe-gtk/fkeys.c:175
msgid "This command moves the front tab left by one"
msgstr ""
#: src/fe-gtk/fkeys.c:177
msgid "This command moves the front tab right by one"
msgstr ""
#: src/fe-gtk/fkeys.c:179
msgid "This command moves the current tab family to the left"
msgstr ""
#: src/fe-gtk/fkeys.c:181
msgid "This command moves the current tab family to the right"
msgstr ""
#: src/fe-gtk/fkeys.c:183
msgid "Push input line into history but doesn't send to server"
msgstr ""
#: src/fe-gtk/fkeys.c:195
msgid "There was an error loading key bindings configuration"
msgstr "Errore bat egon da tekla-mapa konfigurazioa kargatzerakoan"
#: src/fe-gtk/fkeys.c:432 src/fe-gtk/fkeys.c:433 src/fe-gtk/fkeys.c:434
#: src/fe-gtk/fkeys.c:435 src/fe-gtk/fkeys.c:717 src/fe-gtk/fkeys.c:723
#: src/fe-gtk/fkeys.c:728 src/fe-gtk/maingui.c:905 src/fe-gtk/maingui.c:921
#: src/fe-gtk/maingui.c:1064 src/fe-gtk/maingui.c:1117
#: src/fe-gtk/maingui.c:2494
msgid "<none>"
msgstr "<bat ere ez>"
#: src/fe-gtk/fkeys.c:681
msgid "Mod"
msgstr "Mod"
#: src/fe-gtk/fkeys.c:682 src/fe-gtk/fkeys.c:777
msgid "Key"
msgstr "Tekla"
#: src/fe-gtk/fkeys.c:683
msgid "Action"
msgstr "Ekintza"
#: src/fe-gtk/fkeys.c:692
msgid "X-Chat: Keyboard Shortcuts"
msgstr "X-Chat: Laster-teklak"
#: src/fe-gtk/fkeys.c:739
msgid "Add new"
msgstr "Gehitu berria"
#: src/fe-gtk/fkeys.c:770
msgid "Shift"
msgstr "Shift"
#: src/fe-gtk/fkeys.c:772
msgid "Alt"
msgstr "Alt"
#: src/fe-gtk/fkeys.c:774
msgid "Ctrl"
msgstr "Ctrl"
#: src/fe-gtk/fkeys.c:781
msgid "Data 1"
msgstr "1 Datua"
#: src/fe-gtk/fkeys.c:784
msgid "Data 2"
msgstr "2 Datua"
#: src/fe-gtk/fkeys.c:827
msgid "Error opening keys config file\n"
msgstr "Errorea teklen konfigurazio fitxategia irekitzean\n"
#: src/fe-gtk/fkeys.c:998
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Unknown keyname %s in key bindings config file\n"
"Load aborted, please fix %s/keybindings.conf\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/fe-gtk/fkeys.c:1036
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Unknown action %s in key bindings config file\n"
"Load aborted, Please fix %s/keybindings\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/fe-gtk/fkeys.c:1057
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Expecting Data line (beginning Dx{:|!}) but got:\n"
"Load aborted, Please fix %s/keybindings\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/fe-gtk/fkeys.c:1126
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Key bindings config file is corrupt, load aborted\n"
"Please fix %s/keybindings.conf\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/fe-gtk/gtkutil.c:148
msgid "Cannot write to that file."
msgstr "Ezin idatzi fitxategi hortan."
#: src/fe-gtk/gtkutil.c:150
msgid "Cannot read that file."
msgstr "Ezin irakurri fitxategi hori."
#: src/fe-gtk/ignoregui.c:117 src/fe-gtk/ignoregui.c:280
msgid "That mask already exists."
msgstr "Maskara hau dagoeneko exisititzen da."
#: src/fe-gtk/ignoregui.c:177 src/fe-gtk/maingui.c:1573
msgid "Private"
msgstr "Pribatua"
#: src/fe-gtk/ignoregui.c:178
msgid "Notice"
msgstr "Oharra"
#: src/fe-gtk/ignoregui.c:179
msgid "CTCP"
msgstr "CTCP"
#: src/fe-gtk/ignoregui.c:180
msgid "DCC"
msgstr "DCC"
#: src/fe-gtk/ignoregui.c:181
msgid "Invite"
msgstr "Gonbidatu"
#: src/fe-gtk/ignoregui.c:182
msgid "Unignore"
msgstr "Ezikusia kendu"
#: src/fe-gtk/ignoregui.c:300
msgid "Enter mask to ignore:"
msgstr "Sartu ignoratu nahi duzun maskara:"
#: src/fe-gtk/ignoregui.c:347
msgid "X-Chat: Ignore list"
msgstr "X-Chat: Ignoratuen zerrenda"
#: src/fe-gtk/ignoregui.c:354
msgid "Ignore Stats:"
msgstr "Ignoratuen estatistikak"
#: src/fe-gtk/ignoregui.c:362
msgid "Channel:"
msgstr "Kanala:"
#: src/fe-gtk/ignoregui.c:363
msgid "Private:"
msgstr "Pribatua:"
#: src/fe-gtk/ignoregui.c:364
msgid "Notice:"
msgstr "Oharra:"
#: src/fe-gtk/ignoregui.c:365
msgid "CTCP:"
msgstr "CTCP:"
#: src/fe-gtk/ignoregui.c:366
msgid "Invite:"
msgstr "Gonbidatu:"
#: src/fe-gtk/ignoregui.c:377 src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1259
msgid "New"
msgstr "Berria"
#: src/fe-gtk/ignoregui.c:381
msgid "Delete All"
msgstr "Ezabatu guztiak"
#: src/fe-gtk/maingui.c:318
msgid "Dialog with"
msgstr "Elkarrizketatu honekin"
#: src/fe-gtk/maingui.c:574
#, c-format
msgid "Topic for %s is: %s"
msgstr "%s-ren gaia honakoa da: %s"
#: src/fe-gtk/maingui.c:578
msgid "No topic is set"
msgstr "Ez dago gairik"
#: src/fe-gtk/maingui.c:974
msgid "No other tabs open, quit xchat?"
msgstr "Ez dago beste fitxarik irekita, irten xchat-etik?"
#: src/fe-gtk/maingui.c:1020
msgid "Insert color code"
msgstr "Txertatu kolore kodea"
#: src/fe-gtk/maingui.c:1069
msgid "Beep on message"
msgstr "Bip egin mezuetan"
#: src/fe-gtk/maingui.c:1072
msgid "Show join/part messages"
msgstr "Erakutsi sartze/irtete mezuak"
#: src/fe-gtk/maingui.c:1074
msgid "Color paste"
msgstr "Koloreak itsatsi"
#: src/fe-gtk/maingui.c:1084
msgid "Go to"
msgstr "Joan hona"
#: src/fe-gtk/maingui.c:1097 src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1281
msgid "Close Tab"
msgstr "Itxi fitxa"
#: src/fe-gtk/maingui.c:1100 src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1430
msgid "Detach Tab"
msgstr "Kendu fitxa"
#: src/fe-gtk/maingui.c:1291
msgid "Some file transfers still active, quit xchat?"
msgstr "Fitxategi transferentzia batzuk aktibo daude oraindek, xchat-etik irten nahi duzu?"
#: src/fe-gtk/maingui.c:1441 src/fe-gtk/maingui.c:1547
msgid "User limit must be a number!\n"
msgstr "Erabiltzaile mugak zenbakia izan behar du!\n"
#: src/fe-gtk/maingui.c:1569
msgid "Topic Protection"
msgstr "Gaia babestua"
#: src/fe-gtk/maingui.c:1570
msgid "No outside messages"
msgstr "Ez dago kanpoko mezurik"
#: src/fe-gtk/maingui.c:1571
msgid "Secret"
msgstr "Sekretu"
#: src/fe-gtk/maingui.c:1572
msgid "Invite Only"
msgstr "Gonbidapenarekin bakarrik"
#: src/fe-gtk/maingui.c:1574
msgid "Moderated"
msgstr "Moderatua"
#: src/fe-gtk/maingui.c:1575
msgid "Ban List"
msgstr "Debekatuen zerrenda"
#: src/fe-gtk/maingui.c:1577
msgid "Keyword"
msgstr "Gako-hitza"
#: src/fe-gtk/maingui.c:1589
msgid "User Limit"
msgstr "Erabiltzaile limitea"
#: src/fe-gtk/maingui.c:1605
msgid "Close this tab/window"
msgstr "Fitxa/leiho hau itxitzen du"
#: src/fe-gtk/maingui.c:1702
msgid "Show/Hide userlist"
msgstr "Erakutsi/ezkutatu erabiltzaile zerrenda"
#: src/fe-gtk/maingui.c:1815
msgid ""
"Unable to set transparent background!\n"
"You may be using a non-compliant window\n"
"manager that is not currently supported.\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/fe-gtk/maingui.c:2008
msgid "Enter new nickname:"
msgstr "Sartu ezizen berria:"
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:151
msgid "Host unknown"
msgstr "Ostalari ezezaguna"
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:512
#, c-format
msgid "User: %s"
msgstr "Erabiltzailea: %s"
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:516
#, c-format
msgid "Country: %s"
msgstr "Herrialdea %s"
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:520
#, c-format
msgid "Realname: %s"
msgstr "Benetazko izena: %s"
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:524
#, c-format
msgid "Server: %s"
msgstr "Zerbitzaria: %s"
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:528
#, c-format
msgid "Last Msg: %s"
msgstr "Azken mezua: %s"
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:613
msgid "Menu Bar"
msgstr "Menu barra"
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:614
msgid "Topic Bar"
msgstr "Gai barra"
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:618 src/fe-gtk/setup.c:158
msgid "User List"
msgstr "Erabiltzaile zerrenda"
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:621
msgid "Mode Buttons"
msgstr "Modu botoiak"
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:627
msgid "User List Buttons"
msgstr "Erabiltzaile zerrenda botoiak"
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:697 src/fe-gtk/urlgrab.c:202
msgid "Copy selected URL"
msgstr "Kopiatu aukeratutako URLa"
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:760
msgid "Part Channel"
msgstr "Irten kanaletik"
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:762
msgid "Cycle Channel"
msgstr "Kanal zikloa"
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:785
msgid "X-Chat: User menu"
msgstr "X-Chat: erabiltzaile menua"
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:794
msgid "Edit This Menu..."
msgstr "Editatu menu hau..."
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:896
msgid ""
"Auto accepting DCC to your home directory\n"
"can be dangerous and is exploitable. Eg:\n"
"Someone could send you a .bash_profile"
msgstr ""
"DCCak automatikoki onartzea zure etxe karpetara\n"
"kaltegarria izan daiteke. Adibidez norbaitek\n"
".bash_profile fitxategia bidali dezake"
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1024
msgid "Settings saved."
msgstr "Hobespenak gordeta."
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1061
msgid ""
"User Commands - Special codes:\n"
"%c = current channel\n"
"%m = machine info\n"
"%n = your nick\n"
"%t = time/date\n"
"%v = xchat version\n"
"%2 = word 2\n"
"%3 = word 3\n"
"&2 = word 2 to the end of line\n"
"&3 = word 3 to the end of line\n"
"/cmd john hello\n"
"%2 would be \"john\"\n"
"&2 would be \"john hello\"."
msgstr ""
"Erabiltzaile komandoak - Kode bereziak:\n"
"%c = uneko kanala\n"
"%m = makinaren informazioa\n"
"%n = zure ezizena\n"
"%t = ordua/data\n"
"%v = xchat bertsioa\n"
"%2 = 2 hitza\n"
"%3 = 3 hitza\n"
"&2 = 2 hitza lerroaren amaieran\n"
"&3 = 3 hitza lerroaren amaieran\n"
"/cmd Mikel Kaixo\n"
"%2 hau izango zen \"Mikel\"\n"
"&2 hau izango zen \"Mikel Kaixo\"."
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1076
msgid ""
"Userlist Buttons - Special codes:\n"
"%a = all selected nicks\n"
"%c = current channel\n"
"%h = selected nick's hostname\n"
"%m = machine info\n"
"%n = your nick\n"
"%s = selected nick\n"
"%t = time/date\n"
msgstr ""
"Erabiltzaile botoiak - Kode bereziak:\n"
"%a = aukeratutako ezizen guztiak\n"
"%c = uneko kanala\n"
"%h = aukeratutako ezizenaren ostalaria\n"
"%m = makinaren informazioa\n"
"%n = zure ezizena\n"
"%s = aukeratutako ezizena\n"
"%t = ordua/data\n"
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1085
msgid ""
"Dialog Buttons - Special codes:\n"
"%a = all selected nicks\n"
"%c = current channel\n"
"%h = selected nick's hostname\n"
"%m = machine info\n"
"%n = your nick\n"
"%s = selected nick\n"
"%t = time/date\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1094
msgid ""
"CTCP Replies - Special codes:\n"
"%d = data (the whole ctcp)\n"
"%m = machine info\n"
"%s = nick who sent the ctcp\n"
"%t = time/date\n"
"%2 = word 2\n"
"%3 = word 3\n"
"&2 = word 2 to the end of line\n"
"&3 = word 3 to the end of line\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1104
#, c-format
msgid ""
"URL Handlers - Special codes:\n"
"%s = the URL string\n"
"Putting a ! infront of the command\n"
"indicates it should be sent to a\n"
"shell instead of X-Chat"
msgstr ""
"URL kudeatzailea - Kode bereziak:\n"
"%s = URLaren karaktere-katea\n"
"Komandoaren aurrean ! jarrita\n"
"shell batera bidalia izan behar dela\n"
"adierazten da, X-Chatera ordez"
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1113
msgid "X-Chat: User Defined Commands"
msgstr "X-Chat: Erabiltzaileak definitutako komandoak"
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1120
msgid "X-Chat: Userlist Popup menu"
msgstr "X-Chat: Erabiltzaile zerrenda agertarazlearen menua"
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1127
msgid "X-Chat: Replace"
msgstr "X-Chat: Ordezkatu"
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1134
msgid "X-Chat: URL Handlers"
msgstr "X-Chat: URL maneiatzaileak"
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1153
msgid "X-Chat: Userlist buttons"
msgstr "X-Chat: Erabiltzaile-zerrenda botoiak"
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1160
msgid "X-Chat: Dialog buttons"
msgstr "X-Chat: Elkarrizketa botoiak"
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1167
msgid "X-Chat: CTCP Replies"
msgstr "X-Chat: CTCP erantzunak"
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1255
msgid "_X-Chat"
msgstr "_X-Chat"
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1256
msgid "Server List..."
msgstr "Zerbitzari zerrenda..."
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1260
msgid "Server Tab..."
msgstr "Zerbitzari fitxa..."
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1261
msgid "Channel Tab..."
msgstr "Kanal fitxa..."
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1262
msgid "Server Window..."
msgstr "Zerbitzari leihoa..."
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1263
msgid "Channel Window..."
msgstr "Kanalaren leihoa..."
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1268 src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1270
msgid "Load Plugin or Script..."
msgstr "Kargatu Plugin edo Skript-a..."
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1274
msgid "New Shell Tab..."
msgstr "Shell fitxa berria"
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1283
msgid "Quit"
msgstr "Irten"
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1285
msgid "_IRC"
msgstr "_IRC"
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1286
msgid "Invisible"
msgstr "Ikustezina"
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1287
msgid "Receive Wallops"
msgstr "Jaso Wallop-ak"
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1288
msgid "Receive Server Notices"
msgstr "Jaso zerbitzariaren berriak"
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1290
msgid "Marked Away"
msgstr ""
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1292
msgid "Auto Rejoin when Kicked"
msgstr "Automatikoki birsartu kanporatzean"
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1293
msgid "Auto Reconnect to Server"
msgstr "Automatikoki birkonektatu zerbitzarira"
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1294
msgid "Never-give-up ReConnect"
msgstr "Inoiz ez eman amore konektatzerakoan"
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1296
msgid "Auto Open Dialog Windows"
msgstr "Automatikoki ireki elkarrizketa leihoak"
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1297
msgid "Auto Accept Direct Chat"
msgstr "Automatikoki onartu elkarrizketa zuzenak"
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1298
msgid "Auto Accept Files"
msgstr "Automatikoki onartu fitxategiak"
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1300
msgid "_Server"
msgstr "_Zerbitzaria"
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1302
msgid "S_ettings"
msgstr "_Ezarpenak"
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1303
msgid "Preferences..."
msgstr "Hobespenak..."
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1305
msgid "Advanced"
msgstr "Aurreratua"
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1306
msgid "Auto Replace..."
msgstr "Automatikoki ordezkatu"
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1307
msgid "CTCP Replies..."
msgstr "CTCP erantzunak..."
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1308
msgid "Dialog Buttons..."
msgstr "Elkarrizketa botoiak..."
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1309
msgid "Keyboard Shortcuts..."
msgstr ""
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1310
msgid "Text Events..."
msgstr "Testu gertaera"
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1311
msgid "URL Handlers..."
msgstr "URL maneiatzaileak..."
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1312
msgid "User Commands..."
msgstr "Erabiltzaile komandoak..."
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1313
msgid "Userlist Buttons..."
msgstr "Erabiltzaile-zerrenda botoiak..."
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1314
msgid "Userlist Popup..."
msgstr "Erabiltzaile zerrenda agerrarazi..."
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1319
msgid "Reload Settings"
msgstr "Birkargatu ezarpenak"
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1321
msgid "Save Settings now"
msgstr "Gorde ezarpenak orain"
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1322
msgid "Save Settings on exit"
msgstr "Gorde ezarpenak irteterakoan"
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1325
msgid "_Window"
msgstr "_Leihoa"
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1326
msgid "Ban List..."
msgstr "Debekatuen zerrenda..."
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1327
msgid "Channel List..."
msgstr "Kanal zerrenda..."
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1328
msgid "Character Chart..."
msgstr "Karaktere taula.."
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1329
msgid "Direct Chat..."
msgstr "Elkarrizketa zuzena..."
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1330
msgid "File Receive..."
msgstr "Jaso fitxategia..."
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1331
msgid "File Send..."
msgstr "Bidali fitxategiak..."
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1332
msgid "Ignore List..."
msgstr "Ignoratuen zerrenda"
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1333
msgid "Notify List..."
msgstr "Notifikazio zerrenda..."
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1334
msgid "Plugins and Scripts..."
msgstr "Plugin eta script-ak..."
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1335
msgid "Raw Log..."
msgstr "Log laua..."
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1336
msgid "URL Grabber..."
msgstr "URL hartzailea..."
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1338
msgid "Reset Marker Line"
msgstr "Reseteatu marka-lerroa"
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1339
msgid "C_lear Text"
msgstr "G_arbitu testua"
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1340
msgid "Search Text..."
msgstr "Bilatu testua..."
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1341
msgid "Save Text..."
msgstr "Gorde testua..."
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1343
msgid "_Help"
msgstr "_Laguntza"
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1344
msgid "_Contents"
msgstr "_Edukia"
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1345
msgid "_About"
msgstr "_Honi buruz"
#: src/fe-gtk/menu.c:1432
msgid "Attach Tab"
msgstr "Fitxa erantsi"
#: src/fe-gtk/notifygui.c:109
msgid "User"
msgstr "Erabiltzailea"
#: src/fe-gtk/notifygui.c:111
msgid "Server"
msgstr "Zerbitzaria"
#: src/fe-gtk/notifygui.c:112
msgid "Last Seen"
msgstr "Azkenekoz ikusia"
#: src/fe-gtk/notifygui.c:149
msgid "Offline"
msgstr "Lineaz kanpo"
#: src/fe-gtk/notifygui.c:169 src/fe-gtk/setup.c:198
msgid "Never"
msgstr "Inoiz"
#: src/fe-gtk/notifygui.c:187
msgid "Online"
msgstr "Linean"
#: src/fe-gtk/notifygui.c:277
msgid "Enter nickname to add:"
msgstr "Sartu gehitu nahi den ezizena:"
#: src/fe-gtk/notifygui.c:293
msgid "X-Chat: Notify List"
msgstr "X-Chat: Jakinarazketa zerrenda"
#: src/fe-gtk/notifygui.c:306
msgid "Add"
msgstr "Gehitu"
#: src/fe-gtk/notifygui.c:308
msgid "Remove"
msgstr "Kendu"
#: src/fe-gtk/plugingui.c:76 src/fe-gtk/textgui.c:341
msgid "Description"
msgstr "Azalpena"
#: src/fe-gtk/plugingui.c:151
msgid "Select a Plugin or Script to load"
msgstr "Aukeratu kargatzeko plugin edo skript bat"
#: src/fe-gtk/plugingui.c:223
msgid "X-Chat: Plugins and Scripts"
msgstr "X-Chat: Plugin eta skript-ak"
#: src/fe-gtk/plugingui.c:229
msgid "_Load..."
msgstr "_Kargatu..."
#: src/fe-gtk/plugingui.c:232
msgid "_UnLoad"
msgstr "_Deskargatu"
#: src/fe-gtk/plugingui.c:236
msgid "_Close"
msgstr "_Itxi"
#: src/fe-gtk/rawlog.c:78
msgid "Save rawlog"
msgstr "Gorde log-laua"
#: src/fe-gtk/rawlog.c:94
#, c-format
msgid "X-Chat: Rawlog (%s)"
msgstr "X-Chat: Log laua (%s)"
#: src/fe-gtk/rawlog.c:123
msgid "Clear rawlog"
msgstr "Garbitu log laua"
#: src/fe-gtk/rawlog.c:126
msgid "Save rawlog..."
msgstr "Gorde log-laua..."
#: src/fe-gtk/search.c:47
msgid "The window you opened this Search for doesn't exist anymore."
msgstr ""
#: src/fe-gtk/search.c:91
msgid "X-Chat: Search"
msgstr "X-Chat: Bilatu"
#: src/fe-gtk/search.c:100
msgid "Find:"
msgstr "Bilatu:"
#: src/fe-gtk/search.c:114
msgid "Find"
msgstr "Bilatu"
#: src/fe-gtk/search.c:119
msgid "Close"
msgstr "Itxi"
#: src/fe-gtk/servlistgui.c:159 src/fe-gtk/servlistgui.c:257
msgid "New Network"
msgstr "Sare berria"
#: src/fe-gtk/servlistgui.c:428
#, c-format
msgid "Really remove network \"%s\" and all its servers?"
msgstr "Benetan ezabatu nahi duzu \"%s\" eta honen zerbitzari guztiak?"
#: src/fe-gtk/servlistgui.c:889
#, c-format
msgid "X-Chat: Edit %s"
msgstr "X-Chat: Editatu %s"
#: src/fe-gtk/servlistgui.c:908
#, c-format
msgid "Servers for %s"
msgstr "%s-rentzat zerbitzariak"
#: src/fe-gtk/servlistgui.c:918
msgid "Your Details"
msgstr "Zure xehetasunak"
#: src/fe-gtk/servlistgui.c:924
msgid "Use global user information"
msgstr "Erabili erabiltzailearen informazio globala"
#: src/fe-gtk/servlistgui.c:927 src/fe-gtk/servlistgui.c:1159
msgid "_Nick name:"
msgstr "_Ezizena:"
#: src/fe-gtk/servlistgui.c:931 src/fe-gtk/servlistgui.c:1180
msgid "_User name:"
msgstr "_Erabiltzaile izena:"
#: src/fe-gtk/servlistgui.c:935
msgid "Real na_me:"
msgstr "Be_netazko izena:"
#: src/fe-gtk/servlistgui.c:938
msgid "Connecting"
msgstr "Konektatzen"
#: src/fe-gtk/servlistgui.c:944
msgid "Auto connect to this network at startup"
msgstr "Automatikoki konektatu sare hontara abiaratzean"
#: src/fe-gtk/servlistgui.c:946
msgid "Use a proxy server"
msgstr "Erabili proxy zerbitzari bat"
#: src/fe-gtk/servlistgui.c:948
msgid "Use SSL for all the servers on this network"
msgstr "Erabili SSL sare hontako zerbitzari guztietan"
#: src/fe-gtk/servlistgui.c:953
msgid "Accept invalid SSL certificate"
msgstr "Onartu baliogabeko SSL zertifikatuak"
#: src/fe-gtk/servlistgui.c:959
msgid "C_hannels to join:"
msgstr "S_artu nahi diren kanalen izenak:"
#: src/fe-gtk/servlistgui.c:961
msgid "Channels to join, separated by commas, but not spaces!"
msgstr "Sartuko den kanalak, komaz banandua, baina hutsunerik gabe!"
#: src/fe-gtk/servlistgui.c:964
msgid "Connect command:"
msgstr "Konektatzeko komandoa:"
#: src/fe-gtk/servlistgui.c:966
msgid "Extra command to execute after connecting. If you need more than one, set this to LOAD -e <filename>, where <filename> is a text-file full of commands to execute."
msgstr ""
#: src/fe-gtk/servlistgui.c:969
msgid "Nickserv password:"
msgstr "Nickserv-erako pasahitza:"
#: src/fe-gtk/servlistgui.c:974
msgid "Server password:"
msgstr "Zerbitzariko pasahitza:"
#: src/fe-gtk/servlistgui.c:976
msgid "Password for the server, if in doubt, leave blank."
msgstr "Zerbitzariarentzat pasahitza, zalantzarik baduzu utzi hutsik."
#: src/fe-gtk/servlistgui.c:979
msgid "Character set:"
msgstr "Karaktere-jokoa:"
#: src/fe-gtk/servlistgui.c:1052
msgid "_Edit"
msgstr "_Editatu"
#: src/fe-gtk/servlistgui.c:1133
msgid "X-Chat: Server List"
msgstr "X-Chat: Zerbitzari zerrenda"
#: src/fe-gtk/servlistgui.c:1166
msgid "Second choice:"
msgstr "Bigarren aukera:"
#: src/fe-gtk/servlistgui.c:1173
msgid "Third choice:"
msgstr "Hirugarren aukera"
#: src/fe-gtk/servlistgui.c:1187
msgid "Rea_l name:"
msgstr "Benetazko _izena:"
#: src/fe-gtk/servlistgui.c:1274
msgid "Skip server list on startup"
msgstr "Ez erakutsi zerbitzari zerrenda abiaraztean"
#: src/fe-gtk/servlistgui.c:1305
msgid "_Edit..."
msgstr "_Editatu..."
#: src/fe-gtk/servlistgui.c:1312
msgid "_Sort"
msgstr "_Sailkatu"
#: src/fe-gtk/servlistgui.c:1328
msgid "C_onnect"
msgstr "K_onektatu"
#: src/fe-gtk/servlistgui.c:1337
msgid "Connect in new tab"
msgstr "Konektatu fitxa berrian"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:94
msgid "Text Box Appearance"
msgstr "Testu kaxaren itxura"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:95
msgid "Font:"
msgstr "Letra-tipoa"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:96
msgid "Background image:"
msgstr "Atzeko planoko irudia:"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:97
msgid "Scrollback lines:"
msgstr "Atzera korritze lerro kopurua:"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:98
msgid "Transparent background"
msgstr "Atzeko plano transparentea"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:99
msgid "Indent nick names"
msgstr "Koskatu ezizenak"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:100
msgid "Make nick names right-justified"
msgstr ""
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:101
msgid "Tint (shade) transparency"
msgstr "Tindatu transparentzia (itzala)"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:102
msgid "Colored nick names"
msgstr "Koloreztatutako ezizenak"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:103
msgid "Give each person on IRC a different color"
msgstr ""
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:104
msgid "Strip mIRC colors"
msgstr "Erantzi mIRC-en koloreak"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:105
msgid "Show marker line"
msgstr "Erakutsi lerro-marka"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:106
msgid "Insert a red line after the last read text."
msgstr ""
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:107
msgid "Tint Settings"
msgstr "Tindatzearen ezarpenak"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:108
msgid "Red:"
msgstr "Gorria:"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:109
msgid "Green:"
msgstr "Berdea:"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:110
msgid "Blue:"
msgstr "Urdina:"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:112 src/fe-gtk/setup.c:311
msgid "Time Stamps"
msgstr "Ordu arrastoak"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:113
msgid "Time stamp format:"
msgstr "Ordu arrastoaren formatua:"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:114
msgid "See strftime manpage for details."
msgstr "Ikusi strftime-ren man orria xehetasunetarako."
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:115
msgid "Enable time stamps"
msgstr "Ordu arrastoak gaitu"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:122
msgid "Nick Completion"
msgstr "Izen betetzea"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:123
msgid "Automatic nick completion"
msgstr "Ezizen beteketa automatikoa"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:124
msgid "Completes nick names without using the TAB key"
msgstr ""
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:125
msgid "Nick completion suffix:"
msgstr "Ezizen betetzearen atzizkia:"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:127
msgid "Input Box Codes"
msgstr "Sarrera kaxaren kodeak"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:128
#, c-format
msgid "Interpret %nnn as an ASCII value"
msgstr ""
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:129
msgid "Interpret %C, %B as Color, Bold etc"
msgstr ""
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:131
msgid "Input Box Appearance"
msgstr ""
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:132 src/fe-gtk/setup.c:162
msgid "Use the Text box font and colors"
msgstr "Erabili textu kaxaren letra-tipo eta koloreak"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:139
msgid "Off"
msgstr "Off"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:140
msgid "Graph"
msgstr "Grafikoa"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:141
msgid "Info text"
msgstr "Informazio testua"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:142
msgid "Both"
msgstr "Biak"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:148
msgid "A-Z, Ops first"
msgstr "A-Z, Op-ak aurrena"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:149
msgid "A-Z"
msgstr "A-Z"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:150
msgid "Z-A, Ops last"
msgstr "Z-A, Op-ak azkenak"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:151
msgid "Z-A"
msgstr "Z-A"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:152
msgid "Unsorted"
msgstr "Sailkatu gabe"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:159
msgid "User list sorted by:"
msgstr "Erabiltzaile-zerrenda honela sailkatua:"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:160
msgid "Show hostnames in user list"
msgstr "Erakutsi ostalari izenak erabiltzaile zerrendan"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:161
msgid "User list buttons enabled"
msgstr "Erabiltzaile zerrenda botoiak gaituta"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:163
msgid "Resizable user list"
msgstr "Tamainu aldakorreko erabiltzaile zerrenda"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:165
msgid "Away tracking"
msgstr "Aldentzearen jarraipena"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:166
msgid "Enable away tracking"
msgstr ""
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:167
msgid "On channels smaller than:"
msgstr "Hau baino txikiagoak diren kanaletan:"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:169
msgid "Action Upon Double Click"
msgstr "Klik bikoitza egin ondorengo ekintza"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:170
msgid "Execute command:"
msgstr "Exekutatu komandoa:"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:172
msgid "Extra Gadgets"
msgstr ""
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:173
msgid "Lag meter:"
msgstr "Atzerapen neurtzailea:"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:174
msgid "Throttle meter:"
msgstr "Azelarazio neurtzailea:"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:181
msgid "Windows"
msgstr "Windows"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:182 src/fe-gtk/setup.c:206 src/fe-gtk/setup.c:1456
msgid "Tabs"
msgstr "Fitxak"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:188
msgid "Bottom"
msgstr "Behean"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:189
msgid "Top"
msgstr "Goian"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:190
msgid "Left"
msgstr "Ezkerrean"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:191
msgid "Right"
msgstr "Eskuinean"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:192
msgid "Hidden"
msgstr "Ezkutatu"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:199
msgid "Always"
msgstr "Beti"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:200
msgid "Only requested tabs"
msgstr "Eskaria egiten den fitxetan soilik"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:207
msgid "Open an extra tab for server messages"
msgstr "Ireki fitxa extra bat zerbitzariaren mezuentzat"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:208
msgid "Open an extra tab for server notices"
msgstr "Ireki fitxa extra bat zerbitzariaren berrientzat"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:209
msgid "Small tabs"
msgstr "Fitxa txikiak"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:210
msgid "Sort tabs in alphabetical order"
msgstr "Sailkatu fitxak orden alfabetikoan"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:211
msgid "Focus new tabs:"
msgstr ""
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:212
msgid "Shorten tab labels to:"
msgstr "Fitxen luzera murriztu:"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:212
msgid "letters."
msgstr "letra."
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:214
msgid "Tabs Location"
msgstr "Fitxen kokapena"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:215
msgid "Show tabs at:"
msgstr "Erakutxi fitxak hemen:"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:217
msgid "Tabs or Windows"
msgstr "Fitxak ala leihoak"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:218
msgid "Open channels in:"
msgstr "Ireki kanalak hemen:"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:219
msgid "Open dialogs in:"
msgstr "Ireki elkarrizketak hemen:"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:220
msgid "Open utilities in:"
msgstr "Iriki utilitateak hemen:"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:220
msgid "Open DCC, Ignore, Notify etc, in tabs or windows?"
msgstr "Ireki DCC, ezikusi, notifikazio etab. fitxetan ala leihoetan?"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:227
msgid "Files and Directories"
msgstr ""
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:228
msgid "Download files to:"
msgstr "Hona jaitsi fitxategiak:"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:229
msgid "Move completed files to:"
msgstr "Mugitu amaitutako fitxategiak hona:"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:230
msgid "Save nick name in filenames"
msgstr "Gorde ezizenak fitxategietan"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:231
msgid "Convert spaces to underscore before sending"
msgstr "Hutsuneak behe-marratxora bihurtu bidali aurretik"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:233
msgid "Network Settings"
msgstr "Sareko ezarpenak"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:234
msgid "DCC IP address:"
msgstr "DCCaren IP helbidea:"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:235
msgid "Claim you are at this address when offering files."
msgstr ""
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:236
msgid "First DCC send port:"
msgstr "DCCa bidaltzeko lehen ataka:"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:237
msgid "Last DCC send port:"
msgstr "DCCa bidaltzeok azken ataka:"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:238
msgid "(Leave ports at zero for full range)."
msgstr "(Utzi atakak zeron denak hartzeko)"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:239
msgid "Get my address from the IRC server"
msgstr "Hartu nire IPa IRC zerbitzaritik"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:240
msgid "Asks the IRC server for your real address. Use this if you have a 192.168.*.* address!"
msgstr "Galdetu IRC zerbitzariari zure benetako helbidea. Erabili hau 192.168.*.* moduko helbidea baduzu."
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:242
msgid "Maximum File Transfer Speeds (bytes per second)"
msgstr ""
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:243
msgid "One upload:"
msgstr "Igoera bat:"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:244 src/fe-gtk/setup.c:246
msgid "Maximum speed for one transfer"
msgstr ""
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:245
msgid "One download:"
msgstr "Jaitsiera bat:"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:247
msgid "All uploads combined:"
msgstr "Igoera guztiak konbinatuta:"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:248 src/fe-gtk/setup.c:250
msgid "Maximum speed for all files"
msgstr ""
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:249
msgid "All downloads combined:"
msgstr "Jaitsiera guztiak konbinatuta:"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:257
msgid "Default Messages"
msgstr "Lehenetsitako mezuak"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:258
msgid "Quit:"
msgstr "Irten:"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:259
msgid "Leave channel:"
msgstr "Irten kanaletik:"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:260
msgid "Away:"
msgstr "Aldenduta:"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:262
msgid "Away"
msgstr "Aldenduta"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:263
msgid "Announce away messages"
msgstr "Iragarri aldentze mezuak"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:264
msgid "Announce your away messages to all channels"
msgstr "Iragarri zure aldentze mezuak kanal guztietan"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:265
msgid "Show away once"
msgstr "Erakutsi aldendu mezua behin"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:265
msgid "Show identical away messages only once"
msgstr ""
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:266
msgid "Automatically unmark away"
msgstr "Automatikoki desmarkatu aldendu egoera"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:266
msgid "Unmark yourself as away before sending messages"
msgstr "Desmarkatu aldendu egoeratik mezuak bidali aurretik"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:269
msgid "(Can be a text file relative to ~/.xchat2/)."
msgstr "(~/.xchat2/ -ri erlatiboa den textu fitxategi bat izan daiteke)"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:271
msgid "(Can be a text file relative to config dir)."
msgstr "(konfigurazio direktorioari erlatiboa den textu fitxategia izan daiteke)"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:275
msgid "Alerts"
msgstr "Alertak"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:277
msgid "Flash taskbar on highlighted messages"
msgstr "Flash egin ataza-barran mezu nabarmenduetan"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:279
msgid "Beep on highlighted messages"
msgstr "Bip egin mezu nabarmenduetan"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:280
msgid "Extra words to highlight on:"
msgstr ""
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:281
msgid "(Separate multiple words with commas)."
msgstr "(Banandu komaz hitzak)"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:282
msgid "Beep on private messages"
msgstr "Bip egin mezu pribatuetan"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:283
msgid "Beep on channel messages"
msgstr "Bip egin kanaletako mezuetan"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:290
msgid "Advanced Settings"
msgstr "Ezarpen aurreratuak"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:291
msgid "Auto reconnect delay:"
msgstr "Automatikoki berriz konektatzeko atzerapena:"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:292
msgid "Display MODEs in raw form"
msgstr "Erakutsi MODEak era lauean"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:293
msgid "Whois on notify"
msgstr "Egin whois jakinaraztean"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:293
msgid "Sends a /WHOIS when a user comes online in your notify list"
msgstr "/WHOIS komandoa egiten du jakinarezte zerrendako norbait konektatzean"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:294
msgid "Hide join and part messages"
msgstr "Ezkutatu sartze/irtete mezuak"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:294
msgid "Hide channel join/part messages by default"
msgstr "Lehenetsi kanalera sartze/ateratze mezuak eskutatzea"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:295
msgid "Auto Open DCC Windows"
msgstr "Automatikoki ireki DCC leihoak"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:296
msgid "Send window"
msgstr "Bidalketa leihoa"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:297
msgid "Receive window"
msgstr "Jaso leihoa"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:298
msgid "Chat window"
msgstr "Elkarrizketa leihoa"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:306 src/fe-gtk/setup.c:1461
msgid "Logging"
msgstr "Logeatzen"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:307
msgid "Enable logging of conversations"
msgstr "Gaitu elkarrizketen log-eaketa"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:308
msgid "Log filename mask:"
msgstr ""
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:309
#, c-format
msgid "(%s=Server %c=Channel %n=Network)."
msgstr "(%s=Zerbitzaria %c=Kanala %n=Sarea)."
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:312
msgid "Insert timestamps in logs"
msgstr "Txertatu ordu arrastoak log-etan"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:313
msgid "Log timestamp format:"
msgstr ""
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:314
msgid "(See strftime manpage for details)."
msgstr "(Ikusi strftime-ren man orria xehetasunetarako)."
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:321
msgid "(Disabled)"
msgstr "(Desgaitua)"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:322
msgid "Wingate"
msgstr "Wingate"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:323
msgid "Socks4"
msgstr "Socks4"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:324
msgid "Socks5"
msgstr "Socks5"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:325
msgid "HTTP"
msgstr "HTTP"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:331
msgid "Your Address"
msgstr "Zure helbidea"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:332
msgid "Bind to:"
msgstr "Lotu honi:"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:333
msgid "(Only useful for computers with multiple addresses)."
msgstr "(Helbide anitzak dituzten ordenagailuentzat bakarrik erabilgarria)"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:335
msgid "Proxy Server"
msgstr "Proxy zerbitzaria"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:336
msgid "Hostname:"
msgstr "Ostalari-izena"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:337
msgid "Username:"
msgstr "Erabiltzaile izena:"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:338
msgid "Password:"
msgstr "Pasahitza:"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:339
msgid "Port:"
msgstr "Ataka:"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:340
msgid "Type:"
msgstr "Mota:"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:342
msgid "Authenticate to the proxy server (HTTP and Socks5)"
msgstr "Autentifikatu proxy zerbitzarian (HTTP eta Socks5)"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:565
msgid "(disabled)"
msgstr "(desgaitua)"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:566
msgid "A star (*)"
msgstr "Izar bat (*)"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:567
msgid "A red star (*)"
msgstr "Izar gorri bat (*)"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:568
msgid "Underlined"
msgstr "Azpimarratua"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:665
msgid "Select an Image File"
msgstr "Aukeratu irudi fitxategi bat"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:712
msgid "Select font"
msgstr "Aukeratu letra-tipoa"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:786
msgid "Browse..."
msgstr "Arakatu..."
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:903
msgid "Mark identified users with:"
msgstr ""
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:905
msgid "Mark not-identified users with:"
msgstr ""
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:968
msgid "Select color"
msgstr "Aukeratu kolorea"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:1048
msgid "Text Colors"
msgstr "Testu koloreak"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:1050
msgid "mIRC colors:"
msgstr "mIRC koloreak:"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:1058
msgid "Extra colors:"
msgstr "Kolore extrak:"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:1066 src/fe-gtk/setup.c:1071
msgid "Foreground:"
msgstr "Aurreko planoa:"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:1067 src/fe-gtk/setup.c:1072
msgid "Background:"
msgstr "Atzeko planoa:"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:1069
msgid "Marking Text"
msgstr "Testua markatzen"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:1074
msgid "Interface Colors"
msgstr "Interfazearen koloreak"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:1076
msgid "New data:"
msgstr "Datu berria:"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:1077
msgid "Marker line:"
msgstr ""
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:1078
msgid "New message:"
msgstr "Mezu berria:"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:1079
msgid "Away user:"
msgstr "Aldendutako erabiltzailea:"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:1080
msgid "Highlight:"
msgstr "Nabarmendu:"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:1176 src/fe-gtk/textgui.c:337
msgid "Event"
msgstr "Gertaera"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:1182
msgid "Sound file"
msgstr "Soinu fitxategia"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:1217
msgid "Select a sound file"
msgstr "Aukeratu soinu fitxategi bat"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:1289
msgid "Sound playing method:"
msgstr "Soinuak jotzeko metodoa:"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:1297
msgid "External sound playing _program:"
msgstr ""
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:1315
msgid "_External program"
msgstr "_Programa externoa"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:1325
msgid "_Automatic"
msgstr "_Automatikoa"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:1338
msgid "Sound files _directory:"
msgstr "Soinu fitxategien _direktorioa:"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:1377
msgid "Sound file:"
msgstr "Soinu fitxategia:"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:1392
msgid "_Browse..."
msgstr "_Arakatu..."
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:1403
msgid "_Play"
msgstr "_Jo"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:1452
msgid "Interface"
msgstr "Interfazea"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:1453
msgid "Text box"
msgstr "Testu kaxa"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:1454
msgid "Input box"
msgstr "Sarrera kaxa"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:1455
msgid "User list"
msgstr "Erabiltzaile zerrenda"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:1457
msgid "Colors"
msgstr "Koloreak"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:1459
msgid "Chatting"
msgstr "Elkarrizketan"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:1460
msgid "General"
msgstr "Orokorra"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:1462
msgid "Sound"
msgstr "Soinua"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:1465
msgid "Network"
msgstr "Sarea"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:1466
msgid "Network setup"
msgstr "Sare konfigurazioa"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:1467
msgid "File transfers"
msgstr "Fitxategi transferentziak"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:1574
msgid "Categories"
msgstr "Kategoriak"
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:1704
msgid "Some settings were changed that require a restart to take full effect."
msgstr "Egindako ezarpen aldaketa batzuk berrabiaraztea behar dute guztizko efektua egin dezaten."
#: src/fe-gtk/setup.c:1732
msgid "X-Chat: Preferences"
msgstr "X-Chat: Hobespenak"
#: src/fe-gtk/textgui.c:160
msgid "There was an error parsing the string"
msgstr "Errore bat gertatu da karaktere-katea parseatzean"
#: src/fe-gtk/textgui.c:168
#, c-format
msgid "This signal is only passed %d args, $%d is invalid"
msgstr "Seinale honek %d argumentu pasa ditu, $%d baliogabekoa da"
#: src/fe-gtk/textgui.c:276 src/fe-gtk/textgui.c:299
msgid "Print Texts File"
msgstr "Inprimatu testuen fitxategia"
#: src/fe-gtk/textgui.c:340
msgid "$ Number"
msgstr "$ Zenbakia"
#: src/fe-gtk/textgui.c:350
msgid "Edit Events"
msgstr "Editatu gertaerak"
#: src/fe-gtk/textgui.c:418
msgid "Save As"
msgstr "Gorde honela"
#: src/fe-gtk/textgui.c:423
msgid "Load From"
msgstr "Kargatu hemendik"
#: src/fe-gtk/textgui.c:428
msgid "Test All"
msgstr "Egiaztatu denak"
#: src/fe-gtk/urlgrab.c:97
msgid "URL"
msgstr "URL"
#: src/fe-gtk/urlgrab.c:147
msgid "Select a file to save to"
msgstr "Aukeratu hau gorde nahi den fitxategia"
#: src/fe-gtk/urlgrab.c:187
msgid "X-Chat: URL Grabber"
msgstr "X-Chat: URL hartzailea"
#: src/fe-gtk/urlgrab.c:200
msgid "Clear list"
msgstr "Garbitu zerrenda"
#: src/fe-gtk/urlgrab.c:202
msgid "Copy"
msgstr "Kopiatu"
#: src/fe-gtk/urlgrab.c:204
msgid "Save list to a file"
msgstr "Gorde zerrenda fitxategi batean"
#: src/fe-gtk/userlistgui.c:108
#, c-format
msgid "%d ops, %d total"
msgstr "%d op, %d guztira"
#~ msgid "X-Chat: Edit Key Bindings"
#~ msgstr "X-Chat: Editatu tekla-mapa"
#~ msgid "Key Bindings..."
#~ msgstr "Tekla loturak..."
#~ msgid "%C8,2 Type To/From Status Size Pos File %O%010%B%C9----------------------------------------------------%O"
#~ msgstr "%C8,2 Mota Nori/Nork Egoera Tamainua Pos Fitxategia %O%010%B%C9----------------------------------------------------%O"
#~ msgid "-%C10-%C11-%O$t$1%O"
#~ msgstr "-%C10-%C11-%O$t$1%O"
#~ msgid "%C08,02 %B-- Notify List --------------- %O"
#~ msgstr "%C08,02 %B-- Jakinaraztekoen zerrenda--- %O"
#~ msgid "%C6<%O$1%C6>%O$t$2%O"
#~ msgstr "%C6<%O$1%C6>%O$t$2%O"
#~ msgid "Lists"
#~ msgstr "Zerrendak"
#~ msgid "Settings for %s"
#~ msgstr "%s-rentzat ezarpenak"
#~ msgid "_Remove \"%s\""
#~ msgstr "_Kendu \"%s\""
#~ msgid "_Add new server"
#~ msgstr "_Gehitu zerbitzari berri bat"
#~ msgid "Move \"%s\" _down"
#~ msgstr "Mugitu \"%s\" _behera"
#~ msgid "Move \"%s\" _up"
#~ msgstr "Mugitu \"%s\" g_ora"
#~ msgid "_Add new network"
#~ msgstr "_Gehitu sare berri bat"
#~ msgid "Global User Info"
#~ msgstr "Erabiltzaileen informazio globala"
#~ msgid "Nick Names:"
#~ msgstr "Ezizenak:"
#~ msgid "User Name:"
#~ msgstr "Erabiltzailearen izena:"
#~ msgid "Servers"
#~ msgstr "Zerbitzariak"
#~ msgid "Join Channels:"
#~ msgstr "Sartu kanaletara:"
#~ msgid "Command to execute after connecting. Can be used to authenticate to NickServ"
#~ msgstr "Konektatu ostean ejekutatuko den komandoa. NickServ-en autentifikatzeko erabili daiteke"
#~ msgid "Cycle until connected"
#~ msgstr "Ziklatu konektatu arte"
#~ msgid "Use secure SSL"
#~ msgstr "Erabili SSL seguritatea"
#~ msgid "Settings for Selected Network"
#~ msgstr "Aukeratutako sarearentzat ezarpenak"
#~ msgid "Edit mode"
#~ msgstr "Edizio modua"
#~ msgid "Networks"
#~ msgstr "Sareak"
#~ msgid "Tint red:"
#~ msgstr "Tintatu gorriz:"
#~ msgid "Tint green:"
#~ msgstr "Tintatu berdez:"
#~ msgid "Tint blue:"
#~ msgstr "Tintatu urdinez:"
#~ msgid "Double-click command:"
#~ msgstr "Klik bikoitzaren komandoa:"
#~ msgid "Auto open DCC send list"
#~ msgstr "Automatikoki ireki DCC bidaltze zerrenda"
#~ msgid "In filenames, before sending"
#~ msgstr "Fitxategietan, bidali aurretik"
#~ msgid "Auto open DCC chat list"
#~ msgstr "Automatikoki ireki DCC elkarrizketa zerrenda"
#~ msgid "Auto open DCC receive list"
#~ msgstr "Automatikoki ireki DCC jasotze zerrenda"
#~ msgid "Default part message:"
#~ msgstr "Lehenetsitako kanal-irtete mezua:"
#~ msgid "Default away message:"
#~ msgstr "Lehenetsitako mezua aldentzerakoan:"
#~ msgid "Address to bind to:"
#~ msgstr "Lotuko den helbidea:"