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2400 lines
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package Pod::Html;
use strict;
require Exporter;
$VERSION = 1.08;
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT = qw(pod2html htmlify);
@EXPORT_OK = qw(anchorify);
use Carp;
use Config;
use Cwd;
use File::Spec;
use File::Spec::Unix;
use Getopt::Long;
use locale; # make \w work right in non-ASCII lands
=head1 NAME
Pod::Html - module to convert pod files to HTML
use Pod::Html;
Converts files from pod format (see L<perlpod>) to HTML format. It
can automatically generate indexes and cross-references, and it keeps
a cache of things it knows how to cross-reference.
=head2 pod2html
pod2html takes the following arguments:
=over 4
=item backlink
--backlink="Back to Top"
Adds "Back to Top" links in front of every C<head1> heading (except for
the first). By default, no backlinks are generated.
=item cachedir
Creates the item and directory caches in the given directory.
=item css
Specify the URL of a cascading style sheet. Also disables all HTML/CSS
C<style> attributes that are output by default (to avoid conflicts).
=item flush
Flushes the item and directory caches.
=item header
Creates header and footer blocks containing the text of the C<NAME>
section. By default, no headers are generated.
=item help
Displays the usage message.
=item hiddendirs
Include hidden directories in the search for POD's in podpath if recurse
is set.
The default is not to traverse any directory whose name begins with C<.>.
See L</"podpath"> and L</"recurse">.
[This option is for backward compatibility only.
It's hard to imagine that one would usefully create a module with a
name component beginning with C<.>.]
=item htmldir
Sets the directory in which the resulting HTML file is placed. This
is used to generate relative links to other files. Not passing this
causes all links to be absolute, since this is the value that tells
Pod::Html the root of the documentation tree.
=item htmlroot
Sets the base URL for the HTML files. When cross-references are made,
the HTML root is prepended to the URL.
=item index
Generate an index at the top of the HTML file. This is the default
=item infile
Specify the pod file to convert. Input is taken from STDIN if no
infile is specified.
=item libpods
List of page names (eg, "perlfunc") which contain linkable C<=item>s.
=item netscape
B<Deprecated>, has no effect. For backwards compatibility only.
=item outfile
Specify the HTML file to create. Output goes to STDOUT if no outfile
is specified.
=item podpath
Specify which subdirectories of the podroot contain pod files whose
HTML converted forms can be linked to in cross references.
=item podroot
Specify the base directory for finding library pods.
=item quiet
Don't display I<mostly harmless> warning messages. These messages
will be displayed by default. But this is not the same as C<verbose>
=item recurse
Recurse into subdirectories specified in podpath (default behaviour).
=item title
Specify the title of the resulting HTML file.
=item verbose
Display progress messages. By default, they won't be displayed.
=head2 htmlify
Converts a pod section specification to a suitable section specification
for HTML. Note that we keep spaces and special characters except
C<", ?> (Netscape problem) and the hyphen (writer's problem...).
=head2 anchorify
Similar to C<htmlify()>, but turns non-alphanumerics into underscores. Note
that C<anchorify()> is not exported by default.
Uses C<$Config{pod2html}> to setup default options.
=head1 AUTHOR
Tom Christiansen, E<lt>tchrist@perl.comE<gt>.
=head1 SEE ALSO
This program is distributed under the Artistic License.
my ($Cachedir);
my ( $Dircache, $Itemcache );
my @Begin_Stack;
my @Libpods;
my ( $Htmlroot, $Htmldir, $Htmlfile, $Htmlfileurl );
my ( $Podfile, @Podpath, $Podroot );
my $Css;
my $Recurse;
my $Quiet;
my $HiddenDirs;
my $Verbose;
my $Doindex;
my $Backlink;
my ( $Listlevel, @Listend );
my $After_Lpar;
use vars qw($Ignore); # need to localize it later.
my ( %Items_Named, @Items_Seen );
my ( $Title, $Header );
my $Top;
my $Paragraph;
my %Sections;
# Caches
my %Pages = (); # associative array used to find the location
# of pages referenced by L<> links.
my %Items = (); # associative array used to find the location
# of =item directives referenced by C<> links
my %Local_Items;
my $Is83;
my $Curdir = File::Spec->curdir;
sub init_globals {
$Cachedir = "."; # The directory to which item and directory
# caches will be written.
$Dircache = "pod2htmd.tmp";
$Itemcache = "pod2htmi.tmp";
@Begin_Stack = (); # begin/end stack
@Libpods = (); # files to search for links from C<> directives
$Htmlroot = "/"; # http-server base directory from which all
# relative paths in $podpath stem.
$Htmldir = ""; # The directory to which the html pages
# will (eventually) be written.
$Htmlfile = ""; # write to stdout by default
$Htmlfileurl = ""; # The url that other files would use to
# refer to this file. This is only used
# to make relative urls that point to
# other files.
$Podfile = ""; # read from stdin by default
@Podpath = (); # list of directories containing library pods.
$Podroot = $Curdir; # filesystem base directory from which all
# relative paths in $podpath stem.
$Css = ''; # Cascading style sheet
$Recurse = 1; # recurse on subdirectories in $podpath.
$Quiet = 0; # not quiet by default
$Verbose = 0; # not verbose by default
$Doindex = 1; # non-zero if we should generate an index
$Backlink = ''; # text for "back to top" links
$Listlevel = 0; # current list depth
@Listend = (); # the text to use to end the list.
$After_Lpar = 0; # set to true after a par in an =item
$Ignore = 1; # whether or not to format text. we don't
# format text until we hit our first pod
# directive.
@Items_Seen = (); # for multiples of the same item in perlfunc
%Items_Named = ();
$Header = 0; # produce block header/footer
$Title = ''; # title to give the pod(s)
$Top = 1; # true if we are at the top of the doc. used
# to prevent the first <hr /> directive.
$Paragraph = ''; # which paragraph we're processing (used
# for error messages)
%Sections = (); # sections within this page
%Local_Items = ();
$Is83 = $^O eq 'dos'; # Is it an 8.3 filesystem?
# clean_data: global clean-up of pod data
sub clean_data($) {
my ($dataref) = @_;
for my $i ( 0 .. $#{$dataref} ) {
${$dataref}[$i] =~ s/\s+\Z//;
# have a look for all-space lines
if ( ${$dataref}[$i] =~ /^\s+$/m and $dataref->[$i] !~ /^\s/ ) {
my @chunks = split( /^\s+$/m, ${$dataref}[$i] );
splice( @$dataref, $i, 1, @chunks );
sub pod2html {
local (@ARGV) = @_;
local ($/);
local $_;
$Is83 = 0 if ( defined(&Dos::UseLFN) && Dos::UseLFN() );
# cache of %Pages and %Items from last time we ran pod2html
#undef $opt_help if defined $opt_help;
# parse the command-line parameters
# escape the backlink argument (same goes for title but is done later...)
$Backlink = html_escape($Backlink) if defined $Backlink;
# set some variables to their default values if necessary
local *POD;
unless ( @ARGV && $ARGV[0] ) {
$Podfile = "-" unless $Podfile; # stdin
open( POD, "<$Podfile" )
|| die "$0: cannot open $Podfile file for input: $!\n";
} else {
$Podfile = $ARGV[0]; # XXX: might be more filenames
$Htmlfile = "-" unless $Htmlfile; # stdout
$Htmlroot = "" if $Htmlroot eq "/"; # so we don't get a //
$Htmldir =~ s#/\z##; # so we don't get a //
if ( $Htmlroot eq ''
&& defined($Htmldir)
&& $Htmldir ne ''
&& substr( $Htmlfile, 0, length($Htmldir) ) eq $Htmldir )
# Set the 'base' url for this file, so that we can use it
# as the location from which to calculate relative links
# to other files. If this is '', then absolute links will
# be used throughout.
$Htmlfileurl = "$Htmldir/" . substr( $Htmlfile, length($Htmldir) + 1 );
# read the pod a paragraph at a time
warn "Scanning for sections in input file(s)\n" if $Verbose;
$/ = "";
my @poddata = <POD>;
# be eol agnostic
for (@poddata) {
if (/\r/) {
if (/\r\n/) {
@poddata = map {
? map { "$_\n\n" } split /\n\n/
: $_
} @poddata;
} else {
@poddata = map {
? map { "$_\n\n" } split /\n\n/
: $_
} @poddata;
clean_data( \@poddata );
# scan the pod for =head[1-6] directives and build an index
my $index = scan_headings( \%Sections, @poddata );
unless ($index) {
warn "No headings in $Podfile\n" if $Verbose;
# open the output file
open( HTML, ">$Htmlfile" )
|| die "$0: cannot open $Htmlfile file for output: $!\n";
# put a title in the HTML file if one wasn't specified
if ( $Title eq '' ) {
for ( my $i = 0 ; $i < @poddata ; $i++ ) {
if ( $poddata[$i] =~ /^=head1\s*NAME\b/m ) {
for my $para ( @poddata[ $i, $i + 1 ] ) {
if ($Title) = $para =~ /(\S+\s+-+.*\S)/s;
if ( !$Title and $Podfile =~ /\.pod\z/ ) {
# probably a split pod so take first =head[12] as title
for ( my $i = 0 ; $i < @poddata ; $i++ ) {
last if ($Title) = $poddata[$i] =~ /^=head[12]\s*(.*)/;
warn "adopted '$Title' as title for $Podfile\n"
if $Verbose and $Title;
if ($Title) {
$Title =~ s/\s*\(.*\)//;
} else {
warn "$0: no title for $Podfile.\n" unless $Quiet;
$Podfile =~ /^(.*)(\.[^.\/]+)?\z/s;
$Title = ( $Podfile eq "-" ? 'No Title' : $1 );
warn "using $Title" if $Verbose;
$Title = html_escape($Title);
my $csslink = '';
my $bodystyle = ' style="background-color: white"';
my $tdstyle = ' style="background-color: #cccccc"';
if ($Css) {
$csslink = qq(\n<link rel="stylesheet" href="$Css" type="text/css" />);
$csslink =~ s,\\,/,g;
$csslink =~ s,(/.):,$1|,;
$bodystyle = '';
$tdstyle = '';
my $block = $Header ? <<END_OF_BLOCK : '';
<table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3">
<tr><td class="block"$tdstyle valign="middle">
<big><strong><span class="block"> $Title</span></strong></big>
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<link rev="made" href="mailto:$Config{perladmin}" />
<style type="text/css">
.branch {
list-style: none;
li code {
padding-right: 0.5em;
.example {
width: 98%;
padding: 0.5em;
float: left;
font-family: monospace;
.example .line_number {
float: left;
text-align: right;
margin-right: 10px;
padding-right: 5px;
border-right: 1px solid white;
.example .content {
float: left;
.example .content pre {
margin: 0;
td > table {
margin: 0.5em;
border-collapse: collapse;
td > table td {
border: 1px solid black;
.synComment {
color: rgb(135,206,235);
.synPreProc {
color: rgb(205,92,92);
.synError {
.synConstant {
color: #ffa0a0;
.synSpecial {
color: rgb(255,222,173);
.synIgnore {
color: rgb(102,102,102);
.synNormal {
color: rgb(255,255,255);
background-color: rgb(51,51,51);
.synType {
color: rgb(189,183,107);
.synIdentifier {
color: rgb(152,251,152);
.synTodo {
color: rgb(255,69,0);
background-color: rgb(238,238,0);
.synStatement {
color: rgb(240,230,140);
# load/reload/validate/cache %Pages and %Items
get_cache( $Dircache, $Itemcache, \@Podpath, $Podroot, $Recurse );
# scan the pod for =item directives
scan_items( \%Local_Items, "", @poddata );
# put an index at the top of the file. note, if $Doindex is 0 we
# still generate an index, but surround it with an html comment.
# that way some other program can extract it if desired.
$index =~ s/--+/-/g;
my $hr = ( $Doindex and $index ) ? qq(<hr />) : "";
unless ($Doindex) {
$index = qq(<!--\n$index\n-->\n);
print HTML << "END_OF_INDEX";
<!-- INDEX BEGIN -->
<p><a name=\"__index__\"></a></p>
<!-- INDEX END -->
# now convert this file
my $after_item; # set to true after an =item
my $need_dd = 0;
warn "Converting input file $Podfile\n" if $Verbose;
foreach my $i ( 0 .. $#poddata ) {
$_ = $poddata[$i];
$Paragraph = $i + 1;
if (/^(=.*)/s) { # is it a pod directive?
$Ignore = 0;
$after_item = 0;
$need_dd = 0;
$_ = $1;
if (/^=begin\s+(\S+)\s*(.*)/si) { # =begin
process_begin( $1, $2 );
} elsif (/^=end\s+(\S+)\s*(.*)/si) { # =end
process_end( $1, $2 );
} elsif (/^=cut/) { # =cut
} elsif (/^=pod/) { # =pod
} else {
next if @Begin_Stack && $Begin_Stack[-1] ne 'html';
if (/^=(head[1-6])\s+(.*\S)/s) { # =head[1-6] heading
process_head( $1, $2, $Doindex && $index );
} elsif (/^=item\s*(.*\S)?/sm) { # =item text
$need_dd = process_item($1);
$after_item = 1;
} elsif (/^=over\s*(.*)/) { # =over N
} elsif (/^=back/) { # =back
} elsif (/^=for\s+(\S+)\s*(.*)/si) { # =for
process_for( $1, $2 );
} else {
warn "$0: $Podfile: unknown pod directive '$1' in "
. "paragraph $Paragraph. ignoring.\n"
unless $Quiet;
$Top = 0;
} else {
next if $Ignore;
next if @Begin_Stack && $Begin_Stack[-1] ne 'html';
print HTML and next if @Begin_Stack && $Begin_Stack[-1] eq 'html';
print HTML "<dd>\n" if $need_dd;
my $text = $_;
if ( $text =~ /\A\s+/ ) {
process_pre( \$text );
print HTML "<pre>\n$text</pre>\n";
} else {
process_text( \$text );
# experimental: check for a paragraph where all lines
# have some ...\t...\t...\n pattern
if ( $text =~ /\t/ ) {
my @lines = split( "\n", $text );
if ( @lines > 1 ) {
my $all = 2;
foreach my $line (@lines) {
if ( $line =~ /\S/ && $line !~ /\t/ ) {
last if $all == 0;
if ( $all > 0 ) {
$text =~ s/\t+/<td>/g;
$text =~ s/^/<tr><td>/gm;
$text =
'<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">'
. $text
. '</table>';
## end of experimental
if ($after_item) {
$After_Lpar = 1;
print HTML "<p>$text</p>\n";
print HTML "</dd>\n" if $need_dd;
$after_item = 0;
# finish off any pending directives
# link to page index
print HTML "<p><a href=\"#__index__\"><small>$Backlink</small></a></p>\n"
if $Doindex
and $index
and $Backlink;
# close the html file
warn "Finished\n" if $Verbose;
sub usage {
my $podfile = shift;
warn "$0: $podfile: @_\n" if @_;
Usage: $0 --help --htmlroot=<name> --infile=<name> --outfile=<name>
--podpath=<name>:...:<name> --podroot=<name>
--libpods=<name>:...:<name> --recurse --verbose --index
--netscape --norecurse --noindex --cachedir=<name>
--backlink - set text for "back to top" links (default: none).
--cachedir - directory for the item and directory cache files.
--css - stylesheet URL
--flush - flushes the item and directory caches.
--[no]header - produce block header/footer (default is no headers).
--help - prints this message.
--hiddendirs - search hidden directories in podpath
--htmldir - directory for resulting HTML files.
--htmlroot - http-server base directory from which all relative paths
in podpath stem (default is /).
--[no]index - generate an index at the top of the resulting html
(default behaviour).
--infile - filename for the pod to convert (input taken from stdin
by default).
--libpods - colon-separated list of pages to search for =item pod
directives in as targets of C<> and implicit links (empty
by default). note, these are not filenames, but rather
page names like those that appear in L<> links.
--outfile - filename for the resulting html file (output sent to
stdout by default).
--podpath - colon-separated list of directories containing library
pods (empty by default).
--podroot - filesystem base directory from which all relative paths
in podpath stem (default is .).
--[no]quiet - suppress some benign warning messages (default is off).
--[no]recurse - recurse on those subdirectories listed in podpath
(default behaviour).
--title - title that will appear in resulting html file.
--[no]verbose - self-explanatory (off by default).
--[no]netscape - deprecated, has no effect. for backwards compatibility only.
sub parse_command_line {
my (
$opt_backlink, $opt_cachedir, $opt_css, $opt_flush,
$opt_header, $opt_help, $opt_htmldir, $opt_htmlroot,
$opt_index, $opt_infile, $opt_libpods, $opt_netscape,
$opt_outfile, $opt_podpath, $opt_podroot, $opt_quiet,
$opt_recurse, $opt_title, $opt_verbose, $opt_hiddendirs
unshift @ARGV, split ' ', $Config{pod2html} if $Config{pod2html};
my $result = GetOptions(
'backlink=s' => \$opt_backlink,
'cachedir=s' => \$opt_cachedir,
'css=s' => \$opt_css,
'flush' => \$opt_flush,
'header!' => \$opt_header,
'help' => \$opt_help,
'hiddendirs!' => \$opt_hiddendirs,
'htmldir=s' => \$opt_htmldir,
'htmlroot=s' => \$opt_htmlroot,
'index!' => \$opt_index,
'infile=s' => \$opt_infile,
'libpods=s' => \$opt_libpods,
'netscape!' => \$opt_netscape,
'outfile=s' => \$opt_outfile,
'podpath=s' => \$opt_podpath,
'podroot=s' => \$opt_podroot,
'quiet!' => \$opt_quiet,
'recurse!' => \$opt_recurse,
'title=s' => \$opt_title,
'verbose!' => \$opt_verbose,
usage( "-", "invalid parameters" ) if not $result;
usage("-") if defined $opt_help; # see if the user asked for help
$opt_help = ""; # just to make -w shut-up.
@Podpath = split( ":", $opt_podpath ) if defined $opt_podpath;
@Libpods = split( ":", $opt_libpods ) if defined $opt_libpods;
$Backlink = $opt_backlink if defined $opt_backlink;
$Cachedir = $opt_cachedir if defined $opt_cachedir;
$Css = $opt_css if defined $opt_css;
$Header = $opt_header if defined $opt_header;
$Htmldir = $opt_htmldir if defined $opt_htmldir;
$Htmlroot = $opt_htmlroot if defined $opt_htmlroot;
$Doindex = $opt_index if defined $opt_index;
$Podfile = $opt_infile if defined $opt_infile;
$HiddenDirs = $opt_hiddendirs if defined $opt_hiddendirs;
$Htmlfile = $opt_outfile if defined $opt_outfile;
$Podroot = $opt_podroot if defined $opt_podroot;
$Quiet = $opt_quiet if defined $opt_quiet;
$Recurse = $opt_recurse if defined $opt_recurse;
$Title = $opt_title if defined $opt_title;
$Verbose = $opt_verbose if defined $opt_verbose;
warn "Flushing item and directory caches\n"
if $opt_verbose && defined $opt_flush;
$Dircache = "$Cachedir/pod2htmd.tmp";
$Itemcache = "$Cachedir/pod2htmi.tmp";
if ( defined $opt_flush ) {
1 while unlink( $Dircache, $Itemcache );
my $Saved_Cache_Key;
sub get_cache {
my ( $dircache, $itemcache, $podpath, $podroot, $recurse ) = @_;
my @cache_key_args = @_;
# A first-level cache:
# Don't bother reading the cache files if they still apply
# and haven't changed since we last read them.
my $this_cache_key = cache_key(@cache_key_args);
return if $Saved_Cache_Key and $this_cache_key eq $Saved_Cache_Key;
# load the cache of %Pages and %Items if possible. $tests will be
# non-zero if successful.
my $tests = 0;
if ( -f $dircache && -f $itemcache ) {
warn "scanning for item cache\n" if $Verbose;
$tests = load_cache( $dircache, $itemcache, $podpath, $podroot );
# if we didn't succeed in loading the cache then we must (re)build
# %Pages and %Items.
if ( !$tests ) {
warn "scanning directories in pod-path\n" if $Verbose;
scan_podpath( $podroot, $recurse, 0 );
$Saved_Cache_Key = cache_key(@cache_key_args);
sub cache_key {
my ( $dircache, $itemcache, $podpath, $podroot, $recurse ) = @_;
return join( '!',
$dircache, $itemcache, $recurse, @$podpath, $podroot, stat($dircache),
stat($itemcache) );
# load_cache - tries to find if the caches stored in $dircache and $itemcache
# are valid caches of %Pages and %Items. if they are valid then it loads
# them and returns a non-zero value.
sub load_cache {
my ( $dircache, $itemcache, $podpath, $podroot ) = @_;
my ($tests);
local $_;
$tests = 0;
open( CACHE, "<$itemcache" )
|| die "$0: error opening $itemcache for reading: $!\n";
$/ = "\n";
# is it the same podpath?
$_ = <CACHE>;
$tests++ if ( join( ":", @$podpath ) eq $_ );
# is it the same podroot?
$_ = <CACHE>;
$tests++ if ( $podroot eq $_ );
# load the cache if its good
if ( $tests != 2 ) {
return 0;
warn "loading item cache\n" if $Verbose;
while (<CACHE>) {
/(.*?) (.*)$/;
$Items{$1} = $2;
warn "scanning for directory cache\n" if $Verbose;
open( CACHE, "<$dircache" )
|| die "$0: error opening $dircache for reading: $!\n";
$/ = "\n";
$tests = 0;
# is it the same podpath?
$_ = <CACHE>;
$tests++ if ( join( ":", @$podpath ) eq $_ );
# is it the same podroot?
$_ = <CACHE>;
$tests++ if ( $podroot eq $_ );
# load the cache if its good
if ( $tests != 2 ) {
return 0;
warn "loading directory cache\n" if $Verbose;
while (<CACHE>) {
/(.*?) (.*)$/;
$Pages{$1} = $2;
return 1;
# scan_podpath - scans the directories specified in @podpath for directories,
# .pod files, and .pm files. it also scans the pod files specified in
# @Libpods for =item directives.
sub scan_podpath {
my ( $podroot, $recurse, $append ) = @_;
my ( $pwd, $dir );
my ( $libpod, $dirname, $pod, @files, @poddata );
unless ($append) {
%Items = ();
%Pages = ();
# scan each directory listed in @Podpath
$pwd = getcwd();
|| die "$0: error changing to directory $podroot: $!\n";
foreach $dir (@Podpath) {
scan_dir( $dir, $recurse );
# scan the pods listed in @Libpods for =item directives
foreach $libpod (@Libpods) {
# if the page isn't defined then we won't know where to find it
# on the system.
next unless defined $Pages{$libpod} && $Pages{$libpod};
# if there is a directory then use the .pod and .pm files within it.
# NOTE: Only finds the first so-named directory in the tree.
# if ($Pages{$libpod} =~ /([^:]*[^(\.pod|\.pm)]):/) {
if ( $Pages{$libpod} =~ /([^:]*(?<!\.pod)(?<!\.pm)):/ ) {
# find all the .pod and .pm files within the directory
$dirname = $1;
opendir( DIR, $dirname )
|| die "$0: error opening directory $dirname: $!\n";
@files = grep( /(\.pod|\.pm)\z/ && !-d $_, readdir(DIR) );
# scan each .pod and .pm file for =item directives
foreach $pod (@files) {
open( POD, "<$dirname/$pod" )
|| die "$0: error opening $dirname/$pod for input: $!\n";
@poddata = <POD>;
clean_data( \@poddata );
scan_items( \%Items, "$dirname/$pod", @poddata );
# use the names of files as =item directives too.
### Don't think this should be done this way - confuses issues.(WL)
### foreach $pod (@files) {
### $pod =~ /^(.*)(\.pod|\.pm)$/;
### $Items{$1} = "$dirname/$1.html" if $1;
### }
} elsif ( $Pages{$libpod} =~ /([^:]*\.pod):/
|| $Pages{$libpod} =~ /([^:]*\.pm):/ )
# scan the .pod or .pm file for =item directives
$pod = $1;
open( POD, "<$pod" )
|| die "$0: error opening $pod for input: $!\n";
@poddata = <POD>;
clean_data( \@poddata );
scan_items( \%Items, "$pod", @poddata );
} else {
warn "$0: shouldn't be here (line " . __LINE__ . "\n" unless $Quiet;
@poddata = (); # clean-up a bit
|| die "$0: error changing to directory $pwd: $!\n";
# cache the item list for later use
warn "caching items for later use\n" if $Verbose;
open( CACHE, ">$Itemcache" )
|| die "$0: error open $Itemcache for writing: $!\n";
print CACHE join( ":", @Podpath ) . "\n$podroot\n";
foreach my $key ( keys %Items ) {
print CACHE "$key $Items{$key}\n";
# cache the directory list for later use
warn "caching directories for later use\n" if $Verbose;
open( CACHE, ">$Dircache" )
|| die "$0: error open $Dircache for writing: $!\n";
print CACHE join( ":", @Podpath ) . "\n$podroot\n";
foreach my $key ( keys %Pages ) {
print CACHE "$key $Pages{$key}\n";
# scan_dir - scans the directory specified in $dir for subdirectories, .pod
# files, and .pm files. notes those that it finds. this information will
# be used later in order to figure out where the pages specified in L<>
# links are on the filesystem.
sub scan_dir {
my ( $dir, $recurse ) = @_;
my ( $t, @subdirs, @pods, $pod, $dirname, @dirs );
local $_;
@subdirs = ();
@pods = ();
opendir( DIR, $dir )
|| die "$0: error opening directory $dir: $!\n";
while ( defined( $_ = readdir(DIR) ) ) {
if ( -d "$dir/$_"
&& $_ ne "."
&& $_ ne ".."
&& ( $HiddenDirs || !/^\./ ) )
{ # directory
$Pages{$_} = "" unless defined $Pages{$_};
$Pages{$_} .= "$dir/$_:";
push( @subdirs, $_ );
} elsif (/\.pod\z/) { # .pod
$Pages{$_} = "" unless defined $Pages{$_};
$Pages{$_} .= "$dir/$_.pod:";
push( @pods, "$dir/$_.pod" );
} elsif (/\.html\z/) { # .html
$Pages{$_} = "" unless defined $Pages{$_};
$Pages{$_} .= "$dir/$_.pod:";
} elsif (/\.pm\z/) { # .pm
$Pages{$_} = "" unless defined $Pages{$_};
$Pages{$_} .= "$dir/$_.pm:";
push( @pods, "$dir/$_.pm" );
} elsif ( -T "$dir/$_" ) { # script(?)
local *F;
if ( open( F, "$dir/$_" ) ) {
my $line;
while ( defined( $line = <F> ) ) {
if ( $line =~ /^=(?:pod|head1)/ ) {
$Pages{$_} = "" unless defined $Pages{$_};
$Pages{$_} .= "$dir/$_.pod:";
# recurse on the subdirectories if necessary
if ($recurse) {
foreach my $subdir (@subdirs) {
scan_dir( "$dir/$subdir", $recurse );
# scan_headings - scan a pod file for head[1-6] tags, note the tags, and
# build an index.
sub scan_headings {
my ( $sections, @data ) = @_;
my ( $tag, $which_head, $otitle, $listdepth, $index );
local $Ignore = 0;
$listdepth = 0;
$index = "";
# scan for =head directives, note their name, and build an index
# pointing to each of them.
foreach my $line (@data) {
if ( $line =~ /^=(head)([1-6])\s+(.*)/ ) {
( $tag, $which_head, $otitle ) = ( $1, $2, $3 );
my $title = depod($otitle);
my $name = anchorify($title);
$$sections{$name} = 1;
$title = process_text( \$otitle );
while ( $which_head != $listdepth ) {
if ( $which_head > $listdepth ) {
$index .= "\n"
. ( "\t" x ($listdepth) )
. ( $listdepth > 0 ? qq{<li class="branch">\n}
. "\t"x($listdepth + 1): "" )
. "<ul>";
} elsif ( $which_head < $listdepth ) {
$index .= "\n"
. ( "\t" x $listdepth )
. ( $listdepth > 0 ? "\t" : "" )
. "</ul>"
. ( $listdepth >= 0 ? "\n" . ("\t"x$listdepth)
. "</li>" : "" )
. "\n";
$index .= "\n"
. ( "\t" x $listdepth ) . "<li>"
. "<a href=\"#"
. $name . "\">"
. $title
. "</a></li>";
# finish off the lists
while ( $listdepth-- ) {
$index .= "\n" . ( "\t" x $listdepth )
. ($listdepth > 0 ? "\t" : "")
. ($listdepth > 0 ? ("\t" x $listdepth) . "</li>" : "" );
# get rid of bogus lists
$index =~ s,\t*<ul>\s*</ul>\n,,g;
return $index;
# scan_items - scans the pod specified by $pod for =item directives. we
# will use this information later on in resolving C<> links.
sub scan_items {
my ( $itemref, $pod, @poddata ) = @_;
my ( $i, $item );
local $_;
$pod =~ s/\.pod\z//;
$pod .= ".html" if $pod;
foreach $i ( 0 .. $#poddata ) {
my $txt = depod( $poddata[$i] );
# figure out what kind of item it is.
# Build string for referencing this item.
if ( $txt =~ /\A=item\s+\*\s*(.*)\Z/s ) { # bullet
next unless $1;
$item = $1;
} elsif ( $txt =~ /\A=item\s+(?>\d+\.?)\s*(.*)\Z/s ) { # numbered list
$item = $1;
} elsif ( $txt =~ /\A=item\s+(.*)\Z/s ) { # plain item
$item = $1;
} else {
my $fid = fragment_id($item);
$$itemref{$fid} = "$pod" if $fid;
# process_head - convert a pod head[1-6] tag and convert it to HTML format.
sub process_head {
my ( $tag, $heading, $hasindex ) = @_;
# figure out the level of the =head
$tag =~ /head([1-6])/;
my $level = $1;
if ($Listlevel) {
"$0: $Podfile: unterminated list at =head in paragraph $Paragraph. ignoring.\n"
unless $Quiet;
while ($Listlevel) {
print HTML "<p>\n";
if ( $level == 1 && !$Top ) {
print HTML "<a href=\"#__index__\"><small>$Backlink</small></a>\n"
if $hasindex and $Backlink;
print HTML "</p>\n<hr />\n";
} else {
print HTML "</p>\n";
my $name = anchorify( depod($heading) );
my $convert = process_text( \$heading );
$convert =~ s{</?a[^>]+>}{}g;
print HTML "<h$level><a name=\"$name\" />$convert</h$level>\n";
# emit_item_tag - print an =item's text
# Note: The global $EmittedItem is used for inhibiting self-references.
my $EmittedItem;
sub emit_item_tag($$$) {
my ( $otext, $text, $compact ) = @_;
my $item = fragment_id( depod($text), -generate );
Carp::confess( "Undefined fragment '$text' ("
. depod($text)
. ") from fragment_id() in emit_item_tag() in $Podfile" )
if !defined $item;
$EmittedItem = $item;
### print STDERR "emit_item_tag=$item ($text)\n";
print HTML '<strong>';
if ( $Items_Named{$item}++ ) {
print HTML process_text( \$otext );
} else {
my $name = $item;
$name = anchorify($name);
print HTML
#qq{<a name="$name" class="item">},
process_text( \$otext ),
# '</a>'
print HTML "</strong>\n";
sub emit_li {
my ($tag) = @_;
if ( $Items_Seen[$Listlevel]++ == 0 ) {
push( @Listend, "</$tag>" );
print HTML "<$tag>\n";
my $emitted = $tag eq 'dl' ? 'dt' : 'li';
print HTML "<$emitted>";
return $emitted;
# process_item - convert a pod item tag and convert it to HTML format.
sub process_item {
my ($otext) = @_;
my $need_dd = 0; # set to 1 if we need a <dd></dd> after an item
# lots of documents start a list without doing an =over. this is
# bad! but, the proper thing to do seems to be to just assume
# they did do an =over. so warn them once and then continue.
if ( $Listlevel == 0 ) {
"$0: $Podfile: unexpected =item directive in paragraph $Paragraph. ignoring.\n"
unless $Quiet;
# formatting: insert a paragraph if preceding item has >1 paragraph
if ($After_Lpar) {
print HTML $need_dd ? "</dd>\n" : "</li>\n" if $After_Lpar;
$After_Lpar = 0;
# remove formatting instructions from the text
my $text = depod($otext);
my $emitted; # the tag actually emitted, used for closing
# all the list variants:
if ( $text =~ /\A\*/ ) { # bullet
$emitted = emit_li('ul');
if ( $text =~ /\A\*\s+(\S.*)\Z/s ) { # with additional text
my $tag = $1;
$otext =~ s/\A\*\s+//;
emit_item_tag( $otext, $tag, 1 );
print HTML "</li>"
} elsif ( $text =~ /\A\d+/ ) { # numbered list
$emitted = emit_li('ol');
if ( $text =~ /\A(?>\d+\.?)\s*(\S.*)\Z/s ) { # with additional text
my $tag = $1;
$otext =~ s/\A\d+\.?\s*//;
emit_item_tag( $otext, $tag, 1 );
print HTML "</li>";
} else { # definition list
$emitted = emit_li('dl');
if ( $text =~ /\A(.+)\Z/s ) { # should have text
emit_item_tag( $otext, $text, 1 );
$need_dd = 1;
print HTML "\n";
return $need_dd;
# process_over - process a pod over tag and start a corresponding HTML list.
sub process_over {
# start a new list
push( @Items_Seen, 0 );
$After_Lpar = 0;
# process_back - process a pod back tag and convert it to HTML format.
sub process_back {
my $need_dd = shift;
if ( $Listlevel == 0 ) {
"$0: $Podfile: unexpected =back directive in paragraph $Paragraph. ignoring.\n"
unless $Quiet;
# close off the list. note, I check to see if $Listend[$Listlevel] is
# defined because an =item directive may have never appeared and thus
# $Listend[$Listlevel] may have never been initialized.
if ( defined $Listend[$Listlevel] ) {
print HTML $need_dd ? "</dd>\n" : "</li>\n" if $After_Lpar;
print HTML $Listend[$Listlevel];
print HTML "\n";
$After_Lpar = 0;
# clean up item count
# process_cut - process a pod cut tag, thus start ignoring pod directives.
sub process_cut {
$Ignore = 1;
# process_pod - process a pod tag, thus stop ignoring pod directives
# until we see a corresponding cut.
sub process_pod {
# no need to set $Ignore to 0 cause the main loop did it
# process_for - process a =for pod tag. if it's for html, spit
# it out verbatim, if illustration, center it, otherwise ignore it.
sub process_for {
my ( $whom, $text ) = @_;
if ( $whom =~ /^(pod2)?html$/i ) {
print HTML $text;
} elsif ( $whom =~ /^illustration$/i ) {
1 while chomp $text;
for my $ext (qw[.png .gif .jpeg .jpg .tga .pcl .bmp]) {
$text .= $ext, last if -r "$text$ext";
print HTML
qq{<p align="center"><img src="$text" alt="$text illustration" /></p>};
# process_begin - process a =begin pod tag. this pushes
# whom we're beginning on the begin stack. if there's a
# begin stack, we only print if it us.
sub process_begin {
my ( $whom, $text ) = @_;
$whom = lc($whom);
push( @Begin_Stack, $whom );
if ( $whom =~ /^(pod2)?html$/ ) {
print HTML $text if $text;
# process_end - process a =end pod tag. pop the
# begin stack. die if we're mismatched.
sub process_end {
my ( $whom, $text ) = @_;
$whom = lc($whom);
if ( !defined $Begin_Stack[-1] or $Begin_Stack[-1] ne $whom ) {
"Unmatched begin/end at chunk $Paragraph in pod $Podfile\n");
# process_pre - indented paragraph, made into <pre></pre>
sub process_pre {
my ($text) = @_;
my ($rest);
return if $Ignore;
$rest = $$text;
# insert spaces in place of tabs
$rest =~ s#(.+)#
my $line = $1;
1 while $line =~ s/(\t+)/' ' x ((length($1) * 8) - $-[0] % 8)/e;
# convert some special chars to HTML escapes
$rest = html_escape($rest);
# try and create links for all occurrences of perl.* within
# the preformatted text.
$rest =~ s{
if ( defined $Pages{$2} ){ # is a link
qq($1<a href="$Htmlroot/$Pages{$2}">$2</a>);
} elsif (defined $Pages{dosify($2)}) { # is a link
qq($1<a href="$Htmlroot/$Pages{dosify($2)}">$2</a>);
} else {
$rest =~ s{
(<a\ href="?) ([^>:]*:)? ([^>:]*) \.pod: ([^>:]*:)?
my $url ;
if ( $Htmlfileurl ne '' ){
# Here, we take advantage of the knowledge
# that $Htmlfileurl ne '' implies $Htmlroot eq ''.
# Since $Htmlroot eq '', we need to prepend $Htmldir
# on the fron of the link to get the absolute path
# of the link's target. We check for a leading '/'
# to avoid corrupting links that are #, file:, etc.
my $old_url = $3 ;
$old_url = "$Htmldir$old_url" if $old_url =~ m{^\/};
$url = relativize_url( "$old_url.html", $Htmlfileurl );
} else {
$url = "$3.html" ;
"$1$url" ;
# Look for embedded URLs and make them into links. We don't
# relativize them since they are best left as the author intended.
my $urls = '(' . join(
'|', qw{
) . ')';
my $ltrs = '\w';
my $gunk = '/#~:.?+=&%@!\-';
my $punc = '.:!?\-;';
my $any = "${ltrs}${gunk}${punc}";
$rest =~ s{
\b # start at word boundary
( # begin $1 {
$urls : # need resource and a colon
(?!:) # Ignore File::, among others.
[$any] +? # followed by one or more of any valid
# character, but be conservative and
# take only what you need to....
) # end $1 }
" > # maybe pre-quoted '<a href="...">'
| # or:
[$punc]* # 0 or more punctuation
(?: # followed
[^$any] # by a non-url char
| # or
$ # end of the string
) #
| # or else
$ # then end of the string
}{<a href="$1">$1</a>}igox;
# text should be as it is (verbatim)
$$text = $rest;
# pure text processing
# pure_text/inIS_text: differ with respect to automatic C<> recognition.
# we don't want this to happen within IS
sub pure_text($) {
my $text = shift();
process_puretext( $text, 1 );
sub inIS_text($) {
my $text = shift();
process_puretext( $text, 0 );
# process_puretext - process pure text (without pod-escapes) converting
# double-quotes and handling implicit C<> links.
sub process_puretext {
my ( $text, $notinIS ) = @_;
## Guessing at func() or [\$\@%&]*var references in plain text is destined
## to produce some strange looking ref's. uncomment to disable:
## $notinIS = 0;
my ( @words, $lead, $trail );
# keep track of leading and trailing white-space
$lead = ( $text =~ s/\A(\s+)//s ? $1 : "" );
$trail = ( $text =~ s/(\s+)\Z//s ? $1 : "" );
# split at space/non-space boundaries
@words = split( /(?<=\s)(?=\S)|(?<=\S)(?=\s)/, $text );
# process each word individually
foreach my $word (@words) {
# skip space runs
next if $word =~ /^\s*$/;
# see if we can infer a link or a function call
# NOTE: This is a word based search, it won't automatically
# mark "substr($var, 1, 2)" because the 1st word would be "substr($var"
# User has to enclose those with proper C<>
if (
&& $word =~ m/
^([a-z_]{2,}) # The function name
([0-9][a-z]* # Manual page(1) or page(1M)
|[^)]*[\$\@\%][^)]+ # ($foo), (1, @foo), (%hash)
| # ()
([.,;]?)$ # a possible punctuation follows
# has parenthesis so should have been a C<> ref
## try for a pagename (perlXXX(1))?
my ( $func, $args, $rest ) = ( $1, $2, $3 || '' );
if ( $args =~ /^\d+$/ ) {
my $url = page_sect( $word, '' );
if ( defined $url ) {
$word =
qq(<a href="$url" class="man">the $word manpage</a>$rest);
## try function name for a link, append tt'ed argument list
$word = emit_C( $func, '', "($args)" ) . $rest;
#### disabled. either all (including $\W, $\w+{.*} etc.) or nothing.
## } elsif( $notinIS && $word =~ /^[\$\@%&*]+\w+$/) {
## # perl variables, should be a C<> ref
## $word = emit_C( $word );
} elsif ( $word =~ m,^\w+://\w, ) {
# looks like a URL
# Don't relativize it: leave it as the author intended
$word = qq(<a href="$word">$word</a>);
} elsif ( $word =~ /[\w.-]+\@[\w-]+\.\w/ ) {
# looks like an e-mail address
my ( $w1, $w2, $w3 ) = ( "", $word, "" );
( $w1, $w2, $w3 ) = ( "(", $1, ")$2" ) if $word =~ /^\((.*?)\)(,?)/;
( $w1, $w2, $w3 ) = ( "<", $1, ">$2" )
if $word =~ /^<(.*?)>(,?)/;
$word = qq($w1<a href="mailto:$w2">$w2</a>$w3);
} else {
$word = html_escape($word) if $word =~ /["&<>]/;
# put everything back together
return $lead . join( '', @words ) . $trail;
# process_text - handles plaintext that appears in the input pod file.
# there may be pod commands embedded within the text so those must be
# converted to html commands.
sub process_text1($$;$$);
sub pattern ($) { $_[0] ? '\s+' . ( '>' x ( $_[0] + 1 ) ) : '>' }
sub closing ($) { local ($_) = shift; ( defined && s/\s+\z// ) ? length : 0 }
sub process_text {
return if $Ignore;
my ($tref) = @_;
my $res = process_text1( 0, $tref );
$res =~ s/\s+$//s;
$$tref = $res;
sub process_text_rfc_links {
my $text = shift;
# For every "RFCnnnn" or "RFC nnn", link it to the authoritative
# ource. Do not use the /i modifier here. Require "RFC" to be written in
# in capital letters.
$text =~ s{
(?<=[^<>[:alpha:]]) # Make sure this is not an URL already
(RFC\s*([0-9]{1,5}))(?![0-9]) # max 5 digits
{<a href="http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc$2.txt" class="rfc">$1</a>}gx;
sub process_text1($$;$$) {
my ( $lev, $rstr, $func, $closing ) = @_;
my $res = '';
unless ( defined $func ) {
$func = '';
if ( $func eq 'B' ) {
# B<text> - boldface
$res = '<strong>' . process_text1( $lev, $rstr ) . '</strong>';
} elsif ( $func eq 'C' ) {
# C<code> - can be a ref or <code></code>
# need to extract text
my $par = go_ahead( $rstr, 'C', $closing );
## clean-up of the link target
my $text = depod($par);
### my $x = $par =~ /[BI]</ ? 'yes' : 'no' ;
### print STDERR "-->call emit_C($par) lev=$lev, par with BI=$x\n";
$res = emit_C( $text, $lev > 1 || ( $par =~ /[BI]</ ) );
} elsif ( $func eq 'E' ) {
# E<x> - convert to character
$$rstr =~ s/^([^>]*)>//;
my $escape = $1;
$escape =~ s/^(\d+|X[\dA-F]+)$/#$1/i;
$res = "&$escape;";
} elsif ( $func eq 'F' ) {
# F<filename> - italicize
$res = '<em class="file">' . process_text1( $lev, $rstr ) . '</em>';
} elsif ( $func eq 'I' ) {
# I<text> - italicize
$res = '<em>' . process_text1( $lev, $rstr ) . '</em>';
} elsif ( $func eq 'L' ) {
# L<link> - link
## L<text|cross-ref> => produce text, use cross-ref for linking
## L<cross-ref> => make text from cross-ref
## need to extract text
my $par = go_ahead( $rstr, 'L', $closing );
# some L<>'s that shouldn't be:
# a) full-blown URL's are emitted as-is
if ( $par =~ m{^\w+://}s ) {
return make_URL_href($par);
# b) C<...> is stripped and treated as C<>
if ( $par =~ /^C<(.*)>$/ ) {
my $text = depod($1);
return emit_C( $text, $lev > 1 || ( $par =~ /[BI]</ ) );
# analyze the contents
$par =~ s/\n/ /g; # undo word-wrapped tags
my $opar = $par;
my $linktext;
if ( $par =~ s{^([^|]+)\|}{} ) {
$linktext = $1;
if( $par =~ m{^\w+://}s ) {
return make_URL_href( $par, $linktext );
# make sure sections start with a /
$par =~ s{^"}{/"};
my ( $page, $section, $ident );
# check for link patterns
if ( $par =~ m{^([^/]+?)/(?!")(.*?)$} ) { # name/ident
# we've got a name/ident (no quotes)
if ( length $2 ) {
( $page, $ident ) = ( $1, $2 );
} else {
( $page, $section ) = ( $1, $2 );
### print STDERR "--> L<$par> to page $page, ident $ident\n";
} elsif ( $par =~ m{^(.*?)/"?(.*?)"?$} ) { # [name]/"section"
# even though this should be a "section", we go for ident first
( $page, $ident ) = ( $1, $2 );
### print STDERR "--> L<$par> to page $page, section $section\n";
} elsif ( $par =~ /\s/ ) { # this must be a section with missing quotes
( $page, $section ) = ( '', $par );
### print STDERR "--> L<$par> to void page, section $section\n";
} else {
( $page, $section ) = ( $par, '' );
### print STDERR "--> L<$par> to page $par, void section\n";
# now, either $section or $ident is defined. the convoluted logic
# below tries to resolve L<> according to what the user specified.
# failing this, we try to find the next best thing...
my ( $url, $ltext, $fid );
if ( defined $ident ) {
## try to resolve $ident as an item
( $url, $fid ) = coderef( $page, $ident );
if ($url) {
if ( !defined($linktext) ) {
$linktext = $ident;
$linktext .= " in " if $ident && $page;
$linktext .= "the $page manpage" if $page;
### print STDERR "got coderef url=$url\n";
## no luck: go for a section (auto-quoting!)
$section = $ident;
## now go for a section
my $htmlsection = htmlify($section);
$url = page_sect( $page, $htmlsection );
if ($url) {
if ( !defined($linktext) ) {
$linktext = $section;
$linktext .= " in " if $section && $page;
$linktext .= "the $page manpage" if $page;
### print STDERR "got page/section url=$url\n";
## no luck: go for an ident
if ($section) {
$ident = $section;
} else {
$ident = $page;
$page = undef();
( $url, $fid ) = coderef( $page, $ident );
if ($url) {
if ( !defined($linktext) ) {
$linktext = $ident;
$linktext .= " in " if $ident && $page;
$linktext .= "the $page manpage" if $page;
### print STDERR "got section=>coderef url=$url\n";
# warning; show some text.
$linktext = $opar unless defined $linktext;
"$0: $Podfile: cannot resolve L<$opar> in paragraph $Paragraph.\n"
unless $Quiet;
# now we have a URL or just plain code
$$rstr = $linktext . '>' . $$rstr;
if ( defined($url) ) {
$res = "<a href=\"$url\">" . process_text1( $lev, $rstr ) . '</a>';
} else {
$res = '<em>' . process_text1( $lev, $rstr ) . '</em>';
} elsif ( $func eq 'S' ) {
# S<text> - non-breaking spaces
$res = process_text1( $lev, $rstr );
$res =~ s/ / /g;
} elsif ( $func eq 'X' ) {
# X<> - ignore
warn "$0: $Podfile: invalid X<> in paragraph $Paragraph.\n"
unless $$rstr =~ s/^[^>]*>//
or $Quiet;
} elsif ( $func eq 'Z' ) {
# Z<> - empty
warn "$0: $Podfile: invalid Z<> in paragraph $Paragraph.\n"
unless $$rstr =~ s/^>//
or $Quiet;
} else {
my $term = pattern $closing;
while ( $$rstr =~ s/\A(.*?)(([BCEFILSXZ])<(<+[^\S\n]+)?|$term)//s ) {
# all others: either recurse into new function or
# terminate at closing angle bracket(s)
my $pt = $1;
$pt .= $2 if !$3 && $lev == 1;
$res .= $lev == 1 ? pure_text($pt) : inIS_text($pt);
return $res if !$3 && $lev > 1;
if ($3) {
$res .= process_text1( $lev, $rstr, $3, closing $4 );
if ( $lev == 1 ) {
$res .= pure_text($$rstr);
} elsif ( !$Quiet ) {
my $snippet = substr( $$rstr, 0, 60 );
"$0: $Podfile: undelimited $func<> in paragraph $Paragraph: '$snippet'.\n"
$res = process_text_rfc_links($res);
return $res;
# go_ahead: extract text of an IS (can be nested)
sub go_ahead($$$) {
my ( $rstr, $func, $closing ) = @_;
my $res = '';
my @closing = ($closing);
while ( $$rstr =~
s/\A(.*?)(([BCEFILSXZ])<(<+\s+)?|@{[pattern $closing[0]]})//s )
$res .= $1;
unless ($3) {
shift @closing;
return $res unless @closing;
} else {
unshift @closing, closing $4;
$res .= $2;
unless ($Quiet) {
my $snippet = substr( $$rstr, 0, 60 );
"$0: $Podfile: undelimited $func<> in paragraph $Paragraph (go_ahead): '$snippet'.\n";
return $res;
# emit_C - output result of C<text>
# $text is the depod-ed text
sub emit_C($;$$) {
my ( $text, $nocode, $args ) = @_;
$args = '' unless defined $args;
my $res;
my ( $url, $fid ) = coderef( undef(), $text );
# need HTML-safe text
my $linktext = html_escape("$text$args");
if ( $text !~ /^[\$@%]/
&& defined($url)
&& ( !defined($EmittedItem) || $EmittedItem ne $fid ) )
$res = "<a href=\"$url\"><code>$linktext</code></a>";
} elsif ( 0 && $nocode ) {
$res = $linktext;
} else {
$res = "<code>$linktext</code>";
return $res;
# html_escape: make text safe for HTML
sub html_escape {
my $rest = $_[0];
$rest =~ s/&/&/g;
$rest =~ s/</</g;
$rest =~ s/>/>/g;
$rest =~ s/"/"/g;
# ' is only in XHTML, not HTML4. Be conservative
#$rest =~ s/'/'/g;
return $rest;
# dosify - convert filenames to 8.3
sub dosify {
my ($str) = @_;
return lc($str) if $^O eq 'VMS'; # VMS just needs casing
if ($Is83) {
$str = lc $str;
$str =~ s/(\.\w+)/substr ($1,0,4)/ge;
$str =~ s/(\w+)/substr ($1,0,8)/ge;
return $str;
# page_sect - make a URL from the text of a L<>
sub page_sect($$) {
my ( $page, $section ) = @_;
my ( $linktext, $page83, $link ); # work strings
# check if we know that this is a section in this page
if ( !defined $Pages{$page} && defined $Sections{$page} ) {
$section = $page;
$page = "";
### print STDERR "reset page='', section=$section\n";
$page83 = dosify($page);
$page = $page83 if ( defined $Pages{$page83} );
if ( $page eq "" ) {
$link = "#" . anchorify($section);
} elsif ( $page =~ /::/ ) {
$page =~ s,::,/,g;
# Search page cache for an entry keyed under the html page name,
# then look to see what directory that page might be in. NOTE:
# this will only find one page. A better solution might be to produce
# an intermediate page that is an index to all such pages.
my $page_name = $page;
$page_name =~ s,^.*/,,s;
if ( defined( $Pages{$page_name} )
&& $Pages{$page_name} =~ /([^:]*$page)\.(?:pod|pm):/ )
$page = $1;
} else {
# NOTE: This branch assumes that all A::B pages are located in
# $Htmlroot/A/B.html . This is often incorrect, since they are
# often in $Htmlroot/lib/A/B.html or such like. Perhaps we could
# analyze the contents of %Pages and figure out where any
# cousins of A::B are, then assume that. So, if A::B isn't found,
# but A::C is found in lib/A/C.pm, then A::B is assumed to be in
# lib/A/B.pm. This is also limited, but it's an improvement.
# Maybe a hints file so that the links point to the correct places
# nonetheless?
$link = "$Htmlroot/$page.html";
$link .= "#" . anchorify($section) if ($section);
} elsif ( !defined $Pages{$page} ) {
$link = "";
} else {
$section = anchorify($section) if $section ne "";
### print STDERR "...section=$section\n";
# if there is a directory by the name of the page, then assume that an
# appropriate section will exist in the subdirectory
# if ($section ne "" && $Pages{$page} =~ /([^:]*[^(\.pod|\.pm)]):/) {
if ( $section ne "" && $Pages{$page} =~ /([^:]*(?<!\.pod)(?<!\.pm)):/ )
$link = "$Htmlroot/$1/$section.html";
### print STDERR "...link=$link\n";
# since there is no directory by the name of the page, the section will
# have to exist within a .html of the same name. thus, make sure there
# is a .pod or .pm that might become that .html
} else {
$section = "#$section" if $section;
### print STDERR "...section=$section\n";
# check if there is a .pod with the page name.
# for L<Foo>, Foo.(pod|pm) is preferred to A/Foo.(pod|pm)
if ( $Pages{$page} =~ /([^:]*)\.(?:pod|pm):/ ) {
$link = "$Htmlroot/$1.html$section";
} else {
$link = "";
if ($link) {
# Here, we take advantage of the knowledge that $Htmlfileurl ne ''
# implies $Htmlroot eq ''. This means that the link in question
# needs a prefix of $Htmldir if it begins with '/'. The test for
# the initial '/' is done to avoid '#'-only links, and to allow
# for other kinds of links, like file:, ftp:, etc.
my $url;
if ( $Htmlfileurl ne '' ) {
$link = "$Htmldir$link" if $link =~ m{^/}s;
$url = relativize_url( $link, $Htmlfileurl );
# print( " b: [$link,$Htmlfileurl,$url]\n" );
} else {
$url = $link;
return $url;
} else {
return undef();
# relativize_url - convert an absolute URL to one relative to a base URL.
# Assumes both end in a filename.
sub relativize_url {
my ( $dest, $source ) = @_;
my ( $dest_volume, $dest_directory, $dest_file ) =
$dest = File::Spec::Unix->catpath( $dest_volume, $dest_directory, '' );
my ( $source_volume, $source_directory, $source_file ) =
$source =
File::Spec::Unix->catpath( $source_volume, $source_directory, '' );
my $rel_path = '';
if ( $dest ne '' ) {
$rel_path = File::Spec::Unix->abs2rel( $dest, $source );
if ( $rel_path ne ''
&& substr( $rel_path, -1 ) ne '/'
&& substr( $dest_file, 0, 1 ) ne '#' )
$rel_path .= "/$dest_file";
} else {
$rel_path .= "$dest_file";
return $rel_path;
# coderef - make URL from the text of a C<>
sub coderef($$) {
my ( $page, $item ) = @_;
my ($url);
my $fid = fragment_id($item);
if ( defined($page) && $page ne "" ) {
# we have been given a $page...
$page =~ s{::}{/}g;
"Undefined fragment '$item' from fragment_id() in coderef() in $Podfile"
) if !defined $fid;
# Do we take it? Item could be a section!
my $base = $Items{$fid} || "";
$base =~ s{[^/]*/}{};
if ( $base ne "$page.html" ) {
### print STDERR "coderef( $page, $item ): items{$fid} = $Items{$fid} = $base => discard page!\n";
$page = undef();
} else {
# no page - local items precede cached items
if ( defined($fid) ) {
if ( exists $Local_Items{$fid} ) {
$page = $Local_Items{$fid};
} else {
$page = $Items{$fid};
# if there was a pod file that we found earlier with an appropriate
# =item directive, then create a link to that page.
if ( defined $page ) {
if ($page) {
if ( exists $Pages{$page} and $Pages{$page} =~ /([^:.]*)\.[^:]*:/ )
$page = $1 . '.html';
my $link = "$Htmlroot/$page#" . anchorify($fid);
# Here, we take advantage of the knowledge that $Htmlfileurl
# ne '' implies $Htmlroot eq ''.
if ( $Htmlfileurl ne '' ) {
$link = "$Htmldir$link";
$url = relativize_url( $link, $Htmlfileurl );
} else {
$url = $link;
} else {
$url = "#" . anchorify($fid);
confess "url has space: $url" if $url =~ /"[^"]*\s[^"]*"/;
return ( $url, $fid );
# Adapted from Nick Ing-Simmons' PodToHtml package.
sub relative_url {
my $source_file = shift;
my $destination_file = shift;
my $source = URI::file->new_abs($source_file);
my $uo = URI::file->new( $destination_file, $source )->abs;
return $uo->rel->as_string;
# finish_list - finish off any pending HTML lists. this should be called
# after the entire pod file has been read and converted.
sub finish_list {
while ( $Listlevel > 0 ) {
print HTML "</dl>\n";
# htmlify - converts a pod section specification to a suitable section
# specification for HTML. Note that we keep spaces and special characters
# except ", ? (Netscape problem) and the hyphen (writer's problem...).
sub htmlify {
my ($heading) = @_;
$heading =~ s/(\s+)/ /g;
$heading =~ s/\s+\Z//;
$heading =~ s/\A\s+//;
# The hyphen is a disgrace to the English language.
# $heading =~ s/[-"?]//g;
$heading =~ s/["?]//g;
$heading = lc($heading);
return $heading;
# similar to htmlify, but turns non-alphanumerics into underscores
sub anchorify {
my ($anchor) = @_;
$anchor =~ s/\([^)]*\)//;
$anchor = htmlify($anchor);
$anchor =~ s/\W/_/g;
$anchor =~ tr/_/_/s;
return $anchor;
# depod - convert text by eliminating all interior sequences
# Note: can be called with copy or modify semantics
my %E2c;
$E2c{lt} = '<';
$E2c{gt} = '>';
$E2c{sol} = '/';
$E2c{verbar} = '|';
$E2c{amp} = '&'; # in Tk's pods
sub depod1($;$$);
sub depod($) {
my $string;
if ( ref( $_[0] ) ) {
$string = ${ $_[0] };
${ $_[0] } = depod1( \$string );
} else {
$string = $_[0];
depod1( \$string );
sub depod1($;$$) {
my ( $rstr, $func, $closing ) = @_;
my $res = '';
return $res unless defined $$rstr;
if ( !defined($func) ) {
# skip to next begin of an interior sequence
while ( $$rstr =~ s/\A(.*?)([BCEFILSXZ])<(<+[^\S\n]+)?//s ) {
# recurse into its text
$res .= $1 . depod1( $rstr, $2, closing $3);
$res .= $$rstr;
} elsif ( $func eq 'E' ) {
# E<x> - convert to character
$$rstr =~ s/^([^>]*)>//;
$res .= $E2c{$1} || "";
} elsif ( $func eq 'X' ) {
# X<> - ignore
$$rstr =~ s/^[^>]*>//;
} elsif ( $func eq 'Z' ) {
# Z<> - empty
$$rstr =~ s/^>//;
} else {
# all others: either recurse into new function or
# terminate at closing angle bracket
my $term = pattern $closing;
while ( $$rstr =~ s/\A(.*?)(([BCEFILSXZ])<(<+[^\S\n]+)?|$term)//s ) {
$res .= $1;
last unless $3;
$res .= depod1( $rstr, $3, closing $4 );
## If we're here and $2 ne '>': undelimited interior sequence.
## Ignored, as this is called without proper indication of where we are.
## Rely on process_text to produce diagnostics.
return $res;
my %seen; # static fragment record hash
sub fragment_id_readable {
my $text = shift;
my $generate = shift; # optional flag
my $orig = $text;
# leave the words for the fragment identifier,
# change everything else to underbars.
$text =~
s/[^A-Za-z0-9_]+/_/g; # do not use \W to avoid locale dependency.
$text =~ s/_{2,}/_/g;
$text =~ s/\A_//;
$text =~ s/_\Z//;
unless ($text) {
# Nothing left after removing punctuation, so leave it as is
# E.g. if option is named: "=item -#"
$text = $orig;
if ($generate) {
if ( exists $seen{$text} ) {
# This already exists, make it unique
$text = $text . $seen{$text};
} else {
$seen{$text} = 1; # first time seen this fragment
my @HC;
sub fragment_id_obfuscated { # This was the old "_2d_2d__"
my $text = shift;
my $generate = shift; # optional flag
# text? Normalize by obfuscating the fragment id to make it unique
$text =~ s/\s+/_/sg;
$text =~ s{(\W)}{
defined( $HC[ord($1)] ) ? $HC[ord($1)]
: ( $HC[ord($1)] = sprintf( "%%%02X", ord($1) ) ) }gxe;
$text = substr( $text, 0, 50 );
# fragment_id - construct a fragment identifier from:
# a) =item text
# b) contents of C<...>
sub fragment_id {
my $text = shift;
my $generate = shift; # optional flag
$text =~ s/\s+\Z//s;
if ($text) {
# a method or function?
return $1 if $text =~ /(\w+)\s*\(/;
return $1 if $text =~ /->\s*(\w+)\s*\(?/;
# a variable name?
return $1 if $text =~ /^([\$\@%*]\S+)/;
# some pattern matching operator?
return $1 if $text =~ m|^(\w+/).*/\w*$|;
# fancy stuff... like "do { }"
return $1 if $text =~ m|^(\w+)\s*{.*}$|;
# honour the perlfunc manpage: func [PAR[,[ ]PAR]...]
# and some funnies with ... Module ...
return $1 if $text =~ m{^([a-z\d_]+)(\s+[A-Z,/& ][A-Z\d,/& ]*)?$};
return $1 if $text =~ m{^([a-z\d]+)\s+Module(\s+[A-Z\d,/& ]+)?$};
return fragment_id_readable( $text, $generate );
} else {
# make_URL_href - generate HTML href from URL
# Special treatment for CGI queries.
sub make_URL_href($;$) {
my ($url) = shift;
my $linktext = shift || $url;
if ( $url !~ s{^(http:[-\w/#~:.+=&%@!]+)(\?.*)$}{<a href="$1$2">$1</a>}i ) {
$url = "<a href=\"$url\">$linktext</a>";
return $url;