#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; sub header { my $file = shift; open my $input, "<", $file or die "Couldn't open '$file':$!"; my @file = <$input>; close $file; return toc(@file); } sub toc { my @lines = @_; for( @lines ) { if( /^\s*$/s ) { $_ = qq{"\\n"\n}; next; } if( /^\s*#/ ) { $_ = qq{"\\n"\n}; next; } s/\\/\\\\/g; # double the number of \'s s/"/\\"/g; s/^\s*/"/; s/\n/\\n"\n/; } return @lines; } for my $files ( [ "xchat.pm.h", # output file "lib/Xchat.pm", # input files "lib/Xchat/Embed.pm", "lib/Xchat/List/Network.pm", "lib/Xchat/List/Network/Entry.pm", "lib/Xchat/List/Network/AutoJoin.pm", ], [ "irc.pm.h", # output file "lib/IRC.pm" # input file ] ) { my ($output,@inputs) = @$files; open my $header, ">", $output or die "Couldn't open '$output': $!"; print $header qq["BEGIN {\\n"\n]; for my $input ( @inputs ) { (my $trimmed = $input) =~ s{^lib/}{}; print $header qq["\$INC{'$trimmed'} = 'Compiled into the plugin.';\\n"\n]; } print $header qq["}\\n"\n]; for my $input ( @inputs ) { print $header qq["{\\n"\n]; print $header qq{"#line 1 \\"$input\\"\\n"\n}; print $header header( $input ); print $header qq["}\\n"\n]; } close $header; }