package com.moparisthebest.filelist; import; import; import; import; import java.util.*; /** * Created by mopar on 2/9/17. */ public class RandomAccessFileList extends AbstractList implements AutoCloseable { private final RandomAccessFile raf; private final byte[] buffer; private final ByteArrayConverter bac; private final boolean close; private RandomAccessFileList(final RandomAccessFile raf, final boolean close, final ByteArrayConverter bac) { Objects.requireNonNull(raf); Objects.requireNonNull(bac); if (bac.numBytes() < 1) throw new IllegalArgumentException("bytesPerEntry must be > 0"); this.raf = raf; this.buffer = new byte[bac.numBytes()]; this.bac = bac; this.close = close; } public RandomAccessFileList(final RandomAccessFile raf, final ByteArrayConverter bac) { this(raf, false, bac); } public RandomAccessFileList(final String name, final ByteArrayConverter bac) throws FileNotFoundException { this(new RandomAccessFile(name, "rw"), true, bac); } public RandomAccessFileList(final File file, final ByteArrayConverter bac) throws FileNotFoundException { this(new RandomAccessFile(file, "rw"), true, bac); } @Override public void close() throws IOException { if(close) raf.close(); } public T get(final int index) { try { return this.get((long) index); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } public T get(final long index) throws IOException { * buffer.length); if ( != buffer.length) throw new IOException("no full buffer to read, corrupted file?"); return bac.fromBytes(buffer, 0); } public int size() { try { return (int) this.longSize(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } public long longSize() throws IOException { return raf.length() / buffer.length; } @Override public boolean add(final T o) { try {; bac.toBytes(o, buffer, 0); raf.write(buffer); return true; } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } @Override public T set(final int index, final T o) { try { return this.set((long) index, o); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } public T set(final long index, final T o) throws IOException { final T ret = get(index); * buffer.length); bac.toBytes(o, buffer, 0); raf.write(buffer); return ret; } @Override public void clear() { try { raf.setLength(0); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } public long indexedBinarySearch(final K key, final TransformComparator c) throws IOException { long low = 0; long high = this.longSize()-1; while (low <= high) { final long mid = (low + high) >>> 1; final T midVal = this.get(mid); final int cmp = c.compareTransform(key, midVal); if (cmp > 0) low = mid + 1; else if (cmp < 0) high = mid - 1; else return mid; // key found } return -(low + 1); // key not found } public long iteratorBinarySearch(final K key, final TransformComparator c) throws IOException { long low = 0; long high = this.longSize()-1; ListIterator i = this.listIterator(); while (low <= high) { final long mid = (low + high) >>> 1; final T midVal = get(i, mid); final int cmp = c.compareTransform(key, midVal); if (cmp > 0) low = mid + 1; else if (cmp < 0) high = mid - 1; else return mid; // key found } return -(low + 1); // key not found } private T get(final ListIterator i, final long index) { T obj = null; int pos = i.nextIndex(); if (pos <= index) { do { obj =; } while (pos++ < index); } else { do { obj = i.previous(); } while (--pos > index); } return obj; } @Override public void sort(final Comparator c) { try { //this.selectionSort(c); //this.inPlaceMergeSort(c); this.heapSort(c); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } public void selectionSort(final Comparator c) throws IOException { // a[0] to a[n-1] is the array to sort final long n = this.longSize(), n1 = n - 1; final byte[] tmp = new byte[this.buffer.length]; // advance the position through the entire array // (could do j < n-1 because single element is also min element) for (long j = 0; j < n1; ++j) { /* find the min element in the unsorted a[j .. n-1] */ /* assume the min is the first element */ long iMin = j; /* test against elements after j to find the smallest */ for (long i = j + 1; i < n; ++i) { // if this element is less, then it is the new minimum // this order is important, we want get(iMin) done last so it's already in buffer below if we need to swap! // in all cases except when iMin is last, in which case we have to seek back and read it, this is less common though usually final T iObj = this.get(i); if (, this.get(iMin)) <= 0){ // found new minimum; remember its index iMin = i; } } if (iMin != j) { //swap(a[j], a[iMin]); // buffer already has iMin value in it unless iMin was last value if (iMin == n1) { // grab iMin to buffer * buffer.length); if ( != buffer.length) throw new IOException("no full buffer to read, corrupted file?"); } // grab j to tmp * buffer.length); if ( != buffer.length) throw new IOException("no full buffer to read, corrupted file?"); //System.out.printf("iMin: %d j: %d buffer: %d tmp: %d%n", iMin, j, bac.fromBytes(buffer), bac.fromBytes(tmp)); // write buffer to j * buffer.length); raf.write(buffer); // write tmp to iMin * buffer.length); raf.write(tmp); } } } /** * In-Place Merge Sort. *

* Building on the algorithm core found in * * * */ public void inPlaceMergeSort(final Comparator c) throws IOException { this.inPlaceMergeSort(c, 0, this.longSize() - 1); } public void inPlaceMergeSort(final Comparator c, final long first, final long last) throws IOException { long mid, lt, rt; if (first >= last) return; mid = (first + last) / 2; inPlaceMergeSort(c, first, mid); inPlaceMergeSort(c, mid + 1, last); lt = first; rt = mid + 1; // One extra check: can we SKIP the merge? if (, this.get(rt)) <= 0) return; byte[] tmp = new byte[buffer.length], tmp2 = new byte[buffer.length], tmp3; while (lt <= mid && rt <= last) { // Select from left: no change, just advance lt if (, this.get(rt)) <= 0) ++lt; // Select from right: rotate [lt..rt] and correct else { // buffer contains rt here due to this.get(rt) being called last above, will move to [lt] // scoot everything else over one todo: can do this in bigger chunks than buffer.length to speed things up... //System.out.printf("lt: %d, rt: %d, rt-lt: %d, buffer: %d%n", lt, rt, rt-lt, bac.fromBytes(buffer)); * buffer.length);; for(long dst = lt + 1; dst <= lt + (rt - lt); ++dst){ // * buffer.length);; * buffer.length); raf.write(tmp); tmp3 = tmp2; tmp2 = tmp; tmp = tmp3; } // write buffer to lt * buffer.length); raf.write(buffer); // EVERYTHING has moved up by one lt++; mid++; rt++; } } // Whatever remains in [rt..last] is in place } public void heapSort(final Comparator c) throws IOException { long n = this.longSize(); final byte[] tmp = new byte[this.buffer.length]; for (long k = n/2; k > 0; k--) { downheap(c, tmp, k, n); } do { // swap 0 and n - 1 n = n - 1; // grab 0 to tmp; if ( != buffer.length) throw new IOException("no full buffer to read, corrupted file?"); // grab n - 1 to buffer * buffer.length); if ( != buffer.length) throw new IOException("no full buffer to read, corrupted file?"); // write tmp to n - 1 * buffer.length); raf.write(tmp); // write buffer to 0; raf.write(buffer); downheap(c, tmp, 1, n); } while (n > 1); } private void downheap(final Comparator c, final byte[] tmp, long k, final long n) throws IOException { final T t = this.get(k - 1); // save k - 1 to tmp, already in buffer System.arraycopy(buffer, 0, tmp, 0, buffer.length); while (k <= n/2) { long j = k + k; if ((j < n) && ( - 1), this.get(j)) < 0)) { ++j; } if (, this.get(j - 1)) >= 0) { break; } else { // write j - 1 to k - 1, already in buffer from last this.get(j - 1) above - 1) * buffer.length); raf.write(buffer); k = j; } } // write tmp to k - 1 - 1) * buffer.length); raf.write(tmp); } }