mirror of https://github.com/mitb-archive/filebot synced 2025-03-10 06:20:27 -04:00
Reinhard Pointner e0a9a7135a * update links
2014-04-05 10:39:44 +00:00

290 lines
9.6 KiB
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import org.tukaani.xz.*
import net.sourceforge.filebot.media.*
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
def sortRegexList(path) {
def set = new TreeSet(String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER)
new File(path).eachLine('UTF-8'){
// check if regex compiles
set += java.util.regex.Pattern.compile(it.trim()).pattern()
def out = set.join('\n').saveAs(path)
println "${out}\n${out.text}\n"
// sort and check shared regex collections
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
def reviews = []
new File('reviews.csv').eachLine('UTF-8'){
def s = it.split(';', 3)
reviews << [user: s[0], date: s[1], text: s[2].replaceAll(/^\"|\"$/, '').replaceAll(/["]{2}/, '"') ]
reviews = reviews.sort{ it.date }
def json = new groovy.json.JsonBuilder()
json.call(reviews as List)
println "Reviews: " + reviews.size()
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
def moviedb_out = new File("website/data/moviedb.txt")
def thetvdb_out = new File("website/data/thetvdb.txt")
def anidb_out = new File("website/data/anidb.txt")
def pack(file, lines) {
new File(file.parentFile, file.name + '.xz').withOutputStream{ out ->
new XZOutputStream(out, new LZMA2Options(LZMA2Options.PRESET_DEFAULT)).withWriter('UTF-8'){ writer ->
lines.each{ writer.append(it).append('\n') }
def rows = lines.size()
def columns = lines.collect{ it.split(/\t/).length }.max()
println "$file ($rows rows, $columns columns)"
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
def isValidMovieName(s) {
return (s.normalizePunctuation().length() >= 4) || (s=~ /^[A-Z0-9]/ && s =~ /[\p{Alnum}]{3}/)
def getNamePermutations(names) {
def fn1 = { s -> s.replaceAll(/^(?i)(The|A)\s/, '') }
def fn2 = { s -> s.replaceAll(/\s&\s/, ' and ') }
def fn3 = { s -> s.replaceAll(/\([^\)]*\)$/, '') }
def out = new LinkedHashSet(names*.trim()).toList()
def res = out
[fn1, fn2, fn3].each{ fn ->
res = res.findResults{ fn(it).trim() }
out += res
out = out.findAll{ it.length() >= 2 && !(it ==~ /[1][0-9][1-9]/) && !(it =~ /^[a-z]/) && it =~ /^[@.\p{L}\p{Digit}]/ } // MUST START WITH UNICODE LETTER
out = out.findAll{ !MediaDetection.releaseInfo.structureRootPattern.matcher(it).matches() } // IGNORE NAMES THAT OVERLAP WITH MEDIA FOLDER NAMES
out = out.unique{ it.toLowerCase().normalizePunctuation() }.findAll{ it.length() > 0 }
out = out.size() <= 4 ? out : out.subList(0, 4)
return out
def treeSort(list, keyFunction) {
def sorter = new TreeMap(String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER)
sorter.put(keyFunction(it), it)
return sorter.values()
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
// BUILD moviedb index
def omdb = []
new File('omdb.txt').eachLine('Windows-1252'){
def line = it.split(/\t/)
if (line.length > 11 && line[0] ==~ /\d+/) {
def imdbid = line[1].substring(2).toInteger()
def name = line[2].replaceAll(/\s+/, ' ').trim()
def year = line[3].toInteger()
def runtime = line[5]
def rating = tryQuietly{ line[12].toFloat() } ?: 0
def votes = tryQuietly{ line[13].replaceAll(/\D/, '').toInteger() } ?: 0
if ((year >= 1970 && (runtime =~ /(\d.h)|(\d{3}.min)/ || votes >= 200) && rating >= 1 && votes >= 50) || (year >= 1950 && votes >= 5000)) {
omdb << [imdbid.pad(7), name, year]
omdb = omdb.findAll{ (it[0] as int) <= 9999999 && isValidMovieName(it[1]) }
def tmdb_txt = new File('tmdb.txt')
def tmdb_index = csv(tmdb_txt, '\t', 1, [0..-1])
def tmdb = omdb.findResults{ m ->
def sync = System.currentTimeMillis()
if (tmdb_index.containsKey(m[0]) && (sync - tmdb_index[m[0]][0].toLong()) < (360 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000L) ) {
return tmdb_index[m[0]]
def row = [sync, m[0].pad(7), 0, m[2], m[1]]
try {
def info = net.sourceforge.filebot.WebServices.TMDb.getMovieInfo("tt${m[0]}", Locale.ENGLISH, true, false)
def names = [info.name, info.originalName] + info.alternativeTitles
if (info.released != null) {
row = [sync, m[0].pad(7), info.id.pad(7), info.released.year] + names
} else {
println "Illegal movie: ${info.name} | ${m}"
} catch(FileNotFoundException e) {
println row
tmdb_txt << row.join('\t') << '\n'
return row
movies = tmdb.findResults{
def ity = it[1..3] // imdb id, tmdb id, year
def names = getNamePermutations(it[4..-1]).findAll{ isValidMovieName(it) }
if (ity[0].toInteger() > 0 && ity[1].toInteger() > 0 && names.size() > 0)
return ity + names
return null
movies = treeSort(movies, { it[3, 2].join(' ') })
// sanity check
if (movies.size() < 40000) { throw new Exception('Movie index sanity failed:' + movies.size()) }
pack(moviedb_out, movies*.join('\t'))
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
// BUILD tvdb index
def tvdb_txt = new File('tvdb.txt')
def tvdb = [:]
if (tvdb_txt.exists()) {
def line = it.split('\t').toList()
tvdb.put(line[1] as Integer, [line[0] as Long, line[1] as Integer, line[2], line[3], line[4], line[5] as Float, line[6] as Integer])
def tvdb_updates = new File('updates_all.xml').text.xml.'**'.Series.findResults{ s -> tryQuietly{ [id:s.id.text() as Integer, time:s.time.text() as Integer] } }
tvdb_updates.each{ update ->
if (tvdb[update.id] == null || update.time > tvdb[update.id][0]) {
try {
retry(2, 500) {
def xml = new URL("http://thetvdb.com/api/BA864DEE427E384A/series/${update.id}/en.xml").fetch().text.xml
def imdbid = xml.'**'.IMDB_ID.text()
def tvdb_name = xml.'**'.SeriesName.text()
def rating = tryQuietly{ xml.'**'.Rating.text().toFloat() }
def votes = tryQuietly{ xml.'**'.RatingCount.text().toInteger() }
def imdb_name = _guarded{
if (imdbid =~ /tt(\d+)/) {
def dom = IMDb.parsePage(IMDb.getMoviePageLink(imdbid.match(/tt(\d+)/) as int).toURL())
return net.sourceforge.filebot.util.XPathUtilities.selectString("//META[@property='og:title']/@content", dom)
def data = [update.time, update.id, imdbid, tvdb_name ?: '', imdb_name ?: '', rating ?: 0, votes ?: 0]
tvdb.put(update.id, data)
println "Update $update => $data"
catch(Throwable e) {
def data = [update.time, update.id, '', '', '', 0, 0]
tvdb.put(update.id, data)
println "Update $update => $data"
// remove entries that have become invalid
def tvdb_ids = tvdb_updates.findResults{ it.id } as HashSet
tvdb.keySet().toList().each{ id ->
if (!tvdb_ids.contains(id)) {
println "Invalid ID found: ${tvdb[id]}"
tvdb.values().findResults{ it.join('\t') }.join('\n').saveAs(tvdb_txt)
def thetvdb_index = []
tvdb.values().each{ r ->
def tvdb_id = r[1]
def tvdb_name = r[3]
def imdb_name = r[4].replaceAll(/\([^\)]*\)$/, '').trim()
def rating = r[5]
def votes = r[6]
if ((votes >= 5 && rating >= 4) || (votes >= 2 && rating >= 7) || (votes >= 1 && rating >= 10)) {
getNamePermutations([tvdb_name, imdb_name]).each{ n ->
thetvdb_index << [tvdb_id, n]
def addSeriesAlias = { from, to ->
def se = thetvdb_index.find{ from == it[1] && !it.contains(to) }
if (se == null) throw new Exception("Unabled to find series '${from}': '${to}'")
thetvdb_index << [se[0], to]
// additional custom mappings
addSeriesAlias('Law & Order: Special Victims Unit', 'Law and Order SVU')
addSeriesAlias('Law & Order: Special Victims Unit', 'Law & Order SVU')
addSeriesAlias('CSI: Crime Scene Investigation', 'CSI')
addSeriesAlias('M*A*S*H', 'MASH')
addSeriesAlias('M*A*S*H', 'M.A.S.H.')
addSeriesAlias('NCIS: Los Angeles', 'NCIS LA')
addSeriesAlias('NCIS: Los Angeles', 'NCIS LosAngeles')
addSeriesAlias('How I Met Your Mother', 'HIMYM')
addSeriesAlias('Battlestar Galactica (2003)', 'BSG')
addSeriesAlias('World Series of Poker', 'WSOP')
addSeriesAlias('House of Cards', 'HOC')
addSeriesAlias('The Big Bang Theory', 'TBBT')
addSeriesAlias('The Walking Dead', 'TWD')
addSeriesAlias('@midnight', 'At Midnight')
addSeriesAlias('The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson', 'Craig Ferguson')
addSeriesAlias('Naruto Shippuden', 'Naruto Shippuuden')
addSeriesAlias('Resurrection', 'Resurrection (US)')
thetvdb_index = thetvdb_index.findResults{ [it[0] as Integer, it[1].replaceAll(/\s+/, ' ').trim()] }.findAll{ !(it[1] =~ /(?i:duplicate)/ || it[1] =~ /\d{6,}/ || it[1].startsWith('*') || it[1].endsWith('*') || it[1].length() < 2) }
thetvdb_index = thetvdb_index.sort({ a, b -> a[0] <=> b[0] } as Comparator)
// join and sort
def thetvdb_txt = thetvdb_index.groupBy{ it[0] }.findResults{ k, v -> ([k.pad(6)] + v*.getAt(1).unique{ it.toLowerCase() }).join('\t') }
// sanity check
if (thetvdb_txt.size() < 4000) { throw new Exception('TheTVDB index sanity failed: ' + thetvdb_txt.size()) }
pack(thetvdb_out, thetvdb_txt)
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
// BUILD anidb index
def anidb = new net.sourceforge.filebot.web.AnidbClient('filebot', 4).getAnimeTitles()
def anidb_index = anidb.findResults{
def names = it.effectiveNames*.replaceAll(/\s+/, ' ')*.trim()*.replaceAll(/['`´ʻ]+/, /'/)
names = getNamePermutations(names)
names = names.findAll{ stripReleaseInfo(it)?.length() > 0 }
return names.empty ? null : [it.getAnimeId().pad(5)] + names
// join and sort
def anidb_txt = anidb_index.findResults{ row -> row.join('\t') }.sort().unique()
// sanity check
if (anidb_txt.size() < 8000) { throw new Exception('AniDB index sanity failed:' + anidb_txt.size()) }
pack(anidb_out, anidb_txt)