
409 lines
12 KiB

package net.filebot.similarity;
import static java.util.Collections.*;
import static java.util.regex.Pattern.*;
import static net.filebot.util.FileUtilities.*;
import static net.filebot.util.StringUtilities.*;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.regex.MatchResult;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
public class SeasonEpisodeMatcher {
public static final SeasonEpisodeFilter LENIENT_SANITY = new SeasonEpisodeFilter(99, 999, 9999, 1970, 2100);
public static final SeasonEpisodeFilter DEFAULT_SANITY = new SeasonEpisodeFilter(50, 50, 1000, 1970, 2100);
public static final SeasonEpisodeFilter STRICT_SANITY = new SeasonEpisodeFilter(10, 30, -1, -1, -1);
private SeasonEpisodeParser[] patterns;
private Pattern seasonPattern;
public SeasonEpisodeMatcher(SeasonEpisodeFilter sanity, boolean strict) {
// define variables
SeasonEpisodePattern Season_00_Episode_00, S00E00SEQ, S00E00, SxE1_SxE2, SxE, Dot101, EP0, Num101_TOKEN, E1of2, Num101_SUBSTRING;
// match patterns like Season 01 Episode 02, ...
Season_00_Episode_00 = new SeasonEpisodePattern(null, "(?<!\\p{Alnum})(?i:season|series)[^\\p{Alnum}]{0,3}(\\d{1,4})[^\\p{Alnum}]{0,3}(?i:episode)[^\\p{Alnum}]{0,3}(\\d{1,4})[^\\p{Alnum}]{0,3}(?!\\p{Digit})");
// match patterns like S01E01-E05
S00E00SEQ = new SeasonEpisodePattern(null, "(?<!\\p{Alnum}|[-])[Ss](\\d{1,2}|\\d{4})[Ee](\\d{2,3})[-][Ee](\\d{2,3})(?!\\p{Alnum}|[-])") {
protected Collection<SxE> process(MatchResult match) {
List<SxE> seq = new ArrayList<SxE>();
int s = Integer.parseInt(;
int e1 = Integer.parseInt(;
int e2 = Integer.parseInt(;
for (int i = e1; i <= e2; i++) {
seq.add(new SxE(s, i));
return seq;
// match patterns like S01E01, s01e02, ... [s01]_[e02], s01.e02, s01e02a, s2010e01 ... s01e01-02-03-04, [s01]_[e01-02-03-04] ...
S00E00 = new SeasonEpisodePattern(null, "(?<!\\p{Digit})[Ss](\\d{1,2}|\\d{4})[^\\p{Alnum}]{0,3}(?i:ep|e|p)(((?<=[^._ ])[Ee]?[Pp]?\\d{1,3}(\\D|$))+)") {
protected Collection<SxE> process(MatchResult match) {
List<SxE> matches = new ArrayList<SxE>(2);
int seasonNumber = Integer.parseInt(;
for (int episodeNumber : matchIntegers( {
matches.add(new SxE(seasonNumber, episodeNumber));
return matches;
// match patterns 1x01-1x02, ...
SxE1_SxE2 = new SeasonEpisodePattern(sanity, "(?<!\\p{Alnum})(\\d{1,2}x\\d{2}([-._ ]\\d{1,2}x\\d{2})+)(?!\\p{Digit})") {
protected Collection<SxE> process(MatchResult match) {
List<SxE> matches = new ArrayList<SxE>(2);
String[] numbers = NON_DIGIT.split(;
for (int i = 0; i < numbers.length; i += 2) {
matches.add(new SxE(numbers[i], numbers[i + 1])); // SxE-SxE-SxE
return matches;
// match patterns like 1x01, 1.02, ..., 1x01a, 10x01, 10.02, ... 1x01-02-03-04, 1x01x02x03x04 ...
SxE = new SeasonEpisodePattern(sanity, "(?<!\\p{Alnum})(\\d{1,2})[xe](((?<=[^._ ])\\d{2,3}(\\D|$))+)") {
protected Collection<SxE> process(MatchResult match) {
List<SxE> matches = new ArrayList<SxE>(2);
int seasonNumber = Integer.parseInt(;
for (int episodeNumber : matchIntegers( {
matches.add(new SxE(seasonNumber, episodeNumber));
return matches;
// match patterns 1.02, ..., 10.02, ...
Dot101 = new SeasonEpisodePattern(sanity, "(?<!\\p{Alnum}|\\d{4}[.])(\\d{1,2})[.](((?<=[^._ ])\\d{2}(\\D|$))+)") {
protected Collection<SxE> process(MatchResult match) {
List<SxE> matches = new ArrayList<SxE>(2);
int seasonNumber = Integer.parseInt(;
for (int episodeNumber : matchIntegers( {
matches.add(new SxE(seasonNumber, episodeNumber));
return matches;
// match patterns like ep1, ep.1, ...
EP0 = new SeasonEpisodePattern(sanity, "(?<!\\p{Alnum})(\\d{2}|\\d{4})?[^\\p{Alnum}]{0,3}(?i:e|ep|episode|p|part)[^\\p{Alnum}]{0,3}(\\d{1,3})(?!\\p{Digit})") {
protected Collection<SxE> process(MatchResult match) {
// regex doesn't match season
return singleton(new SxE(,;
// match patterns like 01, 102, 1003, 10102 (enclosed in separators)
Num101_TOKEN = new SeasonEpisodePattern(sanity, "(?<!\\p{Alnum})([0-2]?\\d?)(\\d{2})(\\d{2})?(?!\\p{Alnum})") {
protected Collection<SxE> process(MatchResult match) {
Set<SxE> sxe = new LinkedHashSet<SxE>(2);
// interpret match as season and episode, but ignore 001 => 0x01 Season 0 matches
if ( > 0 && Integer.parseInt( > 0) {
for (int i = 2; i <= match.groupCount(); i++) {
if ( != null) {
sxe.add(new SxE(,;
// interpret match both ways, as SxE match as well as episode number only match if it's not an double episode
if (sxe.size() < 2) {
sxe.add(new SxE(null, +;
// return both matches, unless they are one and the same
return sxe;
E1of2 = new SeasonEpisodePattern(sanity, "(?<!\\p{Alnum})(\\d{1,2})[^._ ]?(?i:of)[^._ ]?(\\d{1,2})(?!\\p{Digit})") {
protected Collection<SxE> process(MatchResult match) {
// regex doesn't match season
return singleton(new SxE(null,;
// (last-resort) match patterns like 101, 102 (and greedily just grab the first)
Num101_SUBSTRING = new SeasonEpisodePattern(STRICT_SANITY, "([1-9]{1})(\\d{2}).*") {
protected Collection<SxE> process(MatchResult match) {
return singleton(new SxE(,;
// only use S00E00 and SxE pattern in strict mode
if (strict) {
patterns = new SeasonEpisodeParser[] { Season_00_Episode_00, S00E00SEQ, S00E00, SxE1_SxE2, SxE, Dot101 };
} else {
patterns = new SeasonEpisodeParser[] { Season_00_Episode_00, S00E00SEQ, S00E00, SxE1_SxE2, SxE, Dot101, new SeasonEpisodeUnion(EP0, Num101_TOKEN, E1of2), Num101_SUBSTRING };
// season folder pattern for complementing partial sxe info from filename
seasonPattern = compile("Season[-._ ]?(\\d{1,2})", CASE_INSENSITIVE | UNICODE_CHARACTER_CLASS);
* Try to get season and episode numbers for the given string.
* @param name
* match this string against the a set of know patterns
* @return the matches returned by the first pattern that returns any matches for this string, or null if no pattern returned any matches
public List<SxE> match(CharSequence name) {
for (SeasonEpisodeParser pattern : patterns) {
List<SxE> match = pattern.match(name);
if (!match.isEmpty()) {
// current pattern did match
return match;
return null;
public List<SxE> match(File file) {
// take folder name into consideration as much as file name but put priority on file name
List<String> tail = tokenizeTail(file);
for (SeasonEpisodeParser pattern : patterns) {
for (int t = 0; t < tail.size(); t++) {
List<SxE> match = pattern.match(tail.get(t));
if (!match.isEmpty()) {
// current pattern did match
for (int i = 0; i < match.size(); i++) {
if (match.get(i).season < 0 && t < tail.size() - 1) {
Matcher sm = seasonPattern.matcher(tail.get(t + 1));
if (sm.find()) {
match.set(i, new SxE(Integer.parseInt(, match.get(i).episode));
return match;
return null;
protected List<String> tokenizeTail(File file) {
List<String> tail = new ArrayList<String>(2);
for (File f : listPathTail(file, 2, true)) {
return tail;
public int find(CharSequence name, int fromIndex) {
for (SeasonEpisodeParser pattern : patterns) {
int index = pattern.find(name, fromIndex);
if (index >= 0) {
// current pattern did match
return index;
return -1;
public String head(String name) {
int seasonEpisodePosition = find(name, 0);
if (seasonEpisodePosition > 0) {
return name.substring(0, seasonEpisodePosition).trim();
return null;
public static class SxE {
public static final int UNDEFINED = -1;
public final int season;
public final int episode;
public SxE(Integer season, Integer episode) {
this.season = season != null ? season : UNDEFINED;
this.episode = episode != null ? episode : UNDEFINED;
public SxE(String season, String episode) {
this.season = parse(season);
this.episode = parse(episode);
protected int parse(String number) {
try {
return Integer.parseInt(number);
} catch (Exception e) {
public boolean equals(Object object) {
if (object instanceof SxE) {
SxE other = (SxE) object;
return this.season == other.season && this.episode == other.episode;
return false;
public int hashCode() {
return Arrays.hashCode(new Object[] { season, episode });
public String toString() {
return season >= 0 ? String.format("%dx%02d", season, episode) : String.format("%02d", episode);
public static class SeasonEpisodeFilter {
public final int seasonLimit;
public final int seasonEpisodeLimit;
public final int absoluteEpisodeLimit;
public final int seasonYearBegin;
public final int seasonYearEnd;
public SeasonEpisodeFilter(int seasonLimit, int seasonEpisodeLimit, int absoluteEpisodeLimit, int seasonYearBegin, int seasonYearEnd) {
this.seasonLimit = seasonLimit;
this.seasonEpisodeLimit = seasonEpisodeLimit;
this.absoluteEpisodeLimit = absoluteEpisodeLimit;
this.seasonYearBegin = seasonYearBegin;
this.seasonYearEnd = seasonYearEnd;
boolean filter(SxE sxe) {
return (sxe.season >= 0 && (sxe.season < seasonLimit || (sxe.season > seasonYearBegin && sxe.season < seasonYearEnd)) && sxe.episode < seasonEpisodeLimit) || (sxe.season < 0 && sxe.episode < absoluteEpisodeLimit);
public static interface SeasonEpisodeParser {
public abstract List<SxE> match(CharSequence name);
public abstract int find(CharSequence name, int fromIndex);
public static class SeasonEpisodePattern implements SeasonEpisodeParser {
protected final Pattern pattern;
protected final SeasonEpisodeFilter sanity;
public SeasonEpisodePattern(SeasonEpisodeFilter sanity, String pattern) {
this.pattern = Pattern.compile(pattern);
this.sanity = sanity;
public Matcher matcher(CharSequence name) {
return pattern.matcher(name);
protected Collection<SxE> process(MatchResult match) {
return singleton(new SxE(,;
public List<SxE> match(CharSequence name) {
// name will probably contain no more than two matches
List<SxE> matches = new ArrayList<SxE>(2);
Matcher matcher = matcher(name);
while (matcher.find()) {
for (SxE value : process(matcher)) {
if (sanity == null || sanity.filter(value)) {
return matches;
public int find(CharSequence name, int fromIndex) {
Matcher matcher = matcher(name).region(fromIndex, name.length());
while (matcher.find()) {
for (SxE value : process(matcher)) {
if (sanity == null || sanity.filter(value)) {
return matcher.start();
return -1;
public String toString() {
return pattern.pattern();
public static class SeasonEpisodeUnion implements SeasonEpisodeParser {
private final SeasonEpisodeParser[] parsers;
public SeasonEpisodeUnion(SeasonEpisodeParser... parsers) {
this.parsers = parsers;
public List<SxE> match(CharSequence name) {
Set<SxE> matches = new LinkedHashSet<SxE>();
for (SeasonEpisodeParser it : parsers) {
return new ArrayList<SxE>(matches);
public int find(CharSequence name, int fromIndex) {
int min = -1;
for (SeasonEpisodeParser it : parsers) {
int pos = it.find(name, fromIndex);
if (pos >= 0 && pos > min) {
min = pos;
return min;