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synced 2025-03-10 06:20:27 -04:00
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180 lines
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package net.filebot.web;
import static java.util.stream.Collectors.*;
import static net.filebot.similarity.Normalization.*;
import java.text.FieldPosition;
import java.text.Format;
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.text.ParsePosition;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.SortedMap;
import java.util.SortedSet;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import java.util.stream.Stream;
import net.filebot.similarity.Normalization;
public class EpisodeFormat extends Format {
public static final EpisodeFormat SeasonEpisode = new EpisodeFormat();
public StringBuffer format(Object obj, StringBuffer sb, FieldPosition pos) {
if (obj instanceof MultiEpisode) {
return sb.append(formatMultiEpisode(((MultiEpisode) obj).getEpisodes()));
// format episode object, e.g. Dark Angel - 3x01 - Labyrinth [2009-06-01]
Episode episode = (Episode) obj;
// episode number is most likely a number but could also be some kind of special identifier (e.g. Special)
String episodeNumber = episode.getEpisode() != null ? String.format("%02d", episode.getEpisode()) : null;
// series name should not be empty or null
if (episode.getSeason() != null) {
// season and episode
sb.append(" - ").append(episode.getSeason()).append('x');
if (episode.getEpisode() != null) {
sb.append(String.format("%02d", episode.getEpisode()));
} else if (episode.getSpecial() != null) {
sb.append("Special " + episode.getSpecial());
} else {
// episode, but no season
if (episode.getEpisode() != null) {
sb.append(" - ").append(episodeNumber);
} else if (episode.getSpecial() != null) {
sb.append(" - ").append("Special " + episode.getSpecial());
sb.append(" - ").append(episode.getTitle());
return sb;
public String formatMultiEpisode(Collection<Episode> episodes) {
Function<Episode, String> seriesName = it -> it.getSeriesName();
Function<Episode, String> episodeNumber = it -> formatSxE(it);
Function<Episode, String> episodeTitle = it -> it.getTitle() == null ? "" : removeTrailingBrackets(it.getTitle());
return Stream.of(seriesName, episodeNumber, episodeTitle).map(f -> {
return episodes.stream().map(f::apply).filter(s -> s.length() > 0).distinct().collect(joining(" & "));
}).collect(joining(" - "));
public String formatSxE(Episode episode) {
if (episode instanceof MultiEpisode) {
return formatMultiRangeSxE(((MultiEpisode) episode).getEpisodes());
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
if (episode.getSeason() != null || episode.getSpecial() != null) {
sb.append(episode.getSpecial() == null ? episode.getSeason() : 0).append('x');
if (episode.getEpisode() != null || episode.getSpecial() != null) {
sb.append(String.format("%02d", episode.getSpecial() == null ? episode.getEpisode() : episode.getSpecial()));
return sb.toString();
public String formatS00E00(Episode episode) {
if (episode instanceof MultiEpisode) {
return formatMultiRangeS00E00(((MultiEpisode) episode).getEpisodes());
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
if (episode.getSeason() != null || episode.getSpecial() != null) {
sb.append(String.format("S%02d", episode.getSpecial() == null ? episode.getSeason() : 0));
if (episode.getEpisode() != null || episode.getSpecial() != null) {
sb.append(String.format("E%02d", episode.getSpecial() == null ? episode.getEpisode() : episode.getSpecial()));
return sb.toString();
public String formatMultiTitle(Collection<Episode> episodes) {
return episodes.stream().map(Episode::getTitle).filter(Objects::nonNull).map(Normalization::removeTrailingBrackets).distinct().collect(joining(" & "));
public String formatMultiRangeSxE(Iterable<Episode> episodes) {
return formatMultiRangeNumbers(episodes, "%01dx", "%02d");
public String formatMultiRangeS00E00(Iterable<Episode> episodes) {
return formatMultiRangeNumbers(episodes, "S%02d", "E%02d");
public String formatMultiRangeNumbers(Iterable<Episode> episodes, String seasonFormat, String episodeFormat) {
return getSeasonEpisodeNumbers(episodes).entrySet().stream().map(it -> {
String s = it.getKey() >= 0 ? String.format(seasonFormat, it.getKey()) : "";
return Stream.of(it.getValue().first(), it.getValue().last()).distinct().map(i -> String.format(episodeFormat, i)).collect(joining("-", s, ""));
}).collect(joining(" - "));
private SortedMap<Integer, SortedSet<Integer>> getSeasonEpisodeNumbers(Iterable<Episode> episodes) {
SortedMap<Integer, SortedSet<Integer>> n = new TreeMap<Integer, SortedSet<Integer>>();
for (Episode it : episodes) {
Integer s = it.getSeason() == null || it.getSpecial() != null ? it.getSpecial() == null ? -1 : 0 : it.getSeason();
Integer e = it.getEpisode() == null ? it.getSpecial() == null ? -1 : it.getSpecial() : it.getEpisode();
n.computeIfAbsent(s, key -> new TreeSet<Integer>()).add(e);
return n;
private final Pattern sxePattern = Pattern.compile("- (?:(\\d{1,2})x)?(Special )?(\\d{1,3}) -");
private final Pattern airdatePattern = Pattern.compile("\\[(\\d{4}-\\d{1,2}-\\d{1,2})\\]");
public Episode parseObject(String s, ParsePosition pos) {
StringBuilder source = new StringBuilder(s);
Integer season = null;
Integer episode = null;
Integer special = null;
SimpleDate airdate = null;
Matcher m;
if ((m = airdatePattern.matcher(source)).find()) {
airdate = SimpleDate.parse(m.group(1));
source.replace(m.start(), m.end(), ""); // remove matched part from text
if ((m = sxePattern.matcher(source)).find()) {
season = (m.group(1) == null) ? null : Integer.parseInt(m.group(1));
if (m.group(2) == null)
episode = Integer.parseInt(m.group(3));
special = Integer.parseInt(m.group(3));
source.replace(m.start(), m.end(), ""); // remove matched part from text
// assume that all the remaining text is series name and title
String name = source.substring(0, m.start()).trim();
String title = source.substring(m.start()).trim();
// did parse input
return new Episode(name, season, episode, title, season == null ? episode : null, special, airdate, null, null);
// failed to parse input
return null;
public Episode parseObject(String source) throws ParseException {
return (Episode) super.parseObject(source);