
444 lines
16 KiB

package net.filebot.ui.rename;
import static java.util.Collections.*;
import static java.util.Comparator.*;
import static*;
import static javax.swing.BorderFactory.*;
import static net.filebot.Logging.*;
import static net.filebot.MediaTypes.*;
import static net.filebot.Settings.*;
import static*;
import static net.filebot.similarity.CommonSequenceMatcher.*;
import static net.filebot.similarity.Normalization.*;
import static net.filebot.util.FileUtilities.*;
import static net.filebot.util.ui.SwingUI.*;
import java.awt.Component;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.EnumSet;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.SortedSet;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
import java.util.concurrent.CancellationException;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import java.util.concurrent.Future;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.prefs.Preferences;
import javax.swing.Action;
import javax.swing.Icon;
import javax.swing.JLabel;
import net.filebot.similarity.Match;
import net.filebot.similarity.NameSimilarityMetric;
import net.filebot.similarity.SimilarityMetric;
import net.filebot.ui.SelectDialog;
import net.filebot.util.FileUtilities.ParentFilter;
import net.filebot.web.Movie;
import net.filebot.web.MovieIdentificationService;
import net.filebot.web.MoviePart;
import net.filebot.web.SearchResult;
import net.filebot.web.SortOrder;
import net.filebot.web.ThumbnailProvider;
import net.filebot.web.ThumbnailProvider.ResolutionVariant;
class MovieMatcher implements AutoCompleteMatcher {
private MovieIdentificationService service;
// remember user decisions and only bother user once
private Set<AutoSelection> autoSelectionMode = EnumSet.noneOf(AutoSelection.class);
private Map<String, Movie> selectionMemory = new TreeMap<String, Movie>(getLenientCollator(Locale.ENGLISH));
private Map<String, String> inputMemory = new TreeMap<String, String>(getLenientCollator(Locale.ENGLISH));
public MovieMatcher(MovieIdentificationService service) {
this.service = service;
public List<Match<File, ?>> match(Collection<File> files, boolean strict, SortOrder sortOrder, Locale locale, boolean autodetect, Component parent) throws Exception {
if (files.isEmpty()) {
return justFetchMovieInfo(locale, parent);
// ignore sample files
List<File> fileset = autodetect ? filter(files, not(getClutterFileFilter())) : new ArrayList<File>(files);
// handle movie files
Set<File> movieFiles = new TreeSet<File>(filter(fileset, VIDEO_FILES));
Set<File> nfoFiles = new TreeSet<File>(filter(fileset, NFO_FILES));
List<File> orphanedFiles = new ArrayList<File>(filter(fileset, FILES));
Map<File, List<File>> derivatesByMovieFile = new HashMap<File, List<File>>();
for (File movieFile : movieFiles) {
derivatesByMovieFile.put(movieFile, new ArrayList<File>());
for (File file : orphanedFiles) {
List<File> orphanParent = listPath(file);
for (File movieFile : movieFiles) {
if (orphanParent.contains(movieFile.getParentFile()) && isDerived(file, movieFile)) {
for (List<File> derivates : derivatesByMovieFile.values()) {
// match movie hashes online
Map<File, Movie> movieByFile = new TreeMap<File, Movie>();
// collect useful nfo files even if they are not part of the selected fileset
Set<File> effectiveNfoFileSet = new TreeSet<File>(nfoFiles);
for (File dir : mapByFolder(movieFiles).keySet()) {
effectiveNfoFileSet.addAll(getChildren(dir, NFO_FILES));
for (File dir : filter(fileset, FOLDERS)) {
effectiveNfoFileSet.addAll(getChildren(dir, NFO_FILES));
for (File nfo : effectiveNfoFileSet) {
try {
Movie movie = grepMovie(nfo, service, locale);
// ignore illegal nfos
if (movie == null) {
if (nfoFiles.contains(nfo)) {
movieByFile.put(nfo, movie);
if (isDiskFolder(nfo.getParentFile())) {
// special handling for disk folders
for (File folder : fileset) {
if (nfo.getParentFile().equals(folder)) {
movieByFile.put(folder, movie);
} else {
// match movie info to movie files that match the nfo file name
SortedSet<File> siblingMovieFiles = new TreeSet<File>(filter(movieFiles, new ParentFilter(nfo.getParentFile())));
String baseName = stripReleaseInfo(getName(nfo)).toLowerCase();
for (File movieFile : siblingMovieFiles) {
if (!baseName.isEmpty() && stripReleaseInfo(getName(movieFile)).toLowerCase().startsWith(baseName)) {
movieByFile.put(movieFile, movie);
} catch (Exception e) {
debug.log(Level.WARNING, "Failed to grep IMDbID: " + nfo.getName(), e);
// collect files that will be matched one by one
List<File> movieMatchFiles = new ArrayList<File>();
movieMatchFiles.addAll(filter(files, FOLDERS));
movieMatchFiles.addAll(filter(orphanedFiles, SUBTITLE_FILES)); // run movie detection only on orphaned subtitle files
// match remaining movies file by file in parallel
ExecutorService workerThreadPool = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(getPreferredThreadPoolSize());
try {
List<Future<Map<File, List<Movie>>>> tasks = -> movieByFile.get(f) == null).map(f -> {
return workerThreadPool.submit(() -> {
List<Movie> options = detectMovieWithYear(f, service, locale, strict);
// ignore files that cannot yield any acceptable matches (e.g. movie files without year in strict mode)
if (options == null) {
return (Map<File, List<Movie>>) EMPTY_MAP;
return singletonMap(f, options);
for (Future<Map<File, List<Movie>>> future : tasks) {
for (Entry<File, List<Movie>> it : future.get().entrySet()) {
File file = it.getKey();
List<Movie> options = it.getValue();
// auto-select movie or ask user
Movie movie = grabMovieName(file, options, strict, locale, autodetect, parent);
// make sure to use language-specific movie object if possible
movie = getLocalizedMovie(service, movie, locale);
if (movie != null) {
movieByFile.put(file, movie);
} finally {
// map movies to (possibly multiple) files (in natural order)
Map<Movie, Set<File>> filesByMovie = movieByFile.entrySet().stream().collect(groupingBy(Entry::getValue, LinkedHashMap::new, mapping(Entry::getKey, toCollection(TreeSet::new))));
// collect all File/MoviePart matches
List<Match<File, ?>> matches = new ArrayList<Match<File, ?>>();
filesByMovie.forEach((movie, fs) -> {
groupByMediaCharacteristics(fs).forEach(moviePartFiles -> {
// resolve movie parts
for (int i = 0; i < moviePartFiles.size(); i++) {
Movie moviePart = moviePartFiles.size() == 1 ? movie : new MoviePart(movie, i + 1, moviePartFiles.size());
matches.add(new Match<File, Movie>(moviePartFiles.get(i), moviePart.clone()));
// automatically add matches for derived files
List<File> derivates = derivatesByMovieFile.get(moviePartFiles.get(i));
if (derivates != null) {
for (File derivate : derivates) {
matches.add(new Match<File, Movie>(derivate, moviePart.clone()));
// restore original order
matches.sort(comparing(Match::getValue, OriginalOrder.of(files)));
return matches;
protected Movie grabMovieName(File movieFile, List<Movie> options, boolean strict, Locale locale, boolean autodetect, Component parent) throws Exception {
// allow manual user input
synchronized (selectionMemory) {
if (!strict && (!autodetect || options.isEmpty()) && !(autodetect && autoSelectionMode.size() > 0)) {
String suggestion = options.isEmpty() ? stripReleaseInfo(getName(movieFile)) : options.iterator().next().getName();
String input = inputMemory.get(suggestion);
if (input == null || suggestion == null || suggestion.isEmpty()) {
File movieFolder = guessMovieFolder(movieFile);
input = showInputDialog(getQueryInputMessage("Please identify the following files:", "Enter movie name:", movieFile), suggestion != null && suggestion.length() > 0 ? suggestion : getName(movieFile), movieFolder == null ? movieFile.getName() : String.join(" / ", movieFolder.getName(), movieFile.getName()), parent);
inputMemory.put(suggestion, input);
if (input != null && input.length() > 0) {
options = service.searchMovie(input, locale);
if (options.size() > 0) {
return selectMovie(movieFile, strict, input, options, parent);
return options.isEmpty() ? null : selectMovie(movieFile, strict, null, options, parent);
protected String getQueryInputMessage(String header, String message, File file) throws Exception {
StringBuilder html = new StringBuilder(512);
if (header != null) {
File path = getStructurePathTail(file);
if (path == null) {
path = getRelativePathTail(file, 3);
TextColorizer colorizer = new TextColorizer("<nobr>• ", "</nobr><br>");
colorizer.colorizePath(html, path, file.isFile());
if (message != null) {
return html.toString();
protected String checkedStripReleaseInfo(File file, boolean strict) throws Exception {
String name = stripReleaseInfo(getName(file));
// try to redeem possible false negative matches
if (name.length() < 2) {
Movie match = checkMovie(file, strict);
if (match != null) {
return match.getName();
return name;
protected Movie selectMovie(File movieFile, boolean strict, String userQuery, List<Movie> options, Component parent) throws Exception {
// just auto-pick singleton results
if (options.size() == 1) {
return options.iterator().next();
// 1. movie by filename
String fileQuery = (userQuery != null) ? userQuery : checkedStripReleaseInfo(movieFile, strict);
// 2. movie by directory
File movieFolder = guessMovieFolder(movieFile);
String folderQuery = (userQuery != null || movieFolder == null) ? "" : checkedStripReleaseInfo(movieFolder, strict);
// auto-ignore invalid files
if (userQuery == null && fileQuery.length() < 2 && folderQuery.length() < 2) {
return null;
// auto-select perfect match
for (Movie movie : options) {
String movieIdentifier = normalizePunctuation(movie.toString()).toLowerCase();
if (fileQuery.toLowerCase().startsWith(movieIdentifier) || folderQuery.toLowerCase().startsWith(movieIdentifier)) {
return movie;
// auto-select most probable search result
List<Movie> probableMatches = new LinkedList<Movie>();
SimilarityMetric metric = new NameSimilarityMetric();
float threshold = 0.9f;
// find probable matches using name similarity >= 0.9
for (Movie result : options) {
float maxSimilarity = 0;
for (String query : new String[] { fileQuery, folderQuery }) {
for (String name : strict ? result.getEffectiveNames() : result.getEffectiveNamesWithoutYear()) {
if (maxSimilarity >= threshold)
maxSimilarity = Math.max(maxSimilarity, metric.getSimilarity(query, name));
if (maxSimilarity >= threshold) {
// auto-select first and only probable search result
if (probableMatches.size() == 1) {
return probableMatches.get(0);
// if we haven't confirmed a match at this point then the file is probably badly named and should be ignored
if (strict) {
return null;
// prepare thumbnail images
Function<Movie, Icon> thumbnail = thumbnail(options, parent);
// show selection dialog on EDT
Callable<Movie> showSelectDialog = () -> {
String query = fileQuery.length() >= 2 || folderQuery.length() <= 2 ? fileQuery : folderQuery;
JLabel header = new JLabel(getQueryInputMessage("Failed to identify some of the following files:", null, movieFile));
header.setBorder(createCompoundBorder(createTitledBorder(""), createEmptyBorder(3, 3, 3, 3)));
// multiple results have been found, user must select one
SelectDialog<Movie> selectDialog = new SelectDialog<Movie>(parent, options, thumbnail, true, false, header);
selectDialog.getMessageLabel().setText("<html>Select best match for \"<b>" + escapeHTML(query) + "</b>\":</html>");
selectDialog.getCancelAction().putValue(Action.NAME, "Skip");
// show dialog
// remember dialog state
// remember if we should auto-repeat the chosen action in the future
if (selectDialog.getAutoRepeatCheckBox().isSelected() || selectDialog.getSelectedAction() == null) {
autoSelectionMode.add(selectDialog.getSelectedValue() == null ? AutoSelection.Skip : AutoSelection.First);
if (selectDialog.getSelectedAction() == null) {
throw new CancellationException();
// selected value or null if the dialog was canceled by the user
return selectDialog.getSelectedValue();
// allow only one select dialog at a time
synchronized (selectionMemory) {
String selectionKey = fileQuery.length() >= 2 || folderQuery.length() <= 2 ? fileQuery : folderQuery;
if (selectionMemory.containsKey(selectionKey)) {
return selectionMemory.get(selectionKey);
// check auto-selection settings
if (autoSelectionMode.contains(AutoSelection.First)) {
return options.iterator().next();
if (autoSelectionMode.contains(AutoSelection.Skip)) {
return null;
// allow only one select dialog at a time
Movie userSelection = showInputDialog(showSelectDialog);
// cache selected value
selectionMemory.put(selectionKey, userSelection);
return userSelection;
private enum AutoSelection {
First, Skip;
protected Function<Movie, Icon> thumbnail(List<Movie> options, Component parent) {
if (service instanceof ThumbnailProvider) {
try {
Map<SearchResult, Icon> thumbnails = ((ThumbnailProvider) service).getThumbnails((List) options, ResolutionVariant.fromScaleFactor(parent));
if (thumbnails.size() > 0) {
return key -> thumbnails.getOrDefault(key, BlankThumbnail.BLANK_POSTER);
} catch (Exception e) {
debug.log(Level.SEVERE, e, e::toString);
return null;
public List<Match<File, ?>> justFetchMovieInfo(Locale locale, Component parent) throws Exception {
// require user input
String input = showInputDialog("Enter movie name:", "", "Fetch Movie Info", parent);
List<Match<File, ?>> matches = new ArrayList<Match<File, ?>>();
if (input != null && input.length() > 0) {
for (Movie movie : detectMovie(new File(input), service, locale, false)) {
// make sure to use language-specific movie object if possible
movie = getLocalizedMovie(service, movie, locale);
if (movie != null) {
matches.add(new Match<File, Movie>(null, movie));
return matches;