
735 lines
23 KiB

package net.filebot.web;
import static java.lang.Math.*;
import static java.util.Arrays.*;
import static java.util.Collections.*;
import static net.filebot.util.FileUtilities.*;
import static net.filebot.web.OpenSubtitlesHasher.*;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import javax.swing.Icon;
import net.filebot.Cache;
import net.filebot.Cache.Key;
import net.filebot.ResourceManager;
import net.filebot.mediainfo.MediaInfo;
import net.filebot.mediainfo.MediaInfo.StreamKind;
import net.filebot.util.ExceptionUtilities;
import net.filebot.util.Timer;
import net.filebot.web.OpenSubtitlesXmlRpc.BaseInfo;
import net.filebot.web.OpenSubtitlesXmlRpc.Query;
import net.filebot.web.OpenSubtitlesXmlRpc.SubFile;
import net.filebot.web.OpenSubtitlesXmlRpc.TryUploadResponse;
import redstone.xmlrpc.XmlRpcException;
import redstone.xmlrpc.XmlRpcFault;
* SubtitleClient for OpenSubtitles.
public class OpenSubtitlesClient implements SubtitleProvider, VideoHashSubtitleService, MovieIdentificationService {
public final OpenSubtitlesXmlRpc xmlrpc;
private String username = "";
private String password = "";
public OpenSubtitlesClient(String name, String version) {
this.xmlrpc = new OpenSubtitlesXmlRpcWithRetryAndFloodLimit(String.format("%s v%s", name, version), 2, 3000);
public synchronized void setUser(String username, String password) {
// cancel previous session
this.username = username;
this.password = password;
public boolean isAnonymous() {
return username == null || username.isEmpty();
public String getName() {
return "OpenSubtitles";
public URI getLink() {
return URI.create("");
public Icon getIcon() {
return ResourceManager.getIcon("search.opensubtitles");
public ResultCache getCache() {
return new ResultCache("", Cache.getCache("web-datasource"));
public synchronized List<SearchResult> search(String query, boolean byMovie, boolean bySeries) throws Exception {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); // XMLRPC::SearchMoviesOnIMDB is not allowed due to abuse
public synchronized List<SubtitleDescriptor> getSubtitleList(SearchResult searchResult, String languageName) throws Exception {
List<SubtitleDescriptor> subtitles = getCache().getSubtitleDescriptorList(searchResult, languageName);
if (subtitles != null) {
return subtitles;
// singleton array with or empty array
int imdbid = ((Movie) searchResult).getImdbId();
String[] languageFilter = languageName != null ? new String[] { getSubLanguageID(languageName) } : new String[0];
// require login
// get subtitle list
subtitles = asList(xmlrpc.searchSubtitles(imdbid, languageFilter).toArray(new SubtitleDescriptor[0]));
getCache().putSubtitleDescriptorList(searchResult, languageName, subtitles);
return subtitles;
public Map<File, List<SubtitleDescriptor>> getSubtitleList(File[] files, String languageName) throws Exception {
Map<File, List<SubtitleDescriptor>> results = new HashMap<File, List<SubtitleDescriptor>>(files.length);
Set<File> remainingFiles = new LinkedHashSet<File>(asList(files));
// lookup subtitles by hash
if (remainingFiles.size() > 0) {
results.putAll(getSubtitleListByHash(remainingFiles.toArray(new File[0]), languageName));
for (Entry<File, List<SubtitleDescriptor>> it : results.entrySet()) {
if (it.getValue().size() > 0) {
// lookup subtitles by tag
if (remainingFiles.size() > 0) {
results.putAll(getSubtitleListByTag(remainingFiles.toArray(new File[0]), languageName));
return results;
// max numbers of queries to submit in a single XML-RPC request, but currently only batchSize == 1 is supported
private final int batchSize = 1;
public synchronized Map<File, List<SubtitleDescriptor>> getSubtitleListByHash(File[] files, String languageName) throws Exception {
// singleton array with or empty array
String[] languageFilter = languageName != null ? new String[] { getSubLanguageID(languageName) } : new String[0];
// remember hash for each file
Map<Query, File> hashMap = new HashMap<Query, File>(files.length);
Map<File, List<SubtitleDescriptor>> resultMap = new HashMap<File, List<SubtitleDescriptor>>(files.length);
// create hash query for each file
List<Query> hashQueryList = new ArrayList<Query>(files.length);
for (File file : files) {
// add hash query
if (file.length() > HASH_CHUNK_SIZE) {
String movieHash = computeHash(file);
Query query = Query.forHash(movieHash, file.length(), languageFilter);
// check hash
List<SubtitleDescriptor> cachedResults = getCache().getSubtitleDescriptorList(query, languageName);
if (cachedResults == null) {
hashMap.put(query, file);
} else {
resultMap.put(file, cachedResults);
// prepare result map
if (resultMap.get(file) == null) {
resultMap.put(file, new LinkedList<SubtitleDescriptor>());
if (hashQueryList.size() > 0) {
// require login
// dispatch query for all hashes
for (int bn = 0; bn < ceil((float) hashQueryList.size() / batchSize); bn++) {
List<Query> batch = hashQueryList.subList(bn * batchSize, min((bn * batchSize) + batchSize, hashQueryList.size()));
// submit query and map results to given files
for (OpenSubtitlesSubtitleDescriptor subtitle : xmlrpc.searchSubtitles(batch)) {
// get file for hash
File file = hashMap.get((batch.get(0)));
// add subtitle
if (file != null) {
} else {
Logger.getLogger(getClass().getName()).log(Level.WARNING, "Unable to map hash to file: " + subtitle.getMovieHash());
for (Query query : batch) {
getCache().putSubtitleDescriptorList(query, languageName, resultMap.get(hashMap.get(query)));
return resultMap;
public synchronized Map<File, List<SubtitleDescriptor>> getSubtitleListByTag(File[] files, String languageName) throws Exception {
// singleton array with or empty array
String[] languageFilter = languageName != null ? new String[] { getSubLanguageID(languageName) } : new String[0];
// remember tag for each file
Map<Query, File> tagMap = new HashMap<Query, File>(files.length);
Map<File, List<SubtitleDescriptor>> resultMap = new HashMap<File, List<SubtitleDescriptor>>(files.length);
// create tag query for each file
List<Query> tagQueryList = new ArrayList<Query>(files.length);
for (File file : files) {
// add tag query
String tag = getNameWithoutExtension(file.getName());
Query query = Query.forTag(tag, languageFilter);
// check tag
List<SubtitleDescriptor> cachedResults = getCache().getSubtitleDescriptorList(query, languageName);
if (cachedResults == null) {
tagMap.put(query, file);
} else {
resultMap.put(file, cachedResults);
// prepare result map
if (resultMap.get(file) == null) {
resultMap.put(file, new LinkedList<SubtitleDescriptor>());
if (tagQueryList.size() > 0) {
// require login
// dispatch query for all hashes
for (int bn = 0; bn < ceil((float) tagQueryList.size() / batchSize); bn++) {
List<Query> batch = tagQueryList.subList(bn * batchSize, min((bn * batchSize) + batchSize, tagQueryList.size()));
// submit query and map results to given files
for (OpenSubtitlesSubtitleDescriptor subtitle : xmlrpc.searchSubtitles(batch)) {
// get file for tag
File file = tagMap.get(batch.get(0));
// add subtitle
if (file != null) {
} else {
Logger.getLogger(getClass().getName()).log(Level.WARNING, "Unable to map release name to file: " + subtitle.getMovieReleaseName());
for (Query query : batch) {
getCache().putSubtitleDescriptorList(query, languageName, resultMap.get(tagMap.get(query)));
return resultMap;
public CheckResult checkSubtitle(File videoFile, File subtitleFile) throws Exception {
// subhash (md5 of subtitles), subfilename, moviehash, moviebytesize, moviefilename
SubFile sub = new SubFile();
// require login
// check if subs already exist in DB
TryUploadResponse response = xmlrpc.tryUploadSubtitles(sub);
// TryUploadResponse: false => [{HashWasAlreadyInDb=1, MovieKind=movie, IDSubtitle=3167446, MoviefilenameWasAlreadyInDb=1, ISO639=en, MovieYear=2007, SubLanguageID=eng, MovieName=Blades of Glory, MovieNameEng=, IDMovieImdb=445934}]
boolean exists = !response.isUploadRequired();
Movie identity = null;
Locale language = null;
if (response.getSubtitleData().size() > 0) {
try {
Map<String, String> fields = response.getSubtitleData().get(0);
String lang = fields.get("SubLanguageID");
language = new Locale(lang);
String imdb = fields.get("IDMovieImdb");
String name = fields.get("MovieName");
String year = fields.get("MovieYear");
identity = new Movie(name, Integer.parseInt(year), Integer.parseInt(imdb), -1);
} catch (Exception e) {
Logger.getLogger(getClass().getName()).log(Level.WARNING, e.getMessage());
return new CheckResult(exists, identity, language);
public void uploadSubtitle(Object identity, Locale language, File videoFile, File subtitleFile) throws Exception {
if (!(identity instanceof Movie && ((Movie) identity).getImdbId() > 0)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal Movie ID: " + identity);
int imdbid = ((Movie) identity).getImdbId();
String languageName = getSubLanguageID(language.getDisplayName(Locale.ENGLISH));
// subhash (md5 of subtitles), subfilename, moviehash, moviebytesize, moviefilename
SubFile sub = new SubFile();
BaseInfo info = new BaseInfo();
// encode subtitle contents
try {
MediaInfo mi = new MediaInfo();;
sub.setMovieFPS(mi.get(StreamKind.Video, 0, "FrameRate"));
sub.setMovieTimeMS(mi.get(StreamKind.General, 0, "Duration"));
} catch (Throwable e) {
Logger.getLogger(getClass().getName()).log(Level.WARNING, e.getMessage(), e);
// require login
xmlrpc.uploadSubtitles(info, sub);
* Calculate MD5 hash.
private String md5(byte[] data) throws IOException {
try {
MessageDigest hash = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5");
return String.format("%032x", new BigInteger(1, hash.digest())); // as hex string
} catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e); // won't happen
public List<Movie> searchMovie(String query, Locale locale) throws Exception {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public synchronized List<Movie> searchIMDB(String query) throws Exception {
// search for movies and series
List<SearchResult> result = getCache().getSearchResult("search", query, null);
if (result != null) {
return (List) result;
// require login
try {
// search for movies / series
List<Movie> resultSet = xmlrpc.searchMoviesOnIMDB(query);
result = asList(resultSet.toArray(new SearchResult[0]));
} catch (ClassCastException e) {
// unexpected xmlrpc responses (e.g. error messages instead of results) will trigger this
throw new XmlRpcException("Illegal XMLRPC response on searchMoviesOnIMDB");
getCache().putSearchResult("search", query, null, result);
return (List) result;
public synchronized Movie getMovieDescriptor(Movie id, Locale locale) throws Exception {
if (id.getImdbId() <= 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("id must not be " + id.getImdbId());
Movie result = getCache().getData("getMovieDescriptor", id.getImdbId(), locale, Movie.class);
if (result != null) {
return result;
// require login
Movie movie = xmlrpc.getIMDBMovieDetails(id.getImdbId());
getCache().putData("getMovieDescriptor", id.getImdbId(), locale, movie);
return movie;
public Movie getMovieDescriptor(File movieFile, Locale locale) throws Exception {
return getMovieDescriptors(singleton(movieFile), locale).get(movieFile);
public synchronized Map<File, Movie> getMovieDescriptors(Collection<File> movieFiles, Locale locale) throws Exception {
// create result array
Map<File, Movie> result = new HashMap<File, Movie>();
// compute movie hashes
Map<String, File> hashMap = new HashMap<String, File>(movieFiles.size());
for (File file : movieFiles) {
if (file.length() > HASH_CHUNK_SIZE) {
String hash = computeHash(file);
Movie entry = getCache().getData("getMovieDescriptor", hash, locale, Movie.class);
if (entry == null) {
hashMap.put(hash, file); // map file by hash
} else if (entry.getName().length() > 0) {
result.put(file, entry);
if (hashMap.size() > 0) {
// require login
// dispatch query for all hashes
List<String> hashes = new ArrayList<String>(hashMap.keySet());
int batchSize = 50;
for (int bn = 0; bn < ceil((float) hashes.size() / batchSize); bn++) {
List<String> batch = hashes.subList(bn * batchSize, min((bn * batchSize) + batchSize, hashes.size()));
Set<String> unmatchedHashes = new HashSet<String>(batch);
int minSeenCount = 20; // make sure we don't get mismatches by making sure the hash has not been confirmed numerous times
for (Entry<String, Movie> it : xmlrpc.checkMovieHash(batch, minSeenCount).entrySet()) {
String hash = it.getKey();
Movie movie = it.getValue();
result.put(hashMap.get(hash), movie);
getCache().putData("getMovieDescriptor", hash, locale, movie);
// note hashes that are not matched to any items so we can ignore them in the future
for (String hash : unmatchedHashes) {
getCache().putData("getMovieDescriptor", hash, locale, new Movie("", -1, -1, -1));
return result;
public URI getSubtitleListLink(SearchResult searchResult, String languageName) {
Movie movie = (Movie) searchResult;
String sublanguageid = "all";
if (languageName != null) {
try {
sublanguageid = getSubLanguageID(languageName);
} catch (Exception e) {
Logger.getLogger(getClass().getName()).log(Level.WARNING, e.getMessage(), e);
return URI.create(String.format("", movie.getImdbId(), sublanguageid));
public synchronized Locale detectLanguage(byte[] data) throws Exception {
if (data.length < 256) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("data is not enough");
String language = getCache().getData("detectLanguage", md5(data), Locale.ROOT, String.class);
if (language != null) {
return language.isEmpty() ? null : new Locale(language);
// require login
// detect language
List<String> languages = xmlrpc.detectLanguage(data);
// return first language
language = languages.size() > 0 ? languages.get(0) : "";
getCache().putData("detectLanguage", md5(data), Locale.ROOT, language);
return new Locale(language);
public synchronized void login() throws Exception {
if (!xmlrpc.isLoggedOn()) {
xmlrpc.login(username, password, "en");
logoutTimer.set(10, TimeUnit.MINUTES, true);
public synchronized void logout() {
if (xmlrpc.isLoggedOn()) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
Logger.getLogger(getClass().getName()).log(Level.WARNING, "Logout failed", e);
protected final Timer logoutTimer = new Timer() {
public void run() {
public Map<?, ?> getServerInfo() throws Exception {
// require login
return xmlrpc.getServerInfo();
public Map<?, ?> getDownloadLimits() throws Exception {
return (Map<?, ?>) getServerInfo().get("download_limits");
* SubLanguageID by English language name
protected synchronized Map<String, String> getSubLanguageMap() throws Exception {
Cache cache = Cache.getCache("web-datasource-lv2");
String cacheKey = getClass().getName() + ".subLanguageMap";
// try to get language map from cache
Map<String, String> subLanguageMap = cache.get(cacheKey, Map.class);
if (subLanguageMap == null) {
subLanguageMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
// add additional language aliases for improved compatibility
Map<String, Locale> additionalLanguageMappings = MediaDetection.releaseInfo.getLanguageMap(Locale.ENGLISH);
// fetch language data
for (Entry<String, String> entry : xmlrpc.getSubLanguages().entrySet()) {
// map id by name
String subLanguageID = entry.getKey().toLowerCase();
String subLanguageName = entry.getValue().toLowerCase();
subLanguageMap.put(subLanguageName, subLanguageID);
subLanguageMap.put(subLanguageID, subLanguageID); // add reverse mapping as well for improved compatibility
// add additional language aliases for improved compatibility
for (String key : asList(subLanguageID, subLanguageName)) {
Locale locale = additionalLanguageMappings.get(key);
if (locale != null) {
for (String identifier : asList(locale.getLanguage(), locale.getISO3Language(), locale.getDisplayLanguage(Locale.ENGLISH))) {
if (identifier != null && identifier.length() > 0 && !subLanguageMap.containsKey(identifier.toLowerCase())) {
subLanguageMap.put(identifier.toLowerCase(), subLanguageID);
// some additional special handling
subLanguageMap.put("brazilian", "pob");
// cache data
cache.put(cacheKey, subLanguageMap);
return subLanguageMap;
protected String getSubLanguageID(String languageName) throws Exception {
String subLanguageID = getSubLanguageMap().get(languageName.toLowerCase());
if (subLanguageID == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("SubLanguageID for '%s' not found", languageName));
return subLanguageID;
protected String getLanguageName(String subLanguageID) throws Exception {
for (Entry<String, String> it : getSubLanguageMap().entrySet()) {
if (it.getValue().equals(subLanguageID.toLowerCase()))
return it.getKey();
return null;
protected static class ResultCache {
private final String id;
private final Cache cache;
public ResultCache(String id, Cache cache) { = id;
this.cache = cache;
protected String normalize(String query) {
return query == null ? null : query.trim().toLowerCase();
public <T extends SearchResult> List<T> putSearchResult(String method, String query, Locale locale, List<T> value) {
try {
cache.put(new Key(id, normalize(query)), value.toArray(new SearchResult[0]));
} catch (Exception e) {
Logger.getLogger(OpenSubtitlesClient.class.getName()).log(Level.WARNING, e.getMessage());
return value;
public List<SearchResult> getSearchResult(String method, String query, Locale locale) {
try {
SearchResult[] array = cache.get(new Key(id, normalize(query)), SearchResult[].class);
if (array != null) {
return Arrays.asList(array);
} catch (Exception e) {
Logger.getLogger(OpenSubtitlesClient.class.getName()).log(Level.WARNING, e.getMessage(), e);
return null;
public List<SubtitleDescriptor> putSubtitleDescriptorList(Object key, String locale, List<SubtitleDescriptor> subtitles) {
try {
cache.put(new Key(id, key, locale), subtitles.toArray(new SubtitleDescriptor[0]));
} catch (Exception e) {
Logger.getLogger(OpenSubtitlesClient.class.getName()).log(Level.WARNING, e.getMessage());
return subtitles;
public List<SubtitleDescriptor> getSubtitleDescriptorList(Object key, String locale) {
try {
SubtitleDescriptor[] descriptors = cache.get(new Key(id, key, locale), SubtitleDescriptor[].class);
if (descriptors != null) {
return Arrays.asList(descriptors);
} catch (Exception e) {
Logger.getLogger(OpenSubtitlesClient.class.getName()).log(Level.WARNING, e.getMessage(), e);
return null;
public void putData(Object category, Object key, Locale locale, Object object) {
try {
cache.put(new Key(id, category, locale, key), object);
} catch (Exception e) {
Logger.getLogger(OpenSubtitlesClient.class.getName()).log(Level.WARNING, e.getMessage());
public <T> T getData(Object category, Object key, Locale locale, Class<T> type) {
try {
T value = cache.get(new Key(id, category, locale, key), type);
if (value != null) {
return value;
} catch (Exception e) {
Logger.getLogger(OpenSubtitlesClient.class.getName()).log(Level.WARNING, e.getMessage(), e);
return null;
protected static class OpenSubtitlesXmlRpcWithRetryAndFloodLimit extends OpenSubtitlesXmlRpc {
private final Object lock = new Object();
private int retryCountLimit;
private long retryWaitTime;
public OpenSubtitlesXmlRpcWithRetryAndFloodLimit(String useragent, int retryCountLimit, long retryWaitTime) {
this.retryCountLimit = retryCountLimit;
this.retryWaitTime = retryWaitTime;
protected Map<?, ?> invoke(String method, Object... arguments) throws XmlRpcFault {
for (int i = 0; retryCountLimit < 0 || i <= retryCountLimit; i++) {
try {
if (i > 0) {
// only allow 1 single concurrent connection at any time (to reduce abuse)
synchronized (lock) {
return super.invoke(method, arguments);
} catch (XmlRpcException e) {
IOException ioException = ExceptionUtilities.findCause(e, IOException.class);
if (ioException == null || i >= 0 && i >= retryCountLimit) {
throw e;
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
return null; // can't happen