mirror of https://github.com/mitb-archive/filebot synced 2024-08-13 17:03:45 -04:00
Reinhard Pointner 5a6a5dcdd0 * extra data for nfos
* fanart from FanartTV
* notify xmbc or plex in utorrent script
2012-07-28 10:21:30 +00:00

203 lines
6.7 KiB

import static net.sourceforge.filebot.WebServices.*
* XBMC helper functions
def invokeScanVideoLibrary(host, port = 9090) {
try {
telnet(host, port) { writer, reader ->
writer.println('{"id":1,"method":"VideoLibrary.Scan","params":[],"jsonrpc":"2.0"}') // API call for latest XBMC release
return true
} catch(e) {
println "${e.class.simpleName}: ${e.message}"
return false
* Plex helpers
def refreshPlexLibrary(server, port = 32400, files = null) {
try {
def sections = new URL("http://$server:$port/plex").getXml()
def locations = sections.Directory.Location.collect{ [path:it.'@path', key:it.parent().'@key'] }
// limit refresh locations
if (files != null) {
locations = locations.findAll{ loc -> files.find{ it.path; it.path.startsWith(loc.path) }}
locations*.key.unique().each{ key ->
new URL("http://$server:$port/library/sections/$key/refresh/").get()
return true
} catch(e) {
println "${e.class.simpleName}: ${e.message}"
return false
* TheTVDB artwork/nfo helpers
def fetchSeriesBanner(outputFile, series, bannerType, bannerType2, season, locale) {
// select and fetch banner
def banner = [locale, null].findResult { TheTVDB.getBanner(series, [BannerType:bannerType, BannerType2:bannerType2, Season:season, Language:it]) }
if (banner == null) {
println "Banner not found: $outputFile / $bannerType:$bannerType2"
return null
println "Fetching $outputFile => $banner"
return banner.url.saveAs(outputFile)
def fetchSeriesFanart(outputFile, series, type, season, locale) {
def fanart = [locale, null].findResult{ lang -> FanartTV.getSeriesArtwork(series.seriesId).find{ type == it.type && (season == null || season == it.season) && (lang == null || lang == it.language) }}
if (fanart == null) {
println "Fanart not found: $outputFile / $type"
return null
println "Fetching $outputFile => $fanart"
return fanart.url.saveAs(outputFile)
def fetchSeriesNfo(outputFile, series, locale) {
def info = TheTVDB.getSeriesInfo(series, locale)
info.applyXmlTemplate('''<tvshow xmlns:gsp='http://groovy.codehaus.org/2005/gsp'>
<episodeguide><url cache="${id}.xml">http://www.thetvdb.com/api/1D62F2F90030C444/series/${id}/all/''' + locale.language + '''.zip</url></episodeguide>
<genre>${!genres.empty ? genres[0] : ''}</genre>
<gsp:scriptlet> actors.each { </gsp:scriptlet>
<gsp:scriptlet> } </gsp:scriptlet>
.replaceAll(/\t|\r|\n/, '') // xbmc can't handle leading/trailing whitespace properly
def fetchSeriesArtworkAndNfo(seriesDir, seasonDir, series, season, locale = _args.locale) {
try {
// fetch nfo
fetchSeriesNfo(seriesDir['tvshow.nfo'], series, locale)
// fetch series banner, fanart, posters, etc
["680x1000", null].findResult{ fetchSeriesBanner(seriesDir['folder.jpg'], series, "poster", it, null, locale) }
["graphical", null].findResult{ fetchSeriesBanner(seriesDir['banner.jpg'], series, "series", it, null, locale) }
// fetch highest resolution fanart
["1920x1080", "1280x720", null].findResult{ fetchSeriesBanner(seriesDir["fanart.jpg"], series, "fanart", it, null, locale) }
// fetch season banners
if (seasonDir != seriesDir) {
fetchSeriesBanner(seasonDir["folder.jpg"], series, "season", "season", season, locale)
fetchSeriesBanner(seasonDir["banner.jpg"], series, "season", "seasonwide", season, locale)
// fetch fanart
fetchSeriesFanart(seriesDir['clearlogo.png'], series, 'clearlogo', null, locale)
fetchSeriesFanart(seriesDir['clearart.png'], series, 'clearart', null, locale)
fetchSeriesFanart(seriesDir['thumb.jpg'], series, 'tvthumb', null, locale)
// fetch season fanart
if (seasonDir != seriesDir) {
fetchSeriesFanart(seasonDir['thumb.jpg'], series, 'seasonthumb', season, locale)
} catch(e) {
println "${e.class.simpleName}: ${e.message}"
* TheMovieDB artwork/nfo helpers
def fetchMovieArtwork(outputFile, movieInfo, category, language) {
// select and fetch artwork
def artwork = TheMovieDB.getArtwork(movieInfo.id as String)
def selection = [language, 'en', null].findResult{ l -> artwork.find{ (l == it.language || l == null) && it.category == category } }
if (selection == null) {
println "Artwork not found: $outputFile"
return null
println "Fetching $outputFile => $selection"
return selection.url.saveAs(outputFile)
def fetchMovieFanart(outputFile, movieInfo, type, diskType, locale) {
def fanart = [locale, null].findResult{ lang -> FanartTV.getMovieArtwork(movieInfo.id).find{ type == it.type && (diskType == null || diskType == it.diskType) && (lang == null || lang == it.language) }}
if (fanart == null) {
println "Fanart not found: $outputFile / $type"
return null
println "Fetching $outputFile => $fanart"
return fanart.url.saveAs(outputFile)
def fetchMovieNfo(outputFile, movieInfo) {
movieInfo.applyXmlTemplate('''<movie xmlns:gsp='http://groovy.codehaus.org/2005/gsp'>
<genre>${!genres.empty ? genres[0] : ''}</genre>
<gsp:scriptlet> cast.each { </gsp:scriptlet>
<gsp:scriptlet> } </gsp:scriptlet>
.replaceAll(/\t|\r|\n/, '') // xbmc can't handle leading/trailing whitespace properly
def fetchMovieArtworkAndNfo(movieDir, movie, locale = _args.locale) {
try {
def movieInfo = TheMovieDB.getMovieInfo(movie, locale)
// fetch nfo
fetchMovieNfo(movieDir['movie.nfo'], movieInfo)
// fetch series banner, fanart, posters, etc
fetchMovieArtwork(movieDir['folder.jpg'], movieInfo, 'posters', locale.language)
fetchMovieArtwork(movieDir['backdrop.jpg'], movieInfo, 'backdrops', locale.language)
fetchMovieFanart(movieDir['logo.png'], movieInfo, 'movielogo', null, locale)
fetchMovieFanart(movieDir['fanart.png'], movieInfo, 'movieart', null, locale)
['bluray', 'dvd', null].findResult { diskType -> fetchMovieFanart(movieDir['disc.png'], movieInfo, 'moviedisc', diskType, locale) }
} catch(e) {
println "${e.class.simpleName}: ${e.message}"