
270 lines
7.7 KiB

import static net.sourceforge.tuned.FileUtilities.*
import java.util.regex.Pattern
* Allow getAt() for File paths
* e.g. file[0] -> "F:"
File.metaClass.getAt = { Range range -> listPath(delegate).collect{ replacePathSeparators(getName(it)).trim() }.getAt(range).join(File.separator) }
File.metaClass.getAt = { int index -> listPath(delegate).collect{ replacePathSeparators(getName(it)).trim() }.getAt(index) }
File.metaClass.getRoot = { listPath(delegate)[0] }
File.metaClass.listPath = { int tailSize = 255, boolean reversePath = false -> listPathTail(delegate, tailSize, reversePath) }
File.metaClass.getRelativePathTail = { int tailSize -> getRelativePathTail(delegate, tailSize) }
File.metaClass.getDiskSpace = { listPath(delegate).reverse().find{ it.exists() }?.usableSpace ?: 0 }
* Convenience methods for String.toLowerCase() and String.toUpperCase()
String.metaClass.lower = { toLowerCase() }
String.metaClass.upper = { toUpperCase() }
* Allow comparison of Strings and Numbers (overloading of comparison operators is not supported yet though)
String.metaClass.compareTo = { Number other -> delegate.compareTo(other.toString()) }
Number.metaClass.compareTo = { String other -> delegate.toString().compareTo(other) }
* Pad strings or numbers with given characters ('0' by default).
* e.g. "1" -> "01"
String.metaClass.pad = Number.metaClass.pad = { length = 2, padding = "0" -> delegate.toString().padLeft(length, padding) }
* Return a substring matching the given pattern or break.
String.metaClass.match = { String pattern, matchGroup = null ->
def matcher = Pattern.compile(pattern, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE | Pattern.UNICODE_CASE | Pattern.MULTILINE | Pattern.DOTALL).matcher(delegate)
if (matcher.find())
return matcher.groupCount() > 0 && matchGroup == null ? : ?: 0)
throw new Exception("Match failed")
* Return a list of all matching patterns or break.
String.metaClass.matchAll = { String pattern, int matchGroup = 0 ->
def matches = []
def matcher = Pattern.compile(pattern, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE | Pattern.UNICODE_CASE).matcher(delegate)
matches +=
if (matches.size() > 0)
return matches
throw new Exception("Match failed")
* Use empty string as default replacement.
String.metaClass.replaceAll = { String pattern -> replaceAll(pattern, "") }
* Replace space characters with a given characters.
* e.g. "Doctor Who" -> "Doctor_Who"
*/ = { replacement -> replaceAll(/[:?._]/, " ").trim().replaceAll(/\s+/, replacement) }
* Upper-case all initials.
* e.g. "The Day a new Demon was born" -> "The Day A New Demon Was Born"
String.metaClass.upperInitial = { replaceAll(/(?<=[&()+.,-;<=>?\[\]_{|}~ ]|^)[a-z]/, { it.toUpperCase() }) }
* Get acronym, i.e. first letter of each word.
* e.g. "Deep Space 9" -> "DS9"
String.metaClass.acronym = { delegate.sortName('$2').findAll(/(?<=[&()+.,-;<=>?\[\]_{|}~ ]|^)[\p{Alnum}]/).join().toUpperCase() }
String.metaClass.sortName = { replacement = '$2, $1' -> delegate.replaceFirst(/^(?i)(The|A|An)\s(.+)/, replacement).trim() }
* Lower-case all letters that are not initials.
* e.g. "Gundam SEED" -> "Gundam Seed"
String.metaClass.lowerTrail = { replaceAll(/\b(\p{Alpha})(\p{Alpha}+)\b/, { match, initial, trail -> initial + trail.toLowerCase() }) }
* Return substring before the given pattern.
String.metaClass.before = {
def matcher = delegate =~ it
// pattern was found, return leading substring, else return original value
return matcher.find() ? delegate.substring(0, matcher.start()) : delegate
* Return substring after the given pattern.
String.metaClass.after = {
def matcher = delegate =~ it
// pattern was found, return trailing substring, else return original value
return matcher.find() ? delegate.substring(matcher.end(), delegate.length()) : delegate
* Replace trailing parenthesis including any leading whitespace.
* e.g. "The IT Crowd (UK)" -> "The IT Crowd"
String.metaClass.replaceTrailingBrackets = { replacement = "" -> replaceAll(/\s*[(]([^)]*)[)]$/, replacement) }
* Replace 'part identifier'.
* e.g. "Today Is the Day: Part 1" -> "Today Is the Day, Part 1"
* "Today Is the Day (1)" -> "Today Is the Day, Part 1"
String.metaClass.replacePart = { replacement = "" ->
// handle '(n)', '(Part n)' and ': Part n' like syntax
for (pattern in [/\s*[(](\w+)[)]$/, /(?i)\W+Part (\w+)\W*$/]) {
if ((delegate =~ pattern).find()) {
return replaceAll(pattern, replacement);
// no pattern matches, nothing to replace
return delegate;
* Apply ICU transliteration
* @see
String.metaClass.transliterate = { transformIdentifier -> }
* Convert Unicode to ASCII as best as possible. Works with most alphabets/scripts used in the world.
* e.g. "Österreich" -> "Osterreich"
* "カタカナ" -> "katakana"
String.metaClass.ascii = { fallback = ' ' -> delegate.transliterate("Any-Latin;Latin-ASCII;[:Diacritic:]remove").replaceAll("[^\\p{ASCII}]+", fallback) }
* Replace multiple replacement pairs
* e.g. replace('ä', 'ae', 'ö', 'oe', 'ü', 'ue')
String.metaClass.replace = { String... tr ->
String s = delegate;
for (int i = 0; i < tr.length-1; i+=2) {
CharSequence t = tr[i]
CharSequence r = tr[i+1]
s = s.replace(t, r)
return s
* General helpers and utilities
def c(Closure c) {
try {
} catch (Throwable e) {
return null
def any(Closure... closures) {
return closures.findResult{ c ->
try {
} catch (Throwable e) {
return null
def allOf(Closure... closures) {
return closures.toList().findResults{ c ->
try {
} catch (Throwable e) {
return null
def csv(path, delim = ';', keyIndex = 0, valueIndex = 1) {
def f = path as File
def values = [:]
if (f.isFile()) {
f.splitEachLine(delim, 'UTF-8') { line ->
values.put(line[keyIndex], c{ line[valueIndex] })
return values
Object.metaClass.match = { Map cases ->
def val = delegate;
cases.findResult {
switch(val) { case it.key: return it.value}
* Web and File IO helpers
import net.sourceforge.filebot.web.WebRequest
import net.sourceforge.tuned.FileUtilities
import net.sourceforge.tuned.XPathUtilities
URL.metaClass.getText = { FileUtilities.readAll(WebRequest.getReader(delegate.openConnection())) }
URL.metaClass.getHtml = { new XmlParser(new org.cyberneko.html.parsers.SAXParser()).parseText(delegate.getText()) }
URL.metaClass.getXml = { new XmlParser().parseText(delegate.getText()) }
URL.metaClass.scrape = { xpath -> XPathUtilities.selectString(xpath, WebRequest.getHtmlDocument(delegate)) }
URL.metaClass.scrapeAll = { xpath -> XPathUtilities.selectNodes(xpath, WebRequest.getHtmlDocument(delegate)).findResults{ XPathUtilities.getTextContent(it) } }
* XML / XPath utility functions
import javax.xml.xpath.XPathFactory
import javax.xml.xpath.XPathConstants
File.metaClass.xpath = URL.metaClass.xpath = { String xpath ->
def input = new org.xml.sax.InputSource(new StringReader(delegate.getText()))
def result = XPathFactory.newInstance().newXPath().evaluate(xpath, input, XPathConstants.STRING)
return result.trim();
File.metaClass.xpath = URL.metaClass.xpathAll = { String xpath ->
def input = new org.xml.sax.InputSource(new StringReader(delegate.getText()))
def nodes = XPathFactory.newInstance().newXPath().evaluate(xpath, input, XPathConstants.NODESET)
return [0..nodes.length-1].findResults{ i -> nodes.item(i).getTextContent().trim() }