FileBot is the ultimate tool for renaming your tv shows and anime, downloading subtitles from various sources or just simple file verification.
FileBot can be launched via Java Web Start. No manual download or installation required.

Some Features
- A simple user-interface tuned for drag-n-drop (no need to bother with file dialogs)
- Platform-independent and straight-forward application deployment
- Powerful and full-featured CLI for scripts and automation
- Rename hundreds of media files in a matter of seconds
- Fetch episode info from TVRage, AniDB, IMDb, TheTVDB or Serienjunkies
- Highly accurate file / episode matching
- Series / Anime name auto-detection
- Powerful and highly customizable episode naming scheme
MediaInfo optional - Supports language preferences for series and episode titles
- Supports movie identification and renaming via OpenSubtitles or TheMovieDB
- Reverse rename files using internal history or the original torrent file
- Download subtitles from OpenSubtitles, Subscene and Sublight
- Find exact subtitles on OpenSubtitles
- Find linked subtitles on Sublight
MediaInfo required - Auto-extract zip and rar archives
- Integrated subtitle viewer for srt, ass and sub files
- Transcode any subtitle as UTF-8 encoded srt
- Easily create and verify sfv, md5 and sha1 files
- Aware of checksums that are embedded in the filename
common in anime releases - Directly compare two or more directory trees
- Auto-lookup of any existing file verification

- Executable Jar: FileBot_@{version}.jar (12.5MB) for Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, BSD and Solaris
- This package does not include the MediaInfo native libraries.
- Mac OS X app bundle: FileBot_@{version}.app (15MB)
- Windows installer: FileBot_@{version}_x86.msi or FileBot_@{version}_x64.msi (13.2MB)
- Debian packages: filebot_@{version}_i386.deb or filebot_@{version}_amd64.deb (13.2MB)
- Source Zip: filebot-@{version}-src.zip (450kB)