package net.sourceforge.filebot.similarity; import static java.lang.Math.*; import static java.util.Arrays.*; import static java.util.Collections.*; import static net.sourceforge.filebot.similarity.Normalization.*; import static net.sourceforge.tuned.FileUtilities.*; import; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import net.sourceforge.filebot.similarity.SeasonEpisodeMatcher.SxE; import net.sourceforge.filebot.vfs.FileInfo; import net.sourceforge.filebot.web.Date; import net.sourceforge.filebot.web.Episode; import net.sourceforge.filebot.web.EpisodeFormat; import net.sourceforge.filebot.web.Movie; public enum EpisodeMetrics implements SimilarityMetric { // Match by season / episode numbers SeasonEpisode(new SeasonEpisodeMetric() { private final Map> transformCache = synchronizedMap(new HashMap>(64, 4)); @Override protected Collection parse(Object object) { if (object instanceof Movie) { return emptySet(); } Collection result = transformCache.get(object); if (result != null) { return result; } if (object instanceof Episode) { Episode episode = (Episode) object; if (episode.getSpecial() != null) { return singleton(new SxE(0, episode.getSpecial())); } // get SxE from episode, both SxE for season/episode numbering and SxE for absolute episode numbering SxE sxe = new SxE(episode.getSeason(), episode.getEpisode()); SxE abs = new SxE(null, episode.getAbsolute()); result = (abs.episode < 0 || sxe.equals(abs)) ? singleton(sxe) : asList(sxe, abs); } else { result = super.parse(object); } transformCache.put(object, result); return result; } }), // Match episode airdate AirDate(new DateMetric() { private final Map transformCache = synchronizedMap(new HashMap(64, 4)); @Override public Date parse(Object object) { if (object instanceof Movie) { return null; } if (object instanceof Episode) { Episode episode = (Episode) object; // use airdate from episode return episode.airdate(); } Date result = transformCache.get(object); if (result != null) { return result; } result = super.parse(object); transformCache.put(object, result); return result; } }), // Match by episode/movie title Title(new SubstringMetric() { @Override protected String normalize(Object object) { if (object instanceof Episode) { Episode e = (Episode) object; // don't use title for matching if title equals series name String normalizedToken = normalizeObject(e.getTitle()); if (normalizedToken.length() >= 3 && !normalizeObject(e.getSeriesName()).contains(normalizedToken)) { return normalizedToken; } } if (object instanceof Movie) { object = ((Movie) object).getName(); } return normalizeObject(object); } }), // Match by SxE and airdate EpisodeIdentifier(new MetricCascade(SeasonEpisode, AirDate)), // Advanced episode <-> file matching EpisodeFunnel(new MetricCascade(SeasonEpisode, AirDate, Title)), EpisodeBalancer(new SimilarityMetric() { @Override public float getSimilarity(Object o1, Object o2) { float sxe = EpisodeIdentifier.getSimilarity(o1, o2); float title = Title.getSimilarity(o1, o2); // 1:SxE && Title, 2:SxE return (float) ((max(sxe, 0) * title) + (floor(sxe) / 10)); } }), // Match series title and episode title against folder structure and file name SubstringFields(new SubstringMetric() { @Override public float getSimilarity(Object o1, Object o2) { String[] f1 = normalize(fields(o1)); String[] f2 = normalize(fields(o2)); // match all fields and average similarity float sum = 0; for (String s1 : f1) { for (String s2 : f2) { sum += super.getSimilarity(s1, s2); } } sum /= f1.length * f2.length; // normalize into 3 similarity levels return (float) (ceil(sum * 3) / 3); } protected String[] normalize(Object[] objects) { String[] names = new String[objects.length]; for (int i = 0; i < objects.length; i++) { names[i] = normalizeObject(objects[i]); } return names; } protected Object[] fields(Object object) { if (object instanceof Episode) { Episode episode = (Episode) object; return new Object[] { removeTrailingBrackets(episode.getSeriesName()), episode.getTitle() }; } if (object instanceof File) { File file = (File) object; return new Object[] { file.getParentFile().getAbsolutePath(), file }; } if (object instanceof Movie) { Movie movie = (Movie) object; return new Object[] { movie.getName(), movie.getYear() }; } return new Object[] { object }; } }), // Match via common word sequence in episode name and file name SubstringSequence(new SequenceMatchSimilarity() { @Override public float getSimilarity(Object o1, Object o2) { // normalize absolute similarity to similarity rank (5 ranks in total), // so we are less likely to fall for false positives in this pass, and move on to the next one return (float) (floor(super.getSimilarity(o1, o2) * 5) / 5); } @Override protected String normalize(Object object) { // simplify file name, if possible return normalizeObject(object); } }), // Match by generic name similarity Name(new NameSimilarityMetric() { @Override public float getSimilarity(Object o1, Object o2) { // normalize absolute similarity to similarity rank (5 ranks in total), // so we are less likely to fall for false positives in this pass, and move on to the next one return (float) (floor(super.getSimilarity(o1, o2) * 5) / 5); } @Override protected String normalize(Object object) { // simplify file name, if possible return normalizeObject(object); } }), // Match by generic numeric similarity Numeric(new NumericSimilarityMetric() { @Override public float getSimilarity(Object o1, Object o2) { String[] f1 = fields(o1); String[] f2 = fields(o2); // match all fields and average similarity float sum = 0; for (String s1 : f1) { for (String s2 : f2) { sum += super.getSimilarity(s1, s2); } } return sum / (f1.length * f2.length); } protected String[] fields(Object object) { if (object instanceof Episode) { Episode episode = (Episode) object; return new String[] { EpisodeFormat.SeasonEpisode.formatSxE(episode), String.valueOf(episode.getAbsolute()) }; } if (object instanceof Movie) { Movie movie = (Movie) object; return new String[] { String.valueOf(movie.getYear()) }; } return new String[] { normalizeObject(object) }; } }), // Match by file length (only works when matching torrents or files) FileSize(new FileSizeMetric() { @Override public float getSimilarity(Object o1, Object o2) { // order of arguments is logically irrelevant, but we might be able to save us a call to File.length() which is quite costly return o1 instanceof File ? super.getSimilarity(o2, o1) : super.getSimilarity(o1, o2); } @Override protected long getLength(Object object) { if (object instanceof FileInfo) { return ((FileInfo) object).getLength(); } return super.getLength(object); } }), // Match by common words at the beginning of both files FileName(new FileNameMetric() { @Override protected String getFileName(Object object) { if (object instanceof File || object instanceof FileInfo) { return normalizeObject(object); } return null; } }), // Match by file last modified and episode release dates TimeStamp(new TimeStampMetric() { @Override public float getSimilarity(Object o1, Object o2) { // adjust differentiation accuracy to about a year return (float) (floor(super.getSimilarity(o1, o2) * 40) / 40); } @Override public long getTimeStamp(Object object) { if (object instanceof Episode) { return ((Episode) object).airdate().getTimeStamp(); } return super.getTimeStamp(object); } }); // inner metric private final SimilarityMetric metric; private EpisodeMetrics(SimilarityMetric metric) { this.metric = metric; } @Override public float getSimilarity(Object o1, Object o2) { return metric.getSimilarity(o1, o2); } private static final Map transformCache = synchronizedMap(new HashMap(64, 4)); protected static String normalizeObject(Object object) { String result = transformCache.get(object); if (result != null) { return result; } String name = object.toString(); // use name without extension if (object instanceof File) { name = getName((File) object); } else if (object instanceof FileInfo) { name = ((FileInfo) object).getName(); } // remove checksums, any [...] or (...) name = removeEmbeddedChecksum(name); // remove/normalize special characters name = normalizePunctuation(name); // normalize to lower case name = name.toLowerCase(); transformCache.put(object, name); return name; } public static SimilarityMetric[] defaultSequence(boolean includeFileMetrics) { // 1 pass: divide by file length (only works for matching torrent entries or files) // 2-3 pass: divide by title or season / episode numbers // 4 pass: divide by folder / file name and show name / episode title // 5 pass: divide by name (rounded into n levels) // 6 pass: divide by generic numeric similarity // 7 pass: prefer episodes that were aired closer to the last modified date of the file // 8 pass: resolve remaining collisions via absolute string similarity if (includeFileMetrics) { return new SimilarityMetric[] { FileSize, new MetricCascade(FileName, EpisodeFunnel), EpisodeBalancer, SubstringFields, new MetricCascade(SubstringSequence, Name), Numeric, Name, TimeStamp, new NameSimilarityMetric() }; } else { return new SimilarityMetric[] { EpisodeFunnel, EpisodeBalancer, SubstringFields, new MetricCascade(SubstringSequence, Name), Numeric, Name, TimeStamp, new NameSimilarityMetric() }; } } public static SimilarityMetric verificationMetric() { return new MetricCascade(FileSize, FileName, SeasonEpisode, AirDate, Title, Name); } }