package net.filebot; import static java.util.Arrays.*; import static java.util.Collections.*; import static*; import static net.filebot.Logging.*; import static net.filebot.Settings.*; import static*; import static net.filebot.util.FileUtilities.*; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.Future; import java.util.logging.Level; import; import; import net.filebot.similarity.MetricAvg; import net.filebot.util.SystemProperty; import net.filebot.web.AcoustIDClient; import net.filebot.web.AnidbClient; import net.filebot.web.Datasource; import net.filebot.web.EpisodeListProvider; import net.filebot.web.FanartTVClient; import net.filebot.web.ID3Lookup; import net.filebot.web.LocalSearch; import net.filebot.web.Movie; import net.filebot.web.MovieIdentificationService; import net.filebot.web.MusicIdentificationService; import net.filebot.web.OMDbClient; import net.filebot.web.OpenSubtitlesClient; import net.filebot.web.SearchResult; import net.filebot.web.ShooterSubtitles; import net.filebot.web.SubtitleProvider; import net.filebot.web.SubtitleSearchResult; import net.filebot.web.TMDbClient; import net.filebot.web.TMDbTVClient; import net.filebot.web.TVMazeClient; import net.filebot.web.TheTVDBClient; import net.filebot.web.VideoHashSubtitleService; /** * Reuse the same web service client so login, cache, etc. can be shared. */ public final class WebServices { // movie sources public static final OMDbClient OMDb = new OMDbClient(getApiKey("omdb")); public static final TMDbClient TheMovieDB = new TMDbClientWithLocalSearch(getApiKey("themoviedb"), SystemProperty.of("", Boolean::parseBoolean, false).get()); // episode sources public static final TVMazeClient TVmaze = new TVMazeClient(); public static final AnidbClient AniDB = new AnidbClientWithLocalSearch(getApiKey("anidb"), 6); // extended TheTVDB module with local search public static final TheTVDBClientWithLocalSearch TheTVDB = new TheTVDBClientWithLocalSearch(getApiKey("thetvdb")); public static final TMDbTVClient TheMovieDB_TV = new TMDbTVClient(TheMovieDB); // subtitle sources public static final OpenSubtitlesClient OpenSubtitles = new OpenSubtitlesClientWithLocalSearch(getApiKey("opensubtitles"), getApplicationVersion()); public static final ShooterSubtitles Shooter = new ShooterSubtitles(); // other sources public static final FanartTVClient FanartTV = new FanartTVClient(getApiKey("")); public static final AcoustIDClient AcoustID = new AcoustIDClient(getApiKey("acoustid")); public static final XattrMetaInfoProvider XattrMetaData = new XattrMetaInfoProvider(); public static final ID3Lookup MediaInfoID3 = new ID3Lookup(); public static Datasource[] getServices() { return new Datasource[] { TheMovieDB, OMDb, TheTVDB, AniDB, TheMovieDB_TV, TVmaze, AcoustID, MediaInfoID3, XattrMetaData, OpenSubtitles, Shooter, FanartTV }; } public static MovieIdentificationService[] getMovieIdentificationServices() { return new MovieIdentificationService[] { TheMovieDB, OMDb }; } public static EpisodeListProvider[] getEpisodeListProviders() { return new EpisodeListProvider[] { TheTVDB, AniDB, TheMovieDB_TV, TVmaze }; } public static MusicIdentificationService[] getMusicIdentificationServices() { return new MusicIdentificationService[] { AcoustID, MediaInfoID3 }; } public static SubtitleProvider[] getSubtitleProviders(Locale locale) { return new SubtitleProvider[] { OpenSubtitles }; } public static VideoHashSubtitleService[] getVideoHashSubtitleServices(Locale locale) { switch (locale.getLanguage()) { case "zh": return new VideoHashSubtitleService[] { OpenSubtitles, Shooter }; // special support for 射手网 for Chinese language subtitles default: return new VideoHashSubtitleService[] { OpenSubtitles }; } } public static Datasource getService(String name) { return getService(name, getServices()); } public static EpisodeListProvider getEpisodeListProvider(String name) { return getService(name, getEpisodeListProviders()); } public static MovieIdentificationService getMovieIdentificationService(String name) { return getService(name, getMovieIdentificationServices()); } public static MusicIdentificationService getMusicIdentificationService(String name) { return getService(name, getMusicIdentificationServices()); } public static T getService(String name, T... services) { return stream(services).filter(it -> { return it.getIdentifier().equalsIgnoreCase(name); }).findFirst().orElse(null); } public static final ExecutorService requestThreadPool = Executors.newCachedThreadPool(); public static class TMDbClientWithLocalSearch extends TMDbClient { public TMDbClientWithLocalSearch(String apikey, boolean adult) { super(apikey, adult); } // local TheMovieDB search index private Map>> localIndexPerYear = synchronizedMap(new HashMap<>()); private Resource> getLocalIndex(int year) { return Resource.lazy(() -> { if (year > 0) { // limit search index to a given year (so we don't have to check all movies of all time all the time) Movie[] movies = stream(releaseInfo.getMovieList()).filter(m -> year == m.getYear()).toArray(Movie[]::new); // search by primary movie name and all known alias names return new LocalSearch<>(movies, Movie::getEffectiveNamesWithoutYear); } // check all movies of all time if release year is not known (but only compare to primary title for performance reasons) return new LocalSearch<>(releaseInfo.getMovieList(), m -> singleton(m.getName())); }); } @Override public List searchMovie(String movieName, int movieYear, Locale locale, boolean extendedInfo) throws Exception { // run local search and API search in parallel Future> apiSearch = requestThreadPool.submit(() -> TMDbClientWithLocalSearch.super.searchMovie(movieName, movieYear, locale, extendedInfo)); // the year might be off by 1 so we also check movies from the previous year and the next year Future> localSearch1 = requestThreadPool.submit(() -> localIndexPerYear.computeIfAbsent(movieYear, this::getLocalIndex).get().search(movieName)); Future> localSearch2 = requestThreadPool.submit(() -> localIndexPerYear.computeIfAbsent(movieYear - 1, this::getLocalIndex).get().search(movieName)); Future> localSearch3 = requestThreadPool.submit(() -> localIndexPerYear.computeIfAbsent(movieYear + 1, this::getLocalIndex).get().search(movieName)); // combine alias names into a single search results, and keep API search name as primary name return Stream.of(apiSearch.get(), localSearch1.get(), localSearch2.get(), localSearch3.get()).flatMap(List::stream).distinct().collect(toList()); } } public static class TheTVDBClientWithLocalSearch extends TheTVDBClient { public TheTVDBClientWithLocalSearch(String apikey) { super(apikey); } // local TheTVDB search index private final Resource> localIndex = Resource.lazy(() -> new LocalSearch(releaseInfo.getTheTVDBIndex(), SearchResult::getEffectiveNames)); private SearchResult merge(SearchResult prime, List group) { int id = prime.getId(); String name = prime.getName(); String[] aliasNames = -> stream(it.getAliasNames())).filter(n -> !n.equals(name)).distinct().toArray(String[]::new); return new SearchResult(id, name, aliasNames); } @Override public List fetchSearchResult(String query, Locale locale) throws Exception { // run local search and API search in parallel Future> apiSearch = requestThreadPool.submit(() -> TheTVDBClientWithLocalSearch.super.fetchSearchResult(query, locale)); Future> localSearch = requestThreadPool.submit(() -> localIndex.get().search(query)); // combine alias names into a single search results, and keep API search name as primary name Map results = Stream.of(apiSearch.get(), localSearch.get()).flatMap(List::stream).collect(groupingBy(SearchResult::getId, LinkedHashMap::new, collectingAndThen(toList(), group -> merge(group.get(0), group)))); return sortBySimilarity(results.values(), singleton(query), getSeriesMatchMetric()); } } public static class AnidbClientWithLocalSearch extends AnidbClient { public AnidbClientWithLocalSearch(String client, int clientver) { super(client, clientver); } @Override public SearchResult[] getAnimeTitles() throws Exception { return releaseInfo.getAnidbIndex(); } } public static class OpenSubtitlesClientWithLocalSearch extends OpenSubtitlesClient { public OpenSubtitlesClientWithLocalSearch(String name, String version) { super(name, version); } // local OpenSubtitles search index private final Resource> localIndex = Resource.lazy(() -> new LocalSearch(releaseInfo.getOpenSubtitlesIndex(), SearchResult::getEffectiveNames)); @Override public List search(final String query) throws Exception { return sortBySimilarity(localIndex.get().search(query), singleton(query), new MetricAvg(getSeriesMatchMetric(), getMovieMatchMetric())); } } /** * Dummy constructor to prevent instantiation. */ private WebServices() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } public static final String LOGIN_SEPARATOR = ":"; public static final String LOGIN_OPENSUBTITLES = "osdb.user"; /** * Initialize client settings from system properties */ static { String[] osdbLogin = getLogin(LOGIN_OPENSUBTITLES); OpenSubtitles.setUser(osdbLogin[0], osdbLogin[1]); } public static String[] getLogin(String key) { try { String[] values = Settings.forPackage(WebServices.class).get(key, LOGIN_SEPARATOR).split(LOGIN_SEPARATOR, 2); // empty username/password by default if (values != null && values.length == 2 && values[0] != null && values[1] != null) { return values; } } catch (Exception e) { debug.log(Level.SEVERE, e.getMessage(), e); } return new String[] { "", "" }; } public static void setLogin(String id, String user, String password) { // delete login if ((user == null || user.isEmpty()) && (password == null || password.isEmpty())) { if (LOGIN_OPENSUBTITLES.equals(id)) { OpenSubtitles.setUser("", ""); Settings.forPackage(WebServices.class).remove(id); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } } else { // enter login if (user == null || password == null || user.contains(LOGIN_SEPARATOR) || (user.isEmpty() && !password.isEmpty()) || (!user.isEmpty() && password.isEmpty())) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Illegal login: %s:%s", user, password)); } if (LOGIN_OPENSUBTITLES.equals(id)) { String password_md5 = md5(password); OpenSubtitles.setUser(user, password_md5); Settings.forPackage(WebServices.class).put(id, user + LOGIN_SEPARATOR + password_md5); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } } } }