package net.sourceforge.filebot.web; import static java.util.Arrays.*; import static net.sourceforge.filebot.web.EpisodeUtilities.*; import static net.sourceforge.filebot.web.WebRequest.*; import static net.sourceforge.tuned.XPathUtilities.*; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.EnumMap; import java.util.EnumSet; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Random; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import; import; import javax.swing.Icon; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory; import net.sourceforge.filebot.Cache; import net.sourceforge.filebot.ResourceManager; import net.sourceforge.filebot.web.TheTVDBClient.BannerDescriptor.BannerProperty; import net.sourceforge.filebot.web.TheTVDBClient.SeriesInfo.SeriesProperty; import net.sourceforge.tuned.FileUtilities; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Node; public class TheTVDBClient extends AbstractEpisodeListProvider { private final String host = ""; private final Map mirrors = new EnumMap(MirrorType.class); private final String apikey; public TheTVDBClient(String apikey) { if (apikey == null) throw new NullPointerException("apikey must not be null"); this.apikey = apikey; } @Override public String getName() { return "TheTVDB"; } @Override public Icon getIcon() { return ResourceManager.getIcon("search.thetvdb"); } @Override public boolean hasSingleSeasonSupport() { return true; } @Override public boolean hasLocaleSupport() { return true; } public String getLanguageCode(Locale locale) { String code = locale.getLanguage(); // Java language code => TheTVDB language code if (code.equals("iw")) // Hebrew return "he"; if (code.equals("hi")) // Hungarian return "hu"; if (code.equals("in")) // Indonesian return "id"; if (code.equals("ro")) // Russian return "ru"; return code; } @Override public ResultCache getCache() { return new ResultCache(host, Cache.getCache("web-datasource")); } @Override public List fetchSearchResult(String query, Locale locale) throws Exception { // perform online search URL url = getResource(MirrorType.SEARCH, "/api/GetSeries.php?seriesname=" + encode(query, true) + "&language=" + getLanguageCode(locale)); Document dom = getDocument(url); List nodes = selectNodes("Data/Series", dom); Map resultSet = new LinkedHashMap(); for (Node node : nodes) { int sid = getIntegerContent("seriesid", node); String seriesName = getTextContent("SeriesName", node); List aliasNames = new ArrayList(2); for (Node aliasNode : selectNodes("AliasNames", node)) { aliasNames.add(getTextContent(aliasNode)); } if (!resultSet.containsKey(sid)) { resultSet.put(sid, new TheTVDBSearchResult(seriesName, aliasNames.toArray(new String[0]), sid)); } } return new ArrayList(resultSet.values()); } @Override public List fetchEpisodeList(SearchResult searchResult, SortOrder sortOrder, Locale locale) throws Exception { TheTVDBSearchResult series = (TheTVDBSearchResult) searchResult; Document seriesRecord = getSeriesRecord(series, getLanguageCode(locale)); // we could get the series name from the search result, but the language may not match the given parameter String seriesName = selectString("Data/Series/SeriesName", seriesRecord); Date seriesStartDate = Date.parse(selectString("Data/Series/FirstAired", seriesRecord), "yyyy-MM-dd"); List nodes = selectNodes("Data/Episode", seriesRecord); List episodes = new ArrayList(nodes.size()); List specials = new ArrayList(5); for (Node node : nodes) { String episodeName = getTextContent("EpisodeName", node); String dvdSeasonNumber = getTextContent("DVD_season", node); String dvdEpisodeNumber = getTextContent("DVD_episodenumber", node); Integer absoluteNumber = getIntegerContent("absolute_number", node); Date airdate = Date.parse(getTextContent("FirstAired", node), "yyyy-MM-dd"); // default numbering Integer episodeNumber = getIntegerContent("EpisodeNumber", node); Integer seasonNumber = getIntegerContent("SeasonNumber", node); if (seasonNumber == null || seasonNumber == 0) { // handle as special episode Integer airsBefore = getIntegerContent("airsbefore_season", node); if (airsBefore != null) { seasonNumber = airsBefore; } // use given episode number as special number or count specials by ourselves Integer specialNumber = (episodeNumber != null) ? episodeNumber : filterBySeason(specials, seasonNumber).size() + 1; specials.add(new Episode(seriesName, seriesStartDate, seasonNumber, null, episodeName, null, specialNumber, airdate, searchResult)); } else { // handle as normal episode if (sortOrder == SortOrder.Absolute) { if (absoluteNumber != null) { episodeNumber = absoluteNumber; seasonNumber = null; } } else if (sortOrder == SortOrder.DVD) { try { episodeNumber = new Float(dvdEpisodeNumber).intValue(); seasonNumber = new Integer(dvdSeasonNumber); } catch (Exception e) { // ignore, fallback to default numbering } } episodes.add(new Episode(seriesName, seriesStartDate, seasonNumber, episodeNumber, episodeName, absoluteNumber, null, airdate, searchResult)); } } // episodes my not be ordered by DVD episode number sortEpisodes(episodes); // add specials at the end episodes.addAll(specials); return episodes; } public Document getSeriesRecord(TheTVDBSearchResult searchResult, String languageCode) throws Exception { URL seriesRecord = getResource(MirrorType.ZIP, "/api/" + apikey + "/series/" + searchResult.getSeriesId() + "/all/" + languageCode + ".zip"); try { ZipInputStream zipInputStream = new ZipInputStream(seriesRecord.openStream()); ZipEntry zipEntry; try { String seriesRecordName = languageCode + ".xml"; while ((zipEntry = zipInputStream.getNextEntry()) != null) { if (seriesRecordName.equals(zipEntry.getName())) { return DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance().newDocumentBuilder().parse(zipInputStream); } } // zip file must contain the series record throw new FileNotFoundException(String.format("Archive must contain %s: %s", seriesRecordName, seriesRecord)); } finally { zipInputStream.close(); } } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { throw new FileNotFoundException(String.format("Series record not found: %s [%s]: %s", searchResult.getName(), languageCode, seriesRecord)); } } public TheTVDBSearchResult lookupByID(int id, Locale locale) throws Exception { TheTVDBSearchResult cachedItem = getCache().getData("lookupByID", id, locale, TheTVDBSearchResult.class); if (cachedItem != null) { return cachedItem; } try { URL baseRecordLocation = getResource(MirrorType.XML, "/api/" + apikey + "/series/" + id + "/all/" + getLanguageCode(locale) + ".xml"); Document baseRecord = getDocument(baseRecordLocation); String name = selectString("//SeriesName", baseRecord); TheTVDBSearchResult series = new TheTVDBSearchResult(name, id); getCache().putData("lookupByID", id, locale, series); return series; } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { // illegal series id Logger.getLogger(getClass().getName()).log(Level.WARNING, "Failed to retrieve base series record: " + e.getMessage()); return null; } } public TheTVDBSearchResult lookupByIMDbID(int imdbid, Locale locale) throws Exception { TheTVDBSearchResult cachedItem = getCache().getData("lookupByIMDbID", imdbid, locale, TheTVDBSearchResult.class); if (cachedItem != null) { return cachedItem; } URL query = getResource(null, "/api/GetSeriesByRemoteID.php?imdbid=" + imdbid + "&language=" + getLanguageCode(locale)); Document dom = getDocument(query); String id = selectString("//seriesid", dom); String name = selectString("//SeriesName", dom); if (id == null || id.isEmpty() || name == null || name.isEmpty()) return null; TheTVDBSearchResult series = new TheTVDBSearchResult(name, Integer.parseInt(id)); getCache().putData("lookupByIMDbID", imdbid, locale, series); return series; } @Override public URI getEpisodeListLink(SearchResult searchResult) { return URI.create("http://" + host + "/?tab=seasonall&id=" + ((TheTVDBSearchResult) searchResult).getSeriesId()); } protected String getMirror(MirrorType mirrorType) throws Exception { synchronized (mirrors) { if (mirrors.isEmpty()) { // try cache first try { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Map cachedMirrors = getCache().getData("mirrors", null, null, Map.class); if (cachedMirrors != null) { mirrors.putAll(cachedMirrors); return mirrors.get(mirrorType); } } catch (Exception e) { Logger.getLogger(getClass().getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, e.getMessage(), e); } // initialize mirrors Document dom = getDocument(getResource(null, "/api/" + apikey + "/mirrors.xml")); // all mirrors by type Map> mirrorListMap = new EnumMap>(MirrorType.class); // initialize mirror list per type for (MirrorType type : MirrorType.values()) { mirrorListMap.put(type, new ArrayList(5)); } // traverse all mirrors for (Node node : selectNodes("Mirrors/Mirror", dom)) { // mirror data String mirror = getTextContent("mirrorpath", node); int typeMask = Integer.parseInt(getTextContent("typemask", node)); // add mirror to the according type lists for (MirrorType type : MirrorType.fromTypeMask(typeMask)) { mirrorListMap.get(type).add(mirror); } } // put random entry from each type list into mirrors Random random = new Random(); for (MirrorType type : MirrorType.values()) { List list = mirrorListMap.get(type); if (!list.isEmpty()) { mirrors.put(type, list.get(random.nextInt(list.size()))); } } getCache().putData("mirrors", null, null, mirrors); } return mirrors.get(mirrorType); } } protected URL getResource(MirrorType mirrorType, String path) throws Exception { if (mirrorType != null) { // use mirror String mirror = getMirror(mirrorType); if (mirror != null && mirror.length() > 0) { return new URL(mirror + path); } } // use default server return new URL("http", host, path); } protected static enum MirrorType { XML(1), BANNER(2), ZIP(4), SEARCH(1); private final int bitMask; private MirrorType(int bitMask) { this.bitMask = bitMask; } public static EnumSet fromTypeMask(int typeMask) { // initialize enum set with all types EnumSet enumSet = EnumSet.allOf(MirrorType.class); for (MirrorType type : values()) { if ((typeMask & type.bitMask) == 0) { // remove types that are not set enumSet.remove(type); } } return enumSet; }; } public SeriesInfo getSeriesInfoByID(int thetvdbid, Locale locale) throws Exception { return getSeriesInfo(new TheTVDBSearchResult(null, thetvdbid), locale); } public SeriesInfo getSeriesInfoByIMDbID(int imdbid, Locale locale) throws Exception { return getSeriesInfo(lookupByIMDbID(imdbid, locale), locale); } public SeriesInfo getSeriesInfoByName(String name, Locale locale) throws Exception { for (SearchResult it : search(name, locale)) { if (name.equalsIgnoreCase(it.getName())) { return getSeriesInfo((TheTVDBSearchResult) it, locale); } } return null; } public SeriesInfo getSeriesInfo(TheTVDBSearchResult searchResult, Locale locale) throws Exception { // check cache first SeriesInfo cachedItem = getCache().getData("seriesInfo", searchResult.seriesId, locale, SeriesInfo.class); if (cachedItem != null) { return cachedItem; } Document dom = getDocument(getResource(MirrorType.XML, "/api/" + apikey + "/series/" + searchResult.seriesId + "/" + getLanguageCode(locale) + ".xml")); Node node = selectNode("//Series", dom); Map fields = new EnumMap(SeriesProperty.class); // remember banner mirror fields.put(SeriesProperty.BannerMirror, getResource(MirrorType.BANNER, "/banners/").toString()); // copy values from xml for (SeriesProperty key : SeriesProperty.values()) { String value = getTextContent(, node); if (value != null && value.length() > 0) { fields.put(key, value); } } SeriesInfo seriesInfo = new SeriesInfo(fields); getCache().putData("seriesInfo", searchResult.seriesId, locale, seriesInfo); return seriesInfo; } public static class SeriesInfo implements Serializable { public static enum SeriesProperty { id, Actors, Airs_DayOfWeek, Airs_Time, ContentRating, FirstAired, Genre, IMDB_ID, Language, Network, Overview, Rating, RatingCount, Runtime, SeriesName, Status, BannerMirror, banner, fanart, poster } protected Map fields; protected SeriesInfo() { // used by serializer } protected SeriesInfo(Map fields) { this.fields = new EnumMap(fields); } public String get(Object key) { return fields.get(SeriesProperty.valueOf(key.toString())); } public String get(SeriesProperty key) { return fields.get(key); } public Integer getId() { // e.g. 80348 try { return Integer.parseInt(get(; } catch (Exception e) { return null; } } public List getActors() { // e.g. |Zachary Levi|Adam Baldwin|Yvonne Strzechowski| return split(get(SeriesProperty.Actors)); } public List getGenres() { // e.g. |Comedy| return split(get(SeriesProperty.Genre)); } protected List split(String values) { List items = new ArrayList(); if (values != null && values.length() > 0) { for (String it : values.split("[|]")) { it = it.trim(); if (it.length() > 0) { items.add(it); } } } return items; } public String getAirDayOfWeek() { // e.g. Monday return get(SeriesProperty.Airs_DayOfWeek); } public String getAirTime() { // e.g. 8:00 PM return get(SeriesProperty.Airs_Time); } public Date getFirstAired() { // e.g. 2007-09-24 return Date.parse(get(SeriesProperty.FirstAired), "yyyy-MM-dd"); } public String getContentRating() { // e.g. TV-PG return get(SeriesProperty.ContentRating); } public String getCertification() { return getContentRating(); // another getter for compability reasons } public Integer getImdbId() { // e.g. tt0934814 try { return Integer.parseInt(get(SeriesProperty.IMDB_ID).substring(2)); } catch (Exception e) { return null; } } public Locale getLanguage() { // e.g. en try { return new Locale(get(SeriesProperty.Language)); } catch (Exception e) { return null; } } public String getOverview() { // e.g. Zachary Levi (Less Than Perfect) plays Chuck... return get(SeriesProperty.Overview); } public Double getRating() { // e.g. 9.0 try { return Double.parseDouble(get(SeriesProperty.Rating)); } catch (Exception e) { return null; } } public Integer getRatingCount() { // e.g. 696 try { return Integer.parseInt(get(SeriesProperty.RatingCount)); } catch (Exception e) { return null; } } public String getRuntime() { // e.g. 30 return get(SeriesProperty.Runtime); } public String getName() { // e.g. Chuck return get(SeriesProperty.SeriesName); } public String getNetwork() { // e.g. CBS return get(SeriesProperty.Network); } public String getStatus() { // e.g. Continuing return get(SeriesProperty.Status); } public URL getBannerMirrorUrl() { try { return new URL(get(BannerProperty.BannerMirror)); } catch (Exception e) { return null; } } public URL getBannerUrl() throws MalformedURLException { try { return new URL(getBannerMirrorUrl(), get(SeriesProperty.banner)); } catch (Exception e) { return null; } } public URL getFanartUrl() { try { return new URL(getBannerMirrorUrl(), get(SeriesProperty.fanart)); } catch (Exception e) { return null; } } public URL getPosterUrl() { try { return new URL(getBannerMirrorUrl(), get(SeriesProperty.poster)); } catch (Exception e) { return null; } } @Override public String toString() { return fields.toString(); } } /** * Search for a series banner matching the given parameters * * @see */ public BannerDescriptor getBanner(TheTVDBSearchResult series, Map filterDescriptor) throws Exception { EnumMap filter = new EnumMap(BannerProperty.class); for (Entry it : filterDescriptor.entrySet()) { if (it.getValue() != null) { filter.put(BannerProperty.valueOf(it.getKey().toString()), it.getValue().toString()); } } // search for a banner matching the selector for (BannerDescriptor it : getBannerList(series)) { if (it.fields.entrySet().containsAll(filter.entrySet())) { return it; } } return null; } public List getBannerList(TheTVDBSearchResult series) throws Exception { // check cache first BannerDescriptor[] cachedList = getCache().getData("banners", series.seriesId, null, BannerDescriptor[].class); if (cachedList != null) { return asList(cachedList); } Document dom = getDocument(getResource(MirrorType.XML, "/api/" + apikey + "/series/" + series.seriesId + "/banners.xml")); List nodes = selectNodes("//Banner", dom); List banners = new ArrayList(); for (Node node : nodes) { try { Map item = new EnumMap(BannerProperty.class); // insert banner mirror item.put(BannerProperty.BannerMirror, getResource(MirrorType.BANNER, "/banners/").toString()); // copy values from xml for (BannerProperty key : BannerProperty.values()) { String value = getTextContent(, node); if (value != null && value.length() > 0) { item.put(key, value); } } banners.add(new BannerDescriptor(item)); } catch (Exception e) { // log and ignore Logger.getLogger(getClass().getName()).log(Level.WARNING, "Invalid banner descriptor", e); } } getCache().putData("banners", series.seriesId, null, banners.toArray(new BannerDescriptor[0])); return banners; } public static class BannerDescriptor implements Serializable { public static enum BannerProperty { id, BannerMirror, BannerPath, BannerType, BannerType2, Season, Colors, Language, Rating, RatingCount, SeriesName, ThumbnailPath, VignettePath } protected Map fields; protected BannerDescriptor() { // used by serializer } protected BannerDescriptor(Map fields) { this.fields = new EnumMap(fields); } public String get(Object key) { return fields.get(BannerProperty.valueOf(key.toString())); } public String get(BannerProperty key) { return fields.get(key); } public URL getBannerMirrorUrl() throws MalformedURLException { try { return new URL(get(BannerProperty.BannerMirror)); } catch (Exception e) { return null; } } public URL getUrl() throws MalformedURLException { try { return new URL(getBannerMirrorUrl(), get(BannerProperty.BannerPath)); } catch (Exception e) { return null; } } public String getExtension() { return FileUtilities.getExtension(get(BannerProperty.BannerPath)); } public Integer getId() { try { return new Integer(get(; } catch (Exception e) { return null; } } public String getBannerType() { return get(BannerProperty.BannerType); } public String getBannerType2() { return get(BannerProperty.BannerType2); } public Integer getSeason() { try { return new Integer(get(BannerProperty.Season)); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { return null; } } public String getColors() { return get(BannerProperty.Colors); } public Locale getLocale() { try { return new Locale(get(BannerProperty.Language)); } catch (Exception e) { return null; } } public Double getRating() { try { return new Double(get(BannerProperty.Rating)); } catch (Exception e) { return null; } } public Integer getRatingCount() { try { return new Integer(get(BannerProperty.RatingCount)); } catch (Exception e) { return null; } } public boolean hasSeriesName() { return Boolean.parseBoolean(get(BannerProperty.SeriesName)); } public URL getThumbnailUrl() throws MalformedURLException { try { return new URL(getBannerMirrorUrl(), get(BannerProperty.ThumbnailPath)); } catch (Exception e) { return null; } } public URL getVignetteUrl() throws MalformedURLException { try { return new URL(getBannerMirrorUrl(), get(BannerProperty.VignettePath)); } catch (Exception e) { return null; } } @Override public String toString() { return fields.toString(); } } }