package net.filebot; import static net.filebot.Logging.*; import; import; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.LinkOption; import java.nio.file.attribute.BasicFileAttributes; import; import com.sun.jna.Platform; import com.sun.jna.platform.FileUtils; import net.filebot.util.FileUtilities; public enum StandardRenameAction implements RenameAction { MOVE { @Override public File rename(File from, File to) throws Exception { return FileUtilities.moveRename(from, to); } }, COPY { @Override public File rename(File from, File to) throws Exception { return FileUtilities.copyAs(from, to); } }, KEEPLINK { @Override public File rename(File from, File to) throws Exception { File dest = FileUtilities.resolveDestination(from, to); // move file and the create a symlink to the new location via NIO.2 try { Files.move(from.toPath(), dest.toPath()); FileUtilities.createRelativeSymlink(from, dest, true); } catch (LinkageError e) { throw new Exception("Unsupported Operation: move, createSymbolicLink"); } return dest; } }, SYMLINK { @Override public File rename(File from, File to) throws Exception { File dest = FileUtilities.resolveDestination(from, to); // create symlink via NIO.2 try { return FileUtilities.createRelativeSymlink(dest, from, true); } catch (LinkageError e) { throw new Exception("Unsupported Operation: createSymbolicLink"); } } }, HARDLINK { @Override public File rename(File from, File to) throws Exception { File dest = FileUtilities.resolveDestination(from, to); // create hardlink via NIO.2 try { return FileUtilities.createHardLinkStructure(dest, from); } catch (LinkageError e) { throw new Exception("Unsupported Operation: createLink"); } } }, DUPLICATE { @Override public File rename(File from, File to) throws Exception { try { return HARDLINK.rename(from, to); } catch (Exception e) { return COPY.rename(from, to); } } }, REFLINK { @Override public File rename(File from, File to) throws Exception { File dest = FileUtilities.resolveDestination(from, to); // reflink requires Linux and a filesystem that supports copy-on-write (e.g. btrfs) ProcessBuilder process = new ProcessBuilder("cp", "--reflink", "--force", from.isDirectory() ? "--recursive" : "--no-target-directory", from.getPath(), dest.getPath());; process.inheritIO(); int exitCode = process.start().waitFor(); if (exitCode != 0) { throw new IOException(String.format("reflink: %s failed with exit code %d", process.command(), exitCode)); } return dest; } }, RENAME { @Override public File rename(File from, File to) throws Exception { // rename only the filename File dest = new File(from.getParentFile(), to.getName()); if (!from.renameTo(dest)) { throw new IOException("Failed to rename " + from + " to " + dest); } return dest; } }, TEST { @Override public File rename(File from, File to) throws IOException { return FileUtilities.resolve(from, to); } }; public String getDisplayName() { switch (this) { case MOVE: return "Rename"; case COPY: return "Copy"; case KEEPLINK: return "Keeplink"; case SYMLINK: return "Symlink"; case HARDLINK: return "Hardlink"; default: return null; } } public static StandardRenameAction forName(String action) { for (StandardRenameAction it : values()) { if ( return it; } throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal rename action: " + action); } public static File revert(File current, File original) throws IOException { // do nothing if current and original path is exactly the same if (current.equals(original)) { return original; } // reverse move if (current.exists() && !original.exists()) { return FileUtilities.moveRename(current, original); } BasicFileAttributes currentAttr = Files.readAttributes(current.toPath(), BasicFileAttributes.class, LinkOption.NOFOLLOW_LINKS); BasicFileAttributes originalAttr = Files.readAttributes(original.toPath(), BasicFileAttributes.class, LinkOption.NOFOLLOW_LINKS); // reverse symlink if (currentAttr.isSymbolicLink() && !originalAttr.isSymbolicLink()) { trash(current); return original; } // reverse keeplink if (!currentAttr.isSymbolicLink() && originalAttr.isSymbolicLink()) { trash(original); return FileUtilities.moveRename(current, original); } // reverse copy / hardlink if (currentAttr.isRegularFile() && originalAttr.isRegularFile()) { trash(current); return original; } // reverse folder copy if (currentAttr.isDirectory() && originalAttr.isDirectory()) { trash(original); return FileUtilities.moveRename(current, original); } throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Cannot revert file: %s => %s", current, original)); } public static void trash(File file) throws IOException { // use system trash if possible try { if (Platform.isMac()) { // use package on OS X platform if (FileManager.moveToTrash(file)) { return; } } else if (FileUtils.getInstance().hasTrash()) { // use com.sun.jna.platform package on Windows and Linux FileUtils.getInstance().moveToTrash(new File[] { file }); return; } } catch (Exception e) { debug.warning(e::toString); } // delete permanently if necessary if (file.exists()) { FileUtilities.delete(file); } } }