package net.filebot.web; import static java.util.Arrays.*; import static java.util.Collections.*; import static*; import static net.filebot.Logging.*; import static net.filebot.util.FileUtilities.*; import static net.filebot.util.JsonUtilities.*; import static net.filebot.web.OpenSubtitlesHasher.*; import; import; import; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.function.Function; import java.util.logging.Level; import javax.swing.Icon; import net.filebot.Cache; import net.filebot.Cache.TypedCache; import net.filebot.CacheType; import net.filebot.ResourceManager; import; import net.filebot.mediainfo.MediaInfo; import net.filebot.mediainfo.MediaInfo.StreamKind; import net.filebot.util.ExceptionUtilities; import net.filebot.util.Timer; import net.filebot.web.OpenSubtitlesXmlRpc.BaseInfo; import net.filebot.web.OpenSubtitlesXmlRpc.Query; import net.filebot.web.OpenSubtitlesXmlRpc.SubFile; import net.filebot.web.OpenSubtitlesXmlRpc.TryUploadResponse; import redstone.xmlrpc.XmlRpcException; import redstone.xmlrpc.XmlRpcFault; /** * SubtitleClient for OpenSubtitles. */ public class OpenSubtitlesClient implements SubtitleProvider, VideoHashSubtitleService, MovieIdentificationService { public final OpenSubtitlesXmlRpc xmlrpc; private String username = ""; private String password = ""; public OpenSubtitlesClient(String name, String version) { this.xmlrpc = new OpenSubtitlesXmlRpcWithRetryAndFloodLimit(String.format("%s v%s", name, version), 2, 3000); } @Override public String getIdentifier() { return "OpenSubtitles"; } @Override public Icon getIcon() { return ResourceManager.getIcon("search.opensubtitles"); } @Override public URI getLink() { return URI.create(""); } public synchronized void setUser(String username, String password_md5) { // cancel previous session this.logout(); this.username = username; this.password = password_md5; } public boolean isAnonymous() { return username == null || username.isEmpty(); } @Override public List search(String query) throws Exception { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("XMLRPC::SearchMoviesOnIMDB has been banned due to abuse"); } @Override public List searchMovie(String query, Locale locale) throws Exception { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("XMLRPC::SearchMoviesOnIMDB has been banned due to abuse"); } @Override public synchronized List guess(String tag) throws Exception { // require login return getSearchCache("tag").computeIfAbsent(tag, it -> { login(); return xmlrpc.guessMovie(singleton(tag)).getOrDefault(tag, emptyList()); }); } public synchronized List searchIMDB(String query) throws Exception { // require login return getSearchCache("query").computeIfAbsent(query, it -> { login(); return xmlrpc.searchMoviesOnIMDB(query); }); } public synchronized List getSubtitleList(Query query) throws Exception { // require login return getSubtitlesCache().computeIfAbsent(query, it -> { login(); return xmlrpc.searchSubtitles(singleton(query)); }); } public List getSubtitleList(SubtitleSearchResult searchResult, Locale locale) throws Exception { return getSubtitleList(searchResult, -1, -1, locale); } @Override public List getSubtitleList(SubtitleSearchResult searchResult, int[][] episodeFilter, Locale locale) throws Exception { // no filter if (episodeFilter == null || episodeFilter.length == 0) { return getSubtitleList(searchResult, -1, -1, locale); } int[] seasons = stream(episodeFilter).mapToInt(ii -> ii[0]).filter(i -> i >= 0).sorted().distinct().toArray(); int[] episodes = stream(episodeFilter).mapToInt(ii -> ii[1]).filter(i -> i >= 0).sorted().distinct().toArray(); // no filter if (seasons.length == 0 && episodes.length == 0) { return getSubtitleList(searchResult, -1, -1, locale); } // episode filter if (seasons.length == 1 && episodes.length == 1) { return getSubtitleList(searchResult, seasons[0], episodes[0], locale); } // season filter if (seasons.length > 0 && episodes.length == 0) { return stream(seasons).boxed().flatMap(s -> { try { return getSubtitleList(searchResult, s, -1, locale).stream(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(String.format("Failed to retrieve subtitle list for season: %s S%02d [%s]", searchResult, s, locale), e); } }).distinct().collect(toList()); } // multi-episode filter return stream(episodeFilter).flatMap(ii -> { try { return getSubtitleList(searchResult, ii[0], ii[1], locale).stream(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(String.format("Failed to retrieve subtitle list for episode: %s %s [%s]", searchResult, asList(ii), locale), e); } }).distinct().collect(toList()); } public synchronized List getSubtitleList(SubtitleSearchResult searchResult, int season, int episode, Locale locale) throws Exception { Query query = Query.forImdbId(searchResult.getImdbId(), season, episode, getLanguageFilter(locale)); // require login return getSubtitlesCache().computeIfAbsent(query, it -> { login(); return xmlrpc.searchSubtitles(singleton(query)); }); } @Override public Map> getSubtitleList(File[] files, Locale locale) throws Exception { Map> results = new HashMap>(files.length); Set remainingFiles = new HashSet(asList(files)); // lookup subtitles by hash if (remainingFiles.size() > 0) { results.putAll(getSubtitleListByHash(remainingFiles.toArray(new File[0]), locale)); } // remove files for which subtitles have already been found results.forEach((k, v) -> { if (v.size() > 0) { remainingFiles.remove(k); } }); return results; } protected Map> getSubtitleList(File[] files, Function queryMapper) throws Exception { Map> results = new HashMap>(files.length); // dispatch query for all hashes for (File f : files) { Query query = queryMapper.apply(f); if (query != null) { results.put(f, getSubtitleList(query)); } else { results.put(f, emptyList()); } } return results; } public Map> getSubtitleListByHash(File[] files, Locale locale) throws Exception { return getSubtitleList(files, f -> { if (f.length() > HASH_CHUNK_SIZE) { try { String hash = computeHash(f); return Query.forHash(hash, f.length(), getLanguageFilter(locale)); } catch (Exception e) { debug.log(Level.SEVERE, "Failed to compute hash", e); } } else { // debug dummy files, e.g. { "hash":"ca8395374fad4b83", "size":639511378 } try { Map json = asMap(readJson(readTextFile(f))); if (json != null) { return Query.forHash(json.get("hash").toString(), Long.parseLong(json.get("size").toString()), getLanguageFilter(locale)); } } catch (Exception e) { debug.finest("Ignore sample file: " + f); } } return null; }); } public Map> getSubtitleListByTag(File[] files, Locale locale) throws Exception { return getSubtitleList(files, f -> { String tag = getNameWithoutExtension(f.getName()); return Query.forTag(tag, getLanguageFilter(locale)); }); } @Override public synchronized CheckResult checkSubtitle(File videoFile, File subtitleFile) throws Exception { // require login login(); // check if subs already exist in DB SubFile subFile = getSubFile(videoFile, subtitleFile, false); TryUploadResponse response = xmlrpc.tryUploadSubtitles(subFile); // TryUploadResponse: false => [{HashWasAlreadyInDb=1, MovieKind=movie, IDSubtitle=3167446, MoviefilenameWasAlreadyInDb=1, ISO639=en, MovieYear=2007, SubLanguageID=eng, MovieName=Blades of Glory, MovieNameEng=, IDMovieImdb=445934}] boolean exists = !response.isUploadRequired(); Movie identity = null; Locale language = null; if (response.getSubtitleData().size() > 0) { try { Map fields = response.getSubtitleData().get(0); String lang = fields.get("SubLanguageID"); language = new Locale(lang); String imdb = fields.get("IDMovieImdb"); String name = fields.get("MovieName"); String year = fields.get("MovieYear"); identity = new Movie(name, Integer.parseInt(year), Integer.parseInt(imdb)); } catch (Exception e) { debug.log(Level.SEVERE, "Failed to upload subtitles", e); } } return new CheckResult(exists, identity, language); } @Override public synchronized void uploadSubtitle(Object identity, Locale locale, File[] videoFile, File[] subtitleFile) throws Exception { int imdbid = -1; try { imdbid = ((Movie) identity).getImdbId(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal Movie ID: " + identity); } String subLanguageID = getSubLanguageID(locale); BaseInfo info = new BaseInfo(); info.setIDMovieImdb(imdbid); info.setSubLanguageID(subLanguageID); SubFile[] subFiles = new SubFile[videoFile.length]; for (int i = 0; i < subFiles.length; i++) { subFiles[i] = getSubFile(videoFile[i], subtitleFile[i], true); } // require login login(); xmlrpc.uploadSubtitles(info, subFiles); } protected SubFile getSubFile(File videoFile, File subtitleFile, boolean content) throws IOException { // subhash (md5 of subtitles), subfilename, moviehash, moviebytesize, moviefilename SubFile sub = new SubFile(); sub.setSubHash(md5(readFile(subtitleFile))); sub.setSubFileName(subtitleFile.getName()); sub.setMovieHash(computeHash(videoFile)); sub.setMovieByteSize(videoFile.length()); sub.setMovieFileName(videoFile.getName()); // encode subtitle contents if (content) { sub.setSubContent(readFile(subtitleFile)); } try (MediaInfo mi = new MediaInfo().open(videoFile)) { sub.setMovieFPS(mi.get(StreamKind.Video, 0, "FrameRate")); sub.setMovieTimeMS(mi.get(StreamKind.General, 0, "Duration")); } catch (Throwable e) { debug.log(Level.SEVERE, "Failed to read media info", e); } return sub; } @Override public synchronized Movie getMovieDescriptor(Movie id, Locale locale) throws Exception { if (id.getImdbId() <= 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal IMDbID ID: " + id.getImdbId()); } // require login return getLookupCache(locale).computeIfAbsent(id.getImdbId(), it -> { login(); return xmlrpc.getIMDBMovieDetails(id.getImdbId()); }); } public Movie getMovieDescriptor(File movieFile, Locale locale) throws Exception { return getMovieDescriptors(singleton(movieFile), locale).get(movieFile); } public synchronized Map getMovieDescriptors(Collection movieFiles, Locale locale) throws Exception { // create result array Map results = new HashMap(); // make sure we don't get mismatches by making sure the hash has not been confirmed numerous times int minSeenCount = 20; for (File f : movieFiles) { if (f.length() > HASH_CHUNK_SIZE) { String hash = computeHash(f); Movie match = getLookupCache(locale).computeIfAbsent(hash, it -> { return xmlrpc.checkMovieHash(singleton(hash), minSeenCount).get(hash); }); results.put(f, match); } } return results; } @Override public URI getSubtitleListLink(SubtitleSearchResult searchResult, Locale locale) { return URI.create(String.format("", searchResult.getImdbId(), getSubLanguageID(locale))); } public synchronized Locale detectLanguage(byte[] data) throws Exception { if (data.length < 256) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Data is too small: " + data.length); } // require login List languages = getCache("detect").castList(String.class).computeIfAbsent(md5(data), it -> { login(); return xmlrpc.detectLanguage(data); }); return languages.size() > 0 ? new Locale(languages.get(0)) : Locale.ROOT; } public synchronized void login() throws Exception { if (!xmlrpc.isLoggedOn()) { xmlrpc.login(username, password, "en"); } logoutTimer.set(10, TimeUnit.MINUTES, true); } public synchronized void logout() { if (xmlrpc.isLoggedOn()) { try { xmlrpc.logout(); } catch (Exception e) { debug.log(Level.WARNING, "Failed to log out", e); } } logoutTimer.cancel(); } protected final Timer logoutTimer = new Timer() { @Override public void run() { logout(); } }; public synchronized Map getServerInfo() throws Exception { // require login login(); return xmlrpc.getServerInfo(); } public Map getDownloadLimits() throws Exception { return (Map) getServerInfo().get("download_limits"); } /** * SubLanguageID by English language name */ protected synchronized Map getSubLanguageMap() throws Exception { Map subLanguageMap = new HashMap(); // try to get language map from cache Cache cache = Cache.getCache(getName() + "_languages", CacheType.Persistent); Map m = (Map) cache.computeIfAbsent("subLanguageMap", k -> xmlrpc.getSubLanguages()); // add additional language aliases for improved compatibility Map additionalLanguageMappings = MediaDetection.releaseInfo.getLanguageMap(Locale.ENGLISH); m.forEach((k, v) -> { // map id by name String subLanguageID = k.toString().toLowerCase(); String languageCode = v.toString().toLowerCase(); subLanguageMap.put(languageCode, subLanguageID); subLanguageMap.put(subLanguageID, subLanguageID); // add reverse mapping as well for improved compatibility // add additional language aliases for improved compatibility for (String key : new String[] { subLanguageID, languageCode }) { Locale locale = additionalLanguageMappings.get(key); if (locale != null) { for (String identifier : asList(locale.getLanguage(), locale.getISO3Language(), locale.getDisplayLanguage(Locale.ENGLISH))) { if (identifier != null && identifier.length() > 0 && !subLanguageMap.containsKey(identifier.toLowerCase())) { subLanguageMap.put(identifier.toLowerCase(), subLanguageID); } } } } }); return subLanguageMap; } protected String getSubLanguageID(Locale locale) { if (locale == null || locale.equals(Locale.ROOT)) { return "all"; } // some special handling switch (locale.toString()) { case "en_US": return "eng"; // English case "pt_BR": return "pob"; // Brazilian Portuguese case "zh_CN": return "chi"; // Chinese (Simplified) case "zh_TW": return "zht"; // Chinese (Traditional) case "iw_IL": return "heb"; // Hebrew } Map languageMap; try { languageMap = getSubLanguageMap(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new IllegalStateException("Failed to retrieve subtitle language map", e); } String subLanguageID = languageMap.get(locale.getLanguage()); if (subLanguageID == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("SubLanguageID not found: " + locale); } return subLanguageID; } protected String[] getLanguageFilter(Locale locale) { return locale == null || locale.getLanguage().isEmpty() ? new String[0] : new String[] { getSubLanguageID(locale) }; } public Cache getCache(String section) { return Cache.getCache(getName() + "_" + section, CacheType.Daily); } protected TypedCache> getSearchCache(String method) { return getCache("search_" + method).castList(SubtitleSearchResult.class); } protected TypedCache> getSubtitlesCache() { return getCache("data").castList(SubtitleDescriptor.class); } protected TypedCache getLookupCache(Locale locale) { return getCache("lookup_" + locale).cast(Movie.class); } protected static class OpenSubtitlesXmlRpcWithRetryAndFloodLimit extends OpenSubtitlesXmlRpc { private final Object lock = new Object(); private int retryCountLimit; private long retryWaitTime; public OpenSubtitlesXmlRpcWithRetryAndFloodLimit(String useragent, int retryCountLimit, long retryWaitTime) { super(useragent); this.retryCountLimit = retryCountLimit; this.retryWaitTime = retryWaitTime; } @Override protected Map invoke(String method, Object... arguments) throws XmlRpcFault { for (int i = 0; retryCountLimit < 0 || i <= retryCountLimit; i++) { try { if (i > 0) { Thread.sleep(retryWaitTime); } // only allow 1 single concurrent connection at any time (to reduce abuse) synchronized (lock) { return super.invoke(method, arguments); } } catch (XmlRpcException e) { IOException ioException = ExceptionUtilities.findCause(e, IOException.class); if (ioException == null || i >= 0 && i >= retryCountLimit) { throw e; } } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } return null; // can't happen } } }