package; import static net.filebot.Logging.*; import static net.filebot.Settings.*; import; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.function.Function; import net.filebot.Cache; import net.filebot.CacheType; import net.filebot.Resource; import net.filebot.WebServices; import net.filebot.web.Episode; import net.filebot.web.Movie; import net.filebot.web.SimpleDate; public class XattrMetaInfo { public static final XattrMetaInfo xattr = new XattrMetaInfo(useExtendedFileAttributes(), useCreationDate()); private final boolean useExtendedFileAttributes; private final boolean useCreationDate; private final Cache xattrMetaInfoCache = Cache.getCache(MetaAttributes.METADATA_KEY, CacheType.Ephemeral); private final Cache xattrOriginalNameCache = Cache.getCache(MetaAttributes.FILENAME_KEY, CacheType.Ephemeral); public XattrMetaInfo(boolean useExtendedFileAttributes, boolean useCreationDate) { this.useExtendedFileAttributes = useExtendedFileAttributes; this.useCreationDate = useCreationDate; } public boolean isMetaInfo(Object object) { return object instanceof Episode || object instanceof Movie; } public long getTimeStamp(Object object) throws Exception { if (object instanceof Episode) { Episode episode = (Episode) object; if (episode.getAirdate() != null) { return episode.getAirdate().getTimeStamp(); } } else if (object instanceof Movie) { Movie movie = (Movie) object; if (movie.getYear() > 0 && movie.getTmdbId() > 0) { SimpleDate releaseDate = WebServices.TheMovieDB.getMovieInfo(movie, Locale.US, false).getReleased(); if (releaseDate != null) { return releaseDate.getTimeStamp(); } } } return -1; } public synchronized Object getMetaInfo(File file) { return getXattrValue(xattrMetaInfoCache, file, MetaAttributes::getObject); } public synchronized String getOriginalName(File file) { return (String) getXattrValue(xattrOriginalNameCache, file, MetaAttributes::getOriginalName); } private Object getXattrValue(Cache cache, File file, Function compute) { // try in-memory cache of previously stored xattr metadata if (!useExtendedFileAttributes) { return cache.get(file); } try { return cache.computeIfAbsent(file, element -> compute.apply(xattr(file))); // read only } catch (Throwable e) { debug.warning(cause("Failed to read xattr", e)); } return null; } private File writable(File f) throws Exception { // make file writable if necessary if (!f.canWrite()) { if (f.setWritable(true)) { debug.fine(message("Grant write permissions", f)); } else { debug.warning(message("Failed to grant write permissions", f)); } } return f; } private MetaAttributes xattr(File f) throws Exception { return new MetaAttributes(f); } public synchronized void setMetaInfo(File file, Object model, String original) { // only for Episode / Movie objects if (!isMetaInfo(model) || !file.isFile()) { return; } // set creation date to episode / movie release date Resource xattr = Resource.lazy(() -> xattr(writable(file))); if (useCreationDate) { try { long t = getTimeStamp(model); if (t > 0) { xattr.get().setCreationDate(t); } } catch (Throwable e) { debug.warning(cause("Failed to set creation date", e)); } } // store metadata object and original name as xattr try { if (isMetaInfo(model)) { xattrMetaInfoCache.put(file, model); if (useExtendedFileAttributes) { xattr.get().setObject(model); } } if (original != null && original.length() > 0 && getOriginalName(file) == null) { xattrOriginalNameCache.put(file, original); if (useExtendedFileAttributes) { xattr.get().setOriginalName(original); } } } catch (Throwable e) { debug.warning(cause("Failed to set xattr", e)); } } public synchronized void clear(File file) { // clear in-memory cache xattrMetaInfoCache.remove(file); xattrOriginalNameCache.remove(file); if (useExtendedFileAttributes) { try { xattr(writable(file)).clear(); } catch (Throwable e) { debug.warning(cause("Failed to clear xattr", e)); } } } }