* improved binding bean to work with both episode and movie objects
* added Movie support to FormatDialog and BindingDialog
* added Movie format support to CLI
+ added binding for video {source} (DVDRip, BluRay, etc)
+ added binding for release {group} (aXXo, etc)
* added simple binding for audio channels {af} (e.g. 6ch)
* added bindings for multi-part movies {pi}{pn}
* added Movie formatter/parser
+ download and extract selected subtitle packages (not displayed yet though)
* SubtitleDescriptor provides download function (Callable)
* updated sublight webservice
* lazy-initialize SubtitlesAPI2Soap (Sublight) because loading all the jax-ws classes will can take more than 1s (while blocking EDT)
* better sublight subtitle display names
* added archive files to media.types
* added icons for subtitle list
* refactoring
* added SeasonEpisodeSimilarityMetric which detects similarity based on known patterns
* moved everything similarity/maching related to net.sourceforge.filebot.similarity
* refactoring of all the matching-related stuff in rename panel
* remove name2file and file2name maching selection because new maching algorithm works 2-ways from the start and doesn't need that hack
* added console handler to ui logger that will log ui warnings and ui errors to console too
* some refactoring on all SimilarityMetrics
* use Interrupts in analyze tools to abort operation
* refactoring of the rename process, if something goes wrong, we will now revert all already renamed files to their original filenames
* static LINE_SEPARATOR pattern in FileTransferablePolicy
* new maching icon, removed old ones
* renamed class "EpisodeListPanel" to "EpisodeListTab"
* renamed class "SearchPanel" to "EpisodeListPanel"
* renamed panel.search.png to panel.episodelist.png
* AbstractSearchPanel (used in SubtitlePanel only so far)
* started using GlazedLists
* replaced searchtextfield with customized combobox (will be used for completion in the future)
* renamed FileFormat to FileUtil and move to tuned
* removed ESC shortcut