mirror of
synced 2025-03-09 13:59:49 -04:00
+ advanced scripting for filebot via integrated Groovy interpreter and bindings to CLI functions
This commit is contained in:
@ -21,11 +21,11 @@ import javax.swing.SwingUtilities;
import javax.swing.UIManager;
import org.kohsuke.args4j.CmdLineException;
import org.kohsuke.args4j.CmdLineParser;
import net.sf.ehcache.CacheManager;
import net.sourceforge.filebot.cli.ArgumentBean;
import net.sourceforge.filebot.cli.ArgumentProcessor;
import net.sourceforge.filebot.cli.CmdlineOperations;
import net.sourceforge.filebot.format.ExpressionFormat;
import net.sourceforge.filebot.ui.MainFrame;
import net.sourceforge.filebot.ui.SinglePanelFrame;
@ -43,58 +43,52 @@ public class Main {
// parse arguments
final ArgumentBean argumentBean = new ArgumentBean();
if (args != null && args.length > 0) {
try {
CmdLineParser parser = new CmdLineParser(argumentBean);
} catch (CmdLineException e) {
// just print CLI error message and stop
try {
// parse arguments
final ArgumentProcessor cli = new ArgumentProcessor();
final ArgumentBean argumentBean = cli.parse(args);
// initialize analytics
if (argumentBean.printHelp()) {
// just print help message and exit afterwards
if (argumentBean.printHelp()) {
new CmdLineParser(argumentBean).printUsage(System.out);
// just print help message and exit afterwards
if (argumentBean.clearUserData()) {
// clear preferences and cache
// initialize analytics
// run command-line interface and then exit
if (argumentBean.runCLI()) {
int status = new ArgumentProcessor().process(argumentBean);
// start user interface
SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
if (argumentBean.clearUserData()) {
// clear preferences and cache
public void run() {
try {
// use native laf an all platforms
} catch (Exception e) {
Logger.getLogger(Main.class.getName()).log(Level.WARNING, e.getMessage(), e);
// CLI mode => run command-line interface and then exit
if (argumentBean.runCLI()) {
int status = cli.process(argumentBean, new CmdlineOperations());
// GUI mode => start user interface
SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
try {
// use native laf an all platforms
} catch (Exception e) {
Logger.getLogger(Main.class.getName()).log(Level.WARNING, e.getMessage(), e);
} catch (CmdLineException e) {
// illegal arguments => just print CLI error message and stop
@ -6,20 +6,18 @@ import static java.util.Collections.*;
import static net.sourceforge.tuned.FileUtilities.*;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.net.MalformedURLException;
import java.net.URL;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import javax.script.ScriptException;
import org.kohsuke.args4j.Argument;
import org.kohsuke.args4j.Option;
import net.sourceforge.filebot.MediaTypes;
import net.sourceforge.filebot.format.ExpressionFormat;
import net.sourceforge.filebot.ui.Language;
public class ArgumentBean {
@ -66,6 +64,9 @@ public class ArgumentBean {
@Option(name = "-clear", usage = "Clear cache and application settings")
public boolean clear = false;
@Option(name = "-script", usage = "Run Groovy script")
public String script = null;
@Option(name = "-no-analytics", usage = "Disable analytics")
public boolean disableAnalytics = false;
@ -77,7 +78,7 @@ public class ArgumentBean {
public boolean runCLI() {
return rename || getSubtitles || check || list;
return rename || getSubtitles || check || list || script != null;
@ -96,39 +97,6 @@ public class ArgumentBean {
public ExpressionFormat getEpisodeFormat() throws ScriptException {
return format != null ? new ExpressionFormat(format) : null;
public Language getLanguage() {
// try to look up by language code
Language language = Language.getLanguage(lang);
if (language == null) {
// try too look up by language name
language = Language.getLanguageByName(lang);
if (language == null) {
// unable to lookup language
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal language code: " + lang);
return language;
public Charset getEncoding() {
return encoding != null ? Charset.forName(encoding) : null;
public Level getLogLevel() {
return Level.parse(log.toUpperCase());
public List<File> getFiles(boolean resolveFolders) {
List<File> files = new ArrayList<File>();
@ -147,4 +115,26 @@ public class ArgumentBean {
return files;
public URL getScriptLocation() {
try {
return new URL(script);
} catch (MalformedURLException eu) {
try {
File file = new File(script);
if (!file.exists())
throw new FileNotFoundException(file.getPath());
return file.toURI().toURL();
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(e);
public Level getLogLevel() {
return Level.parse(log.toUpperCase());
@ -2,673 +2,99 @@
package net.sourceforge.filebot.cli;
import static java.lang.String.*;
import static java.util.Collections.*;
import static net.sourceforge.filebot.MediaTypes.*;
import static net.sourceforge.filebot.WebServices.*;
import static net.sourceforge.filebot.cli.CLILogging.*;
import static net.sourceforge.filebot.hash.VerificationUtilities.*;
import static net.sourceforge.filebot.subtitle.SubtitleUtilities.*;
import static net.sourceforge.tuned.FileUtilities.*;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.security.AccessController;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ListIterator;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import java.util.AbstractMap.SimpleImmutableEntry;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import java.util.concurrent.Future;
import javax.script.Bindings;
import javax.script.SimpleBindings;
import org.kohsuke.args4j.CmdLineException;
import org.kohsuke.args4j.CmdLineParser;
import net.sourceforge.filebot.Analytics;
import net.sourceforge.filebot.MediaTypes;
import net.sourceforge.filebot.WebServices;
import net.sourceforge.filebot.format.ExpressionFormat;
import net.sourceforge.filebot.format.MediaBindingBean;
import net.sourceforge.filebot.hash.HashType;
import net.sourceforge.filebot.hash.VerificationFileReader;
import net.sourceforge.filebot.hash.VerificationFileWriter;
import net.sourceforge.filebot.similarity.Match;
import net.sourceforge.filebot.similarity.Matcher;
import net.sourceforge.filebot.similarity.NameSimilarityMetric;
import net.sourceforge.filebot.similarity.SeriesNameMatcher;
import net.sourceforge.filebot.similarity.SimilarityMetric;
import net.sourceforge.filebot.subtitle.SubtitleFormat;
import net.sourceforge.filebot.ui.Language;
import net.sourceforge.filebot.ui.rename.HistorySpooler;
import net.sourceforge.filebot.ui.rename.MatchSimilarityMetric;
import net.sourceforge.filebot.vfs.ArchiveType;
import net.sourceforge.filebot.vfs.MemoryFile;
import net.sourceforge.filebot.web.Episode;
import net.sourceforge.filebot.web.EpisodeFormat;
import net.sourceforge.filebot.web.EpisodeListProvider;
import net.sourceforge.filebot.web.Movie;
import net.sourceforge.filebot.web.MovieIdentificationService;
import net.sourceforge.filebot.web.SearchResult;
import net.sourceforge.filebot.web.SubtitleDescriptor;
import net.sourceforge.filebot.web.SubtitleProvider;
import net.sourceforge.filebot.web.VideoHashSubtitleService;
public class ArgumentProcessor {
public int process(ArgumentBean args) throws Exception {
public ArgumentBean parse(String[] args) throws CmdLineException {
final ArgumentBean bean = new ArgumentBean();
if (args != null && args.length > 0) {
CmdLineParser parser = new CmdLineParser(bean);
return bean;
public int process(ArgumentBean args, CmdlineInterface cli) throws Exception {
Analytics.trackView(ArgumentProcessor.class, "FileBot CLI");
// print operations
if (args.list) {
printEpisodeList(args.query, args.getEpisodeFormat(), args.db, args.getLanguage().toLocale());
return 0;
// file operations
try {
Set<File> files = new LinkedHashSet<File>(args.getFiles(true));
if (args.getSubtitles) {
List<File> subtitles = getSubtitles(files, args.query, args.getLanguage(), args.output, args.getEncoding());
// print operations
if (args.list) {
for (String eps : cli.fetchEpisodeList(args.query, args.format, args.db, args.lang)) {
return 0;
if (args.rename) {
rename(files, args.query, args.getEpisodeFormat(), args.db, args.getLanguage().toLocale(), !args.nonStrict);
if (args.check) {
check(files, args.output, args.getEncoding());
if (args.script == null) {
// file operations
Set<File> files = new LinkedHashSet<File>(args.getFiles(true));
if (args.getSubtitles) {
List<File> subtitles = cli.getSubtitles(files, args.query, args.lang, args.output, args.encoding);
if (args.rename) {
cli.rename(files, args.query, args.format, args.db, args.lang, !args.nonStrict);
if (args.check) {
// check verification file
if (containsOnly(files, MediaTypes.getDefaultFilter("verification"))) {
if (!cli.check(files)) {
throw new Exception("Data corruption detected"); // one or more hashes mismatch
} else {
cli.compute(files, args.output, args.encoding);
} else {
// execute user script
String script = readAll(new InputStreamReader(args.getScriptLocation().openStream(), "UTF-8"));
Bindings bindings = new SimpleBindings();
bindings.put("args", args.getFiles(false));
ScriptShell shell = new ScriptShell(cli, args, AccessController.getContext());
shell.evaluate(script, bindings);
CLILogger.finest("Done ヾ(@⌒ー⌒@)ノ");
return 0;
} catch (Exception e) {
CLILogger.finest("Failure (°_°)");
return -1;
public Set<File> rename(Collection<File> files, String query, ExpressionFormat format, String db, Locale locale, boolean strict) throws Exception {
List<File> videoFiles = filter(files, VIDEO_FILES);
if (videoFiles.isEmpty()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("No video files: " + files);
if (getEpisodeListProvider(db) != null) {
// tv series mode
return renameSeries(files, query, format, getEpisodeListProvider(db), locale, strict);
if (getMovieIdentificationService(db) != null) {
// movie mode
return renameMovie(files, query, format, getMovieIdentificationService(db), locale, strict);
// auto-determine mode
int sxe = 0; // SxE
int cws = 0; // common word sequence
double max = videoFiles.size();
SeriesNameMatcher matcher = new SeriesNameMatcher();
String[] cwsList = (max >= 5) ? matcher.matchAll(videoFiles.toArray(new File[0])).toArray(new String[0]) : new String[0];
for (File f : videoFiles) {
// count SxE matches
if (matcher.matchBySeasonEpisodePattern(f.getName()) != null) {
// count CWS matches
for (String base : cwsList) {
if (base.equalsIgnoreCase(matcher.matchByFirstCommonWordSequence(base, f.getName()))) {
CLILogger.finest(format(Locale.ROOT, "Filename pattern: [%.02f] SxE, [%.02f] CWS", sxe / max, cws / max));
if (sxe >= (max * 0.65) || cws >= (max * 0.65)) {
return renameSeries(files, query, format, getEpisodeListProviders()[0], locale, strict); // use default episode db
} else {
return renameMovie(files, query, format, getMovieIdentificationServices()[0], locale, strict); // use default movie db
public Set<File> renameSeries(Collection<File> files, String query, ExpressionFormat format, EpisodeListProvider db, Locale locale, boolean strict) throws Exception {
CLILogger.config(format("Rename episodes using [%s]", db.getName()));
List<File> mediaFiles = filter(files, VIDEO_FILES, SUBTITLE_FILES);
Collection<String> seriesNames;
// auto-detect series name if not given
if (query == null) {
seriesNames = new SeriesNameMatcher().matchAll(mediaFiles.toArray(new File[0]));
if (seriesNames.isEmpty() || (strict && seriesNames.size() > 1)) {
throw new Exception("Failed to auto-detect series name: " + seriesNames);
query = seriesNames.iterator().next();
CLILogger.config("Auto-detected series name: " + seriesNames);
} else {
seriesNames = singleton(query);
// fetch episode data
Set<Episode> episodes = fetchEpisodeSet(db, seriesNames, locale, strict);
if (episodes.isEmpty()) {
throw new RuntimeException("Failed to fetch episode data");
// similarity metrics for matching
SimilarityMetric[] sequence;
if (strict) {
sequence = new SimilarityMetric[] { StrictMetric.EpisodeIdentifier, StrictMetric.Title, StrictMetric.Name }; // use SEI for matching and SN for excluding false positives
} else {
sequence = MatchSimilarityMetric.defaultSequence(); // same as in GUI
List<Match<File, Episode>> matches = new ArrayList<Match<File, Episode>>();
matches.addAll(match(filter(mediaFiles, VIDEO_FILES), episodes, sequence));
matches.addAll(match(filter(mediaFiles, SUBTITLE_FILES), episodes, sequence));
if (matches.isEmpty()) {
throw new RuntimeException("Unable to match files to episode data");
// map old files to new paths by applying formatting and validating filenames
Map<File, File> renameMap = new LinkedHashMap<File, File>();
for (Match<File, Episode> match : matches) {
File file = match.getValue();
Episode episode = match.getCandidate();
String newName = (format != null) ? format.format(new MediaBindingBean(episode, file)) : EpisodeFormat.SeasonEpisode.format(episode);
File newFile = new File(newName + "." + getExtension(file));
if (isInvalidFilePath(newFile)) {
CLILogger.config("Stripping invalid characters from new name: " + newName);
newFile = validateFilePath(newFile);
renameMap.put(file, newFile);
// rename episodes
Analytics.trackEvent("CLI", "Rename", "Episode", renameMap.size());
return renameAll(renameMap);
private Set<Episode> fetchEpisodeSet(final EpisodeListProvider db, final Collection<String> names, final Locale locale, final boolean strict) throws Exception {
List<Callable<List<Episode>>> tasks = new ArrayList<Callable<List<Episode>>>();
// detect series names and create episode list fetch tasks
for (final String query : names) {
tasks.add(new Callable<List<Episode>>() {
public List<Episode> call() throws Exception {
List<SearchResult> results = db.search(query, locale);
// select search result
if (results.size() > 0) {
SearchResult selectedSearchResult = selectSearchResult(query, results, strict);
if (selectedSearchResult != null) {
CLILogger.fine(format("Fetching episode data for [%s]", selectedSearchResult.getName()));
Analytics.trackEvent(db.getName(), "FetchEpisodeList", selectedSearchResult.getName());
return db.getEpisodeList(selectedSearchResult, locale);
return Collections.emptyList();
// fetch episode lists concurrently
ExecutorService executor = Executors.newCachedThreadPool();
try {
// merge all episodes
Set<Episode> episodes = new LinkedHashSet<Episode>();
for (Future<List<Episode>> future : executor.invokeAll(tasks)) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
// all background workers have finished
return episodes;
} finally {
// destroy background threads
public Set<File> renameMovie(Collection<File> mediaFiles, String query, ExpressionFormat format, MovieIdentificationService db, Locale locale, boolean strict) throws Exception {
CLILogger.config(format("Rename movies using [%s]", db.getName()));
File[] movieFiles = filter(mediaFiles, VIDEO_FILES).toArray(new File[0]);
CLILogger.fine(format("Looking up movie by filehash via [%s]", db.getName()));
// match movie hashes online
Movie[] movieDescriptors = db.getMovieDescriptors(movieFiles, locale);
// use user query if search by hash did not return any results, only one query for one movie though
if (query != null && movieDescriptors.length == 1 && movieDescriptors[0] == null) {
CLILogger.fine(format("Looking up movie by query [%s]", query));
movieDescriptors[0] = (Movie) selectSearchResult(query, new ArrayList<SearchResult>(db.searchMovie(query, locale)), strict);
// map old files to new paths by applying formatting and validating filenames
Map<File, File> renameMap = new LinkedHashMap<File, File>();
for (int i = 0; i < movieFiles.length; i++) {
if (movieDescriptors[i] != null) {
Movie movie = movieDescriptors[i];
File file = movieFiles[i];
String newName = (format != null) ? format.format(new MediaBindingBean(movie, file)) : movie.toString();
File newFile = new File(newName + "." + getExtension(file));
if (isInvalidFilePath(newFile)) {
CLILogger.config("Stripping invalid characters from new path: " + newName);
newFile = validateFilePath(newFile);
renameMap.put(file, newFile);
} else {
CLILogger.warning("No matching movie: " + movieFiles[i]);
// handle subtitle files
for (File subtitleFile : filter(mediaFiles, SUBTITLE_FILES)) {
// check if subtitle corresponds to a movie file (same name, different extension)
for (int i = 0; i < movieDescriptors.length; i++) {
if (movieDescriptors != null) {
String subtitleName = getName(subtitleFile);
String movieName = getName(movieFiles[i]);
if (subtitleName.equalsIgnoreCase(movieName)) {
File movieDestination = renameMap.get(movieFiles[i]);
File subtitleDestination = new File(movieDestination.getParentFile(), getName(movieDestination) + "." + getExtension(subtitleFile));
renameMap.put(subtitleFile, subtitleDestination);
// movie match found, we're done
// rename movies
Analytics.trackEvent("CLI", "Rename", "Movie", renameMap.size());
return renameAll(renameMap);
public List<File> getSubtitles(Collection<File> files, String query, Language language, String output, Charset outputEncoding) throws Exception {
// match movie hashes online
Set<File> remainingVideos = new TreeSet<File>(filter(files, VIDEO_FILES));
List<File> downloadedSubtitles = new ArrayList<File>();
if (remainingVideos.isEmpty()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("No video files: " + files);
SubtitleFormat outputFormat = null;
if (output != null) {
outputFormat = getSubtitleFormatByName(output);
// when rewriting subtitles to target format an encoding must be defined, default to UTF-8
if (outputEncoding == null) {
outputEncoding = Charset.forName("UTF-8");
// lookup subtitles by hash
for (VideoHashSubtitleService service : WebServices.getVideoHashSubtitleServices()) {
if (remainingVideos.isEmpty()) {
CLILogger.fine("Looking up subtitles by filehash via " + service.getName());
for (Entry<File, List<SubtitleDescriptor>> it : service.getSubtitleList(remainingVideos.toArray(new File[0]), language.getName()).entrySet()) {
if (it.getValue() != null && it.getValue().size() > 0) {
// auto-select first element if there are multiple hash matches for the same video files
File subtitle = fetchSubtitle(it.getValue().get(0), it.getKey(), outputFormat, outputEncoding);
Analytics.trackEvent(service.getName(), "DownloadSubtitle", it.getValue().get(0).getLanguageName(), 1);
// download complete, cross this video off the list
// lookup subtitles by query and filename
if (query != null && remainingVideos.size() > 0) {
for (SubtitleProvider service : WebServices.getSubtitleProviders()) {
if (remainingVideos.isEmpty()) {
try {
CLILogger.fine(format("Searching for [%s] at [%s]", query, service.getName()));
SearchResult searchResult = selectSearchResult(query, service.search(query), false);
CLILogger.config(format("Retrieving subtitles for [%s]", searchResult.getName()));
List<SubtitleDescriptor> subtitles = service.getSubtitleList(searchResult, language.getName());
for (File video : remainingVideos.toArray(new File[0])) {
for (SubtitleDescriptor descriptor : subtitles) {
if (isDerived(descriptor.getName(), video)) {
File subtitle = fetchSubtitle(descriptor, video, outputFormat, outputEncoding);
Analytics.trackEvent(service.getName(), "DownloadSubtitle", descriptor.getLanguageName(), 1);
// download complete, cross this video off the list
} catch (Exception e) {
// no subtitles for remaining video files
for (File video : remainingVideos) {
CLILogger.warning("No matching subtitles found: " + video);
Analytics.trackEvent("CLI", "Download", "Subtitle", downloadedSubtitles.size());
return downloadedSubtitles;
private File fetchSubtitle(SubtitleDescriptor descriptor, File movieFile, SubtitleFormat outputFormat, Charset outputEncoding) throws Exception {
// fetch subtitle archive
CLILogger.info(format("Fetching [%s.%s]", descriptor.getName(), descriptor.getType()));
ByteBuffer downloadedData = descriptor.fetch();
// extract subtitles from archive
ArchiveType type = ArchiveType.forName(descriptor.getType());
MemoryFile subtitleFile;
if (type != ArchiveType.UNDEFINED) {
// extract subtitle from archive
subtitleFile = type.fromData(downloadedData).iterator().next();
} else {
// assume that the fetched data is the subtitle
subtitleFile = new MemoryFile(descriptor.getName() + "." + descriptor.getType(), downloadedData);
// subtitle filename is based on movie filename
String name = getName(movieFile);
String ext = getExtension(subtitleFile.getName());
ByteBuffer data = subtitleFile.getData();
if (outputFormat != null || outputEncoding != null) {
if (outputFormat != null) {
ext = outputFormat.getFilter().extension(); // adjust extension of the output file
CLILogger.finest(format("Export [%s] as: %s / %s", subtitleFile.getName(), outputFormat, outputEncoding.displayName(Locale.ROOT)));
data = exportSubtitles(subtitleFile, outputFormat, 0, outputEncoding);
File destination = new File(movieFile.getParentFile(), name + "." + ext);
CLILogger.config(format("Writing [%s] to [%s]", subtitleFile.getName(), destination.getName()));
writeFile(data, destination);
return destination;
private Set<File> renameAll(Map<File, File> renameMap) throws Exception {
// rename files
final List<Entry<File, File>> renameLog = new ArrayList<Entry<File, File>>();
try {
for (Entry<File, File> it : renameMap.entrySet()) {
try {
// rename file, throw exception on failure
File destination = renameFile(it.getKey(), it.getValue());
CLILogger.info(format("Renamed [%s] to [%s]", it.getKey(), it.getValue()));
// remember successfully renamed matches for history entry and possible revert
renameLog.add(new SimpleImmutableEntry<File, File>(it.getKey(), destination));
} catch (IOException e) {
CLILogger.warning(format("Failed to rename [%s]", it.getKey()));
throw e;
} catch (Exception e) {
// could not rename one of the files, revert all changes
// revert rename operations in reverse order
for (ListIterator<Entry<File, File>> iterator = renameLog.listIterator(renameLog.size()); iterator.hasPrevious();) {
Entry<File, File> mapping = iterator.previous();
// revert rename
if (mapping.getValue().renameTo(mapping.getKey())) {
// remove reverted rename operation from log
CLILogger.info("Reverted filename: " + mapping.getKey());
} else {
// failed to revert rename operation
CLILogger.severe("Failed to revert filename: " + mapping.getValue());
throw new Exception("Renaming failed", e);
} finally {
if (renameLog.size() > 0) {
// update rename history
// printer number of renamed files if any
CLILogger.fine(format("Renamed %d files", renameLog.size()));
// new file names
Set<File> newFiles = new LinkedHashSet<File>();
for (Entry<File, File> it : renameLog)
return newFiles;
private List<Match<File, Episode>> match(Collection<File> files, Collection<Episode> episodes, SimilarityMetric[] sequence) throws Exception {
// always use strict fail-fast matcher
Matcher<File, Episode> matcher = new Matcher<File, Episode>(files, episodes, true, sequence);
List<Match<File, Episode>> matches = matcher.match();
for (File failedMatch : matcher.remainingValues()) {
CLILogger.warning("No matching episode: " + failedMatch.getName());
return matches;
private SearchResult selectSearchResult(String query, Iterable<SearchResult> searchResults, boolean strict) throws IllegalArgumentException {
// auto-select most probable search result
Map<String, SearchResult> probableMatches = new TreeMap<String, SearchResult>(String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER);
// use name similarity metric
SimilarityMetric metric = new NameSimilarityMetric();
// find probable matches using name similarity > 0.9
for (SearchResult result : searchResults) {
if (metric.getSimilarity(query, result.getName()) > 0.9) {
if (!probableMatches.containsKey(result.getName())) {
probableMatches.put(result.getName(), result);
if (probableMatches.isEmpty() || (strict && probableMatches.size() != 1)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Failed to auto-select search result: " + probableMatches.values());
// return first and only value
return probableMatches.values().iterator().next();
public void check(Collection<File> files, String output, Charset outputEncoding) throws Exception {
// check verification file
if (containsOnly(files, MediaTypes.getDefaultFilter("verification"))) {
// only check existing hashes
boolean ok = true;
for (File it : files) {
ok &= check(it, it.getParentFile());
if (!ok) {
throw new Exception("Data corruption detected"); // one or more hashes mismatch
// all hashes match
// check common parent for all given files
File root = null;
for (File it : files) {
if (root == null || root.getPath().startsWith(it.getParent()))
root = it.getParentFile();
if (!it.getParent().startsWith(root.getPath()))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Path don't share a common root: " + files);
// create verification file
File outputFile;
HashType hashType;
if (output != null && getExtension(output) != null) {
// use given filename
hashType = getHashTypeByExtension(getExtension(output));
outputFile = new File(root, output);
} else {
// auto-select the filename based on folder and type
hashType = (output != null) ? getHashTypeByExtension(output) : HashType.SFV;
outputFile = new File(root, root.getName() + "." + hashType.getFilter().extension());
if (hashType == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal output type: " + output);
CLILogger.config("Using output file: " + outputFile);
compute(root.getPath(), files, outputFile, hashType, outputEncoding);
private boolean check(File verificationFile, File root) throws Exception {
HashType type = getHashType(verificationFile);
// check if type is supported
if (type == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported format: " + verificationFile);
// add all file names from verification file
CLILogger.fine(format("Checking [%s]", verificationFile.getName()));
VerificationFileReader parser = new VerificationFileReader(createTextReader(verificationFile), type.getFormat());
boolean status = true;
try {
while (parser.hasNext()) {
try {
Entry<File, String> it = parser.next();
File file = new File(root, it.getKey().getPath()).getAbsoluteFile();
String current = computeHash(new File(root, it.getKey().getPath()), type);
CLILogger.info(format("%s %s", current, file));
if (current.compareToIgnoreCase(it.getValue()) != 0) {
throw new IOException(format("Corrupted file found: %s [hash mismatch: %s vs %s]", it.getKey(), current, it.getValue()));
} catch (IOException e) {
status = false;
} finally {
return status;
private void compute(String root, Collection<File> files, File outputFile, HashType hashType, Charset outputEncoding) throws IOException, Exception {
// compute hashes recursively and write to file
VerificationFileWriter out = new VerificationFileWriter(outputFile, hashType.getFormat(), outputEncoding != null ? outputEncoding.name() : "UTF-8");
try {
CLILogger.fine("Computing hashes");
for (File it : files) {
if (it.isHidden() || MediaTypes.getDefaultFilter("verification").accept(it))
String relativePath = normalizePathSeparators(it.getPath().replace(root, "")).substring(1);
String hash = computeHash(it, hashType);
CLILogger.info(format("%s %s", hash, relativePath));
out.write(relativePath, hash);
} catch (Exception e) {
outputFile.deleteOnExit(); // delete only partially written files
throw e;
} finally {
private void printEpisodeList(String query, ExpressionFormat format, String db, Locale locale) throws Exception {
// find series on the web and fetch episode list
EpisodeListProvider service = (db == null) ? TVRage : getEpisodeListProvider(db);
SearchResult hit = selectSearchResult(query, service.search(query, locale), false);
Analytics.trackEvent("CLI", "PrintEpisodeList", hit.getName());
for (Episode it : service.getEpisodeList(hit, locale)) {
String string = (format != null) ? format.format(new MediaBindingBean(it, null)) : EpisodeFormat.SeasonEpisode.format(it);
public void printHelp(ArgumentBean argumentBean) {
new CmdLineParser(argumentBean).printUsage(System.out);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
package net.sourceforge.filebot.cli;
import java.io.File;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
public interface CmdlineInterface {
Set<File> rename(Collection<File> files, String query, String format, String db, String lang, boolean strict) throws Exception;
List<File> getSubtitles(Collection<File> files, String query, String lang, String output, String encoding) throws Exception;
boolean check(Collection<File> files) throws Exception;
File compute(Collection<File> files, String output, String encoding) throws Exception;
List<String> fetchEpisodeList(String query, String format, String db, String lang) throws Exception;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,670 @@
package net.sourceforge.filebot.cli;
import static java.lang.String.*;
import static java.util.Collections.*;
import static net.sourceforge.filebot.MediaTypes.*;
import static net.sourceforge.filebot.WebServices.*;
import static net.sourceforge.filebot.cli.CLILogging.*;
import static net.sourceforge.filebot.hash.VerificationUtilities.*;
import static net.sourceforge.filebot.subtitle.SubtitleUtilities.*;
import static net.sourceforge.tuned.FileUtilities.*;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ListIterator;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import java.util.AbstractMap.SimpleImmutableEntry;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import java.util.concurrent.Future;
import net.sourceforge.filebot.Analytics;
import net.sourceforge.filebot.MediaTypes;
import net.sourceforge.filebot.WebServices;
import net.sourceforge.filebot.format.ExpressionFormat;
import net.sourceforge.filebot.format.MediaBindingBean;
import net.sourceforge.filebot.hash.HashType;
import net.sourceforge.filebot.hash.VerificationFileReader;
import net.sourceforge.filebot.hash.VerificationFileWriter;
import net.sourceforge.filebot.similarity.Match;
import net.sourceforge.filebot.similarity.Matcher;
import net.sourceforge.filebot.similarity.NameSimilarityMetric;
import net.sourceforge.filebot.similarity.SeriesNameMatcher;
import net.sourceforge.filebot.similarity.SimilarityMetric;
import net.sourceforge.filebot.subtitle.SubtitleFormat;
import net.sourceforge.filebot.ui.Language;
import net.sourceforge.filebot.ui.rename.HistorySpooler;
import net.sourceforge.filebot.ui.rename.MatchSimilarityMetric;
import net.sourceforge.filebot.vfs.ArchiveType;
import net.sourceforge.filebot.vfs.MemoryFile;
import net.sourceforge.filebot.web.Episode;
import net.sourceforge.filebot.web.EpisodeFormat;
import net.sourceforge.filebot.web.EpisodeListProvider;
import net.sourceforge.filebot.web.Movie;
import net.sourceforge.filebot.web.MovieIdentificationService;
import net.sourceforge.filebot.web.SearchResult;
import net.sourceforge.filebot.web.SubtitleDescriptor;
import net.sourceforge.filebot.web.SubtitleProvider;
import net.sourceforge.filebot.web.VideoHashSubtitleService;
public class CmdlineOperations implements CmdlineInterface {
public Set<File> rename(Collection<File> files, String query, String expression, String db, String languageName, boolean strict) throws Exception {
ExpressionFormat format = (expression != null) ? new ExpressionFormat(expression) : null;
Locale locale = getLanguage(languageName).toLocale();
List<File> videoFiles = filter(files, VIDEO_FILES);
if (videoFiles.isEmpty()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("No video files: " + files);
if (getEpisodeListProvider(db) != null) {
// tv series mode
return renameSeries(files, query, format, getEpisodeListProvider(db), locale, strict);
if (getMovieIdentificationService(db) != null) {
// movie mode
return renameMovie(files, query, format, getMovieIdentificationService(db), locale, strict);
// auto-determine mode
int sxe = 0; // SxE
int cws = 0; // common word sequence
double max = videoFiles.size();
SeriesNameMatcher matcher = new SeriesNameMatcher();
String[] cwsList = (max >= 5) ? matcher.matchAll(videoFiles.toArray(new File[0])).toArray(new String[0]) : new String[0];
for (File f : videoFiles) {
// count SxE matches
if (matcher.matchBySeasonEpisodePattern(f.getName()) != null) {
// count CWS matches
for (String base : cwsList) {
if (base.equalsIgnoreCase(matcher.matchByFirstCommonWordSequence(base, f.getName()))) {
CLILogger.finest(format(Locale.ROOT, "Filename pattern: [%.02f] SxE, [%.02f] CWS", sxe / max, cws / max));
if (sxe >= (max * 0.65) || cws >= (max * 0.65)) {
return renameSeries(files, query, format, getEpisodeListProviders()[0], locale, strict); // use default episode db
} else {
return renameMovie(files, query, format, getMovieIdentificationServices()[0], locale, strict); // use default movie db
public Set<File> renameSeries(Collection<File> files, String query, ExpressionFormat format, EpisodeListProvider db, Locale locale, boolean strict) throws Exception {
CLILogger.config(format("Rename episodes using [%s]", db.getName()));
List<File> mediaFiles = filter(files, VIDEO_FILES, SUBTITLE_FILES);
Collection<String> seriesNames;
// auto-detect series name if not given
if (query == null) {
seriesNames = new SeriesNameMatcher().matchAll(mediaFiles.toArray(new File[0]));
if (seriesNames.isEmpty() || (strict && seriesNames.size() > 1)) {
throw new Exception("Failed to auto-detect series name: " + seriesNames);
query = seriesNames.iterator().next();
CLILogger.config("Auto-detected series name: " + seriesNames);
} else {
seriesNames = singleton(query);
// fetch episode data
Set<Episode> episodes = fetchEpisodeSet(db, seriesNames, locale, strict);
if (episodes.isEmpty()) {
throw new RuntimeException("Failed to fetch episode data");
// similarity metrics for matching
SimilarityMetric[] sequence;
if (strict) {
sequence = new SimilarityMetric[] { StrictMetric.EpisodeIdentifier, StrictMetric.Title, StrictMetric.Name }; // use SEI for matching and SN for excluding false positives
} else {
sequence = MatchSimilarityMetric.defaultSequence(); // same as in GUI
List<Match<File, Episode>> matches = new ArrayList<Match<File, Episode>>();
matches.addAll(match(filter(mediaFiles, VIDEO_FILES), episodes, sequence));
matches.addAll(match(filter(mediaFiles, SUBTITLE_FILES), episodes, sequence));
if (matches.isEmpty()) {
throw new RuntimeException("Unable to match files to episode data");
// map old files to new paths by applying formatting and validating filenames
Map<File, File> renameMap = new LinkedHashMap<File, File>();
for (Match<File, Episode> match : matches) {
File file = match.getValue();
Episode episode = match.getCandidate();
String newName = (format != null) ? format.format(new MediaBindingBean(episode, file)) : EpisodeFormat.SeasonEpisode.format(episode);
File newFile = new File(newName + "." + getExtension(file));
if (isInvalidFilePath(newFile)) {
CLILogger.config("Stripping invalid characters from new name: " + newName);
newFile = validateFilePath(newFile);
renameMap.put(file, newFile);
// rename episodes
Analytics.trackEvent("CLI", "Rename", "Episode", renameMap.size());
return renameAll(renameMap);
private Set<Episode> fetchEpisodeSet(final EpisodeListProvider db, final Collection<String> names, final Locale locale, final boolean strict) throws Exception {
List<Callable<List<Episode>>> tasks = new ArrayList<Callable<List<Episode>>>();
// detect series names and create episode list fetch tasks
for (final String query : names) {
tasks.add(new Callable<List<Episode>>() {
public List<Episode> call() throws Exception {
List<SearchResult> results = db.search(query, locale);
// select search result
if (results.size() > 0) {
SearchResult selectedSearchResult = selectSearchResult(query, results, strict);
if (selectedSearchResult != null) {
CLILogger.fine(format("Fetching episode data for [%s]", selectedSearchResult.getName()));
Analytics.trackEvent(db.getName(), "FetchEpisodeList", selectedSearchResult.getName());
return db.getEpisodeList(selectedSearchResult, locale);
return Collections.emptyList();
// fetch episode lists concurrently
ExecutorService executor = Executors.newCachedThreadPool();
try {
// merge all episodes
Set<Episode> episodes = new LinkedHashSet<Episode>();
for (Future<List<Episode>> future : executor.invokeAll(tasks)) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
// all background workers have finished
return episodes;
} finally {
// destroy background threads
public Set<File> renameMovie(Collection<File> mediaFiles, String query, ExpressionFormat format, MovieIdentificationService db, Locale locale, boolean strict) throws Exception {
CLILogger.config(format("Rename movies using [%s]", db.getName()));
File[] movieFiles = filter(mediaFiles, VIDEO_FILES).toArray(new File[0]);
CLILogger.fine(format("Looking up movie by filehash via [%s]", db.getName()));
// match movie hashes online
Movie[] movieDescriptors = db.getMovieDescriptors(movieFiles, locale);
// use user query if search by hash did not return any results, only one query for one movie though
if (query != null && movieDescriptors.length == 1 && movieDescriptors[0] == null) {
CLILogger.fine(format("Looking up movie by query [%s]", query));
movieDescriptors[0] = (Movie) selectSearchResult(query, new ArrayList<SearchResult>(db.searchMovie(query, locale)), strict);
// map old files to new paths by applying formatting and validating filenames
Map<File, File> renameMap = new LinkedHashMap<File, File>();
for (int i = 0; i < movieFiles.length; i++) {
if (movieDescriptors[i] != null) {
Movie movie = movieDescriptors[i];
File file = movieFiles[i];
String newName = (format != null) ? format.format(new MediaBindingBean(movie, file)) : movie.toString();
File newFile = new File(newName + "." + getExtension(file));
if (isInvalidFilePath(newFile)) {
CLILogger.config("Stripping invalid characters from new path: " + newName);
newFile = validateFilePath(newFile);
renameMap.put(file, newFile);
} else {
CLILogger.warning("No matching movie: " + movieFiles[i]);
// handle subtitle files
for (File subtitleFile : filter(mediaFiles, SUBTITLE_FILES)) {
// check if subtitle corresponds to a movie file (same name, different extension)
for (int i = 0; i < movieDescriptors.length; i++) {
if (movieDescriptors != null) {
String subtitleName = getName(subtitleFile);
String movieName = getName(movieFiles[i]);
if (subtitleName.equalsIgnoreCase(movieName)) {
File movieDestination = renameMap.get(movieFiles[i]);
File subtitleDestination = new File(movieDestination.getParentFile(), getName(movieDestination) + "." + getExtension(subtitleFile));
renameMap.put(subtitleFile, subtitleDestination);
// movie match found, we're done
// rename movies
Analytics.trackEvent("CLI", "Rename", "Movie", renameMap.size());
return renameAll(renameMap);
public List<File> getSubtitles(Collection<File> files, String query, String languageName, String output, String csn) throws Exception {
Language language = getLanguage(languageName);
Charset outputEncoding = (csn != null) ? Charset.forName(csn) : null;
// match movie hashes online
Set<File> remainingVideos = new TreeSet<File>(filter(files, VIDEO_FILES));
List<File> downloadedSubtitles = new ArrayList<File>();
if (remainingVideos.isEmpty()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("No video files: " + files);
SubtitleFormat outputFormat = null;
if (output != null) {
outputFormat = getSubtitleFormatByName(output);
// when rewriting subtitles to target format an encoding must be defined, default to UTF-8
if (outputEncoding == null) {
outputEncoding = Charset.forName("UTF-8");
// lookup subtitles by hash
for (VideoHashSubtitleService service : WebServices.getVideoHashSubtitleServices()) {
if (remainingVideos.isEmpty()) {
CLILogger.fine("Looking up subtitles by filehash via " + service.getName());
for (Entry<File, List<SubtitleDescriptor>> it : service.getSubtitleList(remainingVideos.toArray(new File[0]), language.getName()).entrySet()) {
if (it.getValue() != null && it.getValue().size() > 0) {
// auto-select first element if there are multiple hash matches for the same video files
File subtitle = fetchSubtitle(it.getValue().get(0), it.getKey(), outputFormat, outputEncoding);
Analytics.trackEvent(service.getName(), "DownloadSubtitle", it.getValue().get(0).getLanguageName(), 1);
// download complete, cross this video off the list
// lookup subtitles by query and filename
if (query != null && remainingVideos.size() > 0) {
for (SubtitleProvider service : WebServices.getSubtitleProviders()) {
if (remainingVideos.isEmpty()) {
try {
CLILogger.fine(format("Searching for [%s] at [%s]", query, service.getName()));
SearchResult searchResult = selectSearchResult(query, service.search(query), false);
CLILogger.config(format("Retrieving subtitles for [%s]", searchResult.getName()));
List<SubtitleDescriptor> subtitles = service.getSubtitleList(searchResult, language.getName());
for (File video : remainingVideos.toArray(new File[0])) {
for (SubtitleDescriptor descriptor : subtitles) {
if (isDerived(descriptor.getName(), video)) {
File subtitle = fetchSubtitle(descriptor, video, outputFormat, outputEncoding);
Analytics.trackEvent(service.getName(), "DownloadSubtitle", descriptor.getLanguageName(), 1);
// download complete, cross this video off the list
} catch (Exception e) {
// no subtitles for remaining video files
for (File video : remainingVideos) {
CLILogger.warning("No matching subtitles found: " + video);
Analytics.trackEvent("CLI", "Download", "Subtitle", downloadedSubtitles.size());
return downloadedSubtitles;
private File fetchSubtitle(SubtitleDescriptor descriptor, File movieFile, SubtitleFormat outputFormat, Charset outputEncoding) throws Exception {
// fetch subtitle archive
CLILogger.info(format("Fetching [%s.%s]", descriptor.getName(), descriptor.getType()));
ByteBuffer downloadedData = descriptor.fetch();
// extract subtitles from archive
ArchiveType type = ArchiveType.forName(descriptor.getType());
MemoryFile subtitleFile;
if (type != ArchiveType.UNDEFINED) {
// extract subtitle from archive
subtitleFile = type.fromData(downloadedData).iterator().next();
} else {
// assume that the fetched data is the subtitle
subtitleFile = new MemoryFile(descriptor.getName() + "." + descriptor.getType(), downloadedData);
// subtitle filename is based on movie filename
String name = getName(movieFile);
String ext = getExtension(subtitleFile.getName());
ByteBuffer data = subtitleFile.getData();
if (outputFormat != null || outputEncoding != null) {
if (outputFormat != null) {
ext = outputFormat.getFilter().extension(); // adjust extension of the output file
CLILogger.finest(format("Export [%s] as: %s / %s", subtitleFile.getName(), outputFormat, outputEncoding.displayName(Locale.ROOT)));
data = exportSubtitles(subtitleFile, outputFormat, 0, outputEncoding);
File destination = new File(movieFile.getParentFile(), name + "." + ext);
CLILogger.config(format("Writing [%s] to [%s]", subtitleFile.getName(), destination.getName()));
writeFile(data, destination);
return destination;
private Set<File> renameAll(Map<File, File> renameMap) throws Exception {
// rename files
final List<Entry<File, File>> renameLog = new ArrayList<Entry<File, File>>();
try {
for (Entry<File, File> it : renameMap.entrySet()) {
try {
// rename file, throw exception on failure
File destination = renameFile(it.getKey(), it.getValue());
CLILogger.info(format("Renamed [%s] to [%s]", it.getKey(), it.getValue()));
// remember successfully renamed matches for history entry and possible revert
renameLog.add(new SimpleImmutableEntry<File, File>(it.getKey(), destination));
} catch (IOException e) {
CLILogger.warning(format("Failed to rename [%s]", it.getKey()));
throw e;
} catch (Exception e) {
// could not rename one of the files, revert all changes
// revert rename operations in reverse order
for (ListIterator<Entry<File, File>> iterator = renameLog.listIterator(renameLog.size()); iterator.hasPrevious();) {
Entry<File, File> mapping = iterator.previous();
// revert rename
if (mapping.getValue().renameTo(mapping.getKey())) {
// remove reverted rename operation from log
CLILogger.info("Reverted filename: " + mapping.getKey());
} else {
// failed to revert rename operation
CLILogger.severe("Failed to revert filename: " + mapping.getValue());
throw new Exception("Renaming failed", e);
} finally {
if (renameLog.size() > 0) {
// update rename history
// printer number of renamed files if any
CLILogger.fine(format("Renamed %d files", renameLog.size()));
// new file names
Set<File> newFiles = new LinkedHashSet<File>();
for (Entry<File, File> it : renameLog)
return newFiles;
private List<Match<File, Episode>> match(Collection<File> files, Collection<Episode> episodes, SimilarityMetric[] sequence) throws Exception {
// always use strict fail-fast matcher
Matcher<File, Episode> matcher = new Matcher<File, Episode>(files, episodes, true, sequence);
List<Match<File, Episode>> matches = matcher.match();
for (File failedMatch : matcher.remainingValues()) {
CLILogger.warning("No matching episode: " + failedMatch.getName());
return matches;
private SearchResult selectSearchResult(String query, Iterable<SearchResult> searchResults, boolean strict) throws IllegalArgumentException {
// auto-select most probable search result
Map<String, SearchResult> probableMatches = new TreeMap<String, SearchResult>(String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER);
// use name similarity metric
SimilarityMetric metric = new NameSimilarityMetric();
// find probable matches using name similarity > 0.9
for (SearchResult result : searchResults) {
if (metric.getSimilarity(query, result.getName()) > 0.9) {
if (!probableMatches.containsKey(result.getName())) {
probableMatches.put(result.getName(), result);
if (probableMatches.isEmpty() || (strict && probableMatches.size() != 1)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Failed to auto-select search result: " + probableMatches.values());
// return first and only value
return probableMatches.values().iterator().next();
public boolean check(Collection<File> files) throws Exception {
// only check existing hashes
boolean result = true;
for (File it : filter(files, MediaTypes.getDefaultFilter("verification"))) {
result &= check(it, it.getParentFile());
return result;
public File compute(Collection<File> files, String output, String csn) throws Exception {
// check common parent for all given files
File root = null;
for (File it : files) {
if (root == null || root.getPath().startsWith(it.getParent()))
root = it.getParentFile();
if (!it.getParent().startsWith(root.getPath()))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Paths don't share a common root: " + files);
// create verification file
File outputFile;
HashType hashType;
if (output != null && getExtension(output) != null) {
// use given filename
hashType = getHashTypeByExtension(getExtension(output));
outputFile = new File(root, output);
} else {
// auto-select the filename based on folder and type
hashType = (output != null) ? getHashTypeByExtension(output) : HashType.SFV;
outputFile = new File(root, root.getName() + "." + hashType.getFilter().extension());
if (hashType == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal output type: " + output);
CLILogger.config("Using output file: " + outputFile);
compute(root.getPath(), files, outputFile, hashType, csn);
return outputFile;
private boolean check(File verificationFile, File root) throws Exception {
HashType type = getHashType(verificationFile);
// check if type is supported
if (type == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported format: " + verificationFile);
// add all file names from verification file
CLILogger.fine(format("Checking [%s]", verificationFile.getName()));
VerificationFileReader parser = new VerificationFileReader(createTextReader(verificationFile), type.getFormat());
boolean status = true;
try {
while (parser.hasNext()) {
try {
Entry<File, String> it = parser.next();
File file = new File(root, it.getKey().getPath()).getAbsoluteFile();
String current = computeHash(new File(root, it.getKey().getPath()), type);
CLILogger.info(format("%s %s", current, file));
if (current.compareToIgnoreCase(it.getValue()) != 0) {
throw new IOException(format("Corrupted file found: %s [hash mismatch: %s vs %s]", it.getKey(), current, it.getValue()));
} catch (IOException e) {
status = false;
} finally {
return status;
private void compute(String root, Collection<File> files, File outputFile, HashType hashType, String csn) throws IOException, Exception {
// compute hashes recursively and write to file
VerificationFileWriter out = new VerificationFileWriter(outputFile, hashType.getFormat(), csn != null ? csn : "UTF-8");
try {
CLILogger.fine("Computing hashes");
for (File it : files) {
if (it.isHidden() || MediaTypes.getDefaultFilter("verification").accept(it))
String relativePath = normalizePathSeparators(it.getPath().replace(root, "")).substring(1);
String hash = computeHash(it, hashType);
CLILogger.info(format("%s %s", hash, relativePath));
out.write(relativePath, hash);
} catch (Exception e) {
outputFile.deleteOnExit(); // delete only partially written files
throw e;
} finally {
public List<String> fetchEpisodeList(String query, String expression, String db, String languageName) throws Exception {
// find series on the web and fetch episode list
ExpressionFormat format = (expression != null) ? new ExpressionFormat(expression) : null;
EpisodeListProvider service = (db == null) ? TVRage : getEpisodeListProvider(db);
Locale locale = getLanguage(languageName).toLocale();
SearchResult hit = selectSearchResult(query, service.search(query, locale), false);
Analytics.trackEvent("CLI", "PrintEpisodeList", hit.getName());
List<String> episodes = new ArrayList<String>();
for (Episode it : service.getEpisodeList(hit, locale)) {
String name = (format != null) ? format.format(new MediaBindingBean(it, null)) : EpisodeFormat.SeasonEpisode.format(it);
return episodes;
private Language getLanguage(String lang) {
// try to look up by language code
Language language = Language.getLanguage(lang);
if (language == null) {
// try too look up by language name
language = Language.getLanguageByName(lang);
if (language == null) {
// unable to lookup language
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal language code: " + lang);
return language;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
package net.sourceforge.filebot.cli;
import static net.sourceforge.filebot.cli.CLILogging.*;
import java.io.FilePermission;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.net.SocketPermission;
import java.security.AccessControlContext;
import java.security.AccessController;
import java.security.Permissions;
import java.security.PrivilegedActionException;
import java.security.PrivilegedExceptionAction;
import java.security.ProtectionDomain;
import java.util.PropertyPermission;
import javax.script.Bindings;
import javax.script.ScriptContext;
import javax.script.ScriptEngine;
import javax.script.ScriptException;
import javax.script.SimpleBindings;
import javax.script.SimpleScriptContext;
import org.codehaus.groovy.jsr223.GroovyScriptEngineFactory;
import net.sourceforge.filebot.MediaTypes;
import net.sourceforge.filebot.format.PrivilegedInvocation;
public class ScriptShell {
private final ScriptEngine engine = new GroovyScriptEngineFactory().getScriptEngine();;
public ScriptShell(CmdlineInterface cli, ArgumentBean defaults, AccessControlContext acc) throws ScriptException {
Bindings bindings = new SimpleBindings();
bindings.put("_cli", PrivilegedInvocation.newProxy(CmdlineInterface.class, cli, acc));
bindings.put("_args", defaults);
bindings.put("_types", MediaTypes.getDefault());
bindings.put("_log", CLILogger);
ScriptContext context = new SimpleScriptContext();
context.setBindings(bindings, ScriptContext.ENGINE_SCOPE);
// import additional functions into the shell environment
engine.eval(new InputStreamReader(ScriptShell.class.getResourceAsStream("ScriptShell.lib.groovy")));
public Object evaluate(final String script, final Bindings bindings) throws Exception {
try {
return AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedExceptionAction<Object>() {
public Object run() throws ScriptException {
return engine.eval(script, bindings);
}, getSandboxAccessControlContext());
} catch (PrivilegedActionException e) {
throw e.getException();
protected AccessControlContext getSandboxAccessControlContext() {
Permissions permissions = new Permissions();
permissions.add(new RuntimePermission("createClassLoader"));
permissions.add(new RuntimePermission("accessDeclaredMembers"));
permissions.add(new FilePermission("<<ALL FILES>>", "read"));
permissions.add(new SocketPermission("*", "connect"));
permissions.add(new PropertyPermission("*", "read"));
permissions.add(new RuntimePermission("getenv.*"));
return new AccessControlContext(new ProtectionDomain[] { new ProtectionDomain(null, permissions) });
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
import static groovy.io.FileType.*;
File.metaClass.isVideo = { _types.getFilter("video").accept(delegate) }
File.metaClass.isSubtitle = { _types.getFilter("subtitle").accept(delegate) }
File.metaClass.isVerification = { _types.getFilter("verification").accept(delegate) }
File.metaClass.hasFile = { c -> isDirectory() && listFiles().find{ c.call(it) }}
File.metaClass.getFiles = { def files = []; traverse(type:FILES) { files += it }; return files }
List.metaClass.getFiles = { findResults{ it.getFiles() }.flatten().unique() }
File.metaClass.getFolders = { def folders = []; traverse(type:DIRECTORIES, visitRoot:true) { folders += it }; return folders }
List.metaClass.getFolders = { findResults{ it.getFolders() }.flatten().unique() }
List.metaClass.eachMediaFolder = { c -> getFolders().findAll{ it.hasFile{ it.isVideo() } }.each(c) }
def rename(args) { args = _defaults(args)
_guarded { _cli.rename(_files(args), args.query, args.format, args.db, args.lang, args.strict) }
def getSubtitles(args) { args = _defaults(args)
_guarded { _cli.getSubtitles(_files(args), args.query, args.lang, args.output, args.encoding) }
def check(args) {
_guarded { _cli.check(_files(args)) }
def compute(args) { args = _defaults(args)
_guarded { _cli.compute(_files(args), args.output, args.encoding) }
* Resolve folders/files to lists of one or more files
def _files(args) {
def files = [];
if (args.folder)
args.folder.traverse(type:FILES, maxDepth:0) { files += it }
if (args.file)
files += args.file
return files
* Fill in default values from cmdline arguments
def _defaults(args) {
args.query = args.query ?: _args.query
args.format = args.format ?: _args.format
args.db = args.db ?: _args.db
args.lang = args.lang ?: _args.lang
args.output = args.output ?: _args.output
args.encoding = args.encoding ?: _args.encoding
args.strict = args.strict ?: !_args.nonStrict
return args
* Catch and log exceptions thrown by the closure
this.metaClass._guarded = { c -> try { return c() } catch (e) { _log.severe(e.getMessage()); return null }}
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
args.eachMediaFolder {
compute(file:it.listFiles().findAll{ it.isVideo() })
Reference in New Issue
Block a user