mirror of https://github.com/mitb-archive/filebot synced 2024-08-13 17:03:45 -04:00

* Extract API changes to include FileSize

This commit is contained in:
Reinhard Pointner 2014-01-22 07:52:25 +00:00
parent dea0a1fb83
commit 66a6278611
5 changed files with 109 additions and 136 deletions

View File

@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
package net.sourceforge.filebot.archive;
import java.io.Closeable;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileFilter;
@ -23,21 +21,21 @@ import net.sf.sevenzipjbinding.ISevenZipInArchive;
import net.sf.sevenzipjbinding.PropID;
import net.sf.sevenzipjbinding.SevenZipException;
import net.sourceforge.filebot.MediaTypes;
import net.sourceforge.filebot.vfs.FileInfo;
import net.sourceforge.filebot.vfs.SimpleFileInfo;
import net.sourceforge.tuned.FileUtilities.ExtensionFileFilter;
public class Archive implements Closeable {
private ISevenZipInArchive inArchive;
private ArchiveOpenVolumeCallback openVolume;
public Archive(File file) throws Exception {
// initialize 7-Zip-JBinding
if (!file.exists()) {
throw new FileNotFoundException(file.getAbsolutePath());
try {
openVolume = new ArchiveOpenVolumeCallback();
if (!hasMultiPartIndex(file)) {
@ -51,52 +49,48 @@ public class Archive implements Closeable {
throw (Exception) e.getTargetException();
public int itemCount() throws SevenZipException {
return inArchive.getNumberOfItems();
public Map<PropID, Object> getItem(int index) throws SevenZipException {
Map<PropID, Object> item = new EnumMap<PropID, Object>(PropID.class);
for (PropID prop : PropID.values()) {
Object value = inArchive.getProperty(index, prop);
if (value != null) {
item.put(prop, value);
return item;
public List<File> listFiles() throws SevenZipException {
List<File> paths = new ArrayList<File>();
public List<FileInfo> listFiles() throws SevenZipException {
List<FileInfo> paths = new ArrayList<FileInfo>();
for (int i = 0; i < inArchive.getNumberOfItems(); i++) {
boolean isFolder = (Boolean) inArchive.getProperty(i, PropID.IS_FOLDER);
if (!isFolder) {
String path = (String) inArchive.getProperty(i, PropID.PATH);
Long length = (Long) inArchive.getProperty(i, PropID.SIZE);
if (path != null) {
paths.add(new File(path));
paths.add(new SimpleFileInfo(path, length != null ? length : -1));
return paths;
public void extract(ExtractOutProvider outputMapper) throws SevenZipException {
inArchive.extract(null, false, new ExtractCallback(inArchive, outputMapper));
public void extract(ExtractOutProvider outputMapper, FileFilter filter) throws SevenZipException {
List<Integer> selection = new ArrayList<Integer>();
for (int i = 0; i < inArchive.getNumberOfItems(); i++) {
boolean isFolder = (Boolean) inArchive.getProperty(i, PropID.IS_FOLDER);
if (!isFolder) {
@ -106,15 +100,14 @@ public class Archive implements Closeable {
int[] indices = new int[selection.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < indices.length; i++) {
indices[i] = selection.get(i);
inArchive.extract(indices, false, new ExtractCallback(inArchive, outputMapper));
public void close() throws IOException {
try {
@ -125,41 +118,38 @@ public class Archive implements Closeable {
public static Set<String> getArchiveTypes() {
Set<String> extensions = new TreeSet<String>(String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER);
// application data
// formats provided by the library
for (ArchiveFormat it : ArchiveFormat.values()) {
return extensions;
private static final Pattern multiPartIndex = Pattern.compile("[.][0-9]{3}+$");
public static boolean hasMultiPartIndex(File file) {
return multiPartIndex.matcher(file.getName()).find();
public static final FileFilter VOLUME_ONE_FILTER = new FileFilter() {
private Pattern volume = Pattern.compile("[.]r[0-9]+$|[.]part[0-9]+|[.][0-9]+$", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE);
private FileFilter archives = new ExtensionFileFilter(getArchiveTypes());
public boolean accept(File path) {
if (!archives.accept(path) && !hasMultiPartIndex(path)) {
return false;
Matcher matcher = volume.matcher(path.getName());
if (matcher.find()) {
Scanner scanner = new Scanner(matcher.group()).useDelimiter("\\D+");
@ -167,10 +157,10 @@ public class Archive implements Closeable {
return false;
return true;

View File

@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ import net.sourceforge.filebot.similarity.SimilarityComparator;
import net.sourceforge.filebot.similarity.SimilarityMetric;
import net.sourceforge.filebot.subtitle.SubtitleFormat;
import net.sourceforge.filebot.subtitle.SubtitleNaming;
import net.sourceforge.filebot.vfs.FileInfo;
import net.sourceforge.filebot.vfs.MemoryFile;
import net.sourceforge.filebot.web.AudioTrack;
import net.sourceforge.filebot.web.Episode;
@ -1085,8 +1086,8 @@ public class CmdlineOperations implements CmdlineInterface {
final FileMapper outputMapper = new FileMapper(outputFolder, false);
final List<File> outputMapping = new ArrayList<File>();
for (File entry : archive.listFiles()) {
for (FileInfo entry : archive.listFiles()) {
outputMapping.add(outputMapper.getOutputFile(new File(entry.getPath())));
final Set<File> selection = new TreeSet<File>();

View File

@ -1,20 +1,16 @@
package net.sourceforge.filebot.cli;
public enum ConflictAction {
public static ConflictAction forName(String action) {
for (ConflictAction it : values()) {
if (it.name().equalsIgnoreCase(action))
return it;
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal conflict action: " + action);

View File

@ -53,6 +53,7 @@ import net.sourceforge.filebot.similarity.SequenceMatchSimilarity;
import net.sourceforge.filebot.similarity.SeriesNameMatcher;
import net.sourceforge.filebot.similarity.SimilarityComparator;
import net.sourceforge.filebot.similarity.SimilarityMetric;
import net.sourceforge.filebot.vfs.FileInfo;
import net.sourceforge.filebot.web.Date;
import net.sourceforge.filebot.web.Episode;
import net.sourceforge.filebot.web.Movie;
@ -95,8 +96,8 @@ public class MediaDetection {
FileFilter diskFolderEntryFilter = releaseInfo.getDiskFolderEntryFilter();
Archive iso = new Archive(file);
try {
for (File path : iso.listFiles()) {
for (File entry : listPath(path)) {
for (FileInfo it : iso.listFiles()) {
for (File entry : listPath(new File(it.getPath()))) {
if (diskFolderEntryFilter.accept(entry)) {
return true;

View File

@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
package net.sourceforge.filebot.ui.analyze;
import static net.sourceforge.filebot.ui.NotificationLogging.*;
import static net.sourceforge.tuned.ExceptionUtilities.*;
import static net.sourceforge.tuned.FileUtilities.*;
@ -38,6 +36,8 @@ import net.sourceforge.filebot.ResourceManager;
import net.sourceforge.filebot.archive.Archive;
import net.sourceforge.filebot.archive.FileMapper;
import net.sourceforge.filebot.ui.analyze.FileTree.FolderNode;
import net.sourceforge.filebot.vfs.FileInfo;
import net.sourceforge.tuned.FileUtilities;
import net.sourceforge.tuned.ui.GradientStyle;
import net.sourceforge.tuned.ui.LoadingOverlayPane;
import net.sourceforge.tuned.ui.ProgressDialog;
@ -45,57 +45,53 @@ import net.sourceforge.tuned.ui.ProgressDialog.Cancellable;
import net.sourceforge.tuned.ui.SwingWorkerPropertyChangeAdapter;
import net.sourceforge.tuned.ui.notification.SeparatorBorder;
class ExtractTool extends Tool<TableModel> {
private JTable table = new JTable(new ArchiveEntryModel());
public ExtractTool() {
JScrollPane tableScrollPane = new JScrollPane(table);
tableScrollPane.setBorder(new SeparatorBorder(2, new Color(0, 0, 0, 90), GradientStyle.TOP_TO_BOTTOM, SeparatorBorder.Position.BOTTOM));
setLayout(new MigLayout("insets 0, nogrid, fill", "align center", "[fill][pref!]"));
add(new LoadingOverlayPane(tableScrollPane, this, "20px", "30px"), "grow, wrap");
add(new JButton(extractAction), "gap top rel, gap bottom unrel");
protected void setModel(TableModel model) {
protected TableModel createModelInBackground(FolderNode sourceModel) throws InterruptedException {
List<ArchiveEntry> entries = new ArrayList<ArchiveEntry>();
try {
for (Iterator<File> iterator = sourceModel.fileIterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
File file = iterator.next();
// ignore non-archives files and trailing multi-volume parts
if (Archive.VOLUME_ONE_FILTER.accept(file)) {
Archive archive = new Archive(file);
try {
for (File it : archive.listFiles()) {
for (FileInfo it : archive.listFiles()) {
entries.add(new ArchiveEntry(file, it));
} finally {
// unwind thread, if we have been cancelled
if (Thread.interrupted()) {
throw new InterruptedException();
@ -108,20 +104,19 @@ class ExtractTool extends Tool<TableModel> {
UILogger.log(Level.WARNING, e.getMessage(), e);
return new ArchiveEntryModel(entries);
private Action extractAction = new AbstractAction("Extract All", ResourceManager.getIcon("package.extract")) {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {
final List<File> archives = ((ArchiveEntryModel) table.getModel()).getArchiveList();
if (archives.isEmpty()) {
Window window = getWindow(evt.getSource());
JFileChooser chooser = new JFileChooser(archives.get(0).getParentFile());
@ -129,18 +124,18 @@ class ExtractTool extends Tool<TableModel> {
if (chooser.showSaveDialog(window) != JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) {
final ExtractJob job = new ExtractJob(archives, chooser.getSelectedFile());
final ProgressDialog dialog = new ProgressDialog(window, job);
dialog.setTitle("Extracting files...");
dialog.setIcon((Icon) getValue(SMALL_ICON));
// close progress dialog when worker is finished
job.addPropertyChangeListener(new SwingWorkerPropertyChangeAdapter() {
protected void event(String name, Object oldValue, Object newValue) {
if (name.equals("currentFile")) {
@ -149,48 +144,41 @@ class ExtractTool extends Tool<TableModel> {
protected void done(PropertyChangeEvent evt) {
private static class ArchiveEntry {
public final File archive;
public final File entry;
public ArchiveEntry(File archive, File entry) {
public final FileInfo entry;
public ArchiveEntry(File archive, FileInfo entry) {
this.archive = archive;
this.entry = entry;
private static class ArchiveEntryModel extends AbstractTableModel {
private final ArchiveEntry[] data;
public ArchiveEntryModel() {
this.data = new ArchiveEntry[0];
public ArchiveEntryModel(Collection<ArchiveEntry> data) {
this.data = data.toArray(new ArchiveEntry[data.size()]);
public List<File> getArchiveList() {
Set<File> archives = new LinkedHashSet<File>();
for (ArchiveEntry it : data) {
@ -198,68 +186,66 @@ class ExtractTool extends Tool<TableModel> {
return new ArrayList<File>(archives);
public int getRowCount() {
return data.length;
public int getColumnCount() {
return 2;
return 3;
public String getColumnName(int column) {
switch (column) {
case 0:
return "File";
case 1:
return "Path";
case 0:
return "File";
case 1:
return "Path";
case 2:
return "Size";
return null;
public Object getValueAt(int row, int column) {
switch (column) {
case 0:
return data[row].entry.getName();
case 1:
File root = new File(data[row].archive.getName());
File prefix = data[row].entry.getParentFile();
File path = (prefix == null) ? root : new File(root, prefix.getPath());
return normalizePathSeparators(path.getPath());
case 0:
return data[row].entry.getName();
case 1:
File root = new File(data[row].archive.getName());
File prefix = new File(data[row].entry.getPath()).getParentFile();
File path = (prefix == null) ? root : new File(root, prefix.getPath());
return normalizePathSeparators(path.getPath());
case 2:
return FileUtilities.formatSize(data[row].entry.getLength());
return null;
protected static class ExtractJob extends SwingWorker<Void, Void> implements Cancellable {
private final File[] archives;
private final File outputRoot;
public ExtractJob(Collection<File> archives, File outputRoot) {
this.archives = archives.toArray(new File[archives.size()]);
this.outputRoot = outputRoot;
protected Void doInBackground() throws Exception {
for (File it : archives) {
try {
// update progress dialog
firePropertyChange("currentFile", null, it);
Archive archive = new Archive(it);
try {
File outputFolder = (outputRoot != null) ? outputRoot : new File(it.getParentFile(), getNameWithoutExtension(it.getName()));
@ -271,20 +257,19 @@ class ExtractTool extends Tool<TableModel> {
} catch (Exception e) {
UILogger.log(Level.WARNING, "Failed to extract archive: " + it.getName(), e);
if (isCancelled()) {
throw new CancellationException();
return null;
public boolean cancel() {
return cancel(true);