mirror of https://github.com/mitb-archive/filebot synced 2025-03-09 13:59:49 -04:00

* include any famous (2000+ votes) movie regardless of age and length in the movie index

This commit is contained in:
Reinhard Pointner 2013-01-15 11:22:46 +00:00
parent 6ee9ff101d
commit 6384e97b64

View File

@ -63,12 +63,22 @@ def gz(file, lines) {
def omdb = new TreeSet({ a, b -> a[0].compareTo(b[0]) } as Comparator)
new File('omdb.txt').eachLine('Windows-1252'){
def line = it.split(/\t/)
if (line.length > 11 && line[5] =~ /h/ && (tryQuietly{ line[11].toFloat() } ?: 0) > 1 && (tryQuietly{ line[12].replaceAll(/\D/, '').toInteger() } ?: 0) >= 50) {
line = line*.replaceAll(/\s+/, ' ')*.trim()
omdb << [line[0].toInteger(), line[2], line[3].toInteger()]
if (line.length > 11 && line[0] ==~ /\d+/) {
def imdbid = line[1].substring(2).toInteger()
def name = line[2]
def year = line[3].toInteger()
def runtime = line[5]
def rating = tryQuietly{ line[11].toFloat() } ?: 0
def votes = tryQuietly{ line[12].replaceAll(/\D/, '').toInteger() } ?: 0
if ((year >= 1970 && runtime =~ /h/ && rating >= 1 && votes >= 50) || (votes >= 2000)) {
line = line*.replaceAll(/\s+/, ' ')*.trim()
omdb << [imdbid, name, year]
omdb = omdb.findAll{ it[0] <= 9999999 && it[2] >= 1970 && it[1] =~ /^[A-Z0-9]/ && it[1] =~ /[\p{Alpha}]{3}/ }.collect{ [it[0].pad(7), it[1], it[2]] }
omdb = omdb.findAll{ it[0] <= 9999999 && it[1] =~ /^[A-Z0-9]/ && it[1] =~ /[\p{Alpha}]{3}/ }.collect{ [it[0].pad(7), it[1], it[2]] }
// save movie data
def movies = omdb.findAll{ it.size() >= 3 && !it[1].startsWith('"') }